War:Tenth Nordling War

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Tenth Norlandic War

Date: 1818 - Present
Place: Holy Orenian Empire, Kingdom of Norland
Result: Undetermined
Norlandic Alliance
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Orenian Domains:
Empire of Alty.png Holy Orenian Empire
metinancompany.png The Metinan Company
norland.png Sven II, King of Norland
norland.png Arthas II, Prince of Norland
Urguan Emblem.png Norli Starbreaker, Grand King of Urguan
Empire of Alty.png John VII, Holy Orenian Emperor
Empire of Alty.png General William Darkwood
[[]] Bernard de Salier


Major Confrontations


  • 1818:
    • A group titled "The Sons of Horen" engage in armed conflict within the Kingdom of Norland, citing a supposed order by the Empire and the Canonist High Pontiff.
    • The Kingdom of Norland respond with a declaration of war upon the Holy Orenian Empire [1], noting an extended period of turbulence between the two nations.
    • As prior established allies of Norland via the Iron Accord, the Kingdom of Urguan declare war on the Empire [2]
    • The Holy Orenian Empire responds with a public missive [3]
    • Led by the Count of Susa, the Imperial forces engage in a raid upon the Norlandic vassal of Elysium, causing substantial damage. The Duke of Elysium surrenders soon after, announcing that the Duchy shall secede from Norland [4]
    • The Kingdom of Haense releases the Greyspine Convention, a declaration of neutrality [5], on the condition that no Canonist clergy member is harmed.
    • The Duke of Elysium soon retracts his surrender and secession, reaffirming their vassalage to Norland and participation in the war [6].
    • Numerous claims are made again Oren, describing inhumane treatment of innocents and civilians within the attack upon Elysium. The Duke releases an accusation of a breach of Canonist Law upon the leaders of the Imperial Force, the Count of Susa, the Count of Valles, the Countess of Halstaig and the Count of Kositz [7]
    • Oren signs the Lucien's Agreement of 1818 [8], bringing the Metinan company into the war.
    • An Imperial Response is issued, claiming that every effort was made to protect non-combatants from harm. [9]