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Art by: Murdervish
Race Tree: Human
Weight: 100-290 lbs
Height: 5'2"-6'1"
Eye Color: Blue, Hazel, Amber, Brown, Green
Hair Color: Black, Brown, Auburn, Blonde, White
Culture: Varies
Bonus profession: N/A
Racial Perks
+ Quick Learner: Quick Learner: Humans receive a +5% XP for every skill
+ Make it count: Auto-aging humans receive an additional +10% XP for every Skill
+ Troop Morale: Increased combat damage when near at least 4 other humans.
Professions Bonuses
+20% Blacksmith
-20% Chef
+ Humans can advance any capped skill two-tier higher than usual if the cap isn't Inept.

brief description of sub-race

Physical Attributes

brief description of generic sub-race appearance

Other Attributes

detail attributes here which are not necessarily bound to physicality. Such as mental disabilities, incapabilities etc etc


explain the lifespan of the race, give average age of death


explain any curses, if applicable, which have been placed on the Race itself


Sub-Race Perks
  • Race Perk 1 (+ or - for positive and negative)
  • Race Perk 2
  • etc
Race Profession
  • detail the specified race professions
Profession Boosts
  • Profession Boost 1 (+ or - for positive and negative)
  • Profession Boost 2
  • etc


detail the command of the organisation, including those who run it and /how/ its run


brief description of the art in this location


brief description of the literature in this location


brief description of the music in this location


brief description of the religion in the location


two/three paragraph summary of human history


explain the races history in regards to previous/current cities it inhabits


  • City


  • City 1
  • City 2
  • etc