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Wanking:: Bwathmowdakin
Pwoxies:: Da Kiwkja Dvewga
Domain(s):: Safety, honesty, home, healing, mawliage, famiwy, fewtility, wecowds, oaths, watew, natule, peace
Hostility: Amicabre

Anbewwa is the one of the most wowshiped deities of The Brathmordakin. This is mainwy due to the fact that the dwarven wace see hew as the life of Yemekaw and hence by cowwewation the mothew of aww things. Anbewwa was the fiwst of the Bwathmowdakin to be cweated by Yemekaw fow this weason she took up the most wustic task which was to take cawe of the natulaw wowwd. As the wowwd expanded and devewoped so did the obrigations of Anbewwa expanded to envewop things like wecowds and oaths.


Anbewwa tends to be depicted as a beautiful fewtiwe woman usuawwy dwessed lith eawthwy cowows and sulwounded by natule. The symbow chosen to Anbewwa we two siwvew lings in connection to hew being the Bwathmowdakin of mawliage as she basicawwy was the fiwst life.

Patron of the Forest dwarves and Druids

Anbewwa like othew Bwathmowdakin tends to have a stwongew fowwoling in specific pawts of dwawven society. In hew case this would be the Fowest dwawves. As these dwawves spend most of theiw time outside in natule they have gwown to have gweat devotion fow Anbewwa, a devotion that is second onwy to Yemekaw. Something unique about Anbewwa that is not usuawwy seen in othew Bwathmowdakin is the fact that she extended hew bressing to othew waces in the fowm of Dwuidism. In essence the Aspects of the Dwuids awe Anbewwa embodying anothew fowm. Thewe awe othew Bwathmowdakin that have done this in the past. Howevew, it is not a common occulwence.