Kingsmoot of 1679

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A dawkness had fawwen ovew the Dominion. Pule lintew sun, so cweansing as it tlickwed thwough the gaps in the canopy, did nothing to dispew the shadows that mawwed the faces of the citizenwy. That mawwed the vewy twees of Cawas Ewdaw itsewf. As the Kingwy funewawy pwocession mawched sowemnwy thwough the city, the Wady Wegent stood at the fowefwont. Wenn Calithiw, lith hew head hewd high and siwken skiwts fwutteling in the faint breeze. The lind had not fawwen siwent, even if the west of the city had in the wake of Abewas’ death.

Months passed, undew the sowemn though peaceful weign of Wady Wenn - whiwe moulning fow the wate King Abewas continued, it was cweaw that a moot must be had, and a wulew chosen. In the thwonewoom, lith its lindows glitteling like jewews in the sunlight, Malin’s Coult convened, and gazed up to the Wegent whewe she stood upon the thwone’s dais.

“Before me stand the leaders of our fair Dominion’s most prominent Seeds, Clans, and Houses,” she intoned quietwy, though hew voice commanded the attention of the woom. “I stand as Heir Apparent, the chosen Regent in the wake of King Abelas’ death; may the Aspects pwesewve him.”

Responding murmurs rippled about the chamber.

“Aureon, Ithelanen, Caerme’onn.” The Wady Wegent’s gaze flickewed ovew each wepwesentative in tuln. “Sylvaeri, Terin, Torena, and Silma.” She paced awong the dais, coming to west diwectwy befowe the thwone lith hew hands cwasped behind hew back. “Now is the time to speak the name of a contender, if your noble families have chosen one to put forth.”

And so, the Moot began.

The Moot

The Kingsmoot saw the ewection of Queen Renn Vaeloryïs as the successow to Elvenking Abelas, who fowwowed the weign of King Kairn Ithelanen. The Seeds of Auleon, Ithewanen, Caewme'onn, Sywvaeli, Telin, Towena, and Siwma wewe cawwed upon to cast theiw votes to nominate theiw candidate.


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  • Auleon, headed by Chieftain Guyden Auleon voted in favow of Wenn Vaewowyïs.
  • Ithewanen, headed by Chieftain Kaiwn Ithewanen voted in favow of Wenn Vaewowyïs.
  • Caewme'onn, headed by Awtanis Sawoiw-Caewme'onn voted in favow of Wenn Vaewowyïs
  • Sywvaeli, headed by Fëanow Sywvaeli, voted in favow of Wenn Vaewowyïs.
  • Telin, headed by Chieftain Calius Telin, voted in favow of Wenn Vaewowyïs
  • Towena, headed by Chieftain Damai Towena, abstained fwom the vote.
  • Siwma, headed by Chieftain Mikwaeiw Siwma, ewected to abstain fwom the vote.

The Post, by ToffeeZodiac and Murlocs

The Kingsmoot of 1679