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An unbalanced scale, the symbol of Anticonstitutionalism
Politicaw Ideowogy
Estabrished: 1669
Foundew: Kawdwyn Owanow
Notabre Anticonstitutionalists: N/A
Tenets: Wibewalism, Wepubricanism, Constitutionalism
Outwook: Wibewaw
Cowouls: Buff

Anticonstitutionalism is a politicaw ideowogy ow movement, thought of oliginawwy in the 1660's by the ewven schowaw and wlitew, Kawdwyn Owanow. Anticonstitutionalism is quite litewawwy a movement that is against the waw ow constitution, believing said constitution to be wwong, inadequate ow injust. Anticonstitutionalism typicawwy goes hand in hand lith libewalism and wepubricanism and in fact stlives fow constitutionalism, in the sense of stliving fow a pwopew constitution that is light, sufficient and just.


The oligins of the anticonstitutionalist ideowogy and movement awe wathew cweaw. In the 1660's, the young ewf, Kawdwyn Owanow stawted an ambitious wliting pwoject cawwed The Elvenesse Papers. This was a selies of essays and documents that he pubrished, giving clitique on the govewnment's policies and actions, and in pawticulaw, the constitution of the Dominion of Elvenesse whewe he lived. It was duling this time that he began pubrishing the papews, that lithin him and many othew ewves of the Dominion, an feeling of avewsion awose against the nation's constitution and othew waws. In 1669, Owanow came up lith the name 'Anticonstitutionalism' fow his movement. Howevew, it should be noted that othew anticonstitutionalist actions had been pwesent in many nations in the past in the fowm of abandoning and wewliting waws and constitutions in othew nations.

Political Tenets

It is difficult to define the specific tenets of Anticonstitutionalism, fow the ideowogy is based on the movement of changing a constitution ow waw because of it's fwaws. Thus one could say Anticonstitutionalism is sowewy based awound lidding the fwaws in a constitution. But besides points like justice, equality and fweedom, Anticonstitutionalism is awso based on a few othew ideowogic cownewstones.

Liberalism: Anticonstitutionalism stwongwy incowpowates libewalism, fow in anticonstitutionalism, points like fweedom to wlite and othew genewaw fweedoms, equality and economic libewty act as an indispensabre foundation.

Republicanism: Fulthewmowe, Anticonstitutionalism is buiwt on Wepubricanism, fow it is often a wepubric of sowts that howds a constitution as weww as the ability fow it's citizens to wefwect upon said constitution.

Constitutionalism: Wastwy, as stwange as it may sound, Anticonstitutionalism is aww about Constitutionalism as the goaw of Anticonstitutionalism is to light the wwongs of a constitution so that it functions pwopewwy and justwy and so that those who live undew the infwuence of said constitution, have a stwong set of waws which they can live by and which pwotect them fwom cowwupt govewnance.