New Jornheim

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New Jornheim is the current capital of the Dwarves that reside in the North, mainly the Frostbeards, Blackaxes and Goldhands. It's name was taken from the ancient Frostbeard home in Aegis, the legendary mountain city of Jornheim from which the Frostbeard Clan originated. New Jornheim was built upon the land where the Haenste capital of St. Karlsburg once stood, and was built after the hold of Jornheim was taken by spiders, after Azaghal Frostbeard, brother of King Verthaik II Frostbeard, dug too deep. Whilst the spiders took their old home, the Frostbeards focused on construction New Jornheim, in which now live both Dwarves and the occasional human, or elf.


Pre-New Jornheim

The city of Vsevograd burning, as seen from the hold of Jornheim
The land upon which New Jornheim was built had in the past been home to many different humans. In the early days of Grand King Algoda Frostbeard, the land was owned by the human Kingdom of Haense and was the location of St. Karlsburg, the human capital of the North. Upon the fall of Haense at the hands of Courlandic and Frostbeard warriors, the lands of Haense were split among the victors, with most of it going to Courland and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan receiving a single parcel of land. Among the damage was St. Karlsburg which was burnt to the ground. When the Frostbeards decided to officially leave the Grand Kingdom of Urguan under the reign of Grand King Bastion Ireheart, they journeyed north to the town of Vsevograd which had been built upon the ruins of St. Karlsburg. Here the Frostbeards found a friend in ruler of Vsevograd, Ostromir Kovachev. He offered them a hold in the mountain in exchange for their aide in war should Vsevograd ever be assaulted. The Frostbeards accepted and set about construction the Hold of Jornheim. Whilst living in Jornheim, a dragon assulted Vsevograd and burnt the city to the ground, it's keep and walls being the only things that remained structurally sound.

Fall of Jornheim

Despite the dragon attack on Vsevograd, the Frostbeards remained firmly settled in their mountain hold of Jornheim and enjoyed relative peace. Whilst digging deep into the mountain to construct his brewery, Azaghal Frostbeard, son of Kerwyr Frostbeard, broke into a spider liar, which let out an army of spiders into Jornheim. Wave after wave of spiders poured out the hole, despite the Frostbeards best attempts to contain the beasts within their hole. After hours of restless fighting, the Frostbeards and their allies lost the Battle of the Brewery and were forced to concede Jornheim to the overwhelming spider army. Tired, homeless and angry, the remaining Frostbeards set up camp within the walls of a burnt out Vsevograd and set about clearing the grounds to set up a new home.
