Drakon Bloodline

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Drakon Sigil.png

Sigil of the Drakon Bloodline
The Drakon Bloodline
Founder: Celennor Drakon
Current Patriarch: Thalion Araen Drakon
Condition: Organized
Allegiance: Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Current Grand Council Position: N/A

The Drakon Bloodline is a bloodline of the Snow Elves, residing within the Princedom of Fenn.


The Drakon Bloodline has long played an integral role amongst the Snow Elven people in poth Diplomacy, Military and Trade. The first of the Drakons and founder of the bloodline was Celennor Drakon, who passed through the World Altar alongside his future comrades. Since then, the Drakon Bloodline is unusual in that it has never become separated from the Princedom of Fenn. Through the peace of the ancient era, to the trials of centuries of warfare, and finally to the present day, the Drakon Bloodline has actively served the Snow Elven people.

In the absence of a Tundrak, the Drakonic bloodline have even been known to reorganize the scattered Fennic people to make preparations for a restoration of the Princedom. It should thus come as little surprise that the Drakons are known to have a large amount of Tundrak blood, the two bloodlines being the most ancestrally intertwined amongst the organized bloodlines - though said relations are still relatively distant. Noted for their maritime nature and seagoing experience, these Snow Elves often find themselves in important roles amongst their people.

Many records written and yet to be written speak of the countless Mali'Fenn Men and Women of Drakonic origin who led from the frontlines of battle as officers and lead from the chairs of the Grand Council room as diplomats within the Fennic Capital. Through-out all of the history of this bloodline one thing remained the same; a trident was not more than an arms reach from any Drakon Diplomat, Officer or Trader in the vast records of this bloodlines library.


The Drakons possess what is often known as a swimmer’s build, as a result of their affinity for the sea. From a young age, they often learn to become adequate swimmers. Their hair is typically of a platinum or white color, with purple eyes. The average height of a Drakon tends to be around 5'11”, on the middle to lower end of the typical spectrum for Snow Elves.

The disposition of a typical Drakon is one of a dominating presence. Proud of their blood, they are often considered to be loud, assertive, and honest, as well as confident - on occasion, overly so. This tends to aid them in some of the roles that they tend to take within the Princedom.

Many of the characteristics of a Drakon are tought by the parents traditionally, more specifically the father teaches physical aspects of training and the mother would teach the more informitive topics such as history and literature. The bloodline boasts the longest training and teaching periods of all the bloodlines. A typical Drakon may spend their earliest years within this training period until they reach the adult age of a Mali'Fenn of fifty years old; only then will they be given the highly sought after family armor and trident.


The Drakon hold many traditions in their bloodline which help to rewards the hard working and encourage excellence in everything that they do.

The oldest and longest of the many traditions is that which takes place in the early years of a Drakon members life. highly regarded as a full investment in to the newer generations with no expense spared: all members from a few years old and until he/she becomes a legal adult at 50 years old; they will go through regular training and education in almost all aspects of life. More specifically the Father teaches combat, hunting, tracking, skinning, butchering, weapon maintenance and any other practical skills or trades that holds any relevence, whereas the Mother teaches the daily-life skills required of all Drakon members such as literature, accounting, art, politics and many other topics. Once the child reaches adulthood at 50 years old and have passed all tests and trials they are then awarded the family armor and a trident which I kept for life as a monument to their perseverance in bringing honour to their bloodline and to the dedication that is evident by owning these expensive pieces of armor and trident.

Another old tradition of a Drakon is the dragonheart: When a Drakon member is awarded a high position in their profession beit officer in the Ivae'Fenn or a overseerer within the government of Fenn, no matter the profession the Drakon members traditionally get a tattoo somewhere of their choosing on the body depicting a dragon atop of a heart. This is done by almost all members when reaching high positions but there are few exceptions to this, it is also not a rule but rather an honour. The meaning of the dragonheart has never been written down officially with many branches of the family having slightly different definitions yet most specify that the tattoo allows both the god(s) and mortals to see the dedication and value that this Drakon member holds. Though the tattoo is almost never shown naturally yet the size and position of it matters not, only that it exists on their body in spite of it all.

One of the newer traditions of the Drakon bloodline being only a couple hundred years old is the passing of the helmet celebration. When the father or Mother falls in battle or dies of other causes and if their helmet(s) are recovered it is then passed down, the Fathers helmet to the eldest son and the Mothers helmet to the eldest Daughter. The helmets being a variation of the family armor with personal modifications and personal professional changes to the detailing and/or shape. This specific tradition first took route when Aranel Drakon and Mayna Drakon were returning with their son and daughter after journeying outside of Fenn. It was recorded in history by the single report of the last surviving Valkrim after the event; that an Orc warhorn was heard by the Valkrim training in the forest outside of the Fennic capital who then rushed to the source only to find Aranel and Mayna fighting off a large Orc vanguard with their tridents, both missing their helmets and seemingly both badly injured from the long skirmish that took place before the hornsound. The Valkrim rushed to help the two yet were unable to fight to their positions in time to relieve them. Both fell in battle knowing fully that if the Orc Vanguard was not stopped right then and there then they would've decended on the unprepared capital. In a selfless act of heroism and honour by them, both Father and Mother gave their helmets to their Son and Daughter as momentos before chosing to rush in to the oncoming Orc vanguard force.

Professions & Specialties

One of the most common two professions pursued by the Drakons is that of politics and military service. Many Drakons strive to become bureaucrats or officers within the Ivae'Fenn, and those that make it to the Grand Council tend to occupy the role of High Chancellor. From this post, they serve to carry out much of the general reign over the Princedom on behalf of the Grand Prince, and aid in enacting regal policies. Furthermore, upon the Grand Council, Drakons occupying the role of High Chancellor serve to whip other Grand Council members into shape, keeping track of their work to ensure diligence, dedication, and competence.

Those Drakons who do not pursue a political or Militaristic career typically deal in maritime professions. It is common for Drakons to join the Bilok’thuln as Orrar’sairan, or hunters, specifically performing the fishing practices of this role using their innate skill with a trident effortlessly. From boats and shores, upon seas, lakes, rivers, and creeks, the Drakons have proven themselves to be dedicated and skilled fishermen. Other general maritime professions, such as sailing for trade and naval exploration, are also typically occupied by Drakons.

Style of Combat

The prefered weapon of the typical Drakon is a trident. While those who enter the Ivae’fenn are trained in the usual weapons, such as spears and swords, Drakons often tend to replace their spears with tridents. Many have an innate skill with this weapon, due to it being one of the most prominent weapons taught to them growing up within the Drakon bloodline. Thus, the Drakon style of combat is reflected through their use of this rare weapon, as they are able to use it as a spear, throw it like a javelin, and use it as a quarterstaff. This leads to a varied, improvised style of fighting that is superior at a range, but additionally effective up close. Within the Ivae’fenn, many Drakons would of opted for naval service if given the choice, maintaining, manning, and commanding warships from Fennic harbors.


The politics of the Drakon Bloodline, within the context of the Snow Elven political spectrum, are decidedly left wing and imperialist. While many Snow Elves tend to favor isolationism and rejection of their distant Elven kin, the Drakons prefer to argue that Mali’fenn remain a part of the Elven population, and should not shut them out entirely. Furthermore, the Drakons believe that many of the Elves are misguided, and can be enlightened and advanced under Snow Elven influence and, perhaps, even rule.

Notable Members

Celennor Drakon - The founder of the Drakon Bloodline. Celennor Drakon was one of the first Snow Elves, to pass through the World Altar alongside his kin. He would live long and create a tradition of strong leaders and diplomats to the present day. With his bloodline, iron will and skill with almost any weapon he would bring the Drakon bloodline to prominance with many paintings and drawings of him spreading far and wide and many later records describing him as a great commander for the years after the creation of the Ivae'Fenn.

Laen Drakon - One of the Patriarchs of the Drakon Bloodline. Laen continued to bring the Drakon bloodline to prominance during his reign with efforts in trade and diplomacy, even overseeing efforts to refound the Princedom of Fenn upon the Realm of Axios until Aelthir Tundrak II returned. He was also a veteran of the Coalition War with many notable contributions, and even held a longtime positon as High Chancellor of Fenn.

Ithilion Drakon - In the years when the Princedom of Fenn was under the always present state of war with countless enemies on all sides; Ilthilion led the Drakon Bloodline as patriarch, the Ivae'Fenn as a Warden-class officer and the nation as a governing leader within the Grand Council in both the defense of the capital as well as the counter-attacks which held the enemy at bay for soo long. His eagerness for battle was said to be prevelent on the battlefield and his hope for a progressive change for all Mali'Fenn was ever noticable in the Grand Council meetings.

Thalion Araen Drakon - The current Patriarch of the Drakon Bloodline and Sentinal-Class officer within the Ivae'Fenn. Thalion Araen Drakon has been recorded in countless books of literature and historical records for his prowess and strategic brilliance in the many wars and battles he would partake in; with many of the tactics employed being described for standing as a testament to the Mali'Fenn mitaristic history that came before him. Suprisingly there are very few drawings or paintings that exist depicting him, yet almost all of them are in the midst of battle as he dawns the highly detailed Drakon armor, Ivae'Fenn officer colors and the generations-old trident "Nights End".