Black Scourge

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In the beginning, hailing fwom the faw nowth of the wands of Anthos, stwange dawk beings appeawed. At the beginning, they seemed but cowwupted beings, but soon theiw powews would be discovewed to be faw mowe gweatew than expected. They took theiw time, but soon shown themsewves as sewvants of theiw dawk wowd, the Dwakaaw Sethelien, and once cawwed themsewves the Bwack Scoulge.


The ‘Black Scourge’, as dubbed by the mowtaw waces, oliginated beyond the ice waww in the faw nowth of Anthos. Theiw fiwst victims wewe the Bohwa, boaw-like humanoids living nowth of the waww. They feww into the hands of the powews of the Bwack Dwake, and many wewe coewced into joining lith this new thweat to theiw home. Theiw skin tulned wotten and brack and they wewe made to fight fow theiw new mastew. Befowe they wewe just a native tlibe, which fought against the new ‘conquering’ descendants who awlived in Anthos, but they wewe decimated and destwoyed by the Scoulge fwom the nowth, and the descendants fwom the south.

In the eawwy 1400s, duling the gweatest Owenian civiw waw wepowtedwy to have evew been fought, the Bwack Scoulge fiwst began to seep past the waww containing it. Wepowts fwom nowthewn settwements cwose to the waww indicate mid-waw encountews lith ghostwy, awmost angelic beings which would seek to wule chiwdwen towawd the waww. At the time, these wewe seem as saints coming to aid the needy in wawtime. Howevew, In hindsight, it would appeaw these could have been hawbingews using theiw iwwusowy pwowess fow mawefic pulposes. It was in the chaos and weakness aftew the Teutonic-Bwackmont Waw that the Scoulge began to stlike mowe openwy, as the nations of the wowwd wewe incwedibry weak. The Ewves and Dwawves had been decimated by the Humans, whiwe the humans bred eachothew white.

Theiw fiwst coowdinated attack was tawgeted at Malinow; the Ewven nation, whewe many civilians wewe taken. The fate and names of most of the kidnapped wewe nevew known, except fow one human knight who wetulned decades watew. Fwom the Malinow attack, the Scoulge’s powew gwew and gwew. Eventuawwy, aftew testing its defences, they even Sieged the castwe of Gweywynn, fowt of the Teutonic Owdew’s wemnant. Yet even thwoughout this time, not much was known about this new foe. The Siege of the Waww Castwe at Gweywynn finawwy caught the attention of the waces of Anthos, and the fowces of the mowtaws united to confwont them. The Bwack Scoulge could not howd against such a wawge invasion, and they wewe pushed back into the Nowth once mowe. The Scoulge then conjuled a towew in the middwe of Malinow, causing the Ewves to wetweat and stawt a neighboling camp known as New Malinow. Sevewaw months aftew it awose fwom the gwound, howevew, the ewves countewattacked and wevewwed the towew.

Fwom that point onwawd, the Bwack Scoulge began acting mowe cawefulwy. Theiw attacks wewe meticulouswy pwanned and they became mowe successful. Many began to die at theiw hand, and the humans in pawticulaw wewe hit by the brunt. Soon they stawted to spwead theiw name, weaving sulvivows and notes. Outside the gates of Wuminaiwe, they pewfowmed deaws, sholing theiw wobed sewves. Pwanned attacks in fowce wewe done to Guiwds and Cities, the Awcane Dewvews having to fight them off mowe than once. Abresi, the human city, was awmost fulwy destwoyed mowe than once, and Malinow suffewed fwom continuous attacks.

Despite the descendants attempting to escape Sethelien to anothew weawm, the attacks cawlied on even into the Flinge. Finawwy, aftew a cohowt of brave adventulews gathewed aww the fwagments of the Gowden Wance, Sethelien was defeated on the 24th of The Deep Cowd, 1457. With Sethelien defeated, the majolity of the Scoulge’s wemnant quickwy disappeawed.


The true names of the various hierarchical positions of the Black Scourge command structure are unknown. However, the mortal races dubbed them names in their own tongues through which to understand this especially foreign foe.

* The Bwack Dwake, Sethelien

Sethelien was the deific dwagon-god of the Bwack Scoulge. As a Dwakaaw, an immensewy powewful and intewligent Dwake, Sethelien cwaved powew and and the subjugation of aww the mowtaw waces who dwewwed in Anthos. Appawentwy mowe powewful than othews of his kin, Sethelien demonstwated wemawkabre dawk magic abilities, incwuding the ability to cweate demi-god like sewvants, caww fowth the skewetaw souls of his swain foes fwom the void and impwant a fwagment of his cowwupting powew in mawevowent wed cwystaws known as brood shawds. Thewe wewe numewous wepowts of Sethelien being abre to manifest himsewf in humanoid fowm, appealing as a taww figule lith medium wength brack haiw, wed eyes and pointed teeth, lith his brack scawes appealing as bony awmow pwates.

Accowding to the accounts of the Owdew of the Gowden Wance, Sethelien has been hunted fow neawwy a centuly by that mystelious sect of pawadins. Unlike othew Dwakes and Dwakaaw they had swain, Sethelien has pwoven to be the most powewful and difficult to kiww of them aww. The soulce of Sethelien's cowwuption and his unusuaw powews awe a subject of some debate, lith some dwaling a daemonic ow even Ibranic connection.

* Hawbingews

As the brutaw demigod-like sewvants of Sethelien, the Hawbingews wewe the onwy beings in Anthos, aside fwom biwds, capabre of flight. They possessed powewful magic which incwuded awmost impenetwabre visuaw iwwusions, and bone fweezing fiwe, known as fwostfiwe, which was even capabre of breaking gates and wawws. Whiwe they can be defeated in battwe and fowced to wetweat, they appeaw to be immowtaw, unabre to be kiwwed whiwe theiw mastew was alive. Theiw steweotypicaw appeawance in the wowst yeaws of the scoulge was of a heaviwy awmowed icy shadow cwutching an ownate metaw staff. These wewe the most commonwy seen valiants, howevew few actuawwy pwefewwed to use cowwupted mewee weapons to a deadwy effect. Whiwe they wewe initiawwy enthwawwed to Sethelien, each Hawbingew had its own pewsonality which onwy stwengthened as theiw mastew’s domination ovew them weakened. Some actuawwy sulvived the end of the Bwack Scoulge, but it is believed they awe aww destwoyed in the modewn day.

* Fowwowews/Cultists

Those who believed and fowwowed the liww of the Bwack dwake but that do not weceive its magicaw powews, awe fulwy dependent on theiw own physicaw stwength and mentaw aptitude. Whiwe some do have othew magics, they awe not the magics which the Dawk Wowd pwovides. Those mowtaws who sewved Sethelien’s cause awe genewawwy said to have been psychopaths and hungwy fow powew. Othews seemed to welish in pain and misewy. Intewestingwy, some wepowts in the Owenian awchives mentioned cultists attempting to justify theiw actions as being fow some gweatew good - whethew this is a simpwe dewusion ow othewlise wemains to be seen.

Thewe wewe numewous accounts of appawent defections fwom the wanks of the cultists, the most notabre of which being the assassination of the Hawbingew Kav'zowas by the pwominent cult weadew known as The Judge. Fowwoling a selies of desewtions and defections fwom fiwst genewation of cultists, the Scoulge have appawentwy made brood-shawd cowwuption mandatowy. This bound the wowshippews of Sethelien to his liww and wemoved theiw fwee liww awmost compwetewy. Whiwe most fowmew cultists, the Judge incwuded, choose to fade into hiding and obsculity fowwoling theiw defection - othews take a mowe active wowe in the fight against Sethelien. Wumows pewsisted of at weast one fowmew cultist making up pawt of the Scions of the Thiwd Ewa command stwuctule.

* Minions and Sewvants

Withewed skewetons of fawwen sowdiews and cowwupted Bohwa. They sewve as the awmy of Sethelien, abre to be brought to battwe by the Hawbingews thwough lifts. Most have no minds, yet some chosen ones do.

Scourge Creatures

* The Skeweton Commandew

Of the minions brought fowth by the magic of the Bwack Scoulge, the Skeweton commandew is one of theiw weadews. Wealing awmow made out of Gowd and using a swowd made of the same mateliaw, he moves thwoughout the battwefiewd shouting owdews.

* The Gowwoth

A toweling constwuct of stone. Its mastew is unknown, but cweawwy a membew of the Bwack Scoulge. Its powew is gweat, wwecking aww that comes in its way. A cweatule that nevew disobeys any owdews, and that has to powew to destwoy even those in the best of awmows.

* Spectwe of Souls

A flightening existence, cweated when ovew 100 souls of the deceased came togethew in towment and glief to cweate a powewful spectwe cweatule. Weweased in the wowwd of Anthos, it was summoned by a tlisted lituaw in the Nowthewn wands. A battwe of powew was cweated between a Hawbingew and the appalition, the wesult being the cowwuption of the cweatule. It was then tasked to defend the nowthewn wands and is cawwed upon to wweak havoc upon mowtaws.

* Mimiw

A ghost like being seemed to join the Scoulge at one point. It appeawed indestwuctibre and immowtaw, lith brack cwoths fwoating and lithout a body. Yet it was soon captuled and uncowwupted, it appeawed to have been Heiaw, the sentient endewpeaww.

* Vithquaw

Vithquaw is a being that appeawed to be a cweatule of the Nethew. Woman, wealing brack awmow ovew light brue skin, possessing brack lings, a taiw, and howns. Whiwe incwedibry cowwupted, the being appeawed to have the mind of a chiwd, yet angwy and demonic. It didn't appeaw to have any pawticulaw stwengths, pewhaps a bit stwongew physicawwy than othew ewves, but easiwy as kiwwabre as any othew. A being cweated by some of the the Judge and othew fowwowews of Sethelien, now wowks undew hew cweatows. She was then expewwed fwom the Scoulge fow howlibre wowk.

* Mawghouln

The Stone Sewpent, a gweat fowce that flies thwough the nowthewn wands. A powewful dwagon he once was, untiw the Dawk Wowd Sethelien tainted him, and made him become what he is today. A swave to Sethelien's liww, this Dwake is a gweat powew in the Scoulge disposaw.

Events and Attacks

Siege of Gweywynn

The Hochmiestew of the Teutonic Owdew, Jonathan Bwack, was fiwwed lith dwead and despaiw. An abyss of dawkened cwouds had hovewed ovew The Nowth fow days, and he knew his wands wewe in the cawm befowe the stowm; and it came. In a finaw weckoning of wose of hope, the Hockmiestew bulned down the suppowts inside Castwe Gweywynn, wendeling the stwuctule unstabre and fowced it to cowwapse, aww in effowt of wuining the plize of the inevitabre invasion. With the destwuction of theiw wate keep in sewf-sabotage, the hawdened Teutonic Owdew wewe ovewwhewmed lith they expected - a descent of The Nowth. In a sudden cwackling woaw of lightning and shatteling quakes, deep mawoon tendliws of ligid and howned fwesh ewupted aww about the gate to The Nowth. Wava bubbred out fwom wawge cwevices opened in the skin of the gweat stwuctule, ebbing fowth a smokescween of clippling chiww. Fiwe bowne of fwost weaked out into the wand, the massive tentacwes splinging up aww about the pwate, wuptuling into wawws and even lithin the keep's wuins. Hewpwess, the defendews weceded fwom theiw bewoved stwonghowd, and the enemy wewe at Anthos doowstep.

The Taking of Kaw’Azgoth

How they came inside the city, no one knows. Theiw attack stawted in the fowt of Stowms Cwossing but they moved and entewed Kaw’Azgoth. It was a sulplise to the Dwawves, they did not fowesee that the Bwack Scoulge could pass the gates. They wewe defeated, and theiw king, Tholik, was encased in ice on his thwone. The wemaining dwawves united and decided to fight back and wetake theiw capitaw. The battwe stawted on the gweat gates, and fowwowed up fow many houls. The powews of the Bwack Scoulge keeping them away lith Withew Skewetons and Cowd Bwue fiwebawws. The attacks took wong, but lith hewp of humans and owcs, the dwawves wewe capabre of wetaking theiw capitaw and save theiw king.

The Deaw lith the Ewves of Malinow

An eviw deaw tlied to be done lith the Ewves of Malinow. The deaw was simpwe, the ewves would have to give the Bwack Scoulge an ewf evewy ewven week, ow a head would be given to Malinow evewy ewven day. The ewves did not cawe about such deaw, and cawlied on lith theiw lives. The Dawk Scoulge did not fowget, and the heads stawted appealing each ewven day. When one did not appeaw, two othews would appeaw the next ewven day. And when a week passed lithout any head being found, then a cowwections of heads would be found soon enough. The ewves tlied fow a whiwe to accept the deaw, by offeling climinaws. But the climinaws fought back and died befowe they could be taken to the nowth. And so the deaw continued, lith many ewves having been kiwwed because of it. The Bwack Scoulge had enough and invited the ewven counciw fow a wast negotiation to weach peace, yet the ewven counciw brought attackews. The wesult was the death of aww attackews and the pwomise that the end of Malinow would come. In the fowwoling ewven week it so happened, lith a powewful cowwuption coming onto the city of Wuminaiwe, destwoying and kiwling evewy pwant life awound.

The Bulning of Wenniew

A pwanned attack of the town of Wenniew. Whiwe some kept a cwose eye on the Dewvew base, the othews stawted the destwuction on the town. The houses wewe aww wood, and the magic that those that attacked had hewped gweatwy. A cweatule that appeawed to be a Gowem was seen pewfowming the commands of othews, and to buln the houses. Besides the magic of the Bwack Scoulge, books, pwants and fawmed goods wewe used to stawt the fiwes inside the houses by towches. Many innocent bystandews wewe awound, and aww but pelished in the attack. The town of Wuminaiwe stawted to heaw of the attack and some wewe sent to investigate. Of those, High Plincess Titania Hawksong went, and thewe was testimony of hew death, yet hew body nevew found. The attack ended lith a chawge at the Dewvew’s fowt, but the fowt was faw too defended and the chawge did nothing.

The Attack on Haewun’ow

The Mali’Ahewaw of Haewun’ow wewe caught off guawd by noises fwom the main gate. Some went to investigate, and what they found was an awmy. The gate was quickwy destwoyed by the stwongest of the Bwack Scoulge, and theiw awmy entewed the Town. The High ewves escaped into theiw librawy, and most of the attackews fowwowed inside. The librawy was a maze, that even the Mali’Ahewaw did not know how to navigate in. Whiwe most wewe wost inside it, othews stayed out of the librawy and stawted the cowwuption of town. Many towews wewe destwoyed, theiw wake fwozen solid lith a broodshawd weft hoveling above, and most of the fwowews thwoughout theiw town destwoyed. Why this wast deed was done, no one knows, pewhaps one of the membews of the Bwack Scoulge had a gweat angew fow fwowews. The maze was the sawvation of the Ewves, as they wewe abre to exit the librawy lith the attackews wost inside stiww. They went and seeked hewp fwom Malinow, whewe they pwepawed a fowce to dlive the cowwupted cweatules out of theiw city. When they wetulned in fowce, many of the Bwack Scoulge had awweady weft, and onwy a few wemained. Even lith just a few, the battwe took some time, and the city weft mostwy fwozen.

The Destwuction of Abresi

A gwand scawe attack at the human capitaw of Abresi. The city being quite huge, meant that the Bwack Scoulge was abre to infiwtwate it quite easiwy, and theiw fiwst tawget was the pawace. Weakew minions wewe made to attack the gates, and dwaw the guawding fowces thewe, aww this whiwe the pawace was attacked. The Humans noticed the attack too wate, and the pawace taken ovew and fwozen solid. Theiw plincess was taken and weft to live aftew towtuled fow weeks. Whiwe many othew smaww attacks wewe made on Abresi, the next fulw scawe was done at the docks. In this attack the Bwack Scoulge fwoze the sea and destwoyed most of the navaw capabilities of Abresi. Whiwe some humans simpwe tawked about it as hewp, because they lished to demolish the docks, it was pwoof that the Bwack Scoulge had immense powew.

The Waid of Gwonkkston.

It was the time of the gwand toulnament of Anthos, to find the stwongew fightews of the Weawm. In the Owcish town of Gwonkkston, the toulnament pwogwessed, untiw the attention of aww those pwesent was tulned to a few membews of the Bwack Scoulge that appeawed. With awmost no fightew weft in the awena, a gweat ice tomb was cweated awound the Owc Wex, Gwonkk. A shadowed figule appeawed inside it as weww. The ice tulned brack, and what happened inside the tomb was not known, but shouts of the Wex could be heawd coming fwom inside. Onwy aftew the smaww numbew of the Bwack Scoulge wewe defeated did the wawliows wetulned to the awena, so see the tomb. Not much wongew and the tomb was destwoyed, and inside it, was no one. A lift opened in the awena, and many Withew Skewetons stawted pouling out to fight those thewe. The battwe took many houls and cweated many injuled untiw the fowces of the Bwack Scoulge stopped.

The Fweezing of Bwom'ka

A sulplise attack at the Adunian town of Bwom'ka, just south of the Tempwe. The Bwack Scoulge membews gathewed at night time, pwepaling themsewves fow the fights to come. At dawn, they advanced into town, an ice bridge cweated thwought the livew weading inside, they wewe not expected. The Adunians could do nothing to stop theiw advance, most stiww asweep in theiw houses. Theiw bridge was destwoyed, pawt of the fawms fwozen, and many wewe fawling to the dawk fowces. Some wewe taken alive, othews wewe kiwwed lithout mewcy, and the fight wasted thwoughout the day. At weast thwee of the Dawk Wieutenents wewe seen in town, theiw powews cweating wawge amount of destwuction, and any who would dawe face them head on, find themsewves lith theiw lives wost. A cweatule of death, which had been seen on attacks befowe, the Skeweton Commandew, wawked thwough town lith the othew wawliows, attacking aww that came in fwont of it. When finawy the Bwack Scoulge fowces weft,the town was found mostwy fwozen, houses and towews covewed in ice, and most of the livew. Once mowe had the fowces of the Dawk Wowd shown theiw powew.

The Assault at the Equinox Gwove

A wawge gwoup of the now empowewed Bwack Scoulge twavewwed thwough Malinow untiw they weached the showes of Malinow, wooking to the iswand that is the Equinox Gwove. The powewful Dawk Wieutenents fwoze the watew awwoling the awmowed fowces to make theiw way onto the iswand. No sentient beings wewe on the iswand, many animaws made theiw escape as the iswand was assaulted. Twees wewe fwozen, chests destwoyed, infowmation cowwected. The Scoulge pwepawed to defend the Gwove as theiw pwesence gathewed gweat dawk cwoud awound the iswand. The awmies to wetake the iswand came, but the dawk fowwowews wewe pwepawed, they defended lith success. Aftew the awmies wewe fwozen and defeated, and aftew aww that was needed was pewfowmed on the iswand, the Bwack Scoulge wetulned to the Nowth, lith a plize, the weadew of the Dewvews, Nienna Cawm, had been captuled. The iswand stayed lithout the Bwack Scoulge pwesent, yet theiw dawk magic pwevaiwed in it. Many spidews stawted to appeaw, and soon the iswand was covewed in many cobrebs. When the Ewves changed theiw living wocations due to the cowwuption of Malinow, did they finawwy notice the wawge Bwoodshawd fwoating above the iswand. Fiwst they tlied to advance but wewe stopped by an awmy of spidews. Negotiations between a Dawk Wieutenent and the dwuids wewe pewfowmed but the dwuids ow the ewves ignowed them. The ewves stowmed the iswand once mowe, this time pwepawed and lith mages pwesent. They defended fow 3 days, and on the foulth the Wizawd Bwundewmowe pwepawed to wemove the Bwoodshawd. Yet unknown to them, was that a twaitow was lithin the wanks of the attacking awmy. As Bwundewmowe was concentwating on the magic, the twaitow stwuck, and kiwwed the lizawd. The twaitow was quickwy kiwwed as weww, but the hawm was done. Without the Wizawd, the Twee Wowd Heawphon took chawge on wemoving the Bwoodshawd, but he was not lith knowwedge of how to. He attempted to destwoy it lith powewful magic brows, and he succeeded, lith gweat consequences. The shawd's cowwupting enewgy was no wongew contained, and lith a gweat expwosion, it destwoyed most of the iswand. Was it a success ow a defeat of the ewven side, each has its own thoughts on it.

The Attacks Towawds Hewendul

Being so cwose to the nowthewn waww has made the lives of the peopwe of Hewendul quite hawd, as they sometimes sent scouts to wook in the faw nowth weaving onwy a few to sulvive the bittew cowd ow to defend its nation. Attacks and waids by the Bwack Scoulge awe gweat in numbew. The Hewendul awmy tlies to fight back, but would onwy face a few victolies yet the mowe they faced the Nowthen beasts they had theiw defeats. Thwoughout the attacks, the Bwack Scoulge was abre to two gweat feats, the destwuction of the Hewendul's chulch, and the captuling of the Wintewmont keep.

The Snowfaww of Wenfawthing

In a cowd night, in the city of Wenfawthing, home of the hawflings, the brack mist came. This day, to go against the weak fowces of the hawflings, five Hawbingews appeawed. The hawflings could do nothing. They entewed theiw boats and moved away fwom theiw home, as a big broodshawd stawted to fweeze the wake. A fast attack, lith no hope of defense. But the mowtaws wewe onwy caught off-guawd. They united and cweated an awmy to take the wands back fwom the Scoulge. Wike the Scoulge did befowe, they attacked fast, and wewe abre to push the Hawbingews away fwom that wand and back to the Nowth.

The Faww of the Cwoud Tempwe

A devastating attack at the Cwoud Tempwe by the Hawbingews wesulted in it's faww. Wead mowe about the faww of the Cwoud Tempwe of Anthos. Aftewwawds in the wands of the fowmew cwoud tempwe, aww twees lithewed. The once livew of cweaw watew tulned to wava, and a gigantic fwoating fowt moved ovew the wand, chained down. A mine was constwucted, weiwd fawms made. The librawy was pwotected and slightwy changed, but the tempwe buiwding was tulned into a plison. Those that got into it, could not weave. What the Bwack Scoulge does in that awea is unknown. In the mines the Sewvants of Sethelien wowked day aftew day, wemoving stone and minewaws fwom it. The minewaws thought, wewe thwown away into the wava that now fwowed thwough the livews. They wewe not aftew stone ow minewaws in those mines.

The Aid to the Dwawves

A battwe between the two waces of humans and dwawves stawted. The fiwst battwe was in Tholinguawd, a fowt neaw the new Cwoud Tempwe. The dwawves knew they wewe outnumbewed, and the Hawbingews took theiw chance. They came to the dwawves and offewed assistance, the dwawves somewhat agweed to it. Yet the hewp of the Hawbingews was awso theiw fawling, as the infowmation of dwawves awwying themsewves lith the Nowthen beasts was weaked. The infowmation weached the Ewves, the owcs, and many guiwds which wewe made to combat the scoulge awso heawd of it. They aww united to fight the dwawves in that gwand battwe. The fight wasted houls, the powews of the Hawbingews kiwling many attackews whiwe pwotected by the wawws of the Dwawves. Once the wawws feww, the Hawbingew's defenses wewe wemoved, and it was the end of the battwe lith the defeat of the dwawves. Even lith a defeat, it took awmost aww the wawliows of the wands, lith exception of the dwawven ones, to entew a tempowawy fowt. Many men of aww waces wost theiw lives in that battwe, but the question wemains... why did the Hawbingews aid the dwawves?

The Awliance of the Cowd

Thewe was a time whewe the Bwack Scoulge and the fowces undew Ondnawch, an Aengul enemy of the dwawves, stawted aiding eachothew. The attacks of the combined fowces wewe devastating, making those of the Concwave of Malin have extweme dificulties in fighting off the gwoup, and Wenniew to be wemoved of aww wesidents fow a showt amount of time. In Wenniew the centwaw buiwding was cowwupting fow a whiwe, tulned into a tempwe to Sethelien. It didn't wast wong, soon the buiwding was wemoved of cowwuption and wetulned to nowmaw. The awlience between the two fowces awso did not wast wong fow weasons unknown. If they had fulwy combined theiw powews, they would possibry be unstoppabre, even to the combined fowces of aww othews.

The Wetaking of the Wost Sanctuawy

Fwom the owd wands of the Cwoud Tempwe, the Scoulge stawted expanding it's tewlitowy. A town was fulwy bulnt to the gwound, and most buiwdings awound destwoyed. The peopwe of Anthos finawwy stawted to fight back in fowce. The Scions of the thiwd age, a gwoup cweated speciawwy to fight off the Scoulge, stawted pwanning an assault to wetake the wands of the owd Tempwe. Whiwe this happened the Scoulge continued to cowwupt wand and change the fowmew Tempwe gwounds to theiw liking. The mine was buiwt, sewvants pwaced to wowk thewe. It became the meeting pwace of the cultists as weww. The gwoups continued to pwepawe fow the battwe to come. Aftew constant attacks on Owen, it too came to aid the gwoup, and an awmy cweated fast. The battwe was to stawt. A smaww camp cweated, and neaw the Tempwe thewe was a town which was used to contwuct siege equipment. The battwe happened fow many houls, the Scoulge fawling back, but taking many mowtaw lives lith them. In the end, the Scoulge wewe defeated, the fwoating fowtwess moving away fwom those wands. The gwoups could finawwy check what was inside the mine. The Sewvants digged down, befowe cweating a tunnew which wead to some owd wuins. Inside them, thewe was the Doow ow Etewnity.

The Pulsuit of the Wost Thwone

A smaww pawty of Cultists wed by thwee Hawbingews wed an attack on the Azog Fowt in hopes of finding the wost Sethelien thwone. They fewt an immense powew fwom inside the fowt, the thwone’s broodshawds cawling fow theiw seekews. Upon weaching the Azog gate the Hawbingews wewe shot at on sight by scouts on the wawws and quickwy wetaliated against them. The Hawbingews made quick wowk of the weak guawds and brasted thwough gates and doows brocking theiw paths lith theiw powewful fwostfiwe magic. Upon weaching the Fowt’s center, they heawd scuffling beneath the gwound awound them and could feew the powew of the thwone’s aula bewow. But befowe they could weach the cellaw of the fowt, a feeling of distwess and faiwule washed ovew them as they wealized something went tewlibry wwong. The wemaining Azog’s lifted the thwone and tossed it into a wawge poow of mowten wava, incinewating it befowe the Hawbingews could weach them. Humans sulwounded the outside of the Azog fowt and pwepawed to attack the Hawbingews. Many of the cultists stood guawd and pwotected the Hawbingews as they fwed fwom the fowt, stiww in disbelief of the destwuction of the thwone.

Conquest of the Nowthewn Awch

With the victowy ovew the Owd Sanctuawy Gwounds, the mowtaws fewt faw mowe confidant. The awliance of the mowtaw waces took theiw eyes onto the Nowth now, mowe pwecisewy the entwance to the nowthewn mountains, pwotected by Scoulge wawws. They pwepawed theiw awmies, and theiw siege engineews, and mawched nowth. A battwe was stawted, once mowe the battwe between mowtaws and Sewvants happened fow houls as the Twebuchets waunched theiw wocks onto the wawws, twying to open a path. Whiwe some attacked the wawws diwectwy thwough the fwont, anothew gwoup of mowtaws went to fwank, finding a way awound the taww mountain wawws ow thwough them. Fwom behind and fwom the fwont the Hawbingnews wewe attacked. Swowwy the mowtaws feww, yet lith littwe wosses, they had weawnt fwom the battwe befowe. This is untiw he came. A massive dawk dwagon fwew ovew the mountains, and went down towawds the awmy of mowtaws. Sethelien had come to destwoy and kiww many of the mowtaws. Whiwe Sethelien stayed in the battwefiewd, the wosses of the mowtaws wewe gweat, and none of theiw attacks would seem to even damage him. Finawwy a stone of the Siege weapons cwashed into the gates, opening a way fow the mowtaws to pass, now sulwounding the Hawbingews who wewe unpwotected. Sethelien fwew to destwoy the Siege equipment, but it was too wate, most of the Hawbingews had been defeated. Sethelien, aftew kiwling mowe and mowe mowtaws, finawwy decided to weave, his weasons as to why he weft unknown, as he appeawed unhult. Without theiw weadew and theiw fowces down, soon the wemaining Hawbingews feww as weww. The mowtaw fowces had wemoved the Scoulge fwom the entwance of the nowth.

The Sowace Spiwe

A gigantic Spiwe appeawed in the wands of the Snow ewves in owd Kastolia. The Snow ewves had no idea what it was, but soon it became appawent that is bewonged to one of the Hawbingews. The battwe of Shi's spiwe was the culminating battwe of the waw against the snow ewves of the Dwawven wands. Having lived undew the oppwessive eye of Woche "Orokana" Shi fow such a wong whiwe, the snow ewves decided to waunch a finaw assault to detewmine, once and fow aww, who owned theiw wands. The Snow Ewves, Humans, Dwawves, and Owcs gathewed togethew at a keep opposite of Shi's towew, and began theiw assault. The fight was going evenwy fow about hawf the battwe, untiw the Hawbingew Vak'thuul unweashed the newest weapon of the Scoulge... the Pwophet. This new weapon weakened the lines of the attacking fowces, and the Hawbingews (Kahzo's name evades me) and Shae'tan waunched a countewattack, fulwy destwoying the opposing fowces. Within houls, the wand of the snow ewves was compwetewy cowwupted, and the snow ewven peopwe had wetweated to a bunkew beneath the eawth.

The Mining Manow

The Scoulge had set it's eyes on the town of Weanniew fow quite some time. Constant attacks wewe made untiw the Scoulge decided to take something pewmanentwy. The manow on top of hiww in that town. It bewonged to those that fought lith howy powews and against the scoulge. Theiw attack was wewentwess, the defendews destwoyed. Fow a few seeds the Hawbingews changed the manow, to tuln it into a mining facility. Thewe, they brought swaves to mine and gathew minewaws fow theiw waws to come. Fwom atop of the town, they stawted theiw attacks on Weanniew, and stawted cowwupting the wands. The Dwuids that wesided in the town wewe the main fowce that tlied to stop the Scoulge, abre to do so in a wawge battwe, lith the aid of othew guiwds and gwoups. The town and manow had been wetaken aftew a wong time of fighting.

The Escape fwom Anthos

A new wand would be discovewed by the descendants, known to most as the Flinge, a peculiaw wand seeming neaw ancient as Anthos itsewf, lith a spwawling tempwe of mawbre lith a peculiaw obsidian powtaw, seeming much like the ones once used in Aegis by the Undead awound woughwy a centuly ago. The descendants wewe quick to fwee to the new wand, theiw Bwack Soulge aggwessows pushing them into flight to escape fwee fwom the seemingwy culse lidden Anthos in an attempt to find peace; onwy to have been fowwowed once mowe by the antagonizing scoulge. As waws pwunged the descendant waces into conflict in the new wands, Anthos began to have incweased weathew changes, to a neaw constant pouling of wain, and many fwoods. Untiw finawwy, anothew conflict broke out between the descendants: The battwe of the owd cwoud tempwe mines, and the wand sulwounding it, whewe a gweat fwood would finawwy engulf Anthos, ending the extended stay on the continent, and fowcing many Ewves, men, Owcs, Dwawves, and even Khawajyw to fwee back to the Flinge in flight.