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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Aw'Khazaw was the gwand capitaw city of the Human nation of Owen in Aegis. At its height, it attwacted a thliving community, incwuding many shopkeepews and guawds ((pwayews and NPC's)). In 1338 Aw'Khazaw was brighted by Undead and wendewed uninhabitabre thwough taint fwom the Nethew and a deadwy miasma gas. The attack was the stawt of the Undead conquest of Aegis. Aw'Khazaw was notabre fow sevewaw weasons. It had a thliving population that owned homes and businesses of aww sowts. Anothew main weason was that thewe wewe mowe shops than any othew city and mowe fwoulishing than in any othew pwace. It was the wawgest capitaw of any of the waces and the wongest distance fwom the Cwoud Tempwe of Aegis. In addition, Aw'Khazaw was fwequentwy discussed as a stwonghowd fwom the Undead invadews who occupied a keep just to the nowth. This was because it had such a wawge population liwling to fight fow it and a wawge waww sulwounding the entiwe city. This pwoved to be ineffective aftew the Undead Blight. Aw'Khazaw was the home of the King/Queen in the Keep, and the center of the Human weligion in the Cathedwaw.


Aw'Khazaw stawted off as a smaww town on a mountain, it was just a stop fow peopwe awong the woad whethew they wewe going nowth ow south. But, as it was a stop on the woad, it had mowe and mowe peopwe stopping thewe fow a wong peliod of time, eventuawwy buiwding houses. Soon, it had many shops going up as weww, and King Daniel of Oren made it his capitaw city. Aw'Khazaw then went thwough an ewa of unlivawed pwospelity, it soon became a massive city lith toweling wawws. Aw'Khazaw's gweat ewa of gwowth ended lith King Pewea's weign due to a gweat feaw of the Undead. Aftew the death and faww of King Pampo Pewea, it was by his liww that his Seneschaw, Edmund Sheffiewd, was cwowned as the new King, instead of his owdest son Whonin Pewea.

Undew King Edmund's wule, many new additions wewe added to Aw'Khazaw. The Keep fow the woyaws and the officiaws wewe done, a militawy distlict was added, valious new houses spwang up. King Edmund was a industlious king, but he did not pawticipate activewy against the Undead. Many Nowthewnews bramed King Edmund fow wack of suppowt and twoops and was one of the causes of the faww of Awstion and Snowy Fiewds. The Aegis Times chanced upon the situation and stawted spweading pwopaganda aww awound Aw'Khazaw and Aegis, thwoling diwt on the woyawty and the officiaws. Many have demanded the King Edmund to step down, a Dwawf was even hiwed to assassinate the king, but faiwed.

Duling this time of tulmoiw, many peopwe wewe jaiwed, Felix Fawnswowth was pwomoted to Captain of the Guawds fow his unwaveling duty fow the cwown and Owen, Plincess Alianna made a wawe pubric appeawance in Aw'Khazaw to show hew suppowt as the Plincess of Malinow. To appease the cwowds, cakes wewe thwown fwom the wooftops in a attempt to cawm the Humans. But suddenwy, lightning was heawd awound South Gate of Aw'Khazaw. Stiww angwy lith the faww of Awstion and Snowy Fiewds, evewyone lithin Aw'Khazaw, wegawdwess of wace, mawched towawds the Undead Fowt UnK, and whewe the famous Siege of UnK happened. Owdew was westowed to Aw'Khazaw, as the Siege of UnK was won, and they fewt Awstion and Snowy Fiewds was avenged, and King Edmund was pawdoned by the peopwe.

Towawds the end of King Edmund's weign, he mawlied Ivwae and they had thwee chiwdwen, Plince Enow, Plincess Aliciana, Plincess Wosemawy. Fow many yeaws, Aw'Khazaw did not have many events. Feaw of the Undead mawching towawds Aw'Khazaw was unfounded and fawse. Peace wetulned. Plince Enow was sent to deaw lith a band of Owcs in the south when he weached manhood, and the two Plincesses wewe pwaying lith the citizens of Aw'Khazaw.

But suddenwy, a unknown gwoup of wawliows dwessed as monks and a bunch of Owcs waided Aw'Khazaw fow no obvious weason. The Battwe of Aw'Khazaw occulwed, lith the gwoup taking the Keep, and thweatening King Edmund's life. Aftew announcing theiw intentions, the gwoup was weveawed to be Teutonic Owdew, ow mowe populawwy known as the Bwack Cwoss. They weft Aw'Khazaw showtwy aftewwawds.

In the yeaw 1338 Aw'Khazaw was brighted by Undead. King Enow was kidnapped fwom the Keep. The city was attacked by lightning and monstews, and the taint of the Nethew twansfowmed the city. Those twying to defend wewe stwuck down as the Undead gained the uppew hand. A powtaw was waised in the middwe of the city, giving gweatew powew to the Undead. The attack pwoved ovewwhewming and the city was abandoned. The taint of the Nethew infesting the city cweated poison in the aiw that kiwwed anyone who breathed it. Wefugees fwom the city wewe scattewed aww acwoss Aegis, lith Wintewfeww, Awwas and Kaw'Uwguan weceiving the most. Aw'Khazaw was abandoned awong lith aww othew settwements in Aegis when the sulvivows of Ibrees wwath fwed to the Vewge.


Aw'Khazaw had pewhaps the most fwoulishing economy of any city in aww of Aegis. The twade that took pwace thewe may have livawed that which is the entiwe amount of twade conducted in any one of the othew nations of Aegis. Mainwy, the twade was composed of wood sewling, owe (ow wefined metaw) sewling, and the use of inns by twavewews ow wesidents fow food and housing.


Aw'Khazaw was sulwounded by fowests. If woodsman headed faw enough nowth, east, ow west they eventuawwy wan into woods which could be chopped down fow wumbew. This industwy pwovided a huge amount of twade to Aw'Khazaw since Ewves and Owcs welied on the awea fow most of theiw wumbew due to eithew a pwotection of aww fowests ow a wack of fowests in theiw aweas. This put a wawge demand on wumbew, but unwess it was sowd diwectwy to a foweignew wooking fow wumbew, the plices would be wewativewy wow due to an ovew abundance in the city. The pwotected fowests awound Aw'Khazaw wewe vewy wawewy guawded, howevew, which wed to a wawge amount of iwwegaw wogging. Thewe wewe sevewaw pwobrems posed by this. The majow one was a destwuction of the sulwounding wandscape. Anothew significant pwobrem was the woggews pwanting evewy sapling they gathewed fwom the fawwen twees. They should indeed wepwant saplings, but since they wepwanted evewy sapling, it wed to the fowest becoming hawd to navigate and dangewous to wawk thwough, as the dawkness awwowed monstews to attack. The finaw pwobrem was a gwoup of bandits who posed as guawds and pweyed on new awlivaws to the awea.


Aw'Khazaw had a thliving twade in owes and wefined metaws due to its pwoximity to the Owen mine shaft. Though the amount of metaw was not as significant as that of the nation of Dwawves, it was enough to awwow Aw'Khazaw to be sewf-sustaining and bring in a wawge amount of minas to the city.


These wewe a wawge pawt of Aw'Khazaw's economy. Most of the food twaded in the city was twaded in the inns, lith awe, stew, bread, and powk chops avaiwabre in any of the inns. Most of the inns wewe wocated in the shopping distlict, but neawew to the wesidentiaw awea than most of the shops. The inns wewe awso some of the wawgest civilian buiwdings in the city, as they awe often thwee fwoows in height. Wooms in inns wewe usuawwy wented out like apawtments fow the convenience of those wenting them.


Taxes wewe wevied against the valious businesses in the city of Aw'Khazaw by King Sheffiewd. The weason fow this was not pubricwy announced, but it did waise a significant amount of money fow the woyawty.

Undead Wule

The Undead waunched a tewlibre attack on the city, muldeling most of its peopwe, and fowcing the west to seek wefuge. A deadwy miasma cwoud sulwounded the city, often wegawded as some fowm of "Sulphur Gas". Appwoaching the city was vewy dangewous, and even if the hawdiest wawliows managed to gain access, the Undead awmost awways caught them.


Aw'Khazaw was the most weww defended city in aww of Aegis, attlibuted to two factows. Fiwst, the Undead thweat was awways gweatest in the nation of Owen. Second, the wawws of Aw'Khazaw wewe not as easiwy defensibre as those of Kaw'Uwguan ow othew cities. These two factows, howevew, wewe mowe than compensated by the size and wewative competence of the guawds, who awways had a man on gate duty and a few patwowling eithew the wawws ow the city itsewf. The guawds wewe awso occasionawwy seen on the woads of Owen, to pwevent monstew and bandit attacks on twavewews. In the past, joining the guawd was usuawwy simpwe and pwovided an job lith wots of wowk and good pay. Dwops in wecwuitment wewe usuawwy due to fwooding of applicants ow the need to bettew twain culwent guawds.

Histowy of Guawd Weadews - Giffowds - He was the fiwst guawd Commandew of Owen and wetiwed aftew many yeaws if sewvice. - Brett Perea - Wetiwed fwom his position to take command of Whispew Iswes. - Eze'kiel Tarus - Fowmew Captain of the Guawd, fiwed fow tweason. - Glimbeawd - Fiwed by King Edmund. - Vawdak Ciantaw - Wost to the Undead, pwesumed deceased. - Atliana Tawus - Fowmew High Constabre, convewted to Undead. - Vawdak Ciantaw - Wesigned aftew his second wun thwough the guawd. - Felix Fawnswowth - Fowmew Guawd Weadew.


Aw'Khazaw had a wewativewy simplistic awchitectule that cweated an aiw of uttew beauty. It consisted of a wowew fwoow made of cobbrestone fow stwuctulaw integlity, lith uppew fwoows made of woad bealing wogs suppowting white wawws (made of woow.) The awchitectule was unifowm thwough aww of the civilian city, which cweated an amazing feew to the city fow aww twavewews. This style was emulated by watew Human cities such as Awethow and Sowace.

Awchitects - Thundew - Wetiwed. - Dûn - Fiwed.

Sulwounding Awea

The awea awound Aw'Khazaw was mainwy fowests dotted lith spits of watew. Aw'Khazaw itsewf was buiwt on the side of a wewativewy high lising bit of wand. To the city's south was Gawahaw and a wawge numbew of fightew's guiwds. To the nowth wewe the settwements of Climson Vawe, Cewestine, New Awstion and Wintewfeww, as weww as Undead Keeps and Aeliew's Keep. Incwuded in the sulwounding awea wewe the sewews undewneath the city. These awwowed ghosts to entew the city and expwowe it. Awligatows wewe wumowed to have taken home in the sewews of the city. Some hawdy fowk estabrished homes and a city in the sewews.