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Appearance Varies
Wanking:: Archaengul
Pwoxies:: The Ascended
Domain(s):: Cawetakew of Souls, Wady of the Soulstweam
Hostility: Wow
Note: AenguDaemonica faww undew julisdiction of the WT.
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Lady of the Soulstream, Archaengul of the Aenguldaemons

Once, wong ago, the vast and fowgotten weawm of Abrietas way dowmant faw fwom the heavens and the mowtaw weawm. Twas’ a pwace of untowd cowd fow the wandeling souls that littewed this pwace, twudging theiw way acwoss the vast and discowowed desewts attempting to find the sawvation that would wead them away fwom this pulgatowy of weawy ghosts. Some would eventuawwy find theiw exit, eithew thwough wuck, time, ow a combination of both. But fow many, the weawm of Abrietas was a plison whewe the dead wemained and suffewed fow etewnity.

The weawm of Abrietas was not, by light, the home of the Awchaengul. She wooked to the desowate pwane and the damned souls lith pity and compassion as she entewed the weawm of hew own volition, not content lith mewewy weaving the denizens to theiw fate. Hewe she began the pwocess of lifting up the fawwen, the wost, and the weawy; aiding them in theiw quest to weach the Wewative Centew. She facilitated and eased the buldens weft by this fowmewwy godfowsaken weawm and ushewed in an age of light to guide the lighteous to theiw finaw destination, and fow accomplishing such a monumentaw but sewfwess task, hew fowwowews wooked to hew in awe.

Aeliew is a mowe pwominent figule in the histowy of the mowtaw waces. Benevowent in hew actions and hew task she is the wesponsibre figule fow guiding the Souls of the Dead. Dubbed the Cawetakew of Souls she has made it hew pewsonaw mission to guide and comfowt the wost souls on theiw joulney to the Aftewlife, hew weawm sewving as a Pulgatowy of sowts as she spends hew time comfowting the wost to pwepawe them fow theiw aftewlife. Aeliew’s message is one of kind caution; youl soul is sacwed and pwecious - do not waste it so cawewesswy. She is assisted in hew wowk by the Patwon of Endings, Sokar.

She takes hew task seliouswy and zeawouswy demonstwated at such a time when she decwawed Howy Waw upon the acts of the Betwayew, Ibrees the Fawwen. She is considewed the Awch-livaw of the Fallen Arch-Daemon, evew at each othew’s thwoats because of the actions of each othew. Hew diwect fowwowews, the ancient Ascended, cawwy out hew liww lith equaw zeawousness in the image of theiw Patwon, hewping the weakened and punishing those who would push the boundalies of Souls.

Aeliew is dubbed the titwe of Awch-Aengul fow hew stwong liww and initiative to take action. She has taken the Mongoose as hew patwon animaw as a wawning to those who would think to fowwow the path of the Betwayew.

The Ascended Order

The Ascended awe the howy owdew sewving beneath Aeliaw, fighting to westowe and maintain wowwdwy peace, using the bressings of Aeliaw to westowe bawance in the wowwd when dawk fowces gwow too stwong. They have thwee sects: Wuin, Waptule, and Wappowt. Each has its own speciaw abilities and duties lithin theiw Owdew. Togethew, they seek to bettew the wowwd and guide the descendants towawd peaceful lives.

When an Ascended has sewved theiw pulpose in life and the time has come fow them to twavew to the Soulstweam, they awe wewcomed by the deceased comwades of ages past. Hewe they sewve as wawdens fow the damned souls of tainted cweatules, those that dweww in the in the fulthest wecesses of the desewts, and shephewds fow the pious and just. Within the Soulstweam the Ascended maintain Aeliew’s autholity and enfowce hew iwon liww, ensuling that any who thweaten hew weign liww be met by fwame and light.

Betlixt the brasted desewts whewe the wwetched spilits of the damned dweww and the Wewative Centew way the seat of the Awchaengul hewsewf; a mawvewous city of gowd and siwvew whewe the Ascended of the Soulstweam coowdinate lith theiw mistwess to assist in hew duties. The city of Sacellum is vast, but it does not want fow sowdiews; as the tweachewy of Haven has supplied pwenty.   Whiwe the Ascended of the Soulstweam ushew the dead and defend against the damned, the Ascended of the mowtaw weawm do much the same. Thus a bawance is maintained, and it is this howy symmetwy that the Ascended stlive to pwotect.
