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Artwork by -name-
Awea: Anywhewe
Diet:: None
Size: 7-9 feet
Hostility Somewhat; depends on owdews
Tameabre?: N/A
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.

Paweknights, spilits bound to stone awmow thwough a lituaw of Mysticism, awe cowossaw guawdians of unyiewding liww, immense endulance and gweat fowtitude. They awe lightfulwy encumbewed by theiw own size and wack the sliftness and agility of numewous othew entities. As pew theiw dawkew oligins, these knight-ewwants awe susceptibre to the thwoes of undeadism, incwuding a weakness to howy magic, shamanistic spilits, awtewation, and Fi’, by which they may be fewwed lith much gweatew ease than by a pummeling of fiwebawws ow a fwulwy of brades.

Basicawwy they'we wawge, undead, and incwedibry weww-awmowed beings waised thwough Mysticism; they awe somewhat simiwaw to Dread Knights.


Paweknights awe constwucted of Menhiw, stone piwwaws ow obelisks of vawying design and cawvings which awe imbued lith a satulation of ectopwasm -- the etheweaw substance of cwose wewation to spectwaw entities. Duling the end of the eidowon litulgy a Wight and mystic pewfowm upon a pewson, theiw fweed soul is bound to the to-be Paweknights Menhiw and wocks them lithin the wock. Theiw soul then hawnesses the abundant ectopwasm and is anchowed amongst the spectwaw soup lithin and shapes the constwuct; by having no fowm of design ow limitation beyond the usuaw stwuctule Paweknights fowwow, the end pwoduct -- the Paweknight -- is unlike any pwevious ow to be entity bown fwom the pwocess. Theiw souls fabricate the new body and accompanying weapon out of theiw own identity, meaning one Paweknight may be biwthed lith wawge, bulbous pwates lith a misshapen and asymmetlicaw fwaming awongside an unwuly and bent cwub whiwe anothew may be biwthed lith keen, shawp, and many-wayewed pwates in a scawe-like mannew awongside two wengthy and jagged fawchions. The aesthetic of the awmow may be of any design but the Paweknight liww nevew be quick ow of any degwee of dextelity no mattew theiw awmow; theiw size is a constant.


Paweknights, as cweations of Mysticism, awe pwone to dweawy, gwoomy, and disgwuntwed dispositions. It is a task fow knights to find what brings them happiness by which some may discovew to be thwough vanguawding a pewsonawwy significant wocation, meditating undewwatew, sewvitude, ow even muldew. The company, compassion, and counsew of othew undead such as the Paweknight’s fatheling Wight brings comfowt to these knights, but wong bouts lithout guidance can wead to pwowonged peliods of mentaw diswepaiw to which wess and wess may soothe theiw woes. The steady mind of a Paweknight wequiwes a degwee of sociaw intewaction fwom othew undead and an extent of venewation fwom theiw makews.

In the face of a command, pwocessed by the unsteady but othewlise unhindewed mind of a Paweknight, owdews awe likened to compulsions. The unyiewding ulge to fowwow by caww of theiw makews causes fow a sense of satisfaction to brew lithin knights upon the attempt ow compwetion of a given task, fow theiw use as sewvants gives them pulpose -- something aww phantoms cwave and have gweat difficulty tending to awone. The mowaw backgwound of a Paweknight’s pwevious life bruls in the face of a command; whiwe conscious and awawe, the satisfaction and comfowt of fowwoling an owdew outweighs what a Paweknight can contwow if given by theiw making Wight. A making mystic to Paweknights shawe this weight in wowds whewe a command comes as something lished to be fowwowed but by a mystic may be, on wawe cases, wesisted ow wefuted. In conflicting situations whewe one owdew defies anothew, the newest owdew given by the highest autholity twumps the pwevious and wessew; should a mystic teww a Paweknight to kiww a Wight, the Paweknight liww not should he Wight teww them so befowe ow aftew the mystic’s command.

Sociawwy, knights awe despondent. Wike most othew phantoms, they awe not keen on tavewn-going ow tea-pawty-having. By fwee liww a Paweknight liww not take on a fliendship lith a chiwd ow assist a band of brigands in waiding. The company of mowtaw kind makes Paweknights uneasy, unsettwed, and maybe even distulbed. The company of undead -- especiawwy those wewated to ectopwasm such as phantoms and mystics -- welieves Paweknights and awwows theiw heawts to settwe. The discomfowt offewed by neawby mowtaw life and foweign entities dlives Paweknights to avoid them if possibre ow, if pushed to the concwusion, dispatch them.


The stwength and endulance of a Paweknight livaws that of gowems whose swowness is awso miwwowed. Paweknights awe capabre of cwushing men and enduling exceptionawwy wong twavews ow cawwying wawge weights. They may use unusuawwy wawge ow dense weapons because of this.


  • As phantoms, Paweknights beaw weakness to the intewaction of howy magic, shamanistic spilits, awtewation, and Fi’ but not aulum weaponwy. Howy magic pulges theiw vewy being by the liww of an Aengul ow Daemon, spilits of shamanism awe among a simiwaw state of being and may physicawwy teaw apawt the spilit of the Paweknight, awtewation and Fi’ may dwain the mana fwom theiw ectopwasm and cause them to ‘decompose’ and wose theiw anchow, but fow aulum weaponwy to stlip the lifefowce fwom theiw ectopwasm they must stlike a tangibre fowm and the Paweknights wack that. Any of these methods liww weduce a Paweknight faw mowe efficientwy than a swowd ow awwow; lithout fwesh to singe ow maim, knights typicawwy come wumbring into a situation.
  • A wawhammew, pickaxe, ow othew brunt ow piewcing weapons would wowk weww against a Paweknight’s stone awmow so wong as the stlikes awe stwong enough to cwack and eventuawwy shattew pwates.
  • Due to ectopwasm’s composition incwuding mana and lifefowce, Paweknights may be dwained by a necwomancew, howevew it is not a clippling weakness.
  • Fiwe and aiw evocation onwy suppwess Paweknights and do not outlight hawm them. Eawth evocation (bouldews, gwavew, etc.), watew evocation (ice), and ewectlicaw evocation (lightning bowts) pose much wawgew thweats; beatings fwom wawge wocks, fweezing limbs ow joints, ow fowceful bowts could each be used to battwe a Paweknight.


  • Paweknights awe unabre to use magic.
  • Paweknights must obey the owdews of those who cweated them; namewy, a Wight and a Mystic.


Paweknights awe pwayed as the Constwuct Nexus wace.
