Adela-Olympe de Rosius

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The appearance of Adela, age 15. (Art by John Rogers Herbert).
Lady of Alba
Tenure: 1929-Present
Predecessor: Edith of Reinmar
Successor: Incumbent
Born: 13th of Owyn's Flame, 1908
The March of Haute-Epine, Aaun
House: Rosius
Father: Louis, Marquis of Haute-Epine
Mother: Marguerite of Lewes

Adela-Olympe de Rosius (Common: Adela Olympia of High Peak) is the daughter of Marquis Louis II and Marquise Marguerite of Haute-Epine. Born the 13th of Owyn's Flame, 1908, as a twin to her elder brother, and her father's heir Louis Olivier.