Clandom of Vistulia

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The Clandom Vistuila
The Flag of Vistulia
Capital: Vistulia
Languages: Common, Vistulian, Lechian, Sprækjom
Religion: Stareviara, Canonism, Ancestors
Government: Tribal Eldership
Vilchyc Clan High Elder: Casimir Vilchyc
Cingedoz Clan Elder: Brennus hal’Cingedoz
Kos Clan Elder: Dalebor Kos
Clansguard Vojvodz: Tadeusz Kutrzeba

The Great Clandom of the Highlands, known also as Vistulia, or The Clandom, is a mixed settlement composed of a number of individual clans led by their respective Elders, and united together under a single High Elder. Though comprised primarily of Highlandic Humans united in their shared Radaghastian heritage, The Clandom welcomes a great deal many peoples of a great deal many more backgrounds to their village with open arms and exuberant spirits in their efforts to unify the tribes under one cohesive, yet diverse banner.

Vistulia was previously known as the Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia, a composite state of the Daelish and Vistulian peoples ruled by Vistulian Piast Casimir Vilchyc, and Daelish Reig Lewelyn Ap Fawr – this is no longer the case, as the Daelish leadership has since been dissolved. – The current Piast, (now High Elder) remains as Casimir Vilchyc, who is advised by his council of warriors, tradespeople, and scribes from all backgrounds.


Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia

Arriving on the continent of Almaris, the Radaghastian people were quick to settle a sparsely-populated string of islets belonging to the people of Daeland and their then-Reig, Llewlyn Ap Fawr. Together, the Radaghastians under then-Piast Casimir Vilchyc, formed the composite – now defunct – Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia, a settlement ruled both by the Piastdom of Vistulia and the Daelish Reig. This partnership would be short-lived, for the Daelish Reig (known posthumously as Llewlyn the Snake) would soon put his efforts to scheming, betrayal, and a plot to claim the authority of both the Reig and the Piastdom for himself. These efforts would be for naught, however – instead resulting in his banishment from the isles, and a unification of the remaining peoples who had not been swayed by his influence. Operating now under the sole authority of the remaining Piastdom, the peoples of the isle shirked the title of Daeland-Vistulia in favor of the Clandom of Vistulia.

Vassalage under Savoy

Originally a vassal of the Principality of Savoy, the then-Clandom of Daeland-Vistulia has long-since dissolved its ties with the Savoyards following Renata I’s dissolution of Savoy, and the release of all their subjects to pursue whatever futures they desire. This liberation of The Clandom allowed for their peoples to govern themselves independently and to enjoy all of the associated benefits of being Freemen – however, it also left the fledgling settlement without prominent allies with which to rely on while navigating the political stage. Thus, the now-independent Clandom sought for new, yet unrestricting alliances.

Joining of The Horde

Finding common ground with the people of The Horde, the then-Clandom of Vistulia forged an alliance with then-Rex of the Horde, Ar-Borok’Akaal. Under this agreement, both the Freemen of the Clandom, and the Urukim of The Horde would aid in each other’s military skirmishes, participate freely in trade between one another, and recognize each other’s sovereignty and right to rule.

Though the friendship that spurred this alliance would not wane, a series of disastrous conflicts would prove to be a challenge that the Clandom faced from the first day, as they were drawn into the Malin’or - Horde war. This would eventually prompt the Freemen of the Clandom to amicably terminate their allegiance to the Horde in favor of a less-binding agreement that would not obligate the Freemen to suffer under the strain of The Horde’s constant warring. This new accord would continue to maintain mutual trade between their peoples and good relations on both sides.

Malin’or-Horde War

The first of two conflicts that The Horde called upon The Great Clandom to provide aid in – The Malinor-Horde War – was spearheaded by the State of Malin’or after the then-Rex of Krugmar, Ar-Borok’Akaal refused to cede to their demands. Taking up the sabre to uphold their agreement to their new allies, the Freemen participated in a five-part series of battles. These skirmishes would end in grim defeat for the allies of The Horde, being writ into history as massacres in the face of the overwhelming number of Elven forces.

Almaris Coalition War

The second of these two conflicts would prove to be yet more tumultuous for the people of The Clandom – The Horde, after escalating an honor-duel to the point that a Dwarf should die outside the terms of the duel’s agreement, would soon find itself plunged into another war involving The United Sovereign States of Almaris (including the then-Clandom of Vistulia) and the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization.. Early in this conflict, Piast of the Clandom, Casimir Vilchyc (then Casimir Kovaceski) would find himself captured during a sudden raid of the isles orchestrated by the opposing coalition forces. Upon his capture, he was taken to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, where he would refuse to break his oaths, nor to betray the sanctity of his word given to Ar-Borok’Akaal. On that, the King of Haense offered a deal that would stay the execution of the Piast, while benefitting the Kingdom of Haense and its allies by means of withdrawing the Vistulian forces from the conflict.

The Crowning of the First Clan High Elder

After both wars ensued a time of peace for Vustila, during which time it was decided that Casimir would be oathed in and crowned as the first Clan High Elder. In a ceremony attended by the clans it was to be as Casimir Vilchye was oathed in and crowned the First Clan High Ender of Vustilia.

Formation of the Great Clandom of the Highlands


Culture and society

Social Structures

Social structure in the Great Clandom is defined primarily by its camaraderie. It is said that every Freeman and every member of the clans should bear mutual respect for one another, should be compelled to protect one another, and should consider their fellow Freeman an equal who is in charge of his or her own fate. No one is a stranger in The Clandom – for those wild spirits who choose to join their number are welcomed like old friends: with open arms and plenty of good food.

Additionally, the Clandom would not exist were it not for its thriving assortment of historied families. A great emphasis is placed on the clan – a family, typically patriarchical and spanning multiple generations, that is recognized by the High Elder as significant and loyal to The Clandom. These families, each offering their own traditions and cultures to their country as a whole, are afforded with boons by the High Elder for their time-honored service. These boons may include tracts of land, or an elevation of their renown amongst their fellow clans and the Freemen.

Social Traditions

The Great Clandom’s social traditions are just as varied as their people are, and they pride themselves on this. Elves are given to practice their own traditions just the same as their Highlandic or Musin kinsmen might. Above all else, however, they emphasize freedom. This manifests not only in their tolerance of others’ traditions, but in an overarching belief that the freepeoples and peoples of the clans should be able to do as they please, insofar as they do not bring harm to a living creature or the natural world. Freemen are fierce about this – it defines them, going so far as to reflect in the title that their people take up: freepeoples.

Perfectly exemplifying this is their stance on alcohol – Freemen have very, very little care about who should drink, and how much they should drink. Where another culture may not humor the thought of giving alcohol to a child, the Freemen would not dare to exclude their children from the revels of the tavern, instead offering them their own light drinks. What’s more, it would in all likelihood be grounds to herald a drinking contest. While another culture might impose a drinking limit, the people of the Clandom would rather leave you in charge of deciding when you’ve had enough – and for most Freemen, this is after they’ve already passed out in the floor.


Just as with their social traditions, the languages spoken within The Great Clandom are greatly varied. Some citizens may deign to speak their native tongues, most choose to speak common, however – the tongue referred to when someone speaks of the “Vistulian Language” is a coarse thing, understood primarily by the Pasnian, Lechian and Radaghastian people. The accent is thick, often interpreted as unusual by those who do not speak it natively, and it is very difficult for an outsider to understand without the tutelage of someone fluent with it. Most Freemen do not hesitate to share their language with others, though, making this tutelage a trivial thing to pursue.


The Freemen are an independent sort, celebrating their freedom to do as they please, act how they desire, and pursue whatever they wish. Different as each individual may be from the next, a unifying pride in their unfettered lifestyles binds them together. They are hard-working, but at once cheerful and prone to celebration – one minute they may succumb to their tempers, the very next they might reconcile their differences with a drink and a smile. They behave wildly, letting their hearts govern their actions, and yet, they still temper this wildness with reason.


The clothing of the Freemen tends to be more muted or simplistic than most other cultures. Function takes priority over form, and garb usually reflects a profession moreso than it does a social status or accruement of wealth. With that said – there is not a hard-and-fast dress-code for the Clandom. There may be examples of an Elven freeperson wearing something more evocative of their race: finer silks and more flowing designs, while an Orc might deign to wear the more crude clothing typical of the sons of Krug. Generally speaking, however, their clothing bears much more ancient Highlandic influence than anything else. This means it is not unusual to see Freemen donning heavier furs, or more rudimentary leather ensembles befitting their work, regardless of race.

Musical Traditions

The music of the Great Clandom too, is quite simple in nature – musicians often play more common instruments not often associated with the aristocratic class, like the drums, cattle-bells, or simplistic violins, and flutes. Further, Radaghastian women are known for their beautiful singing voices, and it is not uncommon for them to lend their talents to the band. They often play more joyful music that is easy to dance to, – perfect for their frequent rural festivals and celebrations – but it must not be said that the Freeman musician can also perform more somber, emotive music just as well as they play their spirited music, both of which plucks a guest out of their seat and urges them to rollick, sway, and spin.


The architecture of The Clandom is quite coarse or rough-hewn – their roofs are most often slanted or arched things made of hay heaped upon a sturdy branch skeleton, while the walls are usually decidedly crudely-cut timbers stacked and lashed together to make for a sturdy, if perhaps aesthetically displeasing fortification. More important structures such as the barracks or the gatehouse might trade these simpler materials for more expertly-cut and interlocked logs such as to bar intrusion more effectively.

As well, their structures often conform to the land, using nature itself as a sort of deterrent for would-be invaders. Freemen architects take every precaution to ensure that their creations cooperate harmoniously with the land – not blighting it, marring it, nor harvesting over-extensively from any one region. The people of the Clandom hold the natural world in great reverence, and to create anything that should impose itself on the landscape would be an insult to their ancestors.


The religious beliefs of the Great Clandom’s people are not unified – some Freemen pursue Starevarian, the religion of clan Vilchyc and the Radaghastians revolving around the worship of Otec, Father-Above-All, and his pantheon of lesser deities. Others, however, may pursue other traditional Highlandic religions, like the Norlandic Red faith. Further, there are those who maintain Canonist beliefs, such as those of Lechian descent from clan Kos, or the Pasnian peoples. Others may shirk all of those beliefs in favor of a more traditionally monotheistic belief system

What does unify the Freemen, however, is the consistent belief among their number that life must be lived in accordance with the ancestors. Every descendent who should like to be known as a Freeman of The Great Clandom must live their lives well – with respect for the natural world and all living things, through loyalty and pride, through living comfortably with a roof over your head and good food on the table Most of all, though, one must exercise their right, and the right of their fellow Freeman to live life however they desire, and to believe whatever they choose to believe.

Clandom belief in the ancestors is reflected in their Ancestral Laws – tenets writ into scripture and carved into the five Ancestral Runestones – tenets by which every Freeman must adhere to or suffer consequence, be that expulsion from the ranks of the Freemen, the scorn of their fellows, or something yet more severe. These ancient Ancestral Laws guide the Freemen in all things, from life, to war, to death. And yet, while they number many, their terms are those of acceptance, freedom, and prosperity – a far cry from the more restrictive doctrine of most other religious texts. Thus, by living life with a simple respect for the liberty of others, one already lives accordingly to many of the Ancestral Laws.

Ancestral Runestone: The Ancestral Runestone makes plain the purpose of the Runestones, describes the guiding influence of the Ancestors, and encourages their successors seek glory and pride through loyalty, purity of heart, and unity.

Runestone of Life and Freedom: The Runestone of Life and Freedom describes those rights of the Freemen that relate to personal liberties, those guiding lines that allow one to call themselves a Freeman, and to the rights to which all Freemen have in relation to living comfortably and with the ability to guide their own fate.

Runestone of War and Strength: The Runestone of War and Strength cites the three truths that never leave this world – War, Nature, and Death – and amplifies their importance as it explains the rights of the Freemen to defend themselves, to bear weapons of pure origin, and to fight for the safety of their people should war rear its ugly head.

Runestone of Faith: The Runestone of Faith deals primarily in the freedom of the Freemen to believe whatever faith they hold to be appropriate for themselves, to hold religious festivals celebrating this faith, as well as the need for every Freeman to respect their fellows’ beliefs. It also makes plain the limitations of this freedom, citing the evils of faiths that should harm the natural world.

Runestone of Magic: The Runestone of Magic describes in great detail the acana which are tolerated within the Great Clandom, which are restricted, which are forbidden, and which are so evil as to be deemed wholly sinful. Further, it explains the rights of Magi, and the punishments that would follow should one abuse the arcane.


The people of the Great Clandom need little reason to celebrate – they often hold loud, raucous festivals unfit for the faint of heart, or the lightweight drinker. These events typically center around the tavern and highlight the constitution of the Freemen, and their penchant for physical aptitude. It is not uncommon for the Freemen to spend a day brawling, wrestling, or partaking of duels, only to then spend the following evening washing away their hard-feelings, aches, and pains with the burning taste of one of the locally-brewed wódkas.

When they’re not beating eachother to a pulp or drinking themselves senseless, though, Freemen are quick to celebrate nature. Festivals are often held to celebrate bountiful harvests or to mark the end of Bies’s ever-harsh winters. Some festivities would also center around the act of fishing, for the seas surrounding The Great Clandom of the Highlands offered bounties comparable to those of the land.



The Great Clandom of the Highlands is ruled by a High Elder – a patriarchal figure selected from among his bloodline by the Venerable Elders during the great gathering of Zbiora for his strength and cunning – who binds together the families of the Clandom, ensuring their safety, freedom, and prosperity. In return, the Clan Elders offer the Clandom rich culture, skilled sword arms, and unwavering loyalty to the cause of the Freemen. Unlike most “kingly” or otherwise royal figures, the High Elder takes a more worldly approach to leadership. He is expected to fraternize with his people, to hear their voices, and their concerns. He is expected to lead by example, to take up steel to defend The Great Clandom. There is no palace for the High Elder, for his place is right alongside the Freemen.

Law Keeper

The High Elder is advised and aided personally by the Law Keeper, a Freeman with intimate knowledge of the Ancestral Laws, who should possess the authority to levy decisions regarding the enforcement of these sacred scriptures. The Law Keeper is acting regent of the Clandom, functioning as the right-hand of the High Elder, and must maintain an unerring loyalty to the Freemen, the Clans, and their Venerable Elders.


Assisting the High Elder in all things are his loyal Council members. These men and women are selected by the High Elder himself to perform those administrative tasks which they excel at, and that aid in the day-to-day function of The Clandom. Members of the Council are expected to conduct themselves with respect and camaraderie for the Freemen which they serve.

Skarbnic - Master of Coin: Manages all things coin and trade, from the treasury, to the routes taken by merchant caravans. The Skarbnic speaks on behalf of the peddlers and oversees the import and export of goods.

Tvorca - Master of Engineering: Oversees and implements the architectural projects throughout The Clandom, improving the defensibility of the Isle. The Tvorca ensures that anything constructed is built quickly, and built well.

Movca - Clandom Diplomat: Silver-tongued speaker for The Clandom – always present at gatherings of political significance to aid in discussion. The Movca assuages frayed nerves and secures deals with other nations.

Lesnik - Protector of Nature: Advocate of the natural world, gives voice to the living things that surround The Clandom, ensuring that nature is not downtrodden by the advances of the Freemen.

Vojvodz - Master of War: Foremost ranked member of the Clansguard, organizes trainings, leads battles, and provides advice of a militaristic sort to the High Elder. The Vojvodz represents the finest of battle prowess and strategem among members of the Council.

Magi Overseer: WIP


The Great Clandom of the Highlands would be nothing were it not for the many families that have pledged themselves to be unified under one banner. Each family (or, Clan) freely exercises its rights to its own culture, wields its own military force, and often possesses its own swathes of territory with which to develop as they wish. Additionally, each family is headed by a patriarchal figure – a Venerable Elder – who holds sway over the election of the heir to the High Elder’s seat of power and participates in the great gathering – Zbiora.

Clans are elevated to their prestigious position after earning the respect and support of the High Elder. Those with enough relatives to constitute a family, with unquestioned loyalty and a desire to defend the Clandom, and with enough time spent under the banner of the Clandom to have proven their longevity, should be afforded the opportunity to create a clan. Their relationship with the High Elder is similar to that of a liege-vassal, but founded on principles of greater respect and mutual benefit.

Clan Vilchyc

Clan Vilchyc – originally the family of Kovaceski – is the current bloodline of the High Elder, bearing the only sons who may lay claim to the primary leadership position of The Clandom. It was originally founded by Svetovid Vilchyc, son of Friggr Skarpefanger. Svetovid would become the Piast of Zakopane in the Tatra Valleys of Arcas, before most of their line perished during the disastrous Bies’s Blizzard. Their current Clan Elder, Casimir Vilchyc, is responsible for leading the initial Vistulian settlers of Almaris and colonizing the isles that would compose the present-day Clandom. Thus, it is accepted by the Freemen that the Vilchyc family’s claim to the title of High Elder should be undisputed, recognizing their tireless efforts towards unifying the Highlandic tribes under a single, prosperous banner.

Clan Vilchyc practices the Stareviaran faith – staunch adherents of Radaghastian culture that they are – as well as the unifying belief and respect for the Ancestors and their Ancestral Law.

Clan Cingedoz

Clan Cingedoz is a minor clan originally regathered by Gaisorix hal’Cingedoz within the Grenz region of Oren, but residing mainly in the Isles save for an interim period in Dunrath. Members of their tribe are proudly of Highlander stock, tracing their legends and lineages all the way back to the time of Asulon – though always having been a small and sporadic tribe. They compensate their small numbers with a hearty ingenuity for tinkering, trade, and traveling across the continent in search of adventure.

The tribe of Cingedoz is now led by Clan Elder Thegnorix Brennus hal’Cingedoz, surviving his father, who perished at Kivdrona. They aid the Isles through acts of fine craftsmanship, and by using their keen trade-sense to line the coffers of The Clandom – an effort that has funded the expansion of farms, and a significant mining operation within Clan borders

Clan Cingedoz practices Primitive Monotheism, rejecting the Canonist belief in saints as a form of thinly-veiled polytheism. Their culture is their own, and features prominently the strange language of Sprækjom.

Clan Kos

Clan Kos is a family that puts military tradition first and foremost. Their Clan Elder, Dalebor Kos sports the prominent role of Vojmistr of the Isles – a position that allows for him to lead the Clansguard in the absence of the Vojvodz. They trace their origin to the formation of Vilkomir’s Banner, the mercenary company that first attracted the Kos family to the isles. It was within the ranks of this company that Dalebor proved his worth and loyalty as a fighter to The Clandom, allowing for his family to be elevated to the status of minor Clan after the overthrow of Daelish Reig, Llewlyn Ap Fawr.

Members of Clan Kos are typically of Lechian descent, thus practicing all the cultural traditions associated with the Lechian people. Their primary faith is Canonism, which they openly practice alongside their reverence for the Ancestors and their Ancestral Laws


The military of The Great Clandom of the Highlands – known as the Clansguard – is a formidable force steeped in tradition, restraint, and respect. They protect themselves with leathers, brigandines, and rarely, with full-plate, as is the case among the highest of their rank. Each and every member of the Clansguard is trained in the competent usage of the sabre, in the ways of horseback fighting, and is supplied with a range of weapons befitting their individual talents. Participation in the Clansguard is active, and those who should exercise the title of Clansguard would be required to constantly hone their practice lest their ability to defend their country should falter.

The Clansguard are led by the Vojvodz – Master of War, the most seasoned of the Clandom’s fighters. The Vojvodz oversees one or more Vojmistr generals who act under the Vojvodz to more effectively command entire armies during times of conflict. Acting underneath the Vojmistrs are the warbands, each headed by more veteran Clansguard. The warbands coordinate their efforts to provide more day-to-day defense of the Isles and their people.

Though one is not obligated by law to pursue membership within the Clansguard, families seeking to receive the title of Clan within the Clandom must turn over a number of their sons and daughters to the ranks of the Clanguard, that their devotion to protecting their country would be tested.


The Clandom of Vistulia mainly consists of Humans but has a minority of Dark Elves and Orcs.


The Clandom of Vistulia is located on the northern part of the southern continente, the capital sitting a top a small island