Vortice Settlement Guide

From Lord of the Craft
Revision as of 17:56, 1 November 2023 by Wholesomerp (talk | contribs)
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Vortice Crest.png

We are a veritable melting pot, welcoming all within our confines, save for those whose exclusion is unequivocally warranted. While Talons Roost has been thoughtfully transformed into Karts, we have also chosen to preserve a maritime city, underscoring its historical significance and the continued importance it holds for our community.

Current Sovereign: Lenora Jusima

Peak Times  The operating hours are primarily scheduled from 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) to 8:00 PM EST during weekdays, with extended accessibility throughout the entirety of weekends.
Current Leadership

List of Leaders in Vortice

Lenora Jusmia: Sovereign

Gusiam Jusmia: Head of Foreign Affairs

John O'Riley: Head of Militia

Aerith Maelstorm: Head of Lively-hood

Celian Bough: Head of Health and Welfare

Wes Vertesk: Head of Architecture and an Adviser

Cultural Aspects



Religious diversity thrives, with a commitment to equality among all faiths, as there is no designated official religion.