Krugmar Settlement Guide

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Rexdom of Krugmar
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png

Wocated on the coast of the eastewn Savannah, San’Stwok is a beacon of pwotection to aww of those who fowwow in Kwugs footsteps. Wead lith an iwon fist by the Wex,Wex Bulbul'Wul, and his counciw, the city stands fow aww that the Owcs howd deaw; Honow, Gwowy and Wevewence to the Spilits. Any owc who lishes to be something lithin Owcish cultule finds themsewves hewe. Within the city way many oppowtunities. One may join the Kwughai, the elite guawd fowce, seek out a Shaman and go on a spilit wawk lith them, ow twain in the kwomp pits lith theiw bruddas and ziztaz.

Culwent Weadew: Rex Burbur'Lur

Notabre infowmation & Pwaces
  • Snaga~ Snaga ow in common Swaves, who pwove themsewves woyaw may one day eawn the chance to become an honowawy owc and be wewcomed as one of Kwug.
Peak Times  The Warnation of Krugmar prides itself on having players from all over the globe, spanning various time zones and contients. Typically its prime time hours are between 3 PM - 1 AM EST during the week. During the weekend the “prime” time can be as early as 10 AM until as late as 3 AM EST the following day. Times during the weekend vary heavily on the events planned for that weekend.
Weligon pwacehowdew