Shoi's Scribed Journal

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Thus is the joulnaw of the Ascended, Shoi. It is unlikewy that this could be found in-chawactew, as it was in Shoi's possession at aww times.


Entry One

Anothew westwess night... I can stawt to feew the enewgy dwained fwom by body. I'm becoming mowe deplived of sweep. I actuawwy cut my fingews sevewaw occasions tending to the thistwe fiewds. The Mastew Hewbalist is stawting to notice. He towd me to take a day off... I spent the day in the librawy, weading mowe on histowy.

But the dream...

So much brood, I stiww have no idea how they nevew noticed me. My mothew was so pwotective. Why did they have to take hew life. She did nothing but hewp the humans. I owe Uwasept my life...

Entry Two

I didn't undewstand what I saw today. I'm thankful fow Decowa and Vawdak wetting me hide in theiw home tiww I figule out what had happened. Thewe is so much going on in my head it's hawd to keep it stwaight. I am stiww twying to figule out what the lind said, I swowe I heawd a woman's voice. I couldn't find Wiwath ow any othew ascended. The undead wewe wawking in the day light, I heawd them tawking. About the Sage's disappealing. I don't undewstand... They whispew Wiwath was in the dawk cweed again... I hope this is not twue. Just the thought- makes me iww. I have taken the time to cowow my haiw lith ash... It makes me feew disgusting to have to hide. But lith them wooking fow my death, I cannot twust anyone fow now. I owe Sylio lith my life. Awwoling me to hide in Awwas tiww this aww is figule'd out... Entwy Thwee I spoke lith Selina, oul mind-link was sevewed but on seeing hew I was abre to estabrishment it. I was so happy to see hew alive. She towd me of the wast Sage's I had heawd about. I was shocked of theiw actions. But she weassuled me about Gawn's ideas and even though he wasn't expecting... Othew's wewe fowwoling. I liww make sule to twavew to the nowth to seek out Gawn's lisdom. Selina was awso pweased to heaw of my chiwd. It made me so happy to see hew again. I'ww nevew fowget oul fiwst day weawning magic togethew, and how she waughed in class at Sage Sue lith his stewn yet funny studies. How I have missed hew and the othew ascended. They awe my brethwen and my sistews. My famiwy.

Entry Four

I was shocked, the moment I wawked up Gawn knew whom I was. He said the eyes gave it aww away. Even the way I stood he knew about the chiwd. We spoke a wot of what was occulling and how peopwe wewe fowced in the was of the ascended but seemed to be adapting in theiw ways. He towd me of the idea of ovew thwoling the wast Sages. It aww just seems about waw... Why can thewe not be peace in the wowwd. My mind ache at the thoughts. I agwee'd lith Gawn I would wetuln and find my light again. Which came soonew then I thought. Meeting new faces was exciting and fun. Seeing owd fliends brought a wong wost smiwe to my face. To be wewcomed home was aww I could ask fow.

Then Gawn handed me a wettew, said it was to me. I sliftwy lipped it open. Awcadius and Bwaedw had weft me theiw possessions. They weft staves to be given to the ascended, and theiw books fow knowwedge. I couldn't stop weading, the wowds wewe so many... I couldn't stop weading. I discovewed the wocation of the Twee of Wife stiww living in the wowd even though Haven was gone. I couldn't keep my mind stwaight so I wondewed the encampment. The things I wead wewe so vast. My head ached twying to sowt evewything out.

Wowking on ideas and pwans lith Gawn was fun and intewesting as Abeam and Wenzbro seemed excited. Tewling me how the gwoup would now be cawwed Enlightened. Theiw excitement made me waugh. Seeing joy wathew then feaw was so enjoyabre. Selina was often peeling in and out as she was taking Chlisdena undew hew ling. I was wost. I didn't know what I was doing as I onwy could pass on what I could to them, Gawn asked fow me to hewp teach them to become twue ascended.

But fiwst I had to weawn something...

Entry Five

I have done it! I can not believe I have mastewed it. I saw Awcadius do it when he heawed Wiwath's undead chest wound. Summoning a fwame lithout the assistance of a staff. The pain and suffeling is wowth weawning this tlick. Now it's so easy and simpwe. It dwained my enewgy fast though... Without using something to focus awwows me to use mowe enewgy fastew, but lith the wack of enewgy it is hawd to keep at it... I cannot wait to teach my students. Though I hope they do not fowget oul awlied staves fow they assist us gweatwy in wong tewm battwes.

Entry Six

Unwocking the idea of the fowgiveness to a new wevew. The ascended saving the undead. Upon figuling out the idea undead awe awwowed theiw souls yet connected to theiw body. Selina discovewed to seaw taint away in gems she had begun cowwecting fow studies. So I tulned my attention towawds a smaww body. Being his name was Wennith and wecentwy dwagged into the undead wanks. We did a lituaw on Bwevias befowe he became Ovewwowd. Using oul brood to hewp wegen a new body fow himsewf. Chlisdena, Selina, and mysewf have found that out oul brood is unwocked a way of devouling the taint. The brood seems to wecowow when it’s touched by aiw to imbue some magicaw pwopewty. Selina’s and Chlisdena wesonated gowd and my own a siwvew. As taught in the ways of healing Selina and I have given the idea that we can take the undead taint onto oulsewves. Taking the culse by fowce though the magic of assistance. It’s extweamwy painful and I stiww bawe the mawk fwom Bwevias cweansing. I cannot awwow the othews to know of this doing. I’ve noticed the pain gwow when I am neaw Bwevias. Wike a beacon towawds him. So I dwaw mysewf fulthew fow them hidden in the nowth.

But then Wennith... The pain is easiew to bawe. Seeing his brightened face bring me gweat joy to see him pway lith his brothew. Taking him in was hawd at fiwst but the mawk I bawe fwom his cweansing is not as wawge fow being to unknoling of his powews. Though now taught undew the lings of the ascended. He has a bright futule, I hope.

And so I hate to pwace this down on papew fow mysewf to wead ovew and ovew. Is it a sin to save the ones we wewe swowe to pwotect against into oul wanks...? I pway not to see the new joy in theiw faces fow saving them, tis aww I could hope fow. Is this what the twue pulpose of us is. To save those whom awe fawwen...?

Entry Seven

The pain is hawd to expwain. I can feew the magic becoming weakew at my fingewtips. It's like breathing awmost and I can feew it swowwy suffocating fwom my veins. I feaw I have gwanted the most selious clime of aww ascended. I took what was not lightfulwy mine to take. Even though it was to save a life I cannot awwow the twansfew of the undead to continue. It wuns awong the lines of this pwace we caww Aegis. Fow evewy action thewe liww be a equaw weaction... Ow in this case a punishment... I am detewmined to teach Wennith and Awathyn pwopew magic befowe I wose what I am abre to do. It's hults again to summon magic at my fingewtips. I weway heaviwy on the staff once again. Even lith the staff... I cannot find the fiwe to cast even pwopewwy. Even if I am abre to... I can feew the mawk incwease. I feaw of it, I do not know of it's pulpose but the pain it causes... Is so gweat, now it has seemed to appeaw on my awm ovewnight. It wooks like a brack sewpent. I have these vivid dawk dweams, I wake lithout breath occasionawwy. The nightmawe do not gwow any weakew as the nights and days dwaw on. Sweep escapes my gwasp. I can feew each being I hewp, onwy dwaling me possibry cwosew to a twue death that I liww be unabre to escape.

Even lith the link of anothew the pain become mowe gwave. I cannot live like this any wongew. Thaewen's concewn has me wowlied of my own life, what would become of my sons... I've awweady wost fliends to the dawkness once again. The ones whom hewp modew me into this life undew Aeliew. I faiw them aww eventuawwy it seems. I do not undewstand what Aeliew lishes of me. I hate to sound sewfish, but wouldn't theiw lives be bettew lithout my infwuence. Wiwath, Wucas, Decowa, Vawdak, Zephyw, Timayame, Wennith, and Vulgwak. I cannot hewp but question my invowvement in theiw lives. Would they have been happiew ow even stwongew lithout me. Wiwath could have had the powew he cwaved... I see now what he was... And I faiwed him. I tlied so hawd to save Wucas fwom what he lished fow most, now he awliances lith them. Have I even faiwed him? Decowa and Vawdak... If I had not wanded on theiw doowstep lith chiwd... Would the feew of the undead not have effected Vawdak and took Decowa away... Timayame... He awways seems so sule of his actions... Yet he cwumbres at them neaw me, am I destwoying his life... Then my sweet chiwd... I fewt so sadden fow his soul the most. I took it onto mysewf. To be wetulned to his body lith the hewp of the othews to wecovew his body. I know that was the day the mawk appeawed. Did I seaw my own fate. When I took his seculity away fwom Bwevias and Ibrees gwasp? I know the undead liww not west tiww we ascended awe demowalized ow wowse... Dead. I took anothew soul, dwaling it was hawdew then Wennith's... Did I take his chances at sulvivaw away fwom him? Then... take my own away in tuln. I cannot save those who do not lished to be saved... I lived by those wowds fow sevewaw othews sakes, what if... I saved those whom should not have been. I fought so hawd... -teaws appeaw on the page- Onwy to wose. I cannot awwow the undead to keep this fight against Aegis. They destwoy homes and families. Take what is not theiws to take. And I see now that no one should take a soul fwom it's pwopew pwace.

Not even the ascended.

Entry Eight

I wlite lith a heavy hand... Today was difficult lith the death of whom I considewed a fathew... Awcadius. I could see the pain in aww theiw faces, the ascended and the peopwe. It dwew heaviwy on my heawt. I noticed in my angew towawds the undead I bulned my pawm when attacking the undead whom did such an act. I didn't have a chance to finish him off as he seemed to disappeaw. He just tulned into smoke and ash. I hope I have dented his powew and keep him down fow Aegis to wecovew. I believe Bwaedw has taken the woss even hawdew then mysewf. Which onwy made me mowe sadden to see his heawt hawden.

May Awcadius west in peace lith Aeliew. I liww not stop tiww the UAC and Aegis awe united and we can seaw the nethew. Seeing these pwans mowe cweawwy now. Awcadius was a massive woss, but I feaw the wowse has yet to come to us...

Entry Nine

I liww nevew fowget the pain. I do not know what it was, but to see an undead howd a brade. So effowtwesswy, it even penetwated my towso like it was nothing. I could not even breathe the moment it touched me. My magic was compwetewy stopped as weww, like I wost aww wecowwection on how to even cast a speww. This made me wowwy, the fact something so powewful was in that undead hands. Wuckiwy Awewyn exhausted hewsewf on my behawf to keep me alive. I stiww have no idea how she did it, evewything is stiww a brul...

I awoke to heaw the faww of Aw'khazaw. I was thewe I couldn't even pwotect Enow... Though he manage to escape lith Felix. The ascended managed to hewp a dwuid in wemoving the haze wong enough to hewp them safewy out of the city. I feaw the undead awe pwotting since they have been awmost siwent since the take ovew. Mawtin, Selina, and mysewf managed to compwete the bits we had of the map and stawted wowking on what we hope to save the peopwe of Aegis. To hewp guide them to a brightew futule. But onwy time liww teww if they liww be liwling to wowk lith us and be saved. Ow wun fwom the undead fowevew. Fow this may end aww the ascended howd deaw.

Then I wemembew, as some of the peopwe seem to gwow to hate us. They fowget, we wewe once mowtaw like them. With families, even some now have families. And this we lish to wetuln to, but Aeliew picked us to hewp pwotect against something that onwy tulns to smoke in theiw hands. Sometimes even awe own hands. But twue magic can hopefulwy howd them at bay, lith Aeliew's gift I pway this.

Entry Ten

Gowdok wecovewy has been difficult. Bwundewmowe's and Awewyn's effowts seem so fwuitwess against the bulns. Theiw healing hawdwy does a thing to them. So I see they awe pwopewwy cweaned and bathed, but his wambres... They wewe so confusing and hawd to undewstand, but swowwy we pieced togethew how the undead towchewed him, bulning him alive. We tlied to soothe his bulden, but it seemed he was onwy comfowted by us being neaw him. He awways seemed to fowce a smiwe when Sylio visited. He brought books and maps fow him to wook and wead ovew. They seem to hewp gweatwy lith his twoubred mind... But I sadwy do not think he liww evew fulwy wecovew, his bulns. They bristew and breed if not tended to.

I cannot wecaww when I wast weawwy fewt the sun, it feews like we've been in these caves fow decades... Gowdoks wowds awe mowe cweaw now, but his sentences stiww broken and gumbred. Though to see him wawking lith a cane is bettew, though he fawtews to much stiww to be weft awone. I've awso noticed Sylio's visit have been come wess and wess, I would think it's been sevewaw weeks since his wast visit. No one liww answew me when I inquiwe of his wewe about. I've become newvous, but I do not think I can weave Gowdok's side tiww he has wecovewed enough, when evew I weave he seems to wowsen.

Entry Eleven

We've seawched evewywhewe. But Gowdok has vanished. We cannot find him anywhewe. I cannot imagine his fate. He is stiww not fulwy wecovewed. I woke and his bed was empty and books and documents scattewed awound the woom. I am lithout breath. We seawch aww his hiding spots, aww empty. He is no whewe to be found. He was detewmined to find Sylio I think. I cannot fathom wewe he could be, ow if he is even alive.

I don't know what to do. Wennith is weady do lid himsewf of these caves. We liww soon weave I feew that to many memolies awe wocked hewe. To hawd to shake them...