War:Urguan-Mynebor War

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Urguan-Mynbeor War


Siege of Mynebor, 1712
Date: 1711-1712
Location: The Wildlands of Arcas
Result: Urguanite Victory, destruction of Mynebor
agnarum.png Under-Realm of Urguan
Mynebor.jpg Kingdom of Mynebor
Commanders and leaders
Under-Realm of Urguan:
agnarum.png Fimlin Grandaxe
agnarum.png Zahrer Irongrinder
agnarum.png Atandt Irongrinder
agnarum.png Utak Ireheart
Mynebor.jpg Balrog II Ironkiln

Tensions between the dwarven kingdoms of Mynebor and Urguan had been boiling for years prior to the declaration of war. Urguan had accused Mynebor of worshipping a heretical cult, whilst the Myneborians accused Urguan of violating Myneborian sovereignty. It all came to a head in the year 1711, when Urguan accused Mynebor of sending assassins to kill King Fimlin Grandaxe. An ultimatum was sent to Mynebor, which was promptly refused. War was declared and both Mynebor and Urguan began their preparations for war. Mynebor was determined to defend its independence as a Dwarven Kingdom, while Urguan was determined to gain vengeance for the grievances caused to them by Mynebor.

Battles and sieges


  • 1711:
    • Fimlin Grandaxe, King of Urguan, issues an ultimatum to the Kingdom of Mynebor [1]
    • Balrog II Ironkiln refuses the ultimatum almost immediately, offering to stand trial for crimes against the Brathmordakin.
    • the Under-Realm of Urguan issues a declaration of war, beginning the Urguan-Mynbeor war.
  • 1712:
    • The Urganite Army marches to the capital city of Mynebor, beginning the Siege of Mynebor. The Siege is a resounding success for the Under-Kingdom, managing to defeat the heavily intrenched defenders within the city despite taking casualties due to the complex building style of the City.
    • the Under-Realm of Urguan declares victory in the war, and Balrog II Ironkiln goes into hiding following the defeat.