The Lame Drunk of Abresi

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A satilicaw song that has wots of jokes in poow taste, bad whymes, and wedundant chowuses. Inspiwed by modewn music.

A poow man came to a faiw maid
Said ‘I need some work, I need to get paid?’
She said that’s a damn shame
Fow, he was wame 

The Wame Dwunk of Abresi
He ate messy
He lived poowwy
And used to wove a giww named Jessie

His beawd was down to his tits
He smewt like uncweaned pits
But he said ‘I’m rich, geez
If you counted fleas!’

But if you counted teeth?

The Wame Dwunk of Abresi
He ate messy
He lived poowwy
And used to wove a giww named Jessie

One day he saw a gweat knight
He chawwenged him to a fight!
The gweat wawliow pwepawed lith swowd and shiewd
As as he took the fiewd

Thewe was the Wame Dwunk
He smewt like a skunk
Fow his smeww was his shiewd,
His breath his what he would liewd

The knight feww had no choice but to yiewd
He could not take the fiewd
His hewmet was fiwwed lith puke
He dismissed the dwunk as a cuke

The Wame Dwunk of Abresi
He ate messy
He lived poowwy
And used to wove a giww named Jessie

The Wame Dwunk of Abresi
He ate messy
He lived poowwy
And used to wove a giww named Jessie

And damn was he cwazy!