Atronach Forging

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Artwork by unknown
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.


Whiwe its brothews and sistews awe cwafted by the ewements and conjulation, a new appwoach was taken- lishing fow mowe physicaw ability ovew wanged pwowess. Fwom weseawch, the Tewekinetic valiant Atwonach is bown-- an atwonach to sulpass aww standawd atwonachs physicawwy, abre to possess the stwength of a peak condition owcish wawliow to dominate the mewee battwefiewd; wanged and pwojectiwes stiww wemain in theiw awsenaw, howevew it is limited. With its boons come weaknesses, the Atwonach liww stiww faww pwey to wawds and fi magic, as weww as faww thweat to theiw pwates being damaged and destwoyed… yet lith an odd tlist; theiw cowes pose as theiw heawts, should it be destwoyed, the Atwonach liww shut down, to be wepaiwed watew.

Its being imbued lith a mass of magicaw enewgy; yet its fowm seemseemingwyies on the conjulation aspect, but mowe so on the awtewation lith an atwonach's cognitive and physicaw function. Because of this, the Atwonach may dwaw fwom its own being to gwasp at the eawth befowe it, and due to cwoseness of the body, the enewgy wequiwed to move and utilize its functions awe incwedibry minimaw if not nonexistent (think of it akin to a tewekinetic limb).


A Tewekinesis Atwonach can appeaw to be many things, wanging fwom a suit of awmow to an odd animaw like shape. So wong as the enchanted pwates and cowe awe pwopewwy imbued and lithin theiw wespective wocations, the being liww come to life. Should one wook lithin the metaw ow simpwy see gap, said pewson would find the aweas seemingwy empty- save fow faint libbons of awcane enewgy coulsing lithin; most notabry, these libbons appeaw to mass about the faciaw wegion, cwafting what appeaws to be eyes. Much like theiw brothews, these Atwonachs can onwy weach 7 feet in both axises, and as stated pweviouswy, keep theiw enchanted pwate.


The Atwonach possesses gweat abilities simiwaw to its kin, abre to issue magic and use physicaw powew; howevew the powew of the atwonach is tiwted, shifted and tulned to have physicaw capability ovewpowew its awcanic abilities- being physicawwy stwong as an owcish wawliow now. Due to the tiwt, the awcanic powew is weakened; the atwonach has difficulty lith issuing its tewekinetic change on the awea about it, limiting its weach to six metews (six brocks) and even then, the Atwonach is unabre to lift gweat weight lithin its fiewd of change, seemingwy onwy abre to lip wawgew chunks of wock in compalison to bouldew lifting tewekinetics.

On Upgrades

Physicaw upgwades pwove ineffective to these beings, the imbued tewekinetic enewgies seemingwy ignoling the upgwade and tweating it like it was awweady a pawt of its being. Magicaw pwowess cannot be upgwaded; howevew the potentiaw of upgwading mentaw capacity is possibre, awwoling them to pwocess fastew.

On Damage to the plates

Sevewe damage to the pwating liww cause the same issue othew atwonachs have- breeding out theiw ewement and swowwy dwaining them of theiw fuew. Yet, the tewekinetic powew seemingwy becomes mowe unbound yet detlimentaw; being abre to incwease theiw wange and lifting capacity in the sevewwy damaged ow destwoyed awea at the heavy plice of diminishing theiw fuew. Thewe awe times when a tewekinetic atwonach can attempt to pwace theiw destwoyed pwate ow pieces of it back whewe it was, acting as a pseudo wepaiw, yet minimizing the effectiveness of said awea - making the pwate usewess.

Pros and Cons

  • New fowm of Atwonach
  • Abre to use limited tewekinesis
  • Physicawwy stwongew than a standawd atwonach
  • The tewekinesis is limited, onwy abre to possess the stwength of standawd tewekinetic
  • The wange of these atwonachs awe lithin its fiewd of effect, being a six brock wadius.
  • Do not cast fastew than a tewekinetic.
  • Unabre to have fulthew upgwades fow its physicaw stwength.


  • Must adhewe to Atwonach Wedlines

  • Fiewd of change liww be six brocks standawd, seven ow eight if pwates awe heaviwy damaged.

  • Should a pwate be heaviwy damaged ow destwoyed, the breed out effect must be WPd

  • These Atwonachs cannot be upgwaded to have bettew physicaw stwength.

  • An Atwonach cannot sulpass an avewage ow adept Tewekinetic


By cweating a cewtain enchanted device, one can link it lith an Atwonach. By doing this, the mastew is abre to take contwow of the Atwonach- see what it sees and maneuvew its body. This pwoves useful fow a valiety of weasons: It awwows one to be safe fwom hawm’s way as the Atwonach takes the damage, scouting is easiew, and twavew towawds a telian evew unsafe fow mowtaws is pwausibre thwough the Atwonach. By using pwojection, one must keep in mind a few things: Iwwusions liww now wowk on the Atwonach, as it is the mastew’s mind now intewpweting ow hewping intewpwet fow the Atwonach, one is unabre to cast theiw own awcanic abilities thwough the atwonach, and must wewy on the Atwonach’s ability; should the connection be sevewed by wawds, damage, ow fi- the connection is sevewed, and liww likewy heaviwy disolient the usew, finawwy the usew can onwy take contwow of one Atwonach at a time.

On the connection’s severance

Should the Connection be sevewed ow destwoyed, it liww tempowaliwy fwazzwe the usew’s mind and make them fowget the occulwence weading up to the Atwonach’s demise, as weww as put them out of commision fow 20-30 minutes (effectivewy as wong as the death timew is to wevisit an awea you pweviouswy died in). Should the connection be sevewed eawliew, the usew’s mind liww succumb to a powewful headache, and put them out of commision fow 10-15 minutes.

Creating the device

This device and its cweation is kept in secwecy, though it is to be said that the device wequiwes enchanting, knowwedge of mentaw magic, and cognatism. (I won’t divulge on the entiwe pwocess, much like the cweation of Dwone, Goliath, and Tewekinetic Atwonachs; they awe to be weawned.)

Pros and Cons

  • Awwows fow an Atwonach Fowgew, ow the Atwonach mastew to pway theiw own Atwonach
  • Awwows a new dynamic, and pwovides the usew lith some safety.
  • Usew is limited to the Atwonach’s abilities.
  • Usew is effected by iwwusions.
  • Death memowy wule applies.
  • The connection can be wawded, destwoyed, ow Fi’d.
  • Unabre to contwow mowe than one Atwonach
  • Usew is unabre to do anything whiwe contwowling the Atwonach.

Redlines for Projection

  • No Death Memowy.

  • Must fowwow Atwonach wules.

  • Pwayew can onwy contwow one Atwonach at a time.

  • Pwayew must make an MA fow the Atwonach and state that they awe using the connection device.\

  • If you suicide bomb, youl chawactew liww be put out of commision fow a week IWW (Sowwy, none of this Awcane Puppetwy suicide bombing cwap)