House of Merentel

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Duchy of Eastmark
Country: DevereuxCoatOfArms.png Kingdom of Curonia
Parent House: House of Staunton
Duke of Eastmark
Count of Alannor
Baron of Hallowfell
Alexander Merentel
Current Head: Tobias Merentel
Ethnicity: Heartlander
House Motto: Semper Fidelis

The House of Merentel is the current ruling family of the Duchy of Eastmark. It is considered an Ancient House of the Kingdom of Curonia.

that came to prominence under the Kingdom of Courland when his ancestor, who was a Staunton that ruled the County of Eastmark, was raised to a ducal level by King Tobias Staunton and his son, Alexander, was then given the Barony of Hallowfell and adopted the new surname of Merentel. They took part in the Coalition War and were one of the many loyal houses under the House Staunton. In Axios, they were the rulers of the Barony of Hallowfell. Back in Atlas, House of Merentel participated in the Staunton Uprising. In Arcas, they stayed loyal to the Empire of Renatus and in exchange they were awarded with the noble title of Duke of Vintas by the Holy Orenian Emperor. However, the Patriarch of the House of Merentel decided to renounce to that title and adopt the ancient title of Duke of Eastmark instead. The Duke of Eastmark, Tobias Merentel, swore fealty to King Pierce I of Curonia and is currently considered a vassal of the Kingdom of Curonia. Alexander was minister of truth


The Barony of Hallowfell (XXXX - XXXX)

The Second Coalition War of Atlas (1667-1669) had seen the homelands of the Curonian populace laid waste to by the Crown of Renatus Marna and its allies. It was by the direct hand of Princess Linette Devereux, and her insatiable hunger and lust for power that cost her not only her life but also her lands and city. As the men, women, and children of the Bear fled during the night from their homes, leaving everything they knew and cared about behind, it seemed as if the Curonian legacy had reached its end.

For over a decade the once-proud homelands of the Curonian people had sat in ruin. Its hills and fields scorched by fire and left barren, its rivers polluted with the skeletons of its fallen defenders, and its city turned to nothing more than a pile of rubble. The legacy of the nation seeming lost forever and its people shattered. This all changed though with the rise of Wilhelm Devereux. Wilhelm, a son of the House of Devereux, saw the error of his mother Linette's ways and denounced her tenure as leader of the once-great nation. He pledged himself as a loyal servant to the Empire of Man and after proving himself in the Rivia Campaigns (1681) and securing the sound capture and defeat of Thomas de Hartcold, Wilhelm was granted the lands of his ancestors and given the title of Count. Wasting no time, Wilhelm took under the laborious effort of rebuilding everything that his mother had destroyed in her reign of terror. Through him, the lands of Curon were planted anew. The rivers were cleared of the dead and decay, the fields and hills brought back to their full natural beauty, and the city that had once been home to so many long-forgotten faces rebuilt and forged anew.

Word spread like wildfire of the newly formed County throughout the lands of Atlas. Those who had fled their homeland over a decade before, the Curonians of old, quickly found a feeling in their hearts they had not felt in such a long time, the feeling of hope. One by one, family by family, the men, women, and children of the Green Tide set forth to re-settle in the lands they and their ancestors had called home. Together they, along with the enlightened rule of Wilhelm I Devereux, would bring their nation back once more as an influential force within the realms of Atlas.

The County of Cyrilsburg prospered under the rule of Wilhelm Devereux. A golden age set within the County as the population grew by the hundreds every day. Soon the County was elevated to the status of a Duchy. Styled as the Duchy of Curon, the ever-growing nation continued to make itself well known in the lands of Atlas, tossing aside the errors of the past and forging itself a path of respect and renown.

It was so during this time that the Duchy of Arbor, a neighbor to the Curonian nation, soon joined the fold of the new Duchy and integrated themselves into the Curonian populace. Taken in with open arms as fellow brothers and sisters of the Bear, the Arborian populace has intermingled with its Curonain counterpart and together the two have formed the culture and social landscape that today makes up the nation.

The County of Vintas (XXXX-XXXX)

The last decade of the 1600’s had been a turbulent one for the lands of Atlas. With the incursions and attacks from the Vaeyl in the north and the

The Duchy of Vintas (XXXX-XXXX)

The last decade of the 1600’s had been a turbulent one for the lands of Atlas. With the incursions and attacks from the Vaeyl in the north and the

The Duchy of Eastmark (XXXX-present)

The last decade of the 1600’s had been a turbulent one for the lands of Atlas. With the incursions and attacks from the Vaeyl in the north and the