Medea De Viola

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Medea Viola De Astrea
Queen Of Vikela
Tenure: 1956-PRESENT
Predecessor: Larissa De Astrea
Race: Mixed Elf
Born: YEAR
1st Spouse: Aerin De Astrea
2nd Spouse: Walter Blanc
House: De Viola
Father: Ehrendil Taliame'onn
Mother: Leika De Astrea
Military Service
Allegiance: MILITARY
Years of service: 1980 - CURRENT
Rank: RANK

Life's Journey

Early Life

Long ago there lived a wood elf named Alexander Viola, born from a long blood line of guards and knights, he fell in love with a dark elf named Emma Rudius, she came from a family of alchemists. Together they lived out their lives together in the forest and gave birth to a little girl, their daughter, Medea Viola. Medea learned combat from a young age from her father, but they kept her isolated and protected away from the outside world. The little elf spent most of her time training with her father but whenever she got the chance to, she would go into the garden behind their cottage and read books about the outside world. On one dreadful night when Medea was 15, the forest surrounding their cottage caught ablaze due to a war that was taking place during the time, the family ran but Medea got separated from her parents. When the sun arose, her parents were gone. Medea was the last surviving member of the Viola family. When she was 25, she had arrived in Celia’nor and became a guard, following in her birth father’s footsteps. At the age of 27, during a coronation of Celia'nor's Prince, she was adopted into the De Astrea family and became a daughter of Leika De Astrea, the ruler of the Republic of Vikela during that time.

The De Astrea Family

Medea was on duty at the coronation of the new prince of Celia’nor when she first met two members of the De Astrea Family. She did not focus much on them, to her, they were nobles that she had a duty to protect while they were on Celia’nor grounds. After the coronation, Medea changed into her regular clothes because she was now off duty and wanted to get some reading in at Raziel’s tavern before turning in for the night, when suddenly the two De Astrea Family members she saw earlier at the coronation walked up to her, and then all of a sudden, she was adopted into the De Astreas and the rest is history.

Meeting Dakeyo Athri’onn

It was on a visit to Paradine to meet the Vaulurir with her new mother and sister, when she first met a high elf named Dakeyo. She paid no attention to him at the time because she focused more on listening to her mother and the Vaulurir, someone who she soon too became good friends with. A few days later while she was sitting at a flowerfield in front of Celia’nor, a familiar high elf she remembered seeing Paradine went up to speak with her. She learned that his name was Dakeyo Athri’onn, a member of a powerful high elf family in Celia’nor, also known as The Serpent-Tongued. Medea and Dakeyo started courting soon after, though it did not last long after Celia'nor then placed a law preventing high eleven families in Celia'nor to court with non high elven, and just like that, their courtship ended as fast as it started.

New Friends

Medea in her late 30s, was a very lonely girl, it was difficult for her to make friends, talk to new people and express herself, so she tends to indulge herself in work, her mother even gave her the role as librarian in Vikela, which also helped with keeping her busy. Other than being a knight and librarian, she had nothing to do, so she tends to visit Paradine's Honey Comb Tavern for late night drinks, and over time, she became good friends with someone named Aurora Castington. The two elves got along quite well, enjoying each other's companies and drinks, and not long after, she was introduced to a few more people, Doorsynthia, Elledan, and Aerin, who she soon after began courting.

Relationships and People

Raziel Amethil

Raziel was the first person Medea met when she arrived in Celia'nor. He helped her get settled in, got her a job as a guard and gave her purpose. The two have been friends for very long, not close but still supported each other in any way they could, to Medea, he was like an older sibling.

Leika De Astrea

Leika adopted Medea and gave her a home and people she could call family. Through the years, though Leika never showed how much she truly loved Medea, she still liked to believe her mother cared for her to some extant. She of course was never the favorite child, that title goes to her sister, Larissa De Astrea, Medea never minded it. She loved her mother and that was all that mattered, Leika gave Medea purpose to fight and live, and for that she is forever grateful. Medea works hard to make Leika proud, doing her best at everything and tried to take weight off of her mother's shoulders whenever she could. Leika passed away when she turned 100 and Medea was heart broken, her mother was her everything, and after hearing about the passing, she saw no point to continue, that is until she remembered the people in her life that is there to support her, helping her stand back up. Medea still misses and loves her mother dearly but she has learned to live through it and continue on for her family.

Ehrendil Taliame'onn

Medea's adopted father, the husband of Leika, was someone Medea was never close with. Medea felt as if for most of her life, being in the family, Ehrendil did not consider her his daughter. She spent years trying to make him proud and open his eyes to see her, that even if she was not his by blood, she wants to make him proud, but that never happened. Soon after, Ehrendil was never home, he was never around to help her and when he was, he never seemed amused to see her. Medea at some point gave up on trying to please him, only calling him father out of respect for Leika, but did she still see him as a father? She's not so sure anymore.

Larissa De Astrea

Birth daughter if Leika De Astrea, the person that Medea became sisters with after she was adopted into the family. Larissa and Medea formed a good relationship since day one, Medea loved Larissa, she would go any mile for her and trade her own life for her sister if she had to. Larissa was the younger sister Medea needed to protect, always making sure she was well. Their bond was strong and it still is to this day. Larissa is one of the many people that has a special place in Medea's heart and she'd move mountains for her sister.

Dakeyo Athri'onn

Medea's and Dakeyo's relationship was a tragic one. A high elf falling in love and courting with an elf that was not high elven. Dakeyo loved Medea and Medea knew she loved him as well, but their love almost seemed force. They had only courted for a few months before Dakeyo decided to propose to Medea, having their families meet and plan out the engagement, but not soon after, all plans had to be canceled when Celia'nor placed down a law preventing high elven nobles to court someone that was not of high elven blood. Medea and Dakeyo stayed friends after that but things would always be awkward between the two.

Aurora Wynasul

Aurora was a barkeep working at the Honey Comb Tavern in Paradine when Medea first met her. They bonded quite fast and soon after loved each other like sisters. The two would always go to one another about their problems and comforted each other whenever comfort was needed, and even though they are not as close as they used to be and see each other rarely, whenever the two meet, they embrace each other like old times and it is as if they were never apart.


A high elven boy that tried flirting with Medea right after her engagement with Dakeyo was called off, but Medea always rejected his romantic gestures towards her. Synthia is Aurora's younger brother, so Medea also saw him as a younger sibling. They would train together, fight along side each other and the late night drinks with one another was always lovely.


Another one of Aurora's siblings during the time, someone Medea also grew very close to, probably because they were very alike. The two tend to bond over drinks and talks about how difficult their family lives are, it is never a dull moment when Elledan and Medea are in each other's companies, there's always something to talk about, something to complain about, something to cry about, something to laugh about and something to drink about.

Aerin Sinan

Aerin, the wood elf Medea would end up marrying. Aerin was a light that lit up Medea's world when she had nothing other than work and alcohol. He was great at making her laugh and accepted her for all her flaws. The two fitted each other perfectly like yin and yang, of course they had their problems but always solved it with a talk, they never yell at one another or made the other person feel unsafe. Their relationship was filled with love, always being their for one another to get back up and support each other, they were each other's love and still are to this day.

Walter Blanc

Walter, a human medic that Medea have know for over 50 years. Over the long years of knowing each other and supporting each other both mentally and in battles, they have created a bond that goes deeper than just friendship. A few years after Medea separated from Aerin Sinan due to him needing to leave and finding his own purpose in life, Medea found love and comfort in Walter. Their friendship blossomed into something more and they began courting.


Military Career

Joining the Celiadiraar

After traveling around for 10 years, jumping from place to place, being surrounded by no other race than humans, she finally arrived in the land called Celia’nor. Walking into the kingdom, her eyes lit up. She finally saw people of the same race as her, she finally saw elves. She noticed that they did not all look the same. Some elves had skin as pale as snow, others had skin almost as dark as coal and there were those who had skin similar to hers, a shade of brown, and they all lived and thrived in Celia’nor. Feeling overwhelmed, she looked around trying to find a place she could sit. She found herself walking into a tavern and since it was early in the morning, it wasn’t too crowded, she sat down at a table to collect her thoughts and think about what to do next. Just then, a tall, pale elf with long blonde hair walked up to her “Karin’ayla!” the elf said to her before continuing “I’ve never seen you around here before, are you new to Celia’nor?” the elf asked. Medea, feeling too overwhelmed to say something in response, just nodded her head. “Oh! Welcome to Celia’nor then! My name is Raziel Amethil, I’m the owner of this fine tavern. What brings you here to Celia’nor, if I may ask?” The elf named Raziel asked Medea, and not wanting to be rude and not talk to the elf in front of her at all, she built up the courage to speak, “Well, you see, I’ve been trying to find a place to settle down in and a job.” she said to Raziel. The elf gave Medea a smile before speaking, “Well then, I think I can help you with that!”. And just like that, Raziel Amethil helped Medea get settled into Celia’nor and helped her join the Celiadiraar, which are the guards of Celia’nor, and just like that, she served under the Celia’nor kingdom for years to come.

Joining the Crimson Raven Corps

Medea joined the Ravens around her early 40s. They were a knights group serving in Vikela to protect the De Astreas, her family. Medea met Ahmanu Chaephyra, the leader of the Crimson Raven Corps, and soon after, she decided to enroll herself into the knights group, dedicating herself to protecting her family and her home, along with the citizens of Vikela. In her journey of joining the group, she made many long lasting friends and comrades. Medea became close friends with two certain individuals, an Orc by the name of Traugh and a human doctor that always wore a raven skull mask, by the name of Walter Blanc.


Titles, Styles and Honors

Titles and Styles

  • YEAR - YEAR/PRESENT: SOVRÈN MAJESTÉ, Reine Medea Amaranta Viola De Astrea,

The Queen of Vikela, La Violetta.


Orn Birth Death Engaged