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| ''<span style="font-size:x-small;">Braehn Elendil</span>''
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| '''Weight''': 100lbs - 290lbs
| '''Height''': 5'4" - 6'2" ft
| '''Eye Color''': Mix of browns, grays, greens
| '''Hair Color''': Black or brown
| '''Expected Lifetime''': 180-200 Years
The Adunians are a racial group who take place amongst Humans who call them brethren. Though distantly related to Elves through the Mali’dun, Adunians are much closer to the human-side of their ancestry. With a highly militaristic history, Adunians often found themselves upon the frontlines of the wars of Oren, striving for preservation and defense of their dwindling kind and culture. Ever since the time of Anthos, Adunians have been spread and further dwindling- a rare sight to see within the modern realms. Due to such, often Adunians are often seen as alien or foreign to their once-close cousins of Horen. Though surviving and making well enough independently, slowly do Adunians find themselves bred out of existence.
Adunians are a half breed descended from a tribe lead by Harren, the son of Horen, and Sarai, the leader of a group of elves known as the Mali'Dun (this means Adunians are part-elves, though not all half-elves are Adunians, only the ones descended from those specific groups). The Adunians once occupied a mountain range on the Northeast coast of Aegis, but their rule was overturned in fourth century and they were banished across the sea. The Adunians settled a small continent to the Northeast of Aegis called Al'Ildic, where they thrived until the Undead Invasion in the fourteenth century which almost vanquished them from existence. Survivors fled back across the sea to Aegis and integrated themselves with human society. Several attempts have been made to reunify the Adunians since, such as Artorus Elendil's Orenian duchy "Westfall" (originally owned by the Vivyaen family), and his grandson Lachlan's "Kingdom of Adunia". One way or another, these attempts and many others have failed, usually creating an amount of disturbance for other nations in the process. For this reason, Adunians are generally looked in with disdain and few wish to associate themselves with them. Furthermore, Adunian culture was infiltrated by the Northern "Old Faith" religion by house Tarus after the fall of Artorus. The pagan religion has further risen hatred for Adunians among the Orenian people. As of today Adunians are spread throughout the world, implanted in various societies and generally trying to distance themselves from their ill-reputed brethren. Adunians all have either black or dark brown hair, though it is not uncommon to see grey haired Adunians as the pigment can fade at an unusually early age, a trait inherited from the Mali'Dun. They have either grey or green eyes and are generally of above-average height possessing a slender build. They have pale skin and their accent is somewhat of a mix between what you would hear from a Northerner and a High-Elf. Most Adunians live to around 180, making them an unusual exception to most partf-elves that inherit the full strain of humanity's curse. They are also far less fertile than other humans due to their elven blood.
Five years after the world was supposedly built by an almighty ‘creator’, Horen, the first King of Men, was given a son by his wife Julia whom they named Harren. The child grew up in a time of conflict, and before long was commanding soldiers in his father’s army. Through all this time, however, Harren never felt entitled to his father’s holdings and believed that he should instead forge his own kingdom to leave a legacy that would rival Horen’s own. At thirty years of age, Harren was granted his father’s permission to take his men and go north beyond the borders of his lands.The men trekked into the vast unknown wilderness for many weeks, eventually coming across a towering mountain range on the northeast coast of the Aegis continent, the Thuaid mountains. Here Harren decided he would build his kingdom, and set about conquering the Highlander tribes that dwelt there. Little did he know that another ‘tribe’ was already at work attempting to dominate the region; a tribe of elves who called themselves the Mali’Dun, lead by a woman named Sarai. They were tall, had pale skin like snow, hair black as night, and hollow grey eyes, arming themselves mainly with bows and spears. As they moved through the mountains from the north, the Mali’Dun conquered the highland tribes that lived there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army. Eventually, the Harrenites and the Mali’Dun clashed in the Battle of Grumder Hill, with the former being vastly outnumbered. Harren was forced to retreat and avoid further confrontation with the elves for a time, focusing his efforts on the Highlander tribes once again. The Harrenites changed their tactics after the battle to mimic those of their enemy, forcing the survivors from each conquered tribe to join their force, practically enslaving them as a lower class of soldier. The playing field was leveled and the two ‘armies’ clashed a number of times in the following seven years during their individual conquests of the mountains, Sarai coming from the north and Harren the south. In the year 42 each side too heavy casualties in the Second Battle of Hrak’s Field, prompting the leaders of each army to meet and negotiate a conclusion to The War for the Thuaid Mountains.
The result of the meeting was a marriage between Harren and Sarai and the unification of their armies. Before long Sarai was pregnant with Harren’s child, and the son of Horen issued a command to his people; each Harrenite must marry a Mali’Dun and that their children would be the first of a new, superior race. The Highlanders remained a lower class throughout this and were forbidden to lie with either of their overlord races. With the end of the 42nd year, Harren proclaimed the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, encompassing the entire mountain range, with himself as King and his wife as Queen. What was formerly two armies became a single society and settled on the cliffs above the northeastern coast, naming their township ‘Idunia’. In the year 43 Harren’s son Baren was born, the first ‘Adunian’, with many more like him following. Gradually more settlements sprung up throughout the kingdom and in the year 104 Baren succeeded his father. Six years later, the remaining Mali’Dun departed from the mainland of Aegis, the last of their human partners having died from one cause or another, leaving the kingdom in the hands of their descendants, the new half-breed race, Adunians. For three centuries the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid flourished in northern isolation, the Adunians living as an upper class of noble Earls among the vast amount of Highlanders beneath them. Finally, in the year 333 a massive rebellion led by Owyn Ulgaard, a common Highlander and the son of a miner, succeeded in removing the Adunians from power. Starting in 332 one by one the kingdom’s settlements had fallen to rebel control, their Adunian Earls either being put to the sword or forced to flee to the capital. By the following year, only Idunia remained under King Arendil’s control. Though Idunia did not stand for much longer, as it was the ancestors of the Highlanders who had built the city’s walls, and so it’s secrets had been passed down to them. Rebels were able to penetrate the fortifications and open the gates for the Highlander horde to charge in and sack the city. Owyn Ulgaard confronted Arendil himself and slew him in single combat, ending the three centuries-long rule of Adunians over Fai O’Thuaid.
Five years after the world was supposedly built by an almighty ‘creator’, Horen, the first King of Men, was given a son by his wife Julia whom they named Harren. The child grew up in a time of conflict, and before long was commanding soldiers in his father’s army. Through all this time, however, Harren never felt entitled to his father’s holdings, and believed that he should instead forge his own kingdom to leave a legacy that would rival Horen’s own. At thirty years of age, Harren was granted his father’s permission to take his men and go north beyond the borders of his lands.The men trekked into the vast unknown wilderness for many weeks, eventually coming across a towering mountain range on the northeast coast of the Aegis continent, the Thuaid mountains. Here Harren decided he would build his kingdom, and set about conquering the Highlander tribes that dwellt there. Little did he know that another ‘tribe’ was already at work attempting to dominate the region; a tribe of elves who called themselves the Mali’Dun, lead by a woman named Sarai. They were tall, had pale skin like snow, hair black as night, and hollow grey eyes, arming themselves mainly with bows and spears. As they moved through the mountains from the north, the Mali’Dun conquered the highland tribes that lived there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army. Eventually the Harrenites and the Mali’Dun clashed in the Battle of Grumder Hill, with the former being vastly outnumbered. Harren was forced to retreat and avoid further confrontation with the elves for a time, focusing his efforts on the Highlander tribes once again. The Harrenites changed their tactics after the battle to mimic those of their enemy, forcing the survivors from each conquered tribe to join their force, practically enslaving them as a lower class of soldier. The playing field was leveled and the two ‘armies’ clashed a number of times in the following seven years during their individual conquests of the mountains, Sarai coming from the north and Harren the south. In the year 42 each side too heavy casualties in the Second Battle of Hrak’s Field, prompting the leaders of each army to meet and negotiate a conclusion to The War for the Thuaid Mountains.
The result of the meeting was a marriage between Harren and Sarai and the unification of their armies. Before long Sarai was pregnant with Harren’s child, and the son of Horen issued a command to his people; each Harrenite must marry a Mali’Dun and that their children would be the first of a new, superior race. The Highlanders remained a lower class throughout this and were forbidden to lie with either of their overlord races. With the end of the 42nd year Harren proclaimed the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, encompassing the entire mountain range, with himself as King and his wife as Queen. What was formerly two armies became a single society and settled on the cliffs above the northeastern coast, naming their township ‘Idunia’. In the year 43 Harren’s son Baren was born, the first ‘Adunian’, with many more like him following. Gradually more settlements sprung up throughout the kingdom and in the year 104 Baren succeeded his father. Six years later, the remaining Mali’Dun departed from the mainland of Aegis, the last of their human partners having died from one cause or another, leaving the kingdom in the hands of their descendants, the new half-breed race, Adunians. For three centuries the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid flourished in northern isolation, the Adunians living as an upper class of noble Earls among the vast amount of Highlanders beneath them. Finally in the year 333 a massive rebellion led by Owyn Ulgaard, a common Highlander and the son of a miner, succeeded in removing the Adunians from power. Starting in 332 one by one the kingdom’s settlements had fallen to rebel control, their Adunian Earls either being put to the sword or forced to flee to the capital. By the following year only Idunia remained under King Arendil’s control. Though Idunia did not stand for much longer, as it was the ancestors of the Highlanders who had built the city’s walls, and so it’s secrets had been passed down to them. Rebels were able to penetrate the fortifications and open the gates for the Highlander horde to charge in and sack the city. Owyn Ulgaard confronted Arendil himself and slew him in single combat, ending the three centuries long rule of Adunians over Fai O’Thuaid.
During the sack of Idunia, rebels pulled Harren’s remains from his mausoleum and cast them off the cliffs into the sea, never to be recovered. With Highlander victory secured, Owyn Ulgaard had the remaining Adunians rounded up and placed on ships at a small, unnamed fishing town two days walk south of Idunia. Here the newly crowned King proclaimed Adunians banished from Aegis as retribution for their unjust enslavement of the Highlander people, vowing to annihilate them completely should they ever return. Elendil, the son of Arendil and last of Harren’s line, took command of the Adunian fleet and lead them northeast across the sea, following in the wake of their Mali’Dun ancestors in hope of finding them. Instead, the Adunians found Al’Ildic, a large isle almost four months voyage across the ocean. Landing on Cape Gelbor, the Adunian people settled the island, starting with the western coast. Elendil proclaimed the settled lands ‘The Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic’ and himself as the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, establishing a new capital at the foot of Maria’s Seven White Marble Peaks, a set of towering mountains named after his wife that stood at the centre of the Great Forest of Ar’Norian. The town was called Ildon, and grew to become an impressive city in the time that followed. Over the centuries, the Adunians began to spread east across the island, establishing new ‘independent provinces’ and ‘realms’. In the year 626, the Second Unification War drew to a close with Al’Ildic triumphing over the Independent Realm of Eldion. From 334 to 1309 Adunian culture grew and developed on their isolated continent, traditions evolving, clans rising and falling, wars being lost and won. In the end, the realm’s end came and went in a day, taken by the Undead scourge like the rest of Aegis. Since then, the Adunian people have failed to recover to a position anywhere near as grand, their highest points being in the Duchy of Westfall under Godfrey Horen’s Holy Oren Empire, and again as the Kingdom of Adunia in Kaedrin. In modern times, Adunians are spread few and far between, wandering the world as ‘bowies’ or integrating with various other societies and organizations. Through it all, most Adunians remain true to their ancestry and traditions, it’s importance having been drilled into them over the generations since Al’Ildic.
During the sack of Idunia, rebels pulled Harren’s remains from his mausoleum and cast them off the cliffs into the sea, never to be recovered. With Highlander victory secured, Owyn Ulgaard had the remaining Adunians rounded up and placed on ships at a small, unnamed fishing town two days walk south of Idunia. Here the newly crowned King proclaimed Adunians banished from Aegis as retribution for their unjust enslavement of the Highlander people, vowing to annihilate them completely should they ever return. Elendil, the son of Arendil and last of Harren’s line, took command of the Adunian fleet and lead them northeast across the sea, following in the wake of their Mali’Dun ancestors in hope of finding them. Instead, the Adunians found Al’Ildic, a large isle almost four months voyage across the ocean. Landing on Cape Gelbor, the Adunian people settled the island, starting with the western coast. Elendil proclaimed the settled lands ‘The Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic’ and himself as the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, establishing a new capital at the foot of Maria’s Seven White Marble Peaks, a set of towering mountains named after his wife that stood at the centre of the Great Forest of Ar’Norian. The town was called Ildon, and grew to become an impressive city in the time that followed. Over the centuries, the Adunians began to spread east across the island, establishing new ‘independent provinces’ and ‘realms’. In the year 626 the Second Unification War drew to a close with Al’Ildic triumphing over the Independent Realm of Eldion. From 334 to 1309 Adunian culture grew and developed on their isolated continent, traditions evolving, clans rising and falling, wars being lost and won. In the end, the realm’s end came and went in a day, taken by the Undead scourge like the rest of Aegis. Since then, the Adunian people have failed to recover to a position anywhere near as grand, their highest points being in the Duchy of Westfall under Godfrey Horen’s Holy Oren Empire, and again as the Kingdom of Adunia in Kaedrin. In modern times, Adunians are spread few and far between, wandering the world as ‘bowies’ or integrating with various other societies and organizations. Through it all, most Adunians remain true to their ancestry and traditions, it’s importance having been drilled into them over the generations since Al’Ildic.
The Adunians - and the Idunian Empire was an early mixed-race civilization, and prophetic age Empire that lasted from 24 MH to 605 MH, and was the most powerful hegemonic power of its age. The Adunians founded and perfected many systems of early rule, architecture, and technology use. They were the first to domesticate the horse and invent cavalry systems, alongside arboriculture and new woodworking techniques, producing powerful and deadly bows. Their soldiers and armies used innovative military tactics to great effect.
After the victories of Ar-Agarwen in the 2nd Century MH, the Idunian Kingdom of Aglarebiand emerged as the clear victor of the wars after Harren’s death, setting up client kings and relative dynasties on the thrones of the other Northern territories such as Forodhon and Aelion, formerly kingdoms of the Jorenites. Aglarebiand did not subject the Elven tribes - a friendly relation was established, and their borders were well watched. During this time, the proliferation of Aduniac as the lingua Jorenica of the Northern Kingdoms would occur.
'''Appearance and Clothing:'''
By the 7th century, and the Death of Ar-Haedirthor, the High Kingdom fell apart within twenty years. Civil conflict, Natural Disasters, and a Dragon attack had weakened the Kingdom severely. In 604, a peasant revolt of the Redhrion (Sowing Men), the pureblooded Humans who still populated the North led by Òrin Eglamen (Owyn Ulgaard), quickly spread throughout the nation. Quickly, the revolt turned into a rebellion - and with support from the Southern Kingdoms, free from Adunian interference, toppled the centuries old order. By 616, the heirs of the Kingdom, and their retinues - along with as many of the pureblooded Adunian nobles that could flee - had departed the Northlands to cross the seas, gone to lands unknown.
Adunians take traits from both their Harrenite and Mali’Dun ancestors. Brown or black hair are the only two colours found, though like other races it goes grey with age. It is not uncommon for an Adunian’s hair to go grey at ages as young as fifteen, a trait inherited from the Mali’Dun. Their skin is pale, but generally no paler than the average Heartlander. An Adunian’s eyes are either grey from the Mali’Dun, brown from the Harrenites (a rare trait), or green, which appears to have come from a mix of both, the most common eye colour. Adunians generally grow to heights of around 5”11’ and have a lean build. Tradition has Adunians keep their hair above shoulder length (though most choose to keep it short), and grow either beards that keep close to the face (rather than hang like that of a dwarf), or large, well tended mustaches. The general climate of Al’Ildic was quite cold. Though it’s landscape was only coated in snow during the winter months, the chill of the northern wind was present year round. As a result of this climate, Adunians came to dress in a particular way. Men would wear heavy coats and cloaks, lined with furs and warm skins, thick leather boots and warm wool breeches. Women wore long-sleeved dresses often accompanied with furs draped over their shoulders, light cloaks, and some from of pants to keep their legs warm. Over time, it became considered ‘rude’ or ‘socially unacceptable’ for more than the hands or head to be unclothed. This way of thinking has stuck over the ages, and Adunians true to tradition always cover themselves from the neck down before presenting themselves publicly.
The Harrenite survivors would find themselves, after much trial at sea, on the shores of a vast Island that would soon be known as Al’Ildic - but would take a name later in history, Fai O’Thuaid. They would remain on this Island from roughly 617 to 1245. In that time, the Harrenites would change in their isolation, creating many of the cultural ephemera that we know today to be ‘Adunian’. The wearing of Tartan cloth and Clan systems, a ranging tradition, their distinct accents, and even the name ‘Adunian’, would all come from this period. Though a long period, with a distinct history, other sources may adequately cover it. In 1245, the Undead scourge swept over Aegis and pushed the Adunians from the Island back to the mainland, where they reconnected with their human brethren, finding prosperity, conflict, tragedy, and victory over the next five-hundred years.
Due to factors such as their slender build, Al’Ildic’s snowy climate and the influence of their Mali’Dun ancestors, Adunians tend to avoid heavier or blunt weapons. Arming swords, bastard swords, long swords, dirks and a variety of other smaller bladed weapons make up the majority of an Adunian army’s weaponry. Unique to Adunians however, is the ‘bowie knife’. Named after the bowie nomads (named for their lifestyle’s reliance on the use of a bow) who created it, the bowie knife was meant to bridge the gap between a tool and a weapon. A large blade with a clip point and a sweeping belly, generally around nine inches in length. The wielder’s hand would be protected by a wide, metal crossguard (typically made from brass) that could be used to parry an incoming blow. The bowies lived a nomadic life of hunting and gathering in the fields and plains of Al’Ildic. They used their knives as tools for erecting campsites, skinning and butchering animals, and a wide variety of other tasks. As they were not truly warriors they had no need for a sword, but still frequently quarrelled with one another, leading to knife fights. This brought about the practical need for a bowie knife, the perfect cross between the weapon they needed to protect themselves and the tool they needed to survive.
== Physical Attributes ==
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| ''<span style="font-size:x-small;">Nazorean Faisehn</span>''
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|'''Clothing and Appearance'''
===Skin Coloration===
Skin colour amongst the Adunians vary. They tend to stay quite similar to their Heartlander cousins, with peachy and more-often-than-not pale tones- a darker-skinned Adunian being rarely heard of.
===Hair Coloration===
Hair coloration in Adunians is the most rigid of all of Horen’s children with few copper tones. Strictly being within black or brown, interbreeding would be the yield of any other color. Their hair, similar to Humans, will gray with time- however, some Adunians experience the greying of hair just before reaching maturity at 18.
Despite this connection to smaller arms like bowie knives, an Adunian’s favourite weapon is always his bow. The legacy of the Mali’Dun stayed strong with their descendants, and bow-making became one of the most respectable trades of Al’Ildic. All sorts of bows were utilized by the ARC, the bowies, the Ildician Order and the general common folk of Al’Ildic, from longbows to composite bows. Though the bow that left the greatest legacy of all was the double-recurve warbow. Only the greatest Adunian bowyers could craft the weapon, using four prods rather than two for additional power, though not so much that it would break the bow. Generally made from yew that grew in the southern areas of Ar’Norian, crafting a double-recurve warbow was more about finding the balance of power than anything else, maximising its ability to shoot with strength, but not so much as to splinter the wood. An accomplished bowyer might only ever craft two or three in his lifetime, and it is unknown if any today still possess the skill to make even one.
===Eye Coloration===
Eye color also is rather rigid within pure Adunians. While most commonly a mix of browns, grays, and greens. Though green and grays are the most common (Grey being of Wildewynn ancestry), rare Adunians will bear eyes of brown from Harrenite ancestry.
The last of the three weaponry innovations unique to Al’Ildic is a material known as ‘Eldar steel’. Called Eldion steel by some, the material was forged in a grand fortified cavern to the south of Ekvol in Al’Ildic’s Irthgard mountain range. Smiths from around the small continent would go there to study the art of crafting blades, and over the centuries they were able to create their own unique style of blacksmithing. In a lengthy process the smiths would craft weapons by layering the steel for a sharper edge and a more ornate appearance. At first the blades were brittle and could shatter if used extensively, but the Eldar smiths honed their ability over many generations and eventually their weapons were as strong as any other. The time it took to craft such a weapon meant they were rarely made and far more expensive than a regular steel sword which could do the same job just as well. As a result of this, only the richest and most influential clans of Al’Ildic ever owned an Eldar steel weapon, and they were usually passed down through the generations as a family heirloom. In modern times weapons of Eldar steel are in fewer numbers than the endangered Adunians whose ancestors made them, and like the double-recurve warbow it is unknown if anyone yet has the skill to recreate it.
The usual Adunian height range is '''5'4"'''- '''6'3" ft'''. Most Adunians would be within this range, but can go above or below to the general human limit in individual cases due to mixed ancestry.
An Adunian, unlike all humans, may live a maximum of 200 years. However, there is a common range of the Adunian lifespan. As in, an Adunian will generally live between 150-180 years before growing old and dying. This can often be attributed to lifestyle, though primarily is due to Wildewynn ancestry mixed with Harrenite blood - producing a slight increase in lifespan, though their aging and maturity remain the same as any human race.
Adunians, being distantly related to Elves, do fall to some of the same detriments as their related ancestors. Though falling under the curse of Horen and his children, stricken with a shortened lifespan, Adunians- though dilute - do take upon some of Malin’s curse. Not nearly as fertile as other humans, Adunians would struggle to produce offspring as much as their related kin. Though not afflicted to the extent of Malin with years between births and sterility a guarantee, Adunians still suffer from partial infertility as males and females. Though they are mixed blood, new Adunians would not be created by the breeding of elves and humans, given the Adunians have been existent nearly as long as the other descendant races and subraces. Any human-elven offspring, no matter how long the length of a family tree, would be free of Malin and Horen’s full curse.
Due to factors such as their slender build, Al’Ildic’s snowy climate and the influence of their Mali’Dun ancestors, Adunians tend to avoid heavier or blunt weapons. Arming swords, bastard swords, long swords, dirks and a variety of other smaller bladed weapons make up the majority of an Adunian army’s weaponry. Unique to Adunians however, is the ‘Bowie Knife’. Named after the Bowie nomads (named for their lifestyle’s reliance on the use of a bow) who created it, the Bowie knife was meant to bridge the gap between a tool and a weapon. A large blade with a clip point and a sweeping belly, generally around nine inches in length. The wielder’s hand would be protected by a wide, metal crossguard - typically made from bass, while soft, it had the potential to protect the user's hand. The Bowies lived a very nomadic life; hunting and gathering in the fields and plains of Al’Ildic. They used their knives as tools for erecting campsites, skinning and butchering animals, and a wide variety of other tasks. As they were not warriors, they had no need for a large swords and armor, but still frequently quarreled with one another, leading to fights, with these knives. This brought about the practical need for a Bowie knife, the perfect cross between a weapon, and a tool for survival.
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|'''Adunian Bowman'''
Despite this connection to smaller arms like Bowie knives, an Adunian’s favourite weapon has always been his bow. The legacy of the Mali’Dun has stayed strong with their descendants, and fletchery became one of the most respectable trades of Al’Ildic. All sorts of bows were utilized by the ARC, the Bowies, the Ildician Order and the general common folk of Al’Ildic, from longbows to composite bows. Though the bow that left the greatest legacy of all was the double-recurve warbow. Only the greatest Adunian bowyers could craft the weapon, using four prods rather than two for additional power, though not so much that it would break the bow. Generally made from yew that grew in the southern areas of Ar’Norian, crafting a double-recurve warbow was more about finding the balance of power than anything else, maximizing its ability to shoot with strength, but not so much as to splinter the wood. An accomplished bowyer might only ever craft two or three in his lifetime. And as such, any who have in their possession a bow like such, own quite a prized Adunian artifact.
The last of the three weaponry innovations unique to Al’Ildic is a material known as ‘Eldar steel’. Called Eldion steel by some, the material was forged in a grand fortified cavern to the south of Ekvol in Al’Ildic’s Irthgard mountain range. Smiths from around the small continent would go there to study the art of crafting blades, and over the centuries they were able to create their own unique style of blacksmithing. In a lengthy process, the smiths would craft weapons by layering the steel for a sharper edge and a more ornate appearance. At first, the blades were brittle and could shatter if used extensively, but the Eldar smiths honed their ability over many generations and eventually, their weapons were as strong as any other. The time put into crafting such a weapon suggests they were rarely made and far more expensive than any regular steel sword which could do the same job just as well. As a result of this, only the richest and most influential Adunian clans ever owned an Eldar steel weapon, and they were usually passed down through the generations as a family heirloom. In modern times weapons of Eldar steel are in fewer numbers than the endangered Adunians whose ancestors made them, and like the double-recurve warbow it is unknown if anyone yet has the skill to recreate it.
When Fai O’Thuaid was founded, Orthodox Creatorism was the official religion enforced by Harren and his descendants. Though they were isolated from the church and took no efforts to maintain contact, they were still devout Creatorists who kept true to their beliefs and traditions. After landing in Al’Ildic however, many Adunians had lost their faith in god, asking why he would’ve allowed the Highlander uprising and their subsequent banishment from Aegis. In the early 400’s Braen Elin’sehn, son of Elendil, began preaching a new belief; that the Creator had abandoned them, leaving the spirits of their ancestors behind to take on his role as their guide. The belief was quick to catch on in Al’Ildic society, giving birth to Adunian Creatorism. Adunian Creatorism centers around the belief that a single Creator (the same Creator seen in the Canonist religion) built the world, but then abandoned his people after they disappointed him. This called for the spirits of the dead to step in and take up the Creator’s role as the guiding hand for the living. A century later the religion had evolved and built itself upon three main figures; Elendil, the father, Maria, the mother, and Braen, the son and chosen prophet of the Creator. Followers of the religion would pray to these three figures, as well as their own personal ancestors. As the centuries went on, more patrons were added to the original three. Cirimas Elendil became the patron of protection and justice, Garth Haryn the patron of war and triumph in battle, Falcryn Delmar patron of politics and negotiation, Reman Elendil patron for vengeance and loyalty, Rymeul Elendil patron of exploration, Vol Schote patron of harvest and agriculture and finally Mercator Varmir the patron of hunting and luck. Other lesser patrons also existed, though they were not as widely worshiped and generally specific to a particular province of Al’Ildic.
When Fai O’Thuaid was founded, Orthodox Creatorism was the official religion enforced by Harren and his descendants. Though they were isolated from the church and took no efforts to maintain contact, they were still devout Creatorists who kept true to their beliefs and traditions. After landing in Al’Ildic however, many Adunians had lost their faith in god, asking why he would’ve allowed the Highlander uprising and their subsequent banishment from Aegis. In the early 400’s Braen Elin’sehn, son of Elendil, began preaching a new belief; that the Creator had abandoned them, leaving the spirits of their ancestors behind to take on his role as their guide. The belief was quick to catch on in Al’Ildic society, giving birth to Adunian Creatorism. Adunian Creatorism centers around the belief that a single Creator (the same Creator seen in the Canonist religion) built the world, but then abandoned his people after they disappointed him. This called for the spirits of the dead to step in and take up the Creator’s role as the guiding hand for the living. A century later the religion had evolved and built itself upon three main figures; Elendil, the father, Maria, the mother, and Braen, the son and chosen prophet of the Creator. Followers of the religion would pray to these three figures, as well as their own personal ancestors. As the centuries went on, more patrons were added to the original three. Cirimas Elendil became the patron of protection and justice, Garth Haryn the patron of war and triumph in battle, Falcryn Delmar patron of politics and negotiation, Reman Elendil patron for vengeance and loyalty, Rymeul Elendil patron of exploration, Vol Schote patron of harvest and agriculture and finally Mercator Varmir the patron of hunting and luck. Other lesser patrons also existed, though they were not as widely worshiped and generally specific to a particular province of Al’Ildic.
Various shrines were erected across Al’Ildic, most notably a shrine to both Elendil and Maria in Ildon, a shrine to Cirimas in the north of Ar’Norian, a shrine to Braen high in Maria’s Peaks, and a shrine to Garth Haryn in Del Kaev. The shrines took the form of large, stone statues representing their chosen figure, a stone altar at their feet where offerings of gold, food and other valuables would be left. Pilgrims would try to leave offerings relevant to their particular patron at each shrine, for example a sword for Garth Haryn or a deer skin for Mercator Varmir. Another important part of Adunian Creatorism was the connection between the people and the sea. This importance was derived from the sea having been where the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by Owyn Ulgaard’s rebels, and the place Elendil, the patron father, had chosen to take his last voyage, never to be seen again. Some say that Elendil did not die at sea, but was rather raised directly to the heavens by the Creator’s own will, God’s last act before complete abandonment. This method of worship went undisturbed for around six hundred years before the Canonist Faith was brought to Al’Ildic. When Lord Rymeul Elendil reopened trade with mainland Aegis in 1001 the faith of Oren was soon to follow, and began spreading its influence on the lesser continent. Although this was not as effective as one would think, the Canonist Church struggling for three centuries to gain a sufficient foothold among Adunians, only having converted around five percent of the population by the time of the Realm’s fall in 1309.
Various shrines were erected across Al’Ildic, most notably a shrine to both Elendil and Maria in Ildon, a shrine to Cirimas in the north of Ar’Norian, a shrine to Braen high in Maria’s Peaks, and a shrine to Garth Haryn in Del Kaev. The shrines took the form of large, stone statues representing their chosen figure, a stone altar at their feet where offerings of gold, food and other valuables would be left. Pilgrims would try to leave offerings relevant to their particular patron at each shrine, for example a sword for Garth Haryn or a deer skin for Mercator Varmir. Another important part of Adunian Creatorism was the connection between the people and the sea. This importance was derived from the sea having been where the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by Owyn Ulgaard’s rebels, and the place Elendil, the patron father, had chosen to take his last voyage, never to be seen again. Some say that Elendil did not die at sea, but was rather raised directly to the heavens by the Creator’s own will, God’s last act before complete abandonment. This method of worship went undisturbed for around six hundred years before the Canonist Faith was brought to Al’Ildic. When Lord Rymeul Elendil reopened trade with mainland Aegis in 1001 the faith of Oren was soon to follow, and began spreading its influence on the lesser continent. Although this was not as effective as one would think, the Canonist Church struggling for three centuries to gain a sufficient foothold among Adunians, only having converted around five percent of the population by the time of the Realm’s fall in 1309.
When the Adunians eventually resettled in New Ildon under Lord Artorus Elendil, the future of Adunian religion was reshaped again. Artorus had been raised for the most part in Renatus and had been indoctrinated by the Canonist Faith from a young age. When his time to lead came he made sure to spread his beliefs among his followers, as to assure they were fully accepted as members of Godfrey’s Holy Oren Empire. Artorus’s son and heir, Harrion, was himself extremely devout to the point of founding a holy organization known as the “Monastic Order”, making him another driving force behind the Canonization of Adunians. During Artorus’s reign there was a massive shift away from Adunian Creatorism, almost wiping out its existence. The majority of Adunians converted to Canonism, while the vast remainder merged Adunian Creatorism and Canonism together, forming what is known as ‘New Adunian Creatorism’. New Adunian Creatorism brings the belief in the patron ancestral spirits with the tenets of the Canonist Church, and dispels Braen Elin’sehn’s claim that the Creator had abandoned his people. Following Artorus’s death, the northern highlander religion known as the ‘Old Faith’ began to seep into Adunian society, bringing the belief in a number of pagan gods rather than one Creator, completely ignoring Canonism, Adunian Creatorism, and New Adunian Creatorism.
When the Adunians eventually resettled in New Ildon under Lord Artorus Elendil, the future of Adunian religion was reshaped again. Artorus had been raised for the most part in Renatus and had been indoctrinated by the Canonist Faith from a young age. When his time to lead came he made sure to spread his beliefs among his followers, as to assure they were fully accepted as members of Godfrey’s Holy Oren Empire. Artorus’s son and heir, Harrion, was himself extremely devout to the point of founding a holy organization known as the “Monastic Order”, making him another driving force behind the Canonization of Adunians. During Artorus’s reign there was a massive shift away from Adunian Creatorism, almost wiping out its existence. The majority of Adunians converted to Canonism, while the vast remainder merged Adunian Creatorism and Canonism together, forming what is known as ‘New Adunian Creatorism’. New Adunian Creatorism brings the belief in the patron ancestral spirits with the tenets of the Canonist Church, and dispels Braen Elin’sehn’s claim that the Creator had abandoned his people. Following Artorus’s death, the northern highlander religion known as the ‘Old Faith’ began to seep into Adunian society, bringing the belief in a number of pagan gods rather than one Creator, completely ignoring Canonism, Adunian Creatorism, and New Adunian Creatorism.
The Old Faith began a massive incursion by highlander culture into the Adunian way of life, slowly corroding the traditions, customs and beliefs that had been in place for hundreds of years. Eventually Adunian society could no longer sustain itself and it’s downfall began. Several rebellions took place under the leadership of figures such as Hanrahan Brae and Torrhen Elendil, culminating in the Adunian Civil War between traditionalist Oren loyalist and highlander rebels, ultimately decimating both sides. The Old Faith remained prevalent among Adunians for several decades longer as the highlander incursion continued, coming to an abrupt end with the downfall of Lachlan mor Elendil’s so called “Kingdom of Adunia”. During the diaspora of Adunian people since, Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism have regained their foothold, with only a select minority still holding onto their highlander Old Gods.
The Old Faith began a massive incursion by highlander culture into the Adunian way of life, slowly corroding the traditions, customs and beliefs that had been in place for hundreds of years. Eventually Adunian society could no longer sustain itself and it’s downfall began. Several rebellions took place under the leadership of figures such as Hanrahan Brae and Torrhen Elendil, culminating in the Adunian Civil War between traditionalist Oren loyalist and highlander rebels, ultimately decimating both sides. The Old Faith remained prevalent among Adunians for several decades longer as the highlander incursion continued, coming to an abrupt end with the downfall of Lachlan mor Elendil’s so called “Kingdom of Adunia”. During the diaspora of Adunian people since, Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism have regained their foothold, with only a select minority still holding onto their highlander Old Gods.
When the Harrenites, Mali’Dun and highlander tribes were all united as the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid there were a number of different dialects spoken. The Mali’Dun had their own adaption of elvish, each highlander tribe had a different take on a strange northern tongue, and the Harrenites brought flexio with them from the human lands. Rather than force the groups to conform with his own language, King Harren attempted to merge them all into one. The result of this effort was the Thuaidian tongue. The Thuaidian tongue slowly developed and became the official language of Fai O’Thuaid during it’s three hundred year existence, and remained in use by the Highlanders for another century after the Adunians were banished. In Al’Ildic, the Thuaidian tongue continued as the sole language of its citizens until Rymeul Elendil reopened trade routes with Oren, at which point the common tongue was introduced. From the year one thousand to Al’Ildic’s fall in 1309 the practicality of speaking common allowed for the hasty decline of Thuaidian, and its eventual extinction.
Those who survived the continent’s destruction spoke no more than a few words of Thuaidian, and no books or scrolls on the language could be recovered, despite Halboron Elendil’s efforts. What has been recovered, however, is the Thuaidian runic alphabet. The alphabet was adapted from several Highlander tribes during the Thuaidian tongue’s conception, and used for both the common and Thuaidian tongues up until the fall of Al’Ildic. To this day some Adunians choose to write in Thuaidian runes, and many clan banners and artifacts are decorated with them. The other surviving reminder of the Thuaidian tongue is the so called ‘Thuaidian accent’ or ‘Adunian accent’. As the language itself was derived from those spoken by the gruff human highlanders of the Thuaid mountains, along with the gentle tongue of the Mali’Dun elves, the accent that came with it reflected the same nature. In the past, it has been called a cross between the educated voice of a high elf, and the toughened, more brutish accent of a north Aegisian. The accent stayed strong with Adunian folk throughout their time speaking Thuaidian in Al’Ildic, and continues today in the common tongue [OOC note: somewhat close to a Manchester accent]. It is important to note that the word ‘thuaidian’ is not a term from the Thuaidian language. There is no word for the language in Thuaidian, and the word ‘thuaidian’ would mean ‘land-dweller’ or ‘from the land’. ‘The Thuaidian tongue’ is the name given to the tongue in common or other modern dialects, derived from the name of the Adunian Kingdom ‘Fai O’Thuaid’ (furthest north land).
== Language ==
When the Harrenites, Mali’Dun and highlander tribes were all united as the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid there were a number of different dialects spoken. The Mali’Dun had their own adaption of elvish, each highlander tribe had a different take on a strange northern tongue, and the Harrenites brought flexio with them from the human lands. Rather than force the groups to conform with his own language, King Harren attempted to merge them all into one. The result of this effort was the [[Thuaidian]] tongue. The [[Thuaidian]] tongue slowly developed and became the official language of Fai O’Thuaid during it’s three hundred year existence, and remained in use by the Highlanders for another century after the Adunians were banished. In Al’Ildic, the [[Thuaidian]] tongue continued as the sole language of its citizens until Rymeul Elendil reopened trade routes with Oren, at which point the common tongue was introduced. From the year one thousand to Al’Ildic’s fall in 1309 the practicality of speaking common allowed for the hasty decline of [[Thuaidian]], and its eventual extinction.
'''Dictionary of recovered Thuadian words:'''
Those who survived the continent’s destruction spoke no more than a few words of [[Thuaidian]], and no books or scrolls on the language could be recovered, despite Halboron Elendil’s efforts. What has been recovered, however, is the [[Thuaidian]] runic alphabet. The alphabet was adapted from several Highlander tribes during the [[Thuaidian]] tongue’s conception, and used for both the common and [[Thuaidian]] tongues up until the fall of Al’Ildic. To this day some Adunians choose to write in [[Thuaidian]] runes, and many clan banners and artifacts are decorated with them. The other surviving reminder of the [[Thuaidian]] tongue is the so called ‘[[Thuaidian]] accent’ or ‘Adunian accent’. As the language itself was derived from those spoken by the gruff human highlanders of the Thuaid mountains, along with the gentle tongue of the Mali’Dun elves, the accent that came with it reflected the same nature. In the past, it has been called a cross between the educated voice of a high elf, and the toughened, more brutish accent of a north Aegisian. The accent stayed strong with Adunian folk throughout their time speaking [[Thuaidian]] in Al’Ildic, and continues today in the common tongue [OOC note: somewhat close to a Manchester accent]. It is important to note that the word ‘thuaidian’ is not a term from the [[Thuaidian]] language. There is no word for the language in [[Thuaidian]], and the word ‘thuaidian’ would mean ‘land-dweller’ or ‘from the land’. ‘The [[Thuaidian]] tongue’ is the name given to the tongue in common or other modern dialects, derived from the name of the Adunian Kingdom ‘Fai O’Thuaid’ (furthest north land).
Ay - Yes
Den - No
Yen - The
Ave - Hail, greetings
Vale - Farewell
Ildon - Haven, sanctuary
Dul - A hillish or mountainous area
Dure - An oath
Val - Serene, peaceful
Loch - Lake
Staig - Next to/beside
Avek - Power
Tor - Seat/throne
Fai - Furthest, a long distance
Thuaid - Land
O/Oh - North
Al - Northeast
Ar - East
Svel - Southeast
Ol - South
Svek - Southwest
Il - West
Hal - Northwest
Ryme - Exploration related
Rhodi - Exile
Fheum - Useless
Scoh - Train, practice
Droch - Worthy, (‘dendroch’ for ‘unworthy’)
Brol - Good, large
Del - Town
Ildic - Home
Dyr - Peak of a mountain, summit
Roh - My, mine
Yohn - Your, yours
Sehn - Son
Belyn - Boy
Voysehn - Nephew
Mihr - Father (used as Brolmihr as grandfather)
Fyor - Mother (used as Brolfyor as grandmother)
Byeder - Sibling, brother or sister (byederin for plural)
Koyder - Cousin, male or female (koyderin for plural)
Hanihr - Aunt
Onihr - Uncle
Tohl - Daugher
Brehnyr - Girl
Voytohl - Niece
Clahn - Family
Elkor - Friend (elkorin for plural)
Olin - Foe, enemy, opponent (olinin for plural)
Sehr - Man, used to refer to a ‘human’ also (Sehrin for plural)
Olsehr - Woman
Therin - Generalised word meaning ‘leader’, not used for the title of Adunian Lord or Earl, as the word ‘lord’ is the same in both common and thuaidian, and Earl is it’s own term, though it has been used to refer to a king, either the King of Fai O’Thuaid or the King of Irthgard
Vars - Morning
Emek - Afternoon (the greeting ‘brol emek’ is used for ‘good afternoon’ and ‘good evening’)
Jron - Night
Ascella - Wind
Freyl - Fire
Thuak - Earth
Valoth - Water
Dale - Sword
Emyd - Bow
Yolch - Please and/or thank you
Auchet - Curse word to call an object, as an exclamation, or to emphasize another word
Vlagt - Curse word used as an exclamation or to call a person
Jagg - Pronounced ‘yaag’, another curse word
Skey - Away, off
Halmyn - Dwarf
Malir - Elf
Gnekyr - Orc
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: 10px; width: 1100px"
|- style="background:#9fb5b4; height:10px; text-align:center; text-size:large"
| colspan="2"|'''Dictionary of Recovered Thuadian Words'''
|- style="width: 130px"
| Al
| Northeast
| Ar
| East
| Ascella
| Wind
| Auchet
| Curse word to call an object, as an exclamation, or to emphasize another word
| Ave
| Hail, greetings
| Avek
| Power
| Ay
| Yes
| Belyn
| Boy
| Brehnyr
| Girl
| Brol
| Good, large
| Brolfyor
| Grandmother
| Brolmihr
| Grandfather
| Byeder
| Sibling, brother or sister
| Byederin
| Siblings, brothers, or sisters
| Clahn
| Family
| Dale
| Sword
| Del
| Town
| Den
| No
| Droch
| Worthy
| Drendroch
| Unworthy
| Dul
| A hillish or mountainous area
| Dure
| An Oath
| Dyr
| Peak of a mountain, the summit
| Elkor
| Friend
| Elkorin
| Friends
| Emek
| Afternoon [ The greeting "Brol Emek" is used for "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" ]
| Emyd
| Bow
| Fai
| Furthest, a long distancce
| Fheum
| Useless
| Freyl
| Fire
| Fyor
| Mother
| Gnekyr
| Orc
| Hal
| Northwest
| Halmyn
| Dwarf
| Hanihr
| Aunt
| Il
| West
| Ildic
| Home
| Ildon
| Haven, sanctuary
| Jagg
| Pronounced 'yaag', a curse word
| Jron
| Night
| Koyder
| Cousin, male or female
| Koyderin
| Cousins, male or female
| Loch
| Lake
| Malir
| Elf
| Mihr
| Father
| O/Oh
| North
| Ol
| South
| Olin
| Foe, enemy, opponent
| Olinin
| Foes, enemies, opponents
| Olsehr
| Woman
| Onihr
| Uncle
| Rhodi
| Exile
| Roh
| My, mine
| Ryme
| Exploration related
| Scoh
| Train, practice
| Sehn
| Son
| Sehr
| Man, used to refer to "Human" as well
| Sehrin
| Men, used to refer to "Humans" as well
| Skey
| Away, off
| Staig
| Next to, beside
| Svek
| Southwest
| Svel
| Southeast
| Therin
| Generalised word meaning ‘leader’, not used for the title of Adunian Lord or Earl, as the word ‘lord’ is the same in both common and thuaidian, and Earl is it’s own term, though it has been used to refer to a king, either the King of Fai O’Thuaid or the King of Irthgard
| Thuaid
| Land
| Thuak
| Earth
| Tohl
| Daughter
| Tor
| Seat, throne
| Val
| Serene, peaceful
| Vale
| Farewell
| Valoth
| Water
| Vars
| Morning
| Vlagt
| Curse word used as an exclamation, or to call another person
| Voysehn
| Nephew
| Voytohl
| Niece
| Yen
| The
| Yohn
| Your, yours
| Yolch
| Please and, or, thank you
'''Alternate Views on Historical Events:'''
== Alternate Views on Historical Events ==
There is a particular period of Adunian history around the time of Harren that has conflicting records of events. While Adunian sources claim that after Harren marched north and carved out his own kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid he stayed there in isolation (as did his successors), the Canonist church’s own sources state that Harren went south again, killing Krug and reclaiming his father’s lands. In his attempt to unify all of humanity under one banner, Harren then killed his youngest brother Godwin in single combat and forced his middle brother Joren to surrender his lands. Harren then reigned over all of humanity for over a decade before his nephew, Owyn Godwinson, rose up and defeated him at the Battle of Aaun, forcing him to flee north and abandon his southern holdings. Sources from Adunians and the Canonist church begin to realign at this point, but there are a number of smaller splits later on such as the Canonist belief in Baren killing Lorenus, the grandson of Joren. In the end, both accounts match up at Owyn Ulgaard’s highlander uprising and the banishment of Adunians from Aegis. Neither side can be entirely proven, as it can be argued the Canonist church fabricated accounts to use as propaganda against “Highlander Adunian” rebels, but it can also be argued that Adunian historians removed such events from their records in shame or to protect the reputation of their people. Most humans will argue that the Canonist account is the truth, while the majority of Adunians will remain loyal to their own accounts of history.
There is a particular period of Adunian history around the time of Harren that has conflicting records of events. While Adunian sources claim that after Harren marched north and carved out his own kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid he stayed there in isolation (as did his successors), the Canonist church’s own sources state that Harren went south again, killing Krug and reclaiming his father’s lands. In his attempt to unify all of humanity under one banner, Harren then killed his youngest brother Godwin in single combat and forced his middle brother Joren to surrender his lands. Harren then reigned over all of humanity for over a decade before his nephew, Owyn Godwinson, rose up and defeated him at the Battle of Aaun, forcing him to flee north and abandon his southern holdings. Sources from Adunians and the Canonist church begin to realign at this point, but there are a number of smaller splits later on such as the Canonist belief in Baren killing Lorenus, the grandson of Joren. In the end, both accounts match up at Owyn Ulgaard’s highlander uprising and the banishment of Adunians from Aegis. Neither side can be entirely proven, as it can be argued the Canonist church fabricated accounts to use as propaganda against “Highlander Adunian” rebels, but it can also be argued that Adunian historians removed such events from their records in shame or to protect the reputation of their people. Most humans will argue that the Canonist account is the truth, while the majority of Adunians will remain loyal to their own accounts of history.
'''“Highlander Adunians” and the Diaspora:'''
'''“Highlander Adunians” and The Diaspora'''
During the reign of Artorus Elendil, the last of the legitimate Adunian Lords, the Adunian people were primarily of two faiths; Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism. As New Adunian Creatorism shared most of Canonism’s beliefs, with a few added ones specific to Adunians, this period was without any sort of religion or tradition based conflict. This ended altogether with Artorus’s death and the rise of his successor, Torrhen Elendil, the first false Adunian Lord who stole the position from his younger brother, Harrion. Torrhen’s rule started the event known as the “highlander incursion”, with the northerner family of Tarus and the fishing clan Brae bringing the influence of north Aegisian highlander customs (including their “Old Faith”) to New Ildon and the wider Westfall duchy. The highlanders were able to gain Duke Torrhen’s support with little effort, who sought any method through which he could gain more followers, be they Adunian or not. Soon the highlander influence had gained a sturdy foothold in Adunian culture. Men started to wear strange skirts they called ‘kilts’, showing their legs and disgracing the Al’Ildic way of dressing. Their accent changed, going from the millennia old Thuaidian sound to a strange north Aegisian one, far more gruff and brutish on the ears, comparable to that of a dwarf. Values changed from loyalty to freedom, and soon all had forgotten the service Godfrey Horen had done in rebuilding the race alongside Artorus. All they wanted was independence, and nothing would stop them. Time after time, Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae rallied their blinded followers and rebelled against Oren in the same way Owyn Ulgaard had done under Arendil, though without an ounce of the legitimate cause that drove him. In the continent of Anthos Thorenir Elendil II, Starke Haryn and Caln Harnish raised their combined forces of the 2nd Ildician Order and Clan Harnish Rangers, loyalists to the Horen dynasty and Adunian traditionalism, using them to combat the highlander incursion.
During the reign of Artorus Elendil, the last of the legitimate Adunian Lords, the Adunian people were primarily of two faiths; Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism. As New Adunian Creatorism shared most of Canonism’s beliefs, with a few added ones specific to Adunians, this period was without any sort of religion or tradition based conflict. This ended altogether with Artorus’s death and the rise of his successor, Torrhen Elendil, the first false Adunian Lord who stole the position from his younger brother, Harrion. Torrhen’s rule started the event known as the “highlander incursion”, with the northerner family of Tarus and the fishing clan Brae bringing the influence of north Aegisian highlander customs (including their “Old Faith”) to New Ildon and the wider Westfall duchy. The highlanders were able to gain Duke Torrhen’s support with little effort, who sought any method through which he could gain more followers, be they Adunian or not. Soon the highlander influence had gained a sturdy foothold in Adunian culture. Men started to wear strange skirts they called ‘kilts’, showing their legs and disgracing the Al’Ildic way of dressing. Their accent changed, going from the millennia old Thuaidian sound to a strange north Aegisian one, far more gruff and brutish on the ears, comparable to that of a dwarf. Values changed from loyalty to freedom, and soon all had forgotten the service Godfrey Horen had done in rebuilding the race alongside Artorus. All they wanted was independence, and nothing would stop them. Time after time, Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae rallied their blinded followers and rebelled against Oren in the same way Owyn Ulgaard had done under Arendil, though without an ounce of the legitimate cause that drove him. In the continent of Anthos Thorenir Elendil II, Starke Haryn and Caln Harnish raised their combined forces of the 2nd Ildician Order and Clan Harnish Rangers, loyalists to the Horen dynasty and Adunian traditionalism, using them to combat the highlander incursion.
The Adunian Civil War was the result of this conflict, leaving both sides completely decimated and unable to remain unified, let alone start any sort of Adunian settlement. In the end, the highlander side rose up again almost a decade later, this time under the leadership of Torrhen’s son, Lachlan mor Elendil, the second false Adunian Lord. Lachlan founded his own ‘Kingdom of Adunia’ beneath the dwarves, first settling in Vaerhaven and later occupying Kaedrin. The so-called Kingdom was entirely based on a cult of personality surrounded Lachlan, and collapsed with his death, beginning the Adunian diaspora that continues to this day. Several attempts to create Adunian settlements have been made since, most notably by Kayrin Towers and Eldaril Elendil. As Harrion’s heir, Eldaril Elendil would have been the first legitimate Adunian Lord since Artorus, but the Circlet of Horen could not be recovered, and as so his coronation could not take place. He died of illness and the Adunian Realm collapsed once more. Now Adunians wander far and wide, spread throughout various societies and organizations. Some attempt to keep their lineage a secret due to the hatred felt for Adunians by the majority of humans (a result of the rebellions orchestrated by Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae), while others show it with pride, reverting to their age-old customs from Al’Ildic and trying to restore the wider community’s faith in the Adunian people. Any trace of so called ‘Adunian highlanders’ has been wiped clean from the continent.
The Adunian Civil War was the result of this conflict, leaving both sides completely decimated and unable to remain unified, let alone start any sort of Adunian settlement. In the end, the highlander side rose up again almost a decade later, this time under the leadership of Torrhen’s son, Lachlan mor Elendil, the second false Adunian Lord. Lachlan founded his own ‘Kingdom of Adunia’ beneath the dwarves, first settling in Vaerhaven and later occupying Kaedrin. The so-called Kingdom was entirely based on a cult of personality surrounded Lachlan, and collapsed with his death, beginning the Adunian diaspora that continues to this day. Several attempts to create Adunian settlements have been made since, most notably by Kayrin Towers and Eldaril Elendil. As Harrion’s heir, Eldaril Elendil would have been the first legitimate Adunian Lord since Artorus, but the Circlet of Horen could not be recovered, and as so his coronation could not take place. He died of illness and the Adunian Realm collapsed once more. Now Adunians wander far and wide, spread throughout various societies and organizations. Some attempt to keep their lineage a secret due to the hatred felt for Adunians by the majority of humans (a result of the rebellions orchestrated by Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae), while others show it with pride, reverting to their age-old customs from Al’Ildic and trying to restore the wider community’s faith in the Adunian people. Any trace of so-called ‘Adunian highlanders’ has been wiped clean from the continent.
== Adunian Traditions and Customs ==
'''Adunian Traditions and Customs:'''
There is an array of traditions and customs that have shaped Adunian society over the ages, and many continue in practice to this day. Many clans have their own traditions specific to themselves, some provinces have a similar system such as the Nivinese connection to Bowie Culture, while the most important customs are those that apply to the Realm and race as a whole.
There is an array of traditions and customs that have shaped Adunian society over the ages, and many continue in practice to this day. Many clans have their own traditions specific to themselves, some provinces have a similar system such as the Nivinese connection to Bowie Culture, while the most important customs are those that apply to the Realm and race as a whole.
===Adulthood & Laws===
- Succession laws in Adunian society differ from those of most other races. While a man in Oren will leave his lands and titles to his eldest son, an Adunian would leave his to the youngest. This system was put in place to assure a landowner could spend the longest time possible in his position, and quell the threat of political instability from provinces constantly changing hands. It also took away the issue of sons killing their fathers to take their positions ahead of time, as most heirs were too young to even consider such a course of action. In spite of this, the law did cause unnecessary hostility within families, as a young boy could grow up thinking he was his father’s heir, only for said father to bare a second child and force the first to relinquish their claim. It was a testing dilemma for many young Adunian men, but also a fitting method for them to prove their honor and dedication to their family above all else. The Adunian succession laws have been in place since Braen Elin’sehn, who left his position to his youngest son Farwil rather than his eldest Cirimas, who had been absent for many years living as a Bowie.
- Succession laws in Adunian society differ from those of most other races. While a man in Oren will leave his lands and titles to his eldest son, an Adunian would leave his to the youngest. This system was put in place to assure a landowner could spend the longest time possible in his position, and quell the threat of political instability from provinces constantly changing hands. It also took away the issue of sons killing their fathers to take their positions ahead of time, as most heirs were too young to even consider such a course of action. In spite of this, the law did cause unnecessary hostility within families, as a young boy could grow up thinking he was his father’s heir, only for said father to bare a second child and force the first to relinquish their claim. It was a testing dilemma for many young Adunian men, but also a fitting method for them to prove their honor and dedication to their family above all else. The Adunian succession laws have been in place since Braen Elin’sehn, who left his position to his youngest son Farwil rather than his eldest Cirimas, who had been absent for many years living as a Bowie.
- Adulthood in Adunian culture begins for a man when he has lived through 17 winters. At this point, a large celebration of drinking, dancing, and music will be held in honour of the man, the extent of festivities varying depending on his clan’s wealth. The celebration can last from one day to an entire month. When the festivities have concluded, the now adult Adunian man sets off on a trek. A man from a common clan might only explore his native province, when a member of a greater clan might also visit his neighboring regions and important sites around the realm. An Elendil, however, or another ruling-class Adunian is expected to visit each of the realm’s provinces, their main towns or cities, and major shrines to patron spirits. When the man returns, he can take on political or military roles in society, or elevate his position in whatever sect of the workforce he was being trained in beforehand. Adunian women have a completely different experience in their transition to adulthood, still being considered children until they have seen 20 winters. No elaborate celebrations are held to celebrate a woman’s coming of age, but a small family gathering might still be held with a few friends of the clan. The main change that marks the transition into adulthood for a woman is the ability for her to marry.
- Women have a strange place in Adunian culture. They dont face the same extreme control they are subjected to in societies like Oren, but they are still frowned upon if they seek certain career paths and are banned from positions in the Realm hierarchy. When they reach adulthood, women gain the same freedoms as men; they can enter the workforce, choose their own husband without the interference of other family members (though they were often threatened or pressured into heeding the judgement of their father or clan Elder), travel, or in extremely rare cases enter the military. While the ARC and Ildician Order were both strictly male-only, every once in a while a woman could rise to command the army of province or gain the status of a duelist among bowie-folk. For the most part, though, women were known to stay home, tend to the household, raise children, and contribute to the wellbeing of their town or city, and this was expected of them. Like all Adunians, women were expected to uphold dress standards, covering themselves from the head down, only exposing the skin on their hands, face and neck.
- Adulthood in Adunian culture begins for a man when he has lived through 17 winters. At this point, a large celebration of drinking, dancing, and music will be held in honor of the man, the extent of festivities varying depending on his clan’s wealth. The celebration can last from one day to an entire month. When the festivities have concluded, the now adult Adunian man sets off on a trek. A man from a common clan might only explore his native province when a member of a greater clan might also visit his neighboring regions and important sites around the realm. An Elendil, however, or another ruling-class Adunian is expected to visit each of the realm’s provinces, their main towns or cities, and major shrines to patron spirits. When the man returns, he can take on political or military roles in society, or elevate his position in whatever sect of the workforce he was being trained in beforehand. Adunian women have a completely different experience in their transition to adulthood, still being considered children until they have seen 20 winters. No elaborate celebrations are held to celebrate a woman’s coming of age, but a small family gathering might still be held with a few friends of the clan. The main change that marks the transition into adulthood for a woman is the ability for her to marry.
- The hierarchy of Adunian society in Al’Ildic was not a difficult one to understand. At the top were the Elendils, the one ‘ruling clan’ from which each ‘Adunian Lord’ came. The Adunian Lord was the sole and all-powerful monarch of the Realm, his right to rule residing in his descent from Horen the first of men, Baren the first of Adunians, and of the core triumvirate of Adunian Creatorist patrons; Elendil, Maria, and Braen Elin’sehn. Beneath the Lord, the Realm was split into ‘provinces’ and divided among ‘great clans’ who would govern them. From the great clan that owned a province, it’s ‘Earl’ was chosen, following the same laws of succession as the rest of the Realm. The Earl governed his province and the ‘regions’ it was divided into. Each region of a province would, in turn, be governed by an ‘overseer’, though the man who held this position was not chosen by blood. Below the great clans, all remaining families were equal, ‘common clans’, no matter the positions they held or the deeds they had done. As to assure he kept involved with the governing of his land, an Earl would be personally required to chose the overseer of each of his regions from the citizenry within it. When an overseer died or otherwise lost his position, his region would not pass on to another member of his clan or even his direct heir, but rather the Earl would choose a new one from all the prominent citizens of the province. Each province of the Realm had a main town or city and then depending on the wealth and power of its great clan, possibly another town or a fortress-town. A number of smaller villages or hamlets would occupy the remainder of the province, from where an overseer might govern his region. While the member of a great clan (or ruling clan) who was it’s official ‘Earl’ was chosen through succession law, the clan’s leader was a different man, called the ‘Elder’. The Elder of a clan would generally be it’s the eldest member unless there was sufficient reason for him to be bypassed, in which case it would fall to the next oldest. While the Elder of a clan held no additional official political power in the Realm or even his family’s province, he was the patriarch of his clan who all members were required to listen to. All clans, from ruling to common, would have an Elder to lead and guide them. Due to his age, the Elder was said to be closest to the spirits of the dead, and hence capable of giving the best advice and guidance. Another group stood between the Adunian Lord and his Earls; the Council of Thanes. The Council of Thanes were the ruler’s advisers who would oversee a specific area of the Realm’s governing. The positions on the Council were not set but instead changed from Lord to Lord in accordance to his requirements. Generally, though, there was at the least a High Marshal, a High Steward, and a High Treasurer on the Council of Thanes. In times when the Council had particularly high numbers, the Adunian Lord might instate a ‘High Thane’ to lead and organize the Council, essentially making him second in charge of the Realm, and regent in the Lord’s absence. The Thanes were not required to be of Earl status, or even born of a great clan, though typically the close relations and family ties through the ‘nobility’ meant the Council was dominated by the rulers of provinces. Some common clans, such as Douglas, were able to gain a seat on the Council a number of times throughout history due to their close friendship with the Elendils, eventually gaining themselves great clan status and a province in the final years of the Realm’s existence. All these ruling positions within the Realm could only be held by men, women were forbidden from obtaining such roles of power.
===Women & Legends===
- Women have a strange place in Adunian culture. They don't face the same extreme control they are subjected to in societies like Oren, but they are still frowned upon if they seek certain career paths and are banned from positions in the Realm hierarchy. When they reach adulthood, women gain the same freedoms as men; they can enter the workforce, choose their own husband without the interference of other family members (though they were often threatened or pressured into heeding the judgement of their father or clan Elder), travel, or in extremely rare cases enter the military. While the ARC and Ildician Order were both strictly male-only, every once in a while a woman could rise to command the army of the province or gain the status of a duelist among bowie-folk. For the most part, though, women were known to stay home, tend to the household, raise children, and contribute to the well-being of their town or city, and this was expected of them. Like all Adunians, women were expected to uphold dress standards, covering themselves from the head down, only exposing the skin on their hands, face, and neck.
- The stories of Yaepl and Yopil are a selection of tales surrounding a pair of twin brothers from the Viathas clan, told to Adunian children as a method of teaching them morals, tradition, and the general way of life. The stories differ from clan to clan, but centre around the brothers’ interactions with fantastical beings, spirits, legendary Adunian figures, and their travels throughout the Realm of Al’Ildic. The core story that remains the same across all clans is that Yaepl and Yopil were twin brothers raised in the Spires of Viath. Their older brother, Usdein, was the heir to Threlmor, and so little was expected of the twins. After dangerously jumping out of one of the spires and into the sea, Earl Viathas sent the twins to act as wards to Earl Wallas. After living in Fort Thul for several months, Yaepl and Yopil decided to sneak out during the night and trek north to the Frozen Shore. On their way, they encountered an Ildician baer (The Ildician baer is a giant, white-and-grey-furred creature, described as seeming part bear and part wolf. They are known to hunt in packs and attack any animal not part of their specific group. Several known attempts have been made to tame them throughout history, none of which were successful. They are native only to Al’Ildic’s northern shore, and the greater clans have been known to drape themselves in their valuable skins and furs. The brave and foolhardy were known to hunt them for sport, but most expeditions ended in tragedy.) and narrowly escaped being mauled by it. Once they reached the Frozen Shore, the twins fitted their boots with skates made from whittled sticks and set out across the ice. Before long though, the ice stopped and only the vast sea was stretched out before them, for it was the start of the summer months and the ice was melting. From the sea came a small boat carrying but a single man, draped in robes and furs, his face covered by a hood. The man revealed himself to be Elendil, son of Arendil, and told the children of Adunian history in Fai O’Thuaid and their conflict with the highlanders.
- The stories of Yaepl and Yopil are a selection of tales surrounding a pair of twin brothers from the Viathas clan, told to Adunian children as a method of teaching them morals, tradition, and the general way of life. The stories differ from clan to clan, but centre around the brothers’ interactions with fantastical beings, spirits, legendary Adunian figures, and their travels throughout the Realm of Al’Ildic. The core story that remains the same across all clans is that Yaepl and Yopil were twin brothers raised in the Spires of Viath. Their older brother, Usdein, was the heir to Threlmor, and so little was expected of the twins. After dangerously jumping out of one of the spires and into the sea, Earl Viathas sent the twins to act as wards to Earl Wallas. After living in Fort Thul for several months, Yaepl and Yopil decided to sneak out during the night and trek north to the Frozen Shore. On their way, they encountered an Ildician baer (The Ildician baer is a giant, white-and-grey-furred creature, described as seeming part bear and part wolf. They are known to hunt in packs and attack any animal not part of their specific group. Several known attempts have been made to tame them throughout history, none of which were successful. They are native only to Al’Ildic’s northern shore, and the greater clans have been known to drape themselves in their valuable skins and furs. The brave and foolhardy were known to hunt them for sport, but most expeditions ended in tragedy.) and narrowly escaped being mauled by it. Once they reached the Frozen Shore, the twins fitted their boots with skates made from whittled sticks, and set out across the ice. Before long though, the ice stopped and only the vast sea was stretched out before them, for it was the start of the summer months and the ice was melting. From the sea came a small boat carrying but a single man, draped in robes and furs, his face covered by a hood. The man revealed himself to be Elendil, son of Arendil, and told the children of Adunian history in Fai O’Thuaid and their conflict with the highlanders.
- Elendil then explained to the children the importance of the sea and water, or ‘valoth’ in the Thuaidian tongue, being where they crossed from their original homeland, where Sarai and the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by the rebels and lost to the ages, and of course where Elendil himself had disappeared on his own at the end of his reign. It is said that as Elendil explained each of these things that made the sea something holy to the Adunian people, Yaepl and Yopil saw them playing out across the water; Sarai’s fleet sailing past, Harren’s corpse floating in the water, and The Grey Fleet battling the harsh waves on their journey from Aegis. With his story complete, Elendil returned to his boat and rowed back out to sea, rejoining his fleet of followers. The twins concluded they had interacted directly with the spirit of Elendil, the patron father of Adunian Creatorism, and from that day onwards felt his guiding hand in everything they did. Following this initial adventure, the twins were made the wards of a different Earl (depending on who you ask, which Earl it was will differ, as this is where each clan starts it’s own version of the tales) and continued on a number of adventures around the realm, each time getting themselves in trouble and having to move on again. The stories are entirely fictional, with the exception of its two main characters. Yaepl and Yopil were real members of the Viathas clan, having lived in the late 600s and most of the 8th century. The start of the story where the twins jump into the sea and are sent to Avek’Baer is speculated to be the truth, but rather than head off on a plethora of adventures it is recorded that Yaepl was injured the night they snuck off, losing one of his hands in their encounter with the baer, and that they were both swiftly sent home to Threlmor. Yaepl was able to recover from his wounds, and the twins eventually joined the Ildician Order. They died following long and mostly uneventful military careers in the Jochscarth Gorge Ambush at the start of the Umer Dul Crisis.
- Elendil then explained to the children the importance of the sea and water, or ‘valoth’ in the Thuaidian tongue, being where they crossed from their original homeland, where Sarai and the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by the rebels and lost to the ages, and of course where Elendil himself had disappeared on his own at the end of his reign. It is said that as Elendil explained each of these things that made the sea something holy to the Adunian people, Yaepl and Yopil saw them playing out across the water; Sarai’s fleet sailing past, Harren’s corpse floating in the water, and The Grey Fleet battling the harsh waves on their journey from Aegis. With his story complete, Elendil returned to his boat and rowed back out to sea, rejoining his fleet of followers. The twins concluded they had interacted directly with the spirit of Elendil, the patron father of Adunian Creatorism, and from that day onwards felt his guiding hand in everything they did. Following this initial adventure, the twins were made the wards of a different Earl (depending on who you ask, which Earl it was will differ, as this is where each clan starts it’s own version of the tales) and continued on a number of adventures around the realm, each time getting themselves in trouble and having to move on again. The stories are entirely fictional, with the exception of its two main characters. Yaepl and Yopil were real members of the Viathas clan, having lived in the late 600s and most of the 8th century. The start of the story where the twins jump into the sea and are sent to Avek’Baer is speculated to be the truth, but rather than head off on a plethora of adventures it is recorded that Yaepl was injured the night they snuck off, losing one of his hands in their encounter with the baer, and that they were both swiftly sent home to Threlmor. Yaepl was able to recover from his wounds, and the twins eventually joined the Ildician Order. They died following long and mostly uneventful military careers in the Jochscarth Gorge Ambush at the start of the Umer Dul Crisis.
- The hierarchy of Adunian society in Al’Ildic was not a difficult one to understand. At the top were the Elendils, the one ‘ruling clan’ from which each ‘Adunian Lord’ came. The Adunian Lord was the sole and all-powerful monarch of the Realm, his right to rule residing in his descent from Horen the first of men, Baren the first of Adunians, and of the core triumvirate of Adunian Creatorist patrons; Elendil, Maria and Braen Elin’sehn. Beneath the Lord, the Realm was split into ‘provinces’ and divided among ‘great clans’ who would govern them. From the great clan that owned a province it’s ‘Earl’ was chosen, following the same laws of succession as the rest of the Realm. The Earl governed his province and the ‘regions’ it was divided into. Each region of a province would in turn be governed by an ‘overseer’, though the man who held this position was not chosen by blood. Below the great clans, all remaining families were equal, ‘common clans’, no matter the positions they held or the deeds they had done. As to assure he kept involved with the governing of his land, an Earl would be personally required to chose the overseer of each of his regions from the citizenry within it. When an overseer died or otherwise lost his position, his region would not pass on to another member of his clan or even his direct heir, but rather the Earl would choose a new one from all the prominent citizens of the province. Each province of the Realm had a main town or city, and then depending on the wealth and power of it’s great clan, possibly another town or a fortress-town. A number of smaller villages or hamlets would occupy the remainder of the province, from where an overseer might govern his region. While the member of a great clan (or ruling clan) who was it’s official ‘Earl’ was chosen through succession law, the clan’s leader was a different man, called the ‘Elder’. The Elder of a clan would generally be it’s eldest member, unless there was sufficient reason for him to be bypassed, in which case it would fall to the next oldest. While the Elder of a clan held no additional official political power in the Realm or even his family’s province, he was the patriarch of his clan who all members were required to listen to. All clans, from ruling to common, would have an Elder to lead and guide them. Due to his age, the Elder was said to be closest to the spirits of the dead, and hence capable of giving the best advice and guidance. Another group stood between the Adunian Lord and his Earls; the Council of Thanes. The Council of Thanes were the ruler’s advisers who would oversee a specific area of the Realm’s governing. The positions on the Council were not set, but instead changed from Lord to Lord in accordance to his requirements. Generally though, there was at the least a High Marshal, a High Steward, and a High Treasurer on the Council of Thanes. In times when the Council had particularly high numbers, the Adunian Lord might instate a ‘High Thane’ to lead and organize the Council, essentially making him second in charge of the Realm, and regent in the Lord’s absence. The Thanes were not required to be of Earl status, or even born of a great clan, though typically the close relations and family ties through the ‘nobility’ meant the Council was dominated by the rulers of provinces. Some common clans, such as Douglas, were able to gain a seat on the Council a number of times throughout history due to their close friendship with the Elendils, eventually gaining themselves great clan status and a province in the final years of the Realm’s existence. All these ruling positions within the Realm could only be held by men, women were forbidden from obtaining such roles of power.
- Bowies are a culture of their own within Adunian culture. Centring themselves around a nomadic lifestyle, bowies started to emerge in the early 5th century. At the time Adunian society was split between farmers and fishermen in the south, merchants, tradesmen, miners and lumberjacks in the north, and whalers off the northwestern coast. Society had been divided like this with the initial landing of Adunians on the continent. Those who stayed behind in the south reserved to a more primordial lifestyle while those who progressed north were forced into years of nomadic hardship, foraging and hunting while they struggled to continue on with civilization where they left off in Fai O’Thuaid. Although these years of hardship took a considerable toll on the northern settlers, it did pay off, and those in forest region were able to attain a much more civilized lifestyle than their Gelborian brethren. A generation of societal progress followed, and the aforementioned split occurred. The generation following this one however, did not see the same value in progressing backwards to what they saw as ‘Thuaidian’ society, as it had only been their downfall. Instead, they chose to take on the hard yet simple life of the original northern settlers, heading out into the forest in small bands, moving from place to place and living off the land, hunting and foraging. They rarely camped in one place for more than two or three days, unless there was a large gathering or festival taking place. Their hunting lifestyle placed great reliance on the use of bows, hence the name ‘bowies’ as they were labelled by the common folk, and they carried around nothing more than a few tools, furs to keep themselves warm, and camp equipment. Some bowies would have a mule to lift the burden of their belongings, though most were forced to carry them themselves, and so it was essential they pack light. After some time, the bowies began to divide themselves into family groups; a man, his wife, and his children. Sometimes two family groups would join together to pool their resources, though most groups tended to remain isolated unless it was some sort of special occasion. In different seasons, bowies would congregate at the shrines of certain Adunian religious patrons and hold elaborate festivals in their honour. There were also sizeable gatherings to celebrate a boy’s transition to manhood, usually holding a single ceremony for a dozen or more individuals. In the wake of Cirimas Elendil’s eastward expedition, bowies began to set out into the plains regions, with the region of Nivinor (later split into the provinces of Nivinor and Teron, along with some territory also having been taken by Ildicia) becoming the center of their culture. Bowie influence would continue in Nivinor right up until the fall of the continent, with the ruling clan of Nivinor having descended from the legendary bowie figure and patron Mercator Varmir. The invention of the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ can be attributed to the bowies of the plains, having constructed it to fill the gap between a part time weapon (bowies constantly engaged in knife fights to solve feuds between regions and family groups) and a tool that would further enable their lifestyle.
===Bowie Culture===
- Bowies are a culture of their own within Adunian culture. Centering themselves around a nomadic lifestyle, bowies started to emerge in the early 5th century. At the time Adunian society was split between farmers and fishermen in the south, merchants, tradesmen, miners and lumberjacks in the north, and whalers off the northwestern coast. Society had been divided like this with the initial landing of Adunians on the continent. Those who stayed behind in the south reserved to a more primordial lifestyle while those who progressed north were forced into years of nomadic hardship, foraging, and hunting while they struggled to continue on with a civilization where they left off in Fai O’Thuaid. Although these years of hardship took a considerable toll on the northern settlers, it did pay off, and those in forest region were able to attain a much more civilized lifestyle than their Gelborian brethren. A generation of societal progress followed, and the aforementioned split occurred. The generation following this one, however, did not see the same value in progressing backward to what they saw as ‘Thuaidian’ society, as it had only been their downfall. Instead, they chose to take on the hard yet simple life of the original northern settlers, heading out into the forest in small bands, moving from place to place and living off the land, hunting, and foraging. They rarely camped in one place for more than two or three days, unless there was a large gathering or festival taking place. Their hunting lifestyle placed great reliance on the use of bows, hence the name ‘bowies’ as they were labeled by the common folk, and they carried around nothing more than a few tools, furs to keep themselves warm, and camp equipment. Some bowies would have a mule to lift the burden of their belongings, though most were forced to carry them themselves, and so it was essential they pack light. After some time, the bowies began to divide themselves into family groups; a man, his wife, and his children. Sometimes two family groups would join together to pool their resources, though most groups tended to remain isolated unless it was some sort of special occasion. In different seasons, bowies would congregate at the shrines of certain Adunian religious patrons and hold elaborate festivals in their honor. There were also sizeable gatherings to celebrate a boy’s transition to manhood, usually holding a single ceremony for a dozen or more individuals. In the wake of Cirimas Elendil’s eastward expedition, bowies began to set out into the plains regions, with the region of Nivinor (later split into the provinces of Nivinor and Teron, along with some territory also having been taken by Ildicia) becoming the center of their culture. Bowie influence would continue in Nivinor right up until the fall of the continent, with the ruling clan of Nivinor having descended from the legendary bowie figure and patron Mercator Varmir. The invention of the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ can be attributed to the bowies of the plains, having constructed it to fill the gap between a part-time weapon (bowies constantly engaged in knife fights to solve feuds between regions and family groups) and a tool that would further enable their lifestyle.
====''Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger''====
- The song ‘Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger’ was written in the year 782 as an attempt to raise public opinion surrounding the ARC following the Umer Dul Crisis and Massacre. The song was written by Teronian patriot Erthor Ilynwyne, a former ARC ranger born to a clan of wheat farmers. The song tells the story of a nameless ranger who appears in the town of Del Koros and kills ‘Lomben Red’, a previously undefeated outlaw, in a traditional honor duel. The song comments on how duelists of the time would carry their bows in elaborate leather holsters slung down by their side, from where they could draw their weapon quickly and with ease, hopefully giving them an edge in the time it takes to string their bow and loose an arrow at their opponent. The song was originally written in Thuaidian, but like most famous documents and pieces of literature was translated by Lorekeeper Thrynn Viathas during the 11th century. It is commonly sung while traveling or in taverns and is passed down verbally from generation to generation. The song is widely considered important to Adunian patriotism and heritage in the Ranger Corps.
- The song ‘Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger’ was written in the year 782 as an attempt to raise public opinion surrounding the ARC following the Umer Dul Crisis and Massacre. The song was written by Teronian patriot Erthor Ilynwyne, a former ARC ranger born to a clan of wheat farmers. The song tells the story of a nameless ranger who appears in the town of Del Koros and kills ‘Lomben Red’, a previously undefeated outlaw, in a traditional honour duel. The song comments on how duelists of the time would carry their bows in elaborate leather holsters slung down by their side, from where they could draw their weapon quickly and with ease, hopefully giving them an edge in the time it takes to string their bow and loose an arrow at their opponent. The song was originally written in Thuaidian, but like most famous documents and pieces of literature, was translated by Lorekeeper Thrynn Viathas during the 11th century. It is commonly sung while travelling or in taverns, and is passed down verbally from generation to generation. The song is widely considered important to Adunian patriotism and heritage in the Ranger Corps.
''Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger:''
To the town of Del Koros rode a stranger one fine day
''To the town of Del Koros rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say
Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip
No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip
Line 165: Line 435:
And he's here to do some business with the warbow at his hip
And he's here to do some business with the warbow at his hip
In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Lomben Red
In this town, there lived an outlaw by the name of Lomben Red
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty four
He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty-four
And the notches on his longbow numbered one an nineteen more
And the notches on his longbow numbered one an nineteen more
Line 194: Line 464:
Oh he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
Oh he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip
When he tried to match the ranger with the warbow at his hip
When he tried to match the ranger with the warbow at his hip
===Great Clans===
*Elendil, Haryn, Varodyr
*Delmar, Douglas, Caellach
*Viathas, Valdemere, Culloch
*Annion, Wynsehn, Wallas
*Marsh, Nivin, Cercial
*Marsyr, Armas, Carthaig
*Lene, Loyola, Antiachys
===Notable Adunian Figures===
- '''''Baren “the Bold”''''', son of Harren and the first Adunian. Baren killed his father in a duel for leadership of the northern Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, and oversaw its largest period of growth. According to Canonist sources, he also slew Joren’s grandson and heir Lorenus, taking Jroth into his own lands.
- '''''Arendil''''', the king of Fai O’Thuaid at the time of its downfall. He is generally remembered as a weak man with little interest in maintaining his holdings, spending most of his indulging himself rather than seeing his duties upheld. He was killed in single combat by Owyn Ulgaard, as he himself knew little about fighting and had not practiced since he was a child. Elendil begged Owyn for permission to bury his father, but the rebel leader cast Arendil’s corpse off the cliffs instead, as he had done with Harren’s remains.
- '''''Elendil''''', the first ‘Adunian Lord’. He lead his people aboard the Grey Fleet from Aegis to Al’Ildic where he founded the Adunian Realm and settled in Ildon. He is remembered as a nobleman who cared deeply for his people and was among the wisest who ever lived. Adunian Creatorism remembers him as ‘the father’, it’s chief patron. In the end, Elendil refused to be killed by any will other than his own and set out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with a single sail and a pair of oars, never to be seen again. It is said by many Adunian Creatorists that Elendil was not killed, but rather raised into the heavens by the Creator in his mortal form.
- '''''Maria of Wallas''''', the first ‘Lady of Al’Ildic’. Maria played an important role in holding the Adunian folk together after the exodus from Aegis. She appealed to the women aboard the Grey Fleet so that they remained hopeful for salvation and kept at their duties, while also acting as a mother to all the younger Adunians. Maria also assisted in establishing the fishing villages and agricultural communities of Cape Gelbor, a region where she was celebrated until Al’Ildic’s collapse. Without her guiding role the Adunians may have turned on each other during their voyage and never reached the shores of Al’Ildic, and as a result, she is remembered as the patron mother in Adunian Creatorism.
- '''''Braen Elin’sehn''''', the patron prophet of Adunian Creatorism. The son of Elendil and the first of his line to be born in Al’Ildic, which he called ‘Harren’s chosen land for his descendants’. Braen believed the ancestral spirit of Harren spoke to him in visions which gave him the basis for Adunian Creatorism. He spread his word throughout Al’Ildic and sometime after his death it became the Realm’s official religion. Braen was killed shortly after succeeding his father as Adunian Lord, slashed across the chest by an Ildician baer during a hunting expedition on the Frozen Shore. It is said that before he died he told his friend Joerk Douglas that his father’s spirit was speaking to him, and demanded that he join him in the skies above. Joerk’s son Grimhal went on to spread the word of Braen’s deeds and establish the three original patrons of Adunian Creatorism. The Ildician baer that killed Braen was made the sigil of Clan Elendil after his death.
- '''''Cirimas Elendil''''', the founder of the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps). Cirimas left Ildon at seventeen and joined a group of bowies in the east of Ar’Norian. After 53 years he returned to Ildon and convinced his brother, Lord Farwil Elendil, to send him on an expedition east with the intent of exploring the continent and setting the path for future settlement. Cirimas and his band of bowies, who would become the first ARC rangers, mapped the entire continent over five years and cleansed it of the monsters that dwelled in the uninhabited regions. In his wake, many settlers moved out into the plains region and mountain range beyond, creating new independent realms and provinces. After his expedition was complete, Farwil placed Cirimas as the Chief of the ARC and gave him the task of maintaining peace and order in his Realm. Cirimas was made the patron of protection and justice in Adunian Creatorism after his death.
- '''''Garth Haryn''''', the founder of the Ildician Order. The Haryn clan is said to have descended from a bastard son of Harren by one of Sarai’s servants. By the time of expansion, the clan was stronger than most and well respected, renowned for their fighting skills. They laid claim to the plains region of Al’Ildic, conquering their neighbors and forming their own Independent Realm of Ildicia. Garth Haryn was the clan Elder and Lord of Ildicia at the time, and he used his position of power to found the Ildician Order that would protect his lands. The Ildician Order played a vital role in the years to come, participating in every major Adunian war ever to take place. The Haryns kept a firm grasp on the order’s leadership, though it’s allegiance eventually changed to favor Clan Elendil and the Adunian Lord. Garth Haryn also took a notable position in Adunian Creatorism as the patron of war and triumph in battle. He was killed by Nivinese rebels three years before the start of the First Unification War.
- '''''Mercator Varmir''''', leader of the Nivinese Revolution. Mercator Varmir was born to a pair of Nivinese bowies and grew up among the nomadic people. At a young age, he joined the ARC and served during Cirimas Elendil’s time as Chief. He rose through the ranks and became a respected Veteran Ranger, known for his fighting swiftness, skill in leadership, and his sense of justice. In 544 he triumphed over Garrus Othran in the Fight at Last Pine, a legendary tale known by all Adunians to this day. Five years later he left the ARC and began massing support in his homeland of Nivinor, culminating in the Nivinese Revolution against The Ildician Realm. Mercator was killed in the Siege of Fort Indarys, and his rebellion ultimately failed, but it triggered a reaction throughout the other provinces under Ildician rule and caused the First Unification War. Varmir’s descendants became the Nivin clan who would rule the province for centuries to come. Mercator himself is remembered as the patron of hunting and luck in Adunian Creatorism.
- '''''Falcryn Delmar''''', the Lord of The Independent Realm of Eldion at the time of the Second Unification War. The son of Hallus Delmar, whose ancestors had been the Earls of the town Del Mar in Fai O’Thuaid, Falcryn used the failed invasion of Canmoor by Al’Ildic forces to crush his neighbors to the north and incorporate them into his holdings. He started the Second Unification War by invading Dunwic and using his political skill to convince the Marshes of Muir to join his cause. Falcryn was not a military man, and did little fighting or commanding himself during the war, instead of leaving these duties to the commanders beneath him. Where Falcryn excelled was in his ability to unite and influence his people, which resulting in a massive movement of Irthgardian nationalism in the time of war, and greatly bolstered the numbers of Eldion’s armies. Upon his defeat, Falcryn continued to use his skill to retain his position as Earl of Eldion beneath Elendil rule, and even rose to become High Thane of the Realm under his opponent Erthor Elendil. After his death, Falcryn was made a patron of politics and negotiation in Adunian Creatorism, and many Adunian Lords believed his spirit guided them in the generations that followed.
- '''''Reman Elendil''''', the Adunian Lord who ordered the Umer Dul Massacre. Reman was the son of Sinderion Elendil, the Lord who oversaw the majority of the Umer Dul Crisis. In the last months of the crisis, Carmoor Havath, one of the rebel leaders, escaped his cell beneath Il’Tohr palace and slew Sinderion Elendil. As the rebel fled, Reman, a man renowned for his swordsmanship, stepped in his path and decapitated him with a single strike. After his father’s funeral and his own coronation, Reman’s first order was the slaughter of every last inhabitant of Umer Dul as retribution for his father, starting the Umer Dul massacre and completely depopulating the Umer Dul Wasteland. For his efforts, Adunian Creatorism remembers Reman Elendil as the patron of vengeance and loyalty.
- '''''Rymeul Elendil''''', the first Adunian Lord to travel back to Aegis. In his childhood Rymeul Elendil had spent his time studying the histories of Al’Ildic as most young Elendils did, and during this time he took a particular liking to Cirimas, especially his exploration of the continent. When he eventually became the Adunian Lord, Rymeul sought to follow in Cirimas’s footsteps. He had a fleet built, and set across the Southern Sea towards what he knew as the ancient continent of Aegis. In Aegis, Rymeul created ties to the Northmen, opened trade with Oren, and brought the town of Kjelov under Al’Ildic rule as Vel’Kellon. In Adunian Creatorism, Rymeul is the patron of exploration. The word ‘ryme’ in Thuaidian was named after him, meaning a settlement away from the homeland, or to do with exploration.
== Timeline of Adunian Events ==
'''23''' - Birth of Harren the Conqueror, son of Horen, father of Adunians
'''49''' - Sarai and her Mali’dun arrive in the Thuaid mountains and begin conquering the Highlander tribes settled there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army
'''51''' - After over a decade of fighting in his father’s army, Harren receives his father’s permission to head North and carve out a kingdom of his own, Horen gives his son a gold circlet with a diamond embedded upon the band as a parting gift, the circlet later becomes a symbol of the Adunian Lord of Al’Ildic '''|''' Harren and his followers arrive in the Thuaid mountains and adopt similar tactics to Sarai, soon clashing with her forces in The War to Control Thuaid
'''54''' - Harren and Sarai marry to end the conflict between their tribes '''|''' The Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid is formed with Harren as King and Sarai as Queen '''|''' Idunia (the capital of Fai O’Thuaid) is established on the cliffs above the sea on Aegis’s Northeast coastline '''|''' The Harrenites and Mali’dun intermarry while the highlanders remain an ‘enslaved’ lower class in their society
'''55''' - Birth of Baren son of Harren, the first Adunian '''|''' Adunian children are born is the result of the tribes intermarrying
'''58''' - Fai O’Thuaid is divided up into various provinces and distributed among the Harrenites and Mali’dun, meaning Adunians will inherit the lands
'''102''' - Birth of Olrandir, son of Baren
'''104''' - Baren challenges his father to a duel for his position as Fai O’Thuaid’s king, Baren wins the fight by piercing his father’s heart with an arming sword, ascending to his throne and burying his father in a public mausoleum at the gates of Idunia
'''110''' - Sarai and her remaining Mali’dun depart from Aegis as all their partners have died of old age or other causes, they leave the kingdom in the hands of their Adunian descendants and are never seen or heard from again, heading Northeast with aboard small fleet of ships
'''176''' - Birth of Alrendir, son of Olrandir
'''182''' - Olrandir begins fortifying Idunia, the construction of Farendal Keep commences, being built primarily by Highlander slaves
'''189''' - Farendal Keep is completed
'''233''' - Birth of Arendil, son of Alrendir
'''283''' - Olrandir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Alrendir
'''295''' - Birth of Elendil, son of Arendil
'''300''' - Owyn Ulgaard is born in a Thuaidian mining town
'''330''' - Owyn Ulgaard begins amassing support for his planned Highlander revolution that will dethrone and vanquish the Adunians
'''331''' - Alrendir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Arendil
'''332''' - Rebel uprisings take place in border towns of Fai O’Thuaid, the Adunian soldiers are vastly outnumbered by the rebellious Highlanders and are forced to retreat or face execution at the hands of the mob '''|''' Gradually more townships declare their allegiance to the rebellion, either murdering their Adunian overlords or forcing them to flee to the capital '''|''' By the end of the year only Idunia and a few of the surrounding towns remain under Adunian control
'''333''' - Owyn Ulgaard’s assembled “army” lays siege to Idunia after having seized the remaining Adunian townships '''|''' The rebels exploit hidden passages built by their slave ancestors who were forced to work in the construction of the city, infiltrating the city and opening the gates for the main army, the Highlanders stream into the city, rounding up Adunians and killing them in some cases, Harren’s mausoleum is broken into and his remains cast over the cliffs into the sea, Owyn Ulgaard fights Arendil in single combat, defeating him and declaring himself King of Fai O’Thuaid '''|''' The Adunians are forced to leave Aegis, boarding a fleet of ships under the guidance of Elendil and heading Northeast after their Mali’dun ancestors, hoping to find them and resettle in their lands
'''334''' - Elendil’s Adunians land in Al’Ildic on Cape Gelbor, having failed to find the Mali'dun but succeeded in their mission to locate a new home '''|''' Adunians split off from the main group and settle on Cape Gelbor, building fishing villages and setting aside land for agriculture
'''335''' - Elendil pushes North into Ar’Norian and settles at the foot of the Seven White Marble Peaks of Maria, establishing Ildon and proclaiming the new Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic, stretching along the West coast of the continent from Cape Gelbor to the Northernmost of Maria’s Peaks, Elendil calls himself the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, commonly shortened to ‘Adunian Lord’
'''359''' - Birth of Braen Elin’sehn, the son of Elendil
'''410''' - Bowies (a nomadic Adunian people who rely on hunting and foraging to survive rather than settlement and agriculture) begin to appear in the forest of Ar’Norian
'''420''' - Birth of Cirimas Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn
'''431''' - Birth of Farwil Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn
'''487''' - Birth of Mercator Elendil, son of Farwil Elendil '''|''' Elendil, at age 192, departs on his own during the Summer (when the Frozen Sea to the North of Al’Ildic isn't frozen over), setting out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with one sail and a pair of oars, claiming he wished to die on his own accord and do so fighting nature rather than men, he is never seen or heard from again
'''488''' - Braen Elin’sehn is killed by an Ildician Baer (a beast native to North coast of Al'Ildic, described as seeming to be part wolf and part bear, entirely hostile to any creature other than the Baers in it's pack and completely untamable), on a hunting expedition, the Ildician Baer is adopted as the sigil of clan Elendil
'''490''' - Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon (after spending 19 years among the bowie folk) requesting his brother’s blessing in an expedition East, paving the way for expansion
'''491''' - Bowie nomads and common Adunians seeking new opportunity head East in the trail of Cirimas Elendil, establishing new towns and settlements outside of the Al’Ildic Realm
'''493''' - Birth of Mercator Varmir, named after the Elendil child born six years prior due to his parents' respect and loyalty to the ruling Adunian dynasty
'''495''' - Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon having completed his expedition, the entirety of Al’Ildic mapped and the various monsters that occupied the central and eastern regions culled '''|''' Farwil Elendil founds the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps) to police his Realm and places his brother Cirimas as it’s Chief
'''499''' - The year when the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ was apparently invented
'''500''' - The Haryn clan who control Del Kaev and Maroch castle conquer their neighboring towns, Del Svor, Falcar, Del Yalek and Dunwic, founding the Independent Realm of Ildicia
'''501''' - The Ildician Order is founded by Garth Haryn to protect and police the Ildician Realm, many flock to join from Ildicia and Al’Ildic
'''502''' - Avek’Baer is settled by the Wallas clan who offer to become vassals of Al’Ildic, Farwil Elendil accepts the offer and the Wallas clan become the lords of the Frozen Shore
'''505''' - Ekvol is founded as the first settlement in the Irthgard ranges
'''Great Clans:'''
'''510''' - Mercator Varmir joins the ARC
'''554''' - The Fight at Last Pine takes place between Mercator Varmir and Garrus Othran
Elendil, Haryn, Varodyr
'''551''' - The independent realm of Eldion is founded, encompassing the modern provinces of Eldion, Revor Dul, Carthaig, and Losgiath
Delmar, Douglas, Caellach
'''556''' - Birth of Erthor Elendil, son of Mercator Elendil
Viathas, Valdemere, Culloch
'''557''' - Eldion tries to invade the independent provinces of Canmoor and Armana, but the Armas and Marsyr clans form an alliance and repel the invading forces
Annion, Wynsehn, Wallas
'''559''' - Mercator Varmir leaves the ARC
Marsh, Nivin, Cercial
'''560''' - The Nivinese Revolution begins against Ildicia, lead by Mercator Varmir
Marsyr, Armas, Carthaig
'''561''' - Mercator Varmir is killed in the defense of Fort Indarys
Lene, Loyola, Antiachys
'''562''' - Lomben, Teron and Dunwic all secede from Ildicia, sparking the First Unification War, the Elendils annex Nivinor and place Mercator Varmir’s son, Vidkun of Nivinor (whose descendants would be known as the Nivin Clan) as Earl and vassal to the Al’Ildic Realm
'''564''' - The First Unification War ends with the entirety of Ildicia being annexed and divided up as provinces of Al’Ildic, the Haryn clan are allowed to keep the central region of their former Realm '''|''' The Ildician Order becomes the official organized military of Al’Ildic
'''Notable Adunian Figures:'''
'''577''' - The Elendils spread East through Teron, taking the provinces of Caelliac and Teragh into the realm willingly and vassalizing clans Caellach and Wynsehn
- ''Baren “the Bold”'', son of Harren and the first Adunian. Baren killed his father in a duel for leadership of the northern Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, and oversaw its largest period of growth. According to Canonist sources, he also slew Joren’s grandson and heir Lorenus, taking Jroth into his own lands.
'''580''' - Farwil Elendil begins to invade the independent province of Muir and is assassinated by Havath, a supporter of the Marsh clan '''|''' Havath escapes the rangers hunting him and flees into Umer Dul '''|''' Mercator Elendil becomes Lord and completes the invasion by the end of the year, vassalizing the Marsh clan
- ''Arendil'', the king of Fai O’Thuaid at the time of its downfall. He is generally remembered as a weak man with little interest in maintaining his holdings, spending most of his indulging himself rather than seeing his duties upheld. He was killed in single combat by Owyn Ulgaard, as he himself knew little about fighting and had not practiced since he was a child. Elendil begged Owyn for permission to bury his father, but the rebel leader cast Arendil’s corpse off the cliffs instead, as he had done with Harren’s remains.
'''590''' - The Varodyr clan settles Ar’Galdor with the permission of Lord Mercator Elendil, making them vassals to the Al’Ildic Realm
- ''Elendil'', the first ‘Adunian Lord’. He lead his people aboard the Grey Fleet from Aegis to Al’Ildic where he founded the Adunian Realm and settled in Ildon. He is remembered as a noble man who cared deeply for his people, and was among the wisest who ever lived. Adunian Creatorism remembers him as ‘the father’, it’s chief patron. In the end, Elendil refused to be killed by any will other than his own, and set out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with a single sail and a pair of oars, never to be seen again. It is said by many Adunian Creatorists that Elendil was not killed, but rather raised into the heavens by the Creator in his mortal from.
'''601''' - Cirimas Elendil dies of old age
- ''Maria of Wallas'', the first ‘Lady of Al’Ildic’. Maria played an important role in holding the Adunian folk together after the exodus from Aegis. She appealed to the women aboard the Grey Fleet so that they remained hopeful for salvation and kept at their duties, while also acting as a mother to all the younger Adunians. Maria also assisted in establishing the fishing villages and agricultural communities of Cape Gelbor, a region where she was celebrated until Al’Ildic’s collapse. Without her guiding role the Adunians may have turned on each other during their voyage and never reached the shores of Al’Ildic, and as a result she is remembered as the patron mother in Adunian Creatorism.
'''618''' - Birth of Sinderion Elendil, son of Erthor Elendil
- ''Braen Elin’sehn'', the patron prophet of Adunian Creatorism. The son of Elendil and the first of his line to be born in Al’Ildic, which he called ‘Harren’s chosen land for his descendants’. Braen believed the ancestral spirit of Harren spoke to him in visions which gave him the basis for Adunian Creatorism. He spread his word throughout Al’Ildic and some time after his death it became the Realm’s official religion. Braen was killed shortly after succeeding his father as Adunian Lord, slashed across the chest by an Ildician baer during a hunting expedition on the Frozen Shore. It is said that before he died he told his friend Joerk Douglas that his father’s spirit was speaking to him, and demanded that he join him in the skies above. Joerk’s son Grimhal went on to spread the word of Braen’s deeds and establish the three original patrons of Adunian Creatorism. The Ildician baer that killed Braen was made the sigil of Clan Elendil after his death.
'''619''' - Mercator Elendil leads his army into Canmoor but is shot through the eye and killed in the First Battle for Canmoor Canyon, the Al’Ildic army retreats '''|''' The Delmar clan takes the opportunity to invade Canmoor and succeeds, prompting the Armas clan to accept Falcryn Delmar’s offer to vassalize Armana
- ''Cirimas Elendil'', the founder of the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps). Cirimas left Ildon at seventeen and joined a group of bowies in the east of Ar’Norian. After 53 years he returned to Ildon and convinced his brother, Lord Farwil Elendil, to send him on an expedition east with the intent of exploring the continent and setting the path for future settlement. Cirimas and his band of bowies, who would become the first ARC rangers, mapped the entire continent over five years and cleansed it of the monsters that dwelled in the uninhabited regions. In his wake, many settlers moved out into the plains region and mountain range beyond, creating new independent realms and provinces. After his expedition was complete, Farwil placed Cirimas as the Chief of the ARC and gave him the task of maintaining peace and order in his Realm. Cirimas was made the patron of protection and justice in Adunian Creatorism after his death.
'''621''' - Erthor Elendil invades Canmoor but is defeated in the Second Battle for Canmoor Canyon by the entrenched Eldion forces, the army of Al’Ildic is forced to retreat once again
- ''Garth Haryn'', the founder of the Ildician Order. The Haryn clan is said to have descended from a bastard son of Harren by one of Sarai’s servants. By the time of expansion, the clan was stronger than most and well respected, renowned for their fighting skills. They laid claim to the plains region of Al’Ildic, conquering their neighbours and forming their own Independent Realm of Ildicia. Garth Haryn was the clan Elder and Lord of Ildicia at the time, and he used his position of power to found the Ildician Order that would protect his lands. The Ildician Order played a vital role in the years to come, participating in every major Adunian war ever to take place. The Haryns kept a firm grasp on the order’s leadership, though it’s allegiance eventually changed to favour Clan Elendil and the Adunian Lord. Garth Haryn also took a notable position in Adunian Creatorism as the patron of war and triumph in battle. He was killed by Nivinese rebels three years before the start of the First Unification War.
'''622''' - Eldion forces march out of Canmoor Canyon and successfully invade Dunwic, sparking the Second Unification War '''|''' The Ildician Order manage to push the invaders back to Dunwic Town but lack to manpower to continue into Canmoor
- ''Mercator Varmir'', leader of the Nivinese Revolution. Mercator Varmir was born to a pair of Nivinese bowies and grew up among the nomadic people. At a young age, he joined the ARC and served during Cirimas Elendil’s time as Chief. He rose through the ranks and became a respected Veteran Ranger, known for his fighting swiftness, skill in leadership, and his sense of justice. In 544 he triumphed over Garrus Othran in the Fight at Last Pine, a legendary tale known by all Adunians to this day. Five years later he left the ARC and began massing support in his homeland of Nivinor, culminating in the Nivinese Revolution against The Ildician Realm. Mercator was killed in the Siege of Fort Indarys, and his rebellion ultimately failed, but it triggered a reaction throughout the other provinces under Ildician rule and caused the First Unification War. Varmir’s descendants became the Nivin clan who would rule the province for centuries to come. Mercator himself is remembered as the patron of hunting and luck in Adunian Creatorism.
'''623''' - Muir revolts against Al’Ildic and joins Eldion '''|''' Forces from Nivinor, Teron, Caelliac and Ar’Norian (unified under ARC command) take over the Dunwic line while the Ildician Order pushes South to hold the forces of Muir at bay '''|''' Clan Marsh is defeated before the end of the year but the army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia through Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev
- ''Falcryn Delmar'', the Lord of The Independent Realm of Eldion at the time of the Second Unification War. The son of Hallus Delmar, whose ancestors had been the Earls of the town Del Mar in Fai O’Thuaid, Falcryn used the failed invasion of Canmoor by Al’Ildic forces to crush his neighbours to the north and incorporate them into his holdings. He started the Second Unification War by invading Dunwic and using his political skill to convince the Marshes of Muir to join his cause. Falcryn was not a military man, and did little fighting or commanding himself during the war, instead leaving these duties to the commanders beneath him. Where Falcryn excelled was in his ability to unite and influence his people, which resulting in a massive movement of Irthgardian nationalism in the time of war, and greatly bolstered the numbers of Eldion’s armies. Upon his defeat, Falcryn continued to use his skill to retain his position as Earl of Eldion beneath Elendil rule, and even rose to become High Thane of the Realm under his opponent Erthor Elendil. After his death, Falcryn was made patron of politics and negotiation in Adunian Creatorism, and many Adunian Lords believed his spirit guided them in the generations that followed.
'''624''' - The Ildician Order invades Revor Dul and sieges Fort Hyel '''|''' The ARC unified forces in Dunwic manage to push Eldion’s main army back into Canmoor '''|''' A Wynsehn army from Teragh invades Armana and attacks Canmoor from the rear, allowing Al’Ildic forces to seize victory in the Third Battle for Canmoor Canyon '''|''' The Ildician Order takes Fort Hyel and attempts to move through the mountains and take Ekvol '''|''' Ildician forces are stranded when an army from Fort Carth retakes Fort Hyel and cuts off their supply line '''|''' Eldion forces defeat the Ildicians in the mountains west of Ekvol, scattering their army and capturing Orhdu Gyrn Haryn '''|''' Eldion forces retake Armana and block the advance of Al’Ildic's army
- ''Reman Elendil'', the Adunian Lord who ordered the Umer Dul Massacre. Reman was the son of Sinderion Elendil, the Lord who oversaw the majority of the Umer Dul Crisis. In the last months of the crisis, Carmoor Havath, one of the rebel leaders, escaped his cell beneath Il’Tohr palace and slew Sinderion Elendil. As the rebel fled, Reman, a man renowned for his swordsmanship, stepped in his path and decapitated him with a single strike. After his father’s funeral and his own coronation, Reman’s first order was the slaughter of every last inhabitant of Umer Dul as retribution for his father, starting the Umer Dul massacre and completely depopulating the Umer Dul Wasteland. For his efforts, Adunian Creatorism remembers Reman Elendil as the patron of vengeance and loyalty.
'''625''' - Ildician forces slowly reassemble at Maroch castle '''|''' Reinforcements from Cape Gelbor and Il’Ascella arrive at Canmoor, allowing the main force to move South towards Ekvol '''|''' The army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia a second time, laying siege to Castle Maroch '''|''' The Al’Ildic army bypasses Ekvol and successfully invades both Carthaig and Losgiath instead '''|''' Ildician forces at Castle Maroch succeed in repelling the Cercial army but lack the numbers to pursue them and mount another invasion of Revor Dul '''|''' Reinforcements from Ar’Galdor arrive to meet the Al’Ildic force in Losgiath
- ''Rymeul Elendil'', the first Adunian Lord to travel back to Aegis. In his childhood Rymeul Elendil had spent his time studying the histories of Al’Ildic as most young Elendils did, and during this time he took a particular liking to Cirimas, especially his exploration of the continent. When he eventually became the Adunian Lord, Rymeul sought to follow in Cirimas’s footsteps. He had a fleet built, and set across the Southern Sea towards what he knew as the ancient continent of Aegis. In Aegis, Rymeul created ties to the northmen, opened trade with Oren, and brought the town of Kjelov under Al’Ildic rule as Vel’Kellon. In Adunian Creatorism, Rymeul is the patron of exploration. The word ‘ryme’ in Thuaidian was named after him, meaning a settlement away from the homeland, or to do with exploration.
'''626''' - The Ildician Order finally assembles enough manpower to invade Revor Dul a second time, taking both Fort Hyel and Fort Carth '''|''' The Eldion army makes a desperate attempt to reclaim Losgiath with no sufficient source of food in the main mountain range '''|''' The Al’Ildic army overwhelms Eldion’s remaining forces in the Battle of Maremont Fields on the border of Losgiath and Eldion '''|''' Falcryn Delmar surrenders to Erthor Elendil and Eldion is vassalized by the Al’Ildic Realm, ending the Second Unification War, the Delmars give Erthor an Eldar steel sword of steel and gold as a sign of their new allegiance to the family, the sword becomes a relic passed from the Adunian Lord to his heir at the age of 17, named “Durendal”
'''667''' - The sons of Havath found the township of Havath’Sehn in Umer Dul
Timeline of Adunian Events
'''682''' - Birth of Reman Elendil, son of Sinderion Elendil
23 - Birth of Harren the Conqueror, son of Horen, father of Adunians
'''683''' - Stories and rumors of a town in the wasteland of Umer Dul begin to circulate in Al’Ildic, soon travelers start setting out to find the rumoured haven
49 - Sarai and her Mali’dun arrive in the Thuaid mountains and begin conquering the Highlander tribes settled there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army
'''700''' - Criminals begin to disappear into the Umer Dul wasteland while fleeing from the law
51 - After over a decade of fighting in his father’s army, Harren receives his father’s permission to head North and carve out a kingdom of his own, Horen gives his son a gold circlet with a diamond embedded upon the band as a parting gift, the circlet later becomes a symbol of the Adunian Lord of Al’Ildic | Harren and his followers arrive in the Thuaid mountains and adopt similar tactics to Sarai, soon clashing with her forces in The War to Control Thuaid
'''735''' - Birth of Vidkun Elendil, son of Reman Elendil
54 - Harren and Sarai marry to end the conflict between their tribes | The Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid is formed with Harren as King and Sarai as Queen | Idunia (the capital of Fai O’Thuaid) is established on the cliffs above the sea on Aegis’s Northeast coastline | The Harrenites and Mali’dun intermarry while the highlanders remain an ‘enslaved’ lower class in their society
'''755''' - Farmir Darmov, a Nivinese ARC ranger, pursues a horse thief into Umer Dul, discovering Havath’Sehn and the lawless criminal safe haven that the presumed empty desert-wasteland has become '''|''' Farmir Darmov warns ARC Chief Elkor Viathas of the build up of outlaws in the Umer Dul wasteland, who in turn reports the disturbance to Lord Sinderion Elendil '''|''' Sinderion Elendil mobilizes the Ildician Order under Orhdu Joch Wallas and High Marshal Grethor Delmar, sending them in to occupy Umer Dul, signifying the start of The Umer Dul Crisis '''|''' The Ildician Order is ambushed in what would become Jochscarth Gorge, taking heavy casualties at the hands of an organized militia of deserters and other fighting men from Havath’Sehn, Orhdu Joch Wallas is killed in battle and Grethor Delmar is forced to lead the army in a retreat '''|''' The Ildician Order dig in and patrol the Eastern border of Umer Dul, trying to prevent or at least restrict traffic in and out of the zone '''|''' Aerd Verok Wynsehn ascends to the position of Orhdu in the Ildician Order
55 - Birth of Baren son of Harren, the first Adunian | Adunian children are born are the result of the tribes intermarrying
'''757''' - Elkor Viathas organizes a task force of rangers to patrol Umer Dul and take measures to dismantle the society '''|''' Farmir Darmov is captured and tortured by Jorkun Havath after his cover is blown while trying to infiltrate one of Havath’Sehn’s ruling gangs
58 - Fai O’Thuaid is divided up into various provinces and distributed among the Harrenites and Mali’dun, meaning Adunians will inherit the lands
'''760''' - Rangers attack Jorkun Havath’s hideout, capturing him and rescuing Farmir Darmov '''|''' Jorkun Havath reveals the locations of two of his brothers’ hideouts in an interrogation, he drowns while being waterboarded before he can reveal more '''|''' The hideouts of Grekor and Korvir Havath are raided by ARC rangers, Korvir is killed by Farmir Darmov while Grekor is captured
- Birth of Olrandir, son of Baren
- Baren challenges his father to a duel for his position as Fai O’Thuaid’s king, Baren wins the fight by piercing his father’s heart with an arming sword, ascending to his throne and burying his father in a public mausoleum at the gates of Idunia
- Sarai and her remaining Mali’dun depart from Aegis as all their partners have died of old age or other causes, they leave the kingdom in the hands of their Adunian descendants and are never seen or heard from again, heading Northeast with aboard small fleet of ships
- Birth of Alrendir, son of Olrandir
- Olrandir begins fortifying Idunia, the construction of Farendal Keep commences, being built primarily by Highlander slaves
- Farendal Keep is completed
- Birth of Arendil, son of Alrendir
- Olrandir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Alrendir
- Birth of Elendil, son of Arendil
- Owyn Ulgaard is born in a Thuaidian mining town
- Owyn Ulgaard begins amassing support for his planned Highlander revolution that will dethrone and vanquish the Adunians
- Alrendir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Arendil
- Rebel uprisings take place in border towns of Fai O’Thuaid, the Adunian soldiers are vastly outnumbered by the rebellious Highlanders and are forced to retreat or face execution at the hands of the mob
- Gradually more townships declare their allegiance to the rebellion, either murdering their Adunian overlords or forcing them to flee to the capital
- By the end of the year only Idunia and a few of the surrounding towns remain under Adunian control
- Owyn Ulgaard’s assembled “army” lays siege to Idunia after having seized the remaining Adunian townships
- The rebels exploit hidden passages built by their slave ancestors who were forced to work in the construction of the city, infiltrating the city and opening the gates for the main army, the Highlanders stream into the city, rounding up Adunians and killing them in some cases, Harren’s mausoleum is broken into and his remains cast over the cliffs into the sea, Owyn Ulgaard fights Arendil in single combat, defeating him and declaring himself King of Fai O’Thuaid
- The Adunians are forced to leave Aegis, boarding a fleet of ships under the guidance of Elendil and heading Northeast after their Mali’dun ancestors, hoping to find them and resettle in their lands
- Elendil’s Adunians land in Al’Ildic on Cape Gelbor, having failed to find the Mali'dun but succeeded in their mission to locate a new home
- Adunians split off from the main group and settle on Cape Gelbor, building fishing villages and setting aside land for agriculture
- Elendil pushes North into Ar’Norian and settles at the foot of the Seven White Marble Peaks of Maria, establishing Ildon and proclaiming the new Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic, stretching along the West coast of the continent from Cape Gelbor to the Northernmost of Maria’s Peaks, Elendil calls himself the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, commonly shortened to ‘Adunian Lord’
- Birth of Braen Elin’sehn, the son of Elendil
- Bowies (a nomadic Adunian people who rely on hunting and foraging to survive rather than settlement and agriculture) begin to appear in the forest of Ar’Norian
- Birth of Cirimas Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn
- Birth of Farwil Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn
- Birth of Mercator Elendil, son of Farwil Elendil
- Elendil, at age 192, departs on his own during the Summer (when the Frozen Sea to the North of Al’Ildic isn't frozen over), setting out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with one sail and a pair of oars, claiming he wished to die on his own accord and do so fighting nature rather than men, he is never seen or heard from again
- Braen Elin’sehn is killed by an Ildician Baer (a beast native to North coast of Al'Ildic, described as seeming to be part wolf and part bear, entirely hostile to any creature other than the Baers in it's pack and completely untamable), on a hunting expedition, the Ildician Baer is adopted as the sigil of clan Elendil
- Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon (after spending 19 years among the bowie folk) requesting his brother’s blessing in an expedition East, paving the way for expansion
- Bowie nomads and common Adunians seeking new opportunity head East in the trail of Cirimas Elendil, establishing new towns and settlements outside of the Al’Ildic Realm
- Birth of Mercator Varmir, named after the Elendil child born six years prior due to his parents' respect and loyalty to the ruling Adunian dynasty
- Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon having completed his expedition, the entirety of Al’Ildic mapped and the various monsters that occupied the central and eastern regions culled
- Farwil Elendil founds the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps) to police his Realm and places his brother Cirimas as it’s Chief
- The year when the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ was apparently invented
- The Haryn clan who control Del Kaev and Maroch castle conquer their neighboring towns, Del Svor, Falcar, Del Yalek and Dunwic, founding the Independent Realm of Ildicia
- The Ildician Order is founded by Garth Haryn to protect and police the Ildician Realm, many flock to join from Ildicia and Al’Ildic
- Avek’Baer is settled by the Wallas clan who offer to become vassals of Al’Ildic, Farwil Elendil accepts the offer and the Wallas clan become the lords of the Frozen Shore
- Ekvol is founded as the first settlement in the Irthgard ranges
- Mercator Varmir joins the ARC
- The Fight at Last Pine takes place between Mercator Varmir and Garrus Othran
- The independent realm of Eldion is founded, encompassing the modern provinces of Eldion, Revor Dul, Carthaig, and Losgiath
- Birth of Erthor Elendil, son of Mercator Elendil
-Eldion tries to invade the independent provinces of Canmoor and Armana, but the Armas and Marsyr clans form an alliance and repel the invading forces
-Mercator Varmir leaves the ARC
-The Nivinese Revolution begins against Ildicia, lead by Mercator Varmir
-Mercator Varmir is killed in the defense of Fort Indarys
-Lomben, Teron and Dunwic all secede from Ildicia, sparking the First Unification War, the Elendils annex Nivinor and place Mercator Varmir’s son, Vidkun of Nivinor (whose descendants would be known as the Nivin Clan) as Earl and vassal to the Al’Ildic Realm
-The First Unification War ends with the entirety of Ildicia being annexed and divided up as provinces of Al’Ildic, the Haryn clan are allowed to keep the central region of their former Realm
-The Ildician Order becomes the official organized military of Al’Ildic
-The Elendils spread East through Teron, taking the provinces of Caelliac and Teragh into the realm willingly and vassalizing clans Caellach and Wynsehn
-Farwil Elendil begins to invade the independent province of Muir and is assassinated by Havath, a supporter of the Marsh clan
-Havath escapes the rangers hunting him and flees into Umer Dul
-Mercator Elendil becomes Lord and completes the invasion by the end of the year, vassalizing the Marsh clan
-The Varodyr clan settles Ar’Galdor with the permission of Lord Mercator Elendil, making them vassals to the Al’Ildic Realm
-Cirimas Elendil dies of old age
-Birth of Sinderion Elendil, son of Erthor Elendil
-Mercator Elendil leads his army into Canmoor but is shot through the eye and killed in the First Battle for Canmoor Canyon, the Al’Ildic army retreats
-The Delmar clan takes the opportunity to invade Canmoor and succeeds, prompting the Armas clan to accept Falcryn Delmar’s offer to vassalize Armana
-Erthor Elendil invades Canmoor but is defeated in the Second Battle for Canmoor Canyon by the entrenched Eldion forces, the army of Al’Ildic is forced to retreat once again
-Eldion forces march out of Canmoor Canyon and successfully invade Dunwic, sparking the Second Unification War
-The Ildician Order manage to push the invaders back to Dunwic Town but lack to manpower to continue into Canmoor
-Muir revolts against Al’Ildic and joins Eldion
-Forces from Nivinor, Teron, Caelliac and Ar’Norian (unified under ARC command) take over the Dunwic line while the Ildician Order pushes South to hold the forces of Muir at bay
-Clan Marsh is defeated before the end of the year but the army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia through Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev
-The Ildician Order invades Revor Dul and sieges Fort Hyel
-The ARC unified forces in Dunwic manage to push Eldion’s main army back into Canmoor
-A Wynsehn army from Teragh invades Armana and attacks Canmoor from the rear, allowing Al’Ildic forces to seize victory in the Third Battle for Canmoor Canyon
-The Ildician Order takes Fort Hyel and attempts to move through the mountains and take Ekvol
-Ildician forces are stranded when an army from Fort Carth retakes Fort Hyel and cuts off their supply line
-Eldion forces defeat the Ildicians in the mountains west of Ekvol, scattering their army and capturing Orhdu Gyrn Haryn
-Eldion forces retake Armana and block the advance of Al’Ildic's army
-Ildician forces slowly reassemble at Maroch castle
-Reinforcements from Cape Gelbor and Il’Ascella arrive at Canmoor, allowing the main force to move South towards Ekvol
-The army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia a second time, laying siege to Castle Maroch
-The Al’Ildic army bypasses Ekvol and successfully invades both Carthaig and Losgiath instead
-Ildician forces at Castle Maroch succeed in repelling the Cercial army but lack the numbers to pursue them and mount another invasion of Revor Dul
-Reinforcements from Ar’Galdor arrive to meet the Al’Ildic force in Losgiath
-The Ildician Order finally assembles enough manpower to invade Revor Dul a second time, taking both Fort Hyel and Fort Carth
-The Eldion army makes a desperate attempt to reclaim Losgiath with no sufficient source of food in the main mountain range
-The Al’Ildic army overwhelms Eldion’s remaining forces in the Battle of Maremont Fields on the border of Losgiath and Eldion
-Falcryn Delmar surrenders to Erthor Elendil and Eldion is vassalized by the Al’Ildic Realm, ending the Second Unification War, the Delmars give Erthor an Eldar steel sword of steel and gold as a sign of their new allegiance to the family, the sword becomes a relic passed from the Adunian Lord to his heir at the age of 17, named “Durendal”
-The sons of Havath found the township of Havath’Sehn in Umer Dul
-Birth of Reman Elendil, son of Sinderion Elendil
-Stories and rumours of a town in the wasteland of Umer Dul begin to circulate in Al’Ildic, soon travelers start setting out to find the rumoured haven
-Criminals begin to disappear into the Umer Dul wasteland while fleeing from the law
-Birth of Vidkun Elendil, son of Reman Elendil
-Farmir Darmov, a Nivinese ARC ranger, pursues a horse thief into Umer Dul, discovering Havath’Sehn and the lawless criminal safe haven that the presumed empty desert-wasteland has become
-Farmir Darmov warns ARC Chief Elkor Viathas of the build up of outlaws in the Umer Dul wasteland, who in turn reports the disturbance to Lord Sinderion Elendil
-Sinderion Elendil mobilizes the Ildician Order under Orhdu Joch Wallas and High Marshal Grethor Delmar, sending them in to occupy Umer Dul, signifying the start of The Umer Dul Crisis
-The Ildician Order is ambushed in what would become Jochscarth Gorge, taking heavy casualties at the hands of an organized militia of deserters and other fighting men from Havath’Sehn, Orhdu Joch Wallas is killed in battle and Grethor Delmar is forced to lead the army in a retreat
-The Ildician Order dig in and patrol the Eastern border of Umer Dul, trying to prevent or at least restrict traffic in and out of the zone
-Aerd Verok Wynsehn ascends to the position of Orhdu in the Ildician Order
-Elkor Viathas organizes a task force of rangers to patrol Umer Dul and take measures to dismantle the society
-Farmir Darmov is captured and tortured by Jorkun Havath after his cover is blown while trying to infiltrate one of Havath’Sehn’s ruling gangs
-Rangers attack Jorkun Havath’s hideout, capturing him and rescuing Farmir Darmov
-Jorkun Havath reveals the locations of two of his brothers’ hideouts in an interrogation, he drowns while being waterboarded before he can reveal more
-The hideouts of Grekor and Korvir Havath are raided by ARC rangers, Korvir is killed by Farmir Darmov while Grekor is captured
-Umer Dul is divided into sectors with a senior ranger being assigned to each, Elkor Viathas personally oversees the sector containing Havath’Sehn
-The Ildician Order move back into Umer Dul, occupying the region, the order is split into a number of divisions and assigned the a sector under the command of a ranger
-Rangers and Ildicians work together to locate and capture criminals hiding in Umer Dul, as most Adunians living there are 2nd or 3rd generation descendants of criminals that settled in the wasteland years before, the Al’Ildic forces also try to enforce the law and bring order to the wasteland so that it might become a province of the Al’Ildic Realm in the future
-A horde of militant Umer Del rebels attacks Havath’Sehn and slaughters the occupying force, Elkor Viathas manages to retreat back to another sector and gather reinforcements, the rebel forces capture Havath’Sehn and entrench themselves in anticipation of an attack
-A new ARC/Ildician Order headquarters is established beneath Mount Yurzol on the Western border of Umer Dul
-The forces of four sectors unify and attempt to retake Havath’Sehn, they manage to drive out the rebels and capture Carmor Havath, the leader of the warband
-Carmor Havath is sent to Ildon and imprisoned beneath Il’Tohr palace
-Elkor Viathas is killed when a rebel force raids the Mount Yurzol HQ, Farmir Darmov ascends to his position as ARC Chief
-Ildician and ARC forces engage in several minor skirmishes with rebel warbands in the Southwestern quadrant of Umer Dul
-Carmor Havath escapes from his cell beneath Il’Tohr and murders Lord Sinderion Elendil, Reman Elendil kills Carmor as he tries to flee
-Reman Elendil ascends to become Adunian Lord
-Reman Elendil sends orders to Farmir Darmov, Verok Wynsehn and Grethor Delmar, commanding that they wipe out the population of Umer Dul as retribution for his father’s death
-The Umer Dul Massacre begins, the Ildician Order with their ARC commanders sweep across their sectors and kill every inhabitant they find indiscriminately
-Several rebel warbands rise up and attempt to oppose the Ildicians but they are swiftly defeated by the rampaging military
-The remaining rebels flock to Havath’Sehn, believing that with their combined numbers they have a chance at defending it against the jAl’Ildic military
-Farmir Darmov leads the attack on Havath’Sehn, killing Havath’s last grandson Lurok in battle, the town is burnt to the ground and all its inhabitants are slaughtered
-The last of Umer Dul’s citizens either flee or die at the hands of Al’Ildic’s military, only soldiers remain in the wasteland
-The Ildician Order pulls out, returning to Maroch Castle, officially bringing The Umer Dul Crisis to an end
-ARC Chief Farmir Darmov declares Umer Dul a restricted military zone and erects a monument to the rangers and Ildicians who fell during the occupation in the ruins of Havath’Sehn
-Some rangers stay behind in Umer Dul, occupying the Mount Yurzol HQ and patrolling the wasteland to assure no rebels return, some criminals try to seek refuge across the border but they are captured and executed by the rangers, most ARC personnel leave Umer Dul and return to their former duties
-Birth of Dranan Elendil, son of Vidkun Elendil
-Twenty years after the end of the Umer Dul crisis, the last rangers leave the wasteland
-Reman Elendil dies of old age
-Birth of Rymeul Elendil, son of Dranan Elendil
-Vidkun Elendil dies of old age
-Birth of Anmas Elendil, son of Rymeul
-Rymeul Elendil departs on a voyage to Aegis, aiming to discover what has become of his ancestor’s country Fai O’Thuaid and the other descendants of Horen
-Rymeul meets with the King of Oren in Al'khazar, organizing a trade agreement between the nations and forging a stable alliance
-Trade with Oren and Northern Aegis opens
-The Church of the True Faith arrives in Al’Ildic, but people are slow to adopt it and generally continue to favour Adunian Creatorism
-Dranan Elendil dies of old age
-Birth of Bethrol Elendil, son of Anmas Elendil
-Rymeul Elendil dies of old age
-Birth of Gillion Elendil, son of Bethrol Elendil
-Anmas Elendil dies in a shipwreck on his way to Aegis
-Birth of Thorenir Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil
-Bethrol Elendil dies in battle, putting down a rebellion in Carthaig and Losgiath
-Birth of Rydel Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil
-Birth of Halboron Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil
-Birth of Aren Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil
-Gillion Elendil dies of an unknown illness
-Icarien Delmar takes the opportunity created by Gillion’s death to split off from Al’Ildic and reform the nation of his ancestors, he rides to Ildon and challenges the new Lord Rydel Elendil a duel, claiming that if he loses his country shall swear fealty to the Elendils but if he wins Eldion will secede from the Realm, Rydel initially refuses his request but is convinced to rethink his decision when his brother Thorenir explains the dishonour it will bring him and the Elendil clan
-Icarien Delmar and Rydel Elendil meet at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, they enter into a traditional honour duel and each miss their first shot, when Icarien goes to unstring his bow for a second round, the young Adunian Lord attempts to shoot Icarien outright but misses again, the Earl of Eldion is appalled by this act of deception and tries to leave, claiming he has won the duel by default, Rydel tries to have his men stop Icarien but his brother Thorenir allows the Earl to leave
-The Earls of the Irthgard provinces (Teragh, Armana, Canmoor, Revor Dul, Eldion, Carthaig, Losgaith, and Muir) refuse to renew their oaths of fealty to the new Adunian Lord, banding together and forming the Kingdom of Irthgard beneath Icarien Delmar
-Rydel Elendil declares war on the Kingdom of Irthgard to reunify the Adunian Realm, rallying the Ildician Order, the ARC, and the armies of each loyal province to his cause, marking the start of the Great Adunian War
-Walther Viathas, High Marshal of Al’Ildic and Orhdu of the Ildician Order, takes command of the Al’Ildic army with ARC Chief Thorenir Elendil as his 2IC
-Al’Ildic forces assemble at Castle Maroch in preparation for the invasion
-Walther Viathas leads his massive army in the Fourth Battle for Canmoor Canyon, hoping that their superior size will be enough to secure victory, the entrenched Irthgardian army roll boulders into the Canyon, crushing their advancing opponents and forcing a retreat, Walther Viathas is crushed by one such boulder and killed during the battle
-Thorenir Elendil takes command of the Al’Ildic forces
-Thorenir sends the Ildician Order North to the Frozen Shore
-The armies of Dunwic, Teron and Avek’Baer form a defensive line at Dunwic Town to block the Irthgardian army from advancing into the plains
-The armies of Lomben, Nivinor, Threlmor and Il’Ascella go South and invade Muir
-The Ildician Order invades Teragh and clashes with Irthgardian forces on the Northern coastline in the Battle at Mount Frorjurn, seizing victory and marching onwards to Del Fai to take control of the town
-The Irthgardian army pushes out Canmoor and attacks the Dunwic/Teron/Avek’Baer army at Dunwic Town, decimating their line and seizing the settlement
-The Irthgardian army burns crops and murders livestock as they push West across the Ildician plains region in Dunwic and then Nivinor
-The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella/Lomben army pushes Muir’s forces back to the Seaport of Nairn and overwhelms them in the Battle of Nairn, some Muir forces retreat to the island of Raghnall
-The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army rushes North to defend Nivinor against the advancing Irthgardians while the army of Lomben occupies Muir
-A fleet from Ar’Galdor sails around the South coast and attacks the island of Raghnall, the Varodyr forces land on the island and seize the fortress
-An Irthgardian Army advances from Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev
-The army of Il’Ascella breaks off from Nivinor/Threlmor and marches to Del Kaev
-The Ildician Order marches to Del Val and burns it to the ground during their march to Fort Gherov, enraged by the attack on their homeland
-The Nivinor/Threlmor army clashes with the Irthgardians at the River Dun near Last Pine in the Battle of Strigor’s Crossing, the Threlmorian soldiers advance head on at the Irthgardians while the Nivinese flank them, resulting in an Al’Ildic victory and the capture of many Irthgard troops
-ARC rangers infiltrate a number of Irthgard’s armies on the orders of Thorenir Elendil
-The Varodyr fleet raids along the Eastern coastline
-The Il’Ascella army drive the Revor Dul Irthgardians out of Del Kaev, entrenching their position in the town in preparation for a counter attack, the Revor Dul army attempts to retake the town but fails, retreating to Fort Hyel
-The Ildician Order lays siege to Fort Gherov, an army from Armana arrives to reinforce the army of Teragh but are defeated by the Ildicians, the army lead by Zaerek Haryn captures Fort Gherov and uses it as a prisoner for their POWs, leaving some of their force behind to guard it before marching South into the main range
-The Nivinor/Threlmor force pushes forward to Canmoor Canyon and holds position
-An army from Revor Dul marches out of Fort Carth to attack the Nivinor/Threlmor force, but Earl Thuramk Cercial is assassinated by an ARC ranger implanted among his soldiers, causing confusion and disarray and allowing the Nivinor/Threlmor force to push South and defeat them with ease
-The Il’Ascella army advances into Revor Dul and lays siege to Fort Hyel
-The Irthgardians build up defense in Armana as the Ildician Order advances South in order to prevent a pincer-attack on Canmoor Canyon
1281 - The Varodyr army lands in Carthaig and mounts an invasion by land, capturing Del Koros and burning it to ground before pushing South towards Losgiath and destroying everything in their path '''|''' The Ildician Order tries to push into Armana but is defeated and forced to retreat in the First Battle of Galstor Gorge '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor force recieves reinforcements from across the plains and forest regions, gathering strength at the foot of Canmoor Canyon '''|''' The army of Il’Ascella capture Fort Hyel before advancing North to rejoin the main Nivinor/Threlmor army '''|''' The army of Ar’Galdor captures Del Rhien’al and burns it to the ground as they did to Del Koros, the force then turns North and advances into Eldion towards Ekvol '''|''' Thorenir Elendil orchestrates ARC Operation Antler; overnight the rangers embedded in the armies defending Armana and Canmoor assassinate their Irthgardian commanders, plunging the defending forces into chaos '''|''' The Ildician Order rushes South, taking advantage of the chaos, engaging the Irthgardian forces in the Second Battle for Galstor Gorge and emerging victorious '''|''' With the Irthgardian rear guard weakened in Armana, the Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army pushes into Canmoor Canyon, ARC rangers in the mountains take control of the sites from where boulders are being dropped into the canyon, the Ildician Order pushes further South and attacks the Canmoor defenders from the rear, all resulting in a decisive Al’Ildic victory in the Fifth Battle for Canmoor Canyon '''|''' The Ildician/mainland army arrives at Ekvol from the North a few days after the Ar’Galdor force arrives from the South, the Al’Ildic forces lay siege to the Eldion capital
'''762''' - Umer Dul is divided into sectors with a senior ranger being assigned to each, Elkor Viathas personally oversees the sector containing Havath’Sehn '''|''' The Ildician Order move back into Umer Dul, occupying the region, the order is split into a number of divisions and assigned the a sector under the command of a ranger '''|''' Rangers and Ildicians work together to locate and capture criminals hiding in Umer Dul, as most Adunians living there are 2nd or 3rd generation descendants of criminals that settled in the wasteland years before, the Al’Ildic forces also try to enforce the law and bring order to the wasteland so that it might become a province of the Al’Ildic Realm in the future
1282 - Thorenir Elendil executes ARC Operation Sandstone; the Al’Ildic army launches attacks on Ekvol’s main gates while Thorenir himself leads the rangers up into the mountains behind the city, they scale the walls of the Stone Keep and infiltrate the Delmar palace, Thorenir and Icarien duel with swords and the Ranger Chief emerges victorious, capturing the rebel King and forcing him to surrender, the Irthgardian army stands down and the Al’Ildic army occupies Ekvol, ending the Great Adunian War '''|''' Thorenir Elendil personally escorts Icarien Delmar to Ildon for his trial '''|''' Valrik Douglas, Aerd of the Ildician Order and a clan Elendil loyalist, is placed as protector of Eldion during the time of military occupation | Icarien Delmar demands a trial by combat and enters into an honour duel against Thorenir Elendil at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, where he first fought Rydel four years earlier, Thorenir draws faster than his opponent and shoots Icarien through the heart '''|''' Douglas are made the new Earls of Eldion, the other clans are given back their land |The remaining Delmars flee from Al’Ildic, crossing the sea to Aegis
'''765''' - A horde of militant Umer Del rebels attacks Havath’Sehn and slaughters the occupying force, Elkor Viathas manages to retreat back to another sector and gather reinforcements, the rebel forces capture Havath’Sehn and entrench themselves in anticipation of an attack '''|''' A new ARC/Ildician Order headquarters is established beneath Mount Yurzol on the Western border of Umer Dul '''|''' The forces of four sectors unify and attempt to retake Havath’Sehn, they manage to drive out the rebels and capture Carmor Havath, the leader of the warband '''|''' Carmor Havath is sent to Ildon and imprisoned beneath Il’Tohr palace
1291 - Thorenir Elendil and his supports attempt a coup against Lord Rydel Elendil, certain his leadership will drive the Realm to ruin, most citizens are scared by the prospect of dethroning an Adunian Lord and despite their hatred for Rydel they support him over Thorenir, the Ildician Order capture the ARC Chief and his supports, executing many of them on Rydel’s orders '''|''' Thorenir Elendil is exiled by his brother, crossing the sea to Aegis
'''768''' - Elkor Viathas is killed when a rebel force raids the Mount Yurzol HQ, Farmir Darmov ascends to his position as ARC Chief '''|''' Ildician and ARC forces engage in several minor skirmishes with rebel warbands in the Southwestern quadrant of Umer Dul
1299 - Birth of Artorus Elendil, son of Aren Elendil, the first Adunian in the line of succession to have a pure-human mother, a woman from Oren’s House Vivyaen
'''774''' - Carmor Havath escapes from his cell beneath Il’Tohr and murders Lord Sinderion Elendil, Reman Elendil kills Carmor as he tries to flee '''|''' Reman Elendil ascends to become Adunian Lord '''|''' Reman Elendil sends orders to Farmir Darmov, Verok Wynsehn and Grethor Delmar, commanding that they wipe out the population of Umer Dul as retribution for his father’s death '''|''' The Umer Dul Massacre begins, the Ildician Order with their ARC commanders sweep across their sectors and kill every inhabitant they find indiscriminately '''|''' Several rebel warbands rise up and attempt to oppose the Ildicians but they are swiftly defeated by the rampaging military '''|''' The remaining rebels flock to Havath’Sehn, believing that with their combined numbers they have a chance at defending it against the Al’Ildic military '''|''' Farmir Darmov leads the attack on Havath’Sehn, killing Havath’s last grandson Lurok in battle, the town is burnt to the ground and all its inhabitants are slaughtered
1302 - Aren Elendil dies putting down a rebellion in Lomben, having never ascended to his position as Adunian Lord, leaving his son Artorus as heir
'''775''' - The last of Umer Dul’s citizens either flee or die at the hands of Al’Ildic’s military, only soldiers remain in the wasteland '''|''' The Ildician Order pulls out, returning to Maroch Castle, officially bringing The Umer Dul Crisis to an end '''|''' ARC Chief Farmir Darmov declares Umer Dul a restricted military zone and erects a monument to the rangers and Ildicians who fell during the occupation in the ruins of Havath’Sehn '''|''' Some rangers stay behind in Umer Dul, occupying the Mount Yurzol HQ and patrolling the wasteland to assure no rebels return, some criminals try to seek refuge across the border but they are captured and executed by the rangers, most ARC personnel leave Umer Dul and return to their former duties
1305 - Birth of Adrian Elendil
'''793''' - Birth of Dranan Elendil, son of Vidkun Elendil
1309 - The Undead arrive in Al’Ildic, overwhelming Ar’Galdor during the night and ariving on the East coast of the main continent in the early hours of the morning, they slaughter everything in their path up to the mouth of Canmoor Canyon, where the Ildician Order lead by Orhdu Konagan Haryn stand against the invaders in the legendary battle known as “The Defense of Konagan’s Ridge”, the Ildicians hold the ridge for hours against Undead onslaught before being forced to retreat to Maroch castle, Konagan dies in the battle and his Aerd Wilhelm Antiochus takes command, Starke Haryn rides to Ildon to warn High Marshal Loramyr Wallas and ARC Chief Halboron Elendil who organise the defense of the capital, the Ildicians can only defend Maroch for a few short hours before being overwhelmed and the Undead are allowed to advance towards Ildon where the armies of most remaining Earls have assembled, the Undead clash with the Adunians at the Southern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak in the “Great Battle of Ildon”, the combined forces of Al’Ildic are decimated and the Undead destroy Ildon before moving on to the remaining strongholds across the continent, Rydel Elendil is burnt to death by an Undead necromancer in his keep, Halboron Elendil manages to flee the continent with a handful of his family’s relics and Artorus Elendil, Rydel’s young heir
'''795''' - Twenty years after the end of the Umer Dul crisis, the last rangers leave the wasteland
'''863''' - Reman Elendil dies of old age
'''887''' - Birth of Rymeul Elendil, son of Dranan Elendil
'''914''' - Vidkun Elendil dies of old age
'''970''' - Birth of Anmas Elendil, son of Rymeul
'''1000''' - Rymeul Elendil departs on a voyage to Aegis, aiming to discover what has become of his ancestor’s country Fai O’Thuaid and the other descendants of Horen '''|''' Rymeul meets with the King of Oren in Al'khazar, organizing a trade agreement between the nations and forging a stable alliance\
'''1001''' - Trade with Oren and Northern Aegis opens
'''1002''' - The Church of the True Faith arrives in Al’Ildic, but people are slow to adopt it and generally continue to favour Adunian Creatorism
'''1053''' - Dranan Elendil dies of old age
'''1058''' -Birth of Bethrol Elendil, son of Anmas Elendil
'''1070''' - Rymeul Elendil dies of old age
'''1114''' - Birth of Gillion Elendil, son of Bethrol Elendil
'''1144''' - Anmas Elendil dies in a shipwreck on his way to Aegis
'''1198''' - Birth of Thorenir Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil
'''1201''' - Bethrol Elendil dies in battle, putting down a rebellion in Carthaig and Losgiath
'''1219''' - Birth of Rydel Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil
'''1261''' - Birth of Halboron Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil
'''1276''' - Birth of Aren Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil
'''1278''' - Gillion Elendil dies of an unknown illness '''|''' Icarien Delmar takes the opportunity created by Gillion’s death to split off from Al’Ildic and reform the nation of his ancestors, he rides to Ildon and challenges the new Lord Rydel Elendil a duel, claiming that if he loses his country shall swear fealty to the Elendils but if he wins Eldion will secede from the Realm, Rydel initially refuses his request but is convinced to rethink his decision when his brother Thorenir explains the dishonour it will bring him and the Elendil clan '''|''' Icarien Delmar and Rydel Elendil meet at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, they enter into a traditional honour duel and each miss their first shot, when Icarien goes to unstring his bow for a second round, the young Adunian Lord attempts to shoot Icarien outright but misses again, the Earl of Eldion is appalled by this act of deception and tries to leave, claiming he has won the duel by default, Rydel tries to have his men stop Icarien but his brother Thorenir allows the Earl to leave '''|''' The Earls of the Irthgard provinces (Teragh, Armana, Canmoor, Revor Dul, Eldion, Carthaig, Losgaith, and Muir) refuse to renew their oaths of fealty to the new Adunian Lord, banding together and forming the Kingdom of Irthgard beneath Icarien Delmar '''|''' Rydel Elendil declares war on the Kingdom of Irthgard to reunify the Adunian Realm, rallying the Ildician Order, the ARC, and the armies of each loyal province to his cause, marking the start of the Great Adunian War '''|''' Walther Viathas, High Marshal of Al’Ildic and Orhdu of the Ildician Order, takes command of the Al’Ildic army with ARC Chief Thorenir Elendil as his 2IC '''|''' Al’Ildic forces assemble at Castle Maroch in preparation for the invasion
'''1279''' - Walther Viathas leads his massive army in the Fourth Battle for Canmoor Canyon, hoping that their superior size will be enough to secure victory, the entrenched Irthgardian army roll boulders into the Canyon, crushing their advancing opponents and forcing a retreat, Walther Viathas is crushed by one such boulder and killed during the battle '''|''' Thorenir Elendil takes command of the Al’Ildic forces '''|''' Thorenir sends the Ildician Order North to the Frozen Shore '''|''' The armies of Dunwic, Teron and Avek’Baer form a defensive line at Dunwic Town to block the Irthgardian army from advancing into the plains '''|''' The armies of Lomben, Nivinor, Threlmor and Il’Ascella go South and invade Muir '''|''' The Ildician Order invades Teragh and clashes with Irthgardian forces on the Northern coastline in the Battle at Mount Frorjurn, seizing victory and marching onwards to Del Fai to take control of the town '''|''' The Irthgardian army pushes out Canmoor and attacks the Dunwic/Teron/Avek’Baer army at Dunwic Town, decimating their line and seizing the settlement '''|''' The Irthgardian army burns crops and murders livestock as they push West across the Ildician plains region in Dunwic and then Nivinor '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella/Lomben army pushes Muir’s forces back to the Seaport of Nairn and overwhelms them in the Battle of Nairn, some Muir forces retreat to the island of Raghnall '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army rushes North to defend Nivinor against the advancing Irthgardians while the army of Lomben occupies Muir '''|''' A fleet from Ar’Galdor sails around the South coast and attacks the island of Raghnall, the Varodyr forces land on the island and seize the fortress
'''1280''' - An Irthgardian Army advances from Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev '''|''' The army of Il’Ascella breaks off from Nivinor/Threlmor and marches to Del Kaev '''|''' The Ildician Order marches to Del Val and burns it to the ground during their march to Fort Gherov, enraged by the attack on their homeland '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor army clashes with the Irthgardians at the River Dun near Last Pine in the Battle of Strigor’s Crossing, the Threlmorian soldiers advance head on at the Irthgardians while the Nivinese flank them, resulting in an Al’Ildic victory and the capture of many Irthgard troops '''|''' ARC rangers infiltrate a number of Irthgard’s armies on the orders of Thorenir Elendil '''|''' The Varodyr fleet raids along the Eastern coastline '''|''' The Il’Ascella army drive the Revor Dul Irthgardians out of Del Kaev, entrenching their position in the town in preparation for a counter attack, the Revor Dul army attempts to retake the town but fails, retreating to Fort Hyel '''|''' The Ildician Order lays siege to Fort Gherov, an army from Armana arrives to reinforce the army of Teragh but are defeated by the Ildicians, the army lead by Zaerek Haryn captures Fort Gherov and uses it as a prisoner for their POWs, leaving some of their force behind to guard it before marching South into the main range '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor force pushes forward to Canmoor Canyon and holds position '''|''' An army from Revor Dul marches out of Fort Carth to attack the Nivinor/Threlmor force, but Earl Thuramk Cercial is assassinated by an ARC ranger implanted among his soldiers, causing confusion and disarray and allowing the Nivinor/Threlmor force to push South and defeat them with ease '''|''' The Il’Ascella army advances into Revor Dul and lays siege to Fort Hyel '''|''' The Irthgardians build up defense in Armana as the Ildician Order advances South in order to prevent a pincer-attack on Canmoor Canyon
'''1281''' - The Varodyr army lands in Carthaig and mounts an invasion by land, capturing Del Koros and burning it to ground before pushing South towards Losgiath and destroying everything in their path '''|''' The Ildician Order tries to push into Armana but is defeated and forced to retreat in the First Battle of Galstor Gorge '''|''' The Nivinor/Threlmor force recieves reinforcements from across the plains and forest regions, gathering strength at the foot of Canmoor Canyon '''|''' The army of Il’Ascella capture Fort Hyel before advancing North to rejoin the main Nivinor/Threlmor army '''|''' The army of Ar’Galdor captures Del Rhien’al and burns it to the ground as they did to Del Koros, the force then turns North and advances into Eldion towards Ekvol '''|''' Thorenir Elendil orchestrates ARC Operation Antler; overnight the rangers embedded in the armies defending Armana and Canmoor assassinate their Irthgardian commanders, plunging the defending forces into chaos '''|''' The Ildician Order rushes South, taking advantage of the chaos, engaging the Irthgardian forces in the Second Battle for Galstor Gorge and emerging victorious '''|''' With the Irthgardian rear guard weakened in Armana, the Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army pushes into Canmoor Canyon, ARC rangers in the mountains take control of the sites from where boulders are being dropped into the canyon, the Ildician Order pushes further South and attacks the Canmoor defenders from the rear, all resulting in a decisive Al’Ildic victory in the Fifth Battle for Canmoor Canyon '''|''' The Ildician/mainland army arrives at Ekvol from the North a few days after the Ar’Galdor force arrives from the South, the Al’Ildic forces lay siege to the Eldion capital
'''1282''' - Thorenir Elendil executes ARC Operation Sandstone; the Al’Ildic army launches attacks on Ekvol’s main gates while Thorenir himself leads the rangers up into the mountains behind the city, they scale the walls of the Stone Keep and infiltrate the Delmar palace, Thorenir and Icarien duel with swords and the Ranger Chief emerges victorious, capturing the rebel King and forcing him to surrender, the Irthgardian army stands down and the Al’Ildic army occupies Ekvol, ending the Great Adunian War '''|''' Thorenir Elendil personally escorts Icarien Delmar to Ildon for his trial '''|''' Valrik Douglas, Aerd of the Ildician Order and a clan Elendil loyalist, is placed as protector of Eldion during the time of military occupation | Icarien Delmar demands a trial by combat and enters into an honour duel against Thorenir Elendil at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, where he first fought Rydel four years earlier, Thorenir draws faster than his opponent and shoots Icarien through the heart '''|''' Douglas are made the new Earls of Eldion, the other clans are given back their land |The remaining Delmars flee from Al’Ildic, crossing the sea to Aegis
'''1291''' - Thorenir Elendil and his supports attempt a coup against Lord Rydel Elendil, certain his leadership will drive the Realm to ruin, most citizens are scared by the prospect of dethroning an Adunian Lord and despite their hatred for Rydel they support him over Thorenir, the Ildician Order capture the ARC Chief and his supports, executing many of them on Rydel’s orders '''|''' Thorenir Elendil is exiled by his brother, crossing the sea to Aegis
'''1299''' - Birth of Artorus Elendil, son of Aren Elendil, the first Adunian in the line of succession to have a pure-human mother, a woman from Oren’s House Vivyaen
'''1302''' - Aren Elendil dies putting down a rebellion in Lomben, having never ascended to his position as Adunian Lord, leaving his son Artorus as heir
'''1305''' - Birth of Adrian Elendil
'''1309''' - The Undead arrive in Al’Ildic, overwhelming Ar’Galdor during the night and ariving on the East coast of the main continent in the early hours of the morning, they slaughter everything in their path up to the mouth of Canmoor Canyon, where the Ildician Order lead by Orhdu Konagan Haryn stand against the invaders in the legendary battle known as “The Defense of Konagan’s Ridge”, the Ildicians hold the ridge for hours against Undead onslaught before being forced to retreat to Maroch castle, Konagan dies in the battle and his Aerd Wilhelm Antiochus takes command, Starke Haryn rides to Ildon to warn High Marshal Loramyr Wallas and ARC Chief Halboron Elendil who organise the defense of the capital, the Ildicians can only defend Maroch for a few short hours before being overwhelmed and the Undead are allowed to advance towards Ildon where the armies of most remaining Earls have assembled, the Undead clash with the Adunians at the Southern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak in the “Great Battle of Ildon”, the combined forces of Al’Ildic are decimated and the Undead destroy Ildon before moving on to the remaining strongholds across the continent, Rydel Elendil is burnt to death by an Undead necromancer in his keep, Halboron Elendil manages to flee the continent with a handful of his family’s relics and Artorus Elendil, Rydel’s young heir
- Adunian refugees arrive in Aegis and disperse into society
- Adunian refugees arrive in Aegis and disperse into society
1500 - Rymeul III and Thorenir II land in Al’Ildic almost 200 years after it's fall
'''1500''' - Rymeul III and Thorenir II land in Al’Ildic almost 200 years after it's fall
Relevant Adunian Links
===Relevant Adunian Links===
Map of Al’Ildic
'''Map of Al’Ildic'''
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The Prophecies of Ar’Galdor
'''The Prophecies of Ar’Galdor'''
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Valdemere Scotc(h)
'''Valdemere Scotc(h)'''
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Adunian Honour Duels and the Fight at Last Pine
'''Adunian Honour Duels and the Fight at Last Pine'''
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The Elendil Family Tree
'''The Elendil Family Tree'''
The family tree of the Adunian rulers from Horen to modern day
The family tree of the Adunian rulers from Horen to modern-day
'''The Updated Elendil Family Tree'''
Starting with Barren 'The Bold', the family line can be traced down into the second age.
((This is part of the human family tree))

Latest revision as of 14:31, 24 July 2021

Braehn Elendil
Weight: 100lbs - 290lbs
Height: 5'4" - 6'2" ft
Eye Color: Mix of browns, grays, greens
Hair Color: Black or brown
Expected Lifetime: 180-200 Years

The Adunians are a racial group who take place amongst Humans who call them brethren. Though distantly related to Elves through the Mali’dun, Adunians are much closer to the human-side of their ancestry. With a highly militaristic history, Adunians often found themselves upon the frontlines of the wars of Oren, striving for preservation and defense of their dwindling kind and culture. Ever since the time of Anthos, Adunians have been spread and further dwindling- a rare sight to see within the modern realms. Due to such, often Adunians are often seen as alien or foreign to their once-close cousins of Horen. Though surviving and making well enough independently, slowly do Adunians find themselves bred out of existence.


Five years after the world was supposedly built by an almighty ‘creator’, Horen, the first King of Men, was given a son by his wife Julia whom they named Harren. The child grew up in a time of conflict, and before long was commanding soldiers in his father’s army. Through all this time, however, Harren never felt entitled to his father’s holdings and believed that he should instead forge his own kingdom to leave a legacy that would rival Horen’s own. At thirty years of age, Harren was granted his father’s permission to take his men and go north beyond the borders of his lands.The men trekked into the vast unknown wilderness for many weeks, eventually coming across a towering mountain range on the northeast coast of the Aegis continent, the Thuaid mountains. Here Harren decided he would build his kingdom, and set about conquering the Highlander tribes that dwelt there. Little did he know that another ‘tribe’ was already at work attempting to dominate the region; a tribe of elves who called themselves the Mali’Dun, lead by a woman named Sarai. They were tall, had pale skin like snow, hair black as night, and hollow grey eyes, arming themselves mainly with bows and spears. As they moved through the mountains from the north, the Mali’Dun conquered the highland tribes that lived there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army. Eventually, the Harrenites and the Mali’Dun clashed in the Battle of Grumder Hill, with the former being vastly outnumbered. Harren was forced to retreat and avoid further confrontation with the elves for a time, focusing his efforts on the Highlander tribes once again. The Harrenites changed their tactics after the battle to mimic those of their enemy, forcing the survivors from each conquered tribe to join their force, practically enslaving them as a lower class of soldier. The playing field was leveled and the two ‘armies’ clashed a number of times in the following seven years during their individual conquests of the mountains, Sarai coming from the north and Harren the south. In the year 42 each side too heavy casualties in the Second Battle of Hrak’s Field, prompting the leaders of each army to meet and negotiate a conclusion to The War for the Thuaid Mountains.

The result of the meeting was a marriage between Harren and Sarai and the unification of their armies. Before long Sarai was pregnant with Harren’s child, and the son of Horen issued a command to his people; each Harrenite must marry a Mali’Dun and that their children would be the first of a new, superior race. The Highlanders remained a lower class throughout this and were forbidden to lie with either of their overlord races. With the end of the 42nd year, Harren proclaimed the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, encompassing the entire mountain range, with himself as King and his wife as Queen. What was formerly two armies became a single society and settled on the cliffs above the northeastern coast, naming their township ‘Idunia’. In the year 43 Harren’s son Baren was born, the first ‘Adunian’, with many more like him following. Gradually more settlements sprung up throughout the kingdom and in the year 104 Baren succeeded his father. Six years later, the remaining Mali’Dun departed from the mainland of Aegis, the last of their human partners having died from one cause or another, leaving the kingdom in the hands of their descendants, the new half-breed race, Adunians. For three centuries the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid flourished in northern isolation, the Adunians living as an upper class of noble Earls among the vast amount of Highlanders beneath them. Finally, in the year 333 a massive rebellion led by Owyn Ulgaard, a common Highlander and the son of a miner, succeeded in removing the Adunians from power. Starting in 332 one by one the kingdom’s settlements had fallen to rebel control, their Adunian Earls either being put to the sword or forced to flee to the capital. By the following year, only Idunia remained under King Arendil’s control. Though Idunia did not stand for much longer, as it was the ancestors of the Highlanders who had built the city’s walls, and so it’s secrets had been passed down to them. Rebels were able to penetrate the fortifications and open the gates for the Highlander horde to charge in and sack the city. Owyn Ulgaard confronted Arendil himself and slew him in single combat, ending the three centuries-long rule of Adunians over Fai O’Thuaid.

During the sack of Idunia, rebels pulled Harren’s remains from his mausoleum and cast them off the cliffs into the sea, never to be recovered. With Highlander victory secured, Owyn Ulgaard had the remaining Adunians rounded up and placed on ships at a small, unnamed fishing town two days walk south of Idunia. Here the newly crowned King proclaimed Adunians banished from Aegis as retribution for their unjust enslavement of the Highlander people, vowing to annihilate them completely should they ever return. Elendil, the son of Arendil and last of Harren’s line, took command of the Adunian fleet and lead them northeast across the sea, following in the wake of their Mali’Dun ancestors in hope of finding them. Instead, the Adunians found Al’Ildic, a large isle almost four months voyage across the ocean. Landing on Cape Gelbor, the Adunian people settled the island, starting with the western coast. Elendil proclaimed the settled lands ‘The Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic’ and himself as the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, establishing a new capital at the foot of Maria’s Seven White Marble Peaks, a set of towering mountains named after his wife that stood at the centre of the Great Forest of Ar’Norian. The town was called Ildon, and grew to become an impressive city in the time that followed. Over the centuries, the Adunians began to spread east across the island, establishing new ‘independent provinces’ and ‘realms’. In the year 626, the Second Unification War drew to a close with Al’Ildic triumphing over the Independent Realm of Eldion. From 334 to 1309 Adunian culture grew and developed on their isolated continent, traditions evolving, clans rising and falling, wars being lost and won. In the end, the realm’s end came and went in a day, taken by the Undead scourge like the rest of Aegis. Since then, the Adunian people have failed to recover to a position anywhere near as grand, their highest points being in the Duchy of Westfall under Godfrey Horen’s Holy Oren Empire, and again as the Kingdom of Adunia in Kaedrin. In modern times, Adunians are spread few and far between, wandering the world as ‘bowies’ or integrating with various other societies and organizations. Through it all, most Adunians remain true to their ancestry and traditions, it’s importance having been drilled into them over the generations since Al’Ildic.

The Adunians - and the Idunian Empire was an early mixed-race civilization, and prophetic age Empire that lasted from 24 MH to 605 MH, and was the most powerful hegemonic power of its age. The Adunians founded and perfected many systems of early rule, architecture, and technology use. They were the first to domesticate the horse and invent cavalry systems, alongside arboriculture and new woodworking techniques, producing powerful and deadly bows. Their soldiers and armies used innovative military tactics to great effect.

After the victories of Ar-Agarwen in the 2nd Century MH, the Idunian Kingdom of Aglarebiand emerged as the clear victor of the wars after Harren’s death, setting up client kings and relative dynasties on the thrones of the other Northern territories such as Forodhon and Aelion, formerly kingdoms of the Jorenites. Aglarebiand did not subject the Elven tribes - a friendly relation was established, and their borders were well watched. During this time, the proliferation of Aduniac as the lingua Jorenica of the Northern Kingdoms would occur.

By the 7th century, and the Death of Ar-Haedirthor, the High Kingdom fell apart within twenty years. Civil conflict, Natural Disasters, and a Dragon attack had weakened the Kingdom severely. In 604, a peasant revolt of the Redhrion (Sowing Men), the pureblooded Humans who still populated the North led by Òrin Eglamen (Owyn Ulgaard), quickly spread throughout the nation. Quickly, the revolt turned into a rebellion - and with support from the Southern Kingdoms, free from Adunian interference, toppled the centuries old order. By 616, the heirs of the Kingdom, and their retinues - along with as many of the pureblooded Adunian nobles that could flee - had departed the Northlands to cross the seas, gone to lands unknown.

The Harrenite survivors would find themselves, after much trial at sea, on the shores of a vast Island that would soon be known as Al’Ildic - but would take a name later in history, Fai O’Thuaid. They would remain on this Island from roughly 617 to 1245. In that time, the Harrenites would change in their isolation, creating many of the cultural ephemera that we know today to be ‘Adunian’. The wearing of Tartan cloth and Clan systems, a ranging tradition, their distinct accents, and even the name ‘Adunian’, would all come from this period. Though a long period, with a distinct history, other sources may adequately cover it. In 1245, the Undead scourge swept over Aegis and pushed the Adunians from the Island back to the mainland, where they reconnected with their human brethren, finding prosperity, conflict, tragedy, and victory over the next five-hundred years.

Physical Attributes

Nazorean Faisehn
Clothing and Appearance

Skin Coloration

Skin colour amongst the Adunians vary. They tend to stay quite similar to their Heartlander cousins, with peachy and more-often-than-not pale tones- a darker-skinned Adunian being rarely heard of.

Hair Coloration

Hair coloration in Adunians is the most rigid of all of Horen’s children with few copper tones. Strictly being within black or brown, interbreeding would be the yield of any other color. Their hair, similar to Humans, will gray with time- however, some Adunians experience the greying of hair just before reaching maturity at 18.

Eye Coloration

Eye color also is rather rigid within pure Adunians. While most commonly a mix of browns, grays, and greens. Though green and grays are the most common (Grey being of Wildewynn ancestry), rare Adunians will bear eyes of brown from Harrenite ancestry.


The usual Adunian height range is 5'4"- 6'3" ft. Most Adunians would be within this range, but can go above or below to the general human limit in individual cases due to mixed ancestry.


An Adunian, unlike all humans, may live a maximum of 200 years. However, there is a common range of the Adunian lifespan. As in, an Adunian will generally live between 150-180 years before growing old and dying. This can often be attributed to lifestyle, though primarily is due to Wildewynn ancestry mixed with Harrenite blood - producing a slight increase in lifespan, though their aging and maturity remain the same as any human race.


Adunians, being distantly related to Elves, do fall to some of the same detriments as their related ancestors. Though falling under the curse of Horen and his children, stricken with a shortened lifespan, Adunians- though dilute - do take upon some of Malin’s curse. Not nearly as fertile as other humans, Adunians would struggle to produce offspring as much as their related kin. Though not afflicted to the extent of Malin with years between births and sterility a guarantee, Adunians still suffer from partial infertility as males and females. Though they are mixed blood, new Adunians would not be created by the breeding of elves and humans, given the Adunians have been existent nearly as long as the other descendant races and subraces. Any human-elven offspring, no matter how long the length of a family tree, would be free of Malin and Horen’s full curse.


Due to factors such as their slender build, Al’Ildic’s snowy climate and the influence of their Mali’Dun ancestors, Adunians tend to avoid heavier or blunt weapons. Arming swords, bastard swords, long swords, dirks and a variety of other smaller bladed weapons make up the majority of an Adunian army’s weaponry. Unique to Adunians however, is the ‘Bowie Knife’. Named after the Bowie nomads (named for their lifestyle’s reliance on the use of a bow) who created it, the Bowie knife was meant to bridge the gap between a tool and a weapon. A large blade with a clip point and a sweeping belly, generally around nine inches in length. The wielder’s hand would be protected by a wide, metal crossguard - typically made from bass, while soft, it had the potential to protect the user's hand. The Bowies lived a very nomadic life; hunting and gathering in the fields and plains of Al’Ildic. They used their knives as tools for erecting campsites, skinning and butchering animals, and a wide variety of other tasks. As they were not warriors, they had no need for a large swords and armor, but still frequently quarreled with one another, leading to fights, with these knives. This brought about the practical need for a Bowie knife, the perfect cross between a weapon, and a tool for survival.

Artwork by Unknown
Adunian Bowman

Despite this connection to smaller arms like Bowie knives, an Adunian’s favourite weapon has always been his bow. The legacy of the Mali’Dun has stayed strong with their descendants, and fletchery became one of the most respectable trades of Al’Ildic. All sorts of bows were utilized by the ARC, the Bowies, the Ildician Order and the general common folk of Al’Ildic, from longbows to composite bows. Though the bow that left the greatest legacy of all was the double-recurve warbow. Only the greatest Adunian bowyers could craft the weapon, using four prods rather than two for additional power, though not so much that it would break the bow. Generally made from yew that grew in the southern areas of Ar’Norian, crafting a double-recurve warbow was more about finding the balance of power than anything else, maximizing its ability to shoot with strength, but not so much as to splinter the wood. An accomplished bowyer might only ever craft two or three in his lifetime. And as such, any who have in their possession a bow like such, own quite a prized Adunian artifact.

The last of the three weaponry innovations unique to Al’Ildic is a material known as ‘Eldar steel’. Called Eldion steel by some, the material was forged in a grand fortified cavern to the south of Ekvol in Al’Ildic’s Irthgard mountain range. Smiths from around the small continent would go there to study the art of crafting blades, and over the centuries they were able to create their own unique style of blacksmithing. In a lengthy process, the smiths would craft weapons by layering the steel for a sharper edge and a more ornate appearance. At first, the blades were brittle and could shatter if used extensively, but the Eldar smiths honed their ability over many generations and eventually, their weapons were as strong as any other. The time put into crafting such a weapon suggests they were rarely made and far more expensive than any regular steel sword which could do the same job just as well. As a result of this, only the richest and most influential Adunian clans ever owned an Eldar steel weapon, and they were usually passed down through the generations as a family heirloom. In modern times weapons of Eldar steel are in fewer numbers than the endangered Adunians whose ancestors made them, and like the double-recurve warbow it is unknown if anyone yet has the skill to recreate it.


When Fai O’Thuaid was founded, Orthodox Creatorism was the official religion enforced by Harren and his descendants. Though they were isolated from the church and took no efforts to maintain contact, they were still devout Creatorists who kept true to their beliefs and traditions. After landing in Al’Ildic however, many Adunians had lost their faith in god, asking why he would’ve allowed the Highlander uprising and their subsequent banishment from Aegis. In the early 400’s Braen Elin’sehn, son of Elendil, began preaching a new belief; that the Creator had abandoned them, leaving the spirits of their ancestors behind to take on his role as their guide. The belief was quick to catch on in Al’Ildic society, giving birth to Adunian Creatorism. Adunian Creatorism centers around the belief that a single Creator (the same Creator seen in the Canonist religion) built the world, but then abandoned his people after they disappointed him. This called for the spirits of the dead to step in and take up the Creator’s role as the guiding hand for the living. A century later the religion had evolved and built itself upon three main figures; Elendil, the father, Maria, the mother, and Braen, the son and chosen prophet of the Creator. Followers of the religion would pray to these three figures, as well as their own personal ancestors. As the centuries went on, more patrons were added to the original three. Cirimas Elendil became the patron of protection and justice, Garth Haryn the patron of war and triumph in battle, Falcryn Delmar patron of politics and negotiation, Reman Elendil patron for vengeance and loyalty, Rymeul Elendil patron of exploration, Vol Schote patron of harvest and agriculture and finally Mercator Varmir the patron of hunting and luck. Other lesser patrons also existed, though they were not as widely worshiped and generally specific to a particular province of Al’Ildic.

Various shrines were erected across Al’Ildic, most notably a shrine to both Elendil and Maria in Ildon, a shrine to Cirimas in the north of Ar’Norian, a shrine to Braen high in Maria’s Peaks, and a shrine to Garth Haryn in Del Kaev. The shrines took the form of large, stone statues representing their chosen figure, a stone altar at their feet where offerings of gold, food and other valuables would be left. Pilgrims would try to leave offerings relevant to their particular patron at each shrine, for example a sword for Garth Haryn or a deer skin for Mercator Varmir. Another important part of Adunian Creatorism was the connection between the people and the sea. This importance was derived from the sea having been where the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by Owyn Ulgaard’s rebels, and the place Elendil, the patron father, had chosen to take his last voyage, never to be seen again. Some say that Elendil did not die at sea, but was rather raised directly to the heavens by the Creator’s own will, God’s last act before complete abandonment. This method of worship went undisturbed for around six hundred years before the Canonist Faith was brought to Al’Ildic. When Lord Rymeul Elendil reopened trade with mainland Aegis in 1001 the faith of Oren was soon to follow, and began spreading its influence on the lesser continent. Although this was not as effective as one would think, the Canonist Church struggling for three centuries to gain a sufficient foothold among Adunians, only having converted around five percent of the population by the time of the Realm’s fall in 1309.

When the Adunians eventually resettled in New Ildon under Lord Artorus Elendil, the future of Adunian religion was reshaped again. Artorus had been raised for the most part in Renatus and had been indoctrinated by the Canonist Faith from a young age. When his time to lead came he made sure to spread his beliefs among his followers, as to assure they were fully accepted as members of Godfrey’s Holy Oren Empire. Artorus’s son and heir, Harrion, was himself extremely devout to the point of founding a holy organization known as the “Monastic Order”, making him another driving force behind the Canonization of Adunians. During Artorus’s reign there was a massive shift away from Adunian Creatorism, almost wiping out its existence. The majority of Adunians converted to Canonism, while the vast remainder merged Adunian Creatorism and Canonism together, forming what is known as ‘New Adunian Creatorism’. New Adunian Creatorism brings the belief in the patron ancestral spirits with the tenets of the Canonist Church, and dispels Braen Elin’sehn’s claim that the Creator had abandoned his people. Following Artorus’s death, the northern highlander religion known as the ‘Old Faith’ began to seep into Adunian society, bringing the belief in a number of pagan gods rather than one Creator, completely ignoring Canonism, Adunian Creatorism, and New Adunian Creatorism.

The Old Faith began a massive incursion by highlander culture into the Adunian way of life, slowly corroding the traditions, customs and beliefs that had been in place for hundreds of years. Eventually Adunian society could no longer sustain itself and it’s downfall began. Several rebellions took place under the leadership of figures such as Hanrahan Brae and Torrhen Elendil, culminating in the Adunian Civil War between traditionalist Oren loyalist and highlander rebels, ultimately decimating both sides. The Old Faith remained prevalent among Adunians for several decades longer as the highlander incursion continued, coming to an abrupt end with the downfall of Lachlan mor Elendil’s so called “Kingdom of Adunia”. During the diaspora of Adunian people since, Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism have regained their foothold, with only a select minority still holding onto their highlander Old Gods.


When the Harrenites, Mali’Dun and highlander tribes were all united as the Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid there were a number of different dialects spoken. The Mali’Dun had their own adaption of elvish, each highlander tribe had a different take on a strange northern tongue, and the Harrenites brought flexio with them from the human lands. Rather than force the groups to conform with his own language, King Harren attempted to merge them all into one. The result of this effort was the Thuaidian tongue. The Thuaidian tongue slowly developed and became the official language of Fai O’Thuaid during it’s three hundred year existence, and remained in use by the Highlanders for another century after the Adunians were banished. In Al’Ildic, the Thuaidian tongue continued as the sole language of its citizens until Rymeul Elendil reopened trade routes with Oren, at which point the common tongue was introduced. From the year one thousand to Al’Ildic’s fall in 1309 the practicality of speaking common allowed for the hasty decline of Thuaidian, and its eventual extinction.

Those who survived the continent’s destruction spoke no more than a few words of Thuaidian, and no books or scrolls on the language could be recovered, despite Halboron Elendil’s efforts. What has been recovered, however, is the Thuaidian runic alphabet. The alphabet was adapted from several Highlander tribes during the Thuaidian tongue’s conception, and used for both the common and Thuaidian tongues up until the fall of Al’Ildic. To this day some Adunians choose to write in Thuaidian runes, and many clan banners and artifacts are decorated with them. The other surviving reminder of the Thuaidian tongue is the so called ‘Thuaidian accent’ or ‘Adunian accent’. As the language itself was derived from those spoken by the gruff human highlanders of the Thuaid mountains, along with the gentle tongue of the Mali’Dun elves, the accent that came with it reflected the same nature. In the past, it has been called a cross between the educated voice of a high elf, and the toughened, more brutish accent of a north Aegisian. The accent stayed strong with Adunian folk throughout their time speaking Thuaidian in Al’Ildic, and continues today in the common tongue [OOC note: somewhat close to a Manchester accent]. It is important to note that the word ‘thuaidian’ is not a term from the Thuaidian language. There is no word for the language in Thuaidian, and the word ‘thuaidian’ would mean ‘land-dweller’ or ‘from the land’. ‘The Thuaidian tongue’ is the name given to the tongue in common or other modern dialects, derived from the name of the Adunian Kingdom ‘Fai O’Thuaid’ (furthest north land).

Dictionary of Recovered Thuadian Words
Al Northeast
Ar East
Ascella Wind
Auchet Curse word to call an object, as an exclamation, or to emphasize another word
Ave Hail, greetings
Avek Power
Ay Yes
Belyn Boy
Brehnyr Girl
Brol Good, large
Brolfyor Grandmother
Brolmihr Grandfather
Byeder Sibling, brother or sister
Byederin Siblings, brothers, or sisters
Clahn Family
Dale Sword
Del Town
Den No
Droch Worthy
Drendroch Unworthy
Dul A hillish or mountainous area
Dure An Oath
Dyr Peak of a mountain, the summit
Elkor Friend
Elkorin Friends
Emek Afternoon [ The greeting "Brol Emek" is used for "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" ]
Emyd Bow
Fai Furthest, a long distancce
Fheum Useless
Freyl Fire
Fyor Mother
Gnekyr Orc
Hal Northwest
Halmyn Dwarf
Hanihr Aunt
Il West
Ildic Home
Ildon Haven, sanctuary
Jagg Pronounced 'yaag', a curse word
Jron Night
Koyder Cousin, male or female
Koyderin Cousins, male or female
Loch Lake
Malir Elf
Mihr Father
O/Oh North
Ol South
Olin Foe, enemy, opponent
Olinin Foes, enemies, opponents
Olsehr Woman
Onihr Uncle
Rhodi Exile
Roh My, mine
Ryme Exploration related
Scoh Train, practice
Sehn Son
Sehr Man, used to refer to "Human" as well
Sehrin Men, used to refer to "Humans" as well
Skey Away, off
Staig Next to, beside
Svek Southwest
Svel Southeast
Therin Generalised word meaning ‘leader’, not used for the title of Adunian Lord or Earl, as the word ‘lord’ is the same in both common and thuaidian, and Earl is it’s own term, though it has been used to refer to a king, either the King of Fai O’Thuaid or the King of Irthgard
Thuaid Land
Thuak Earth
Tohl Daughter
Tor Seat, throne
Val Serene, peaceful
Vale Farewell
Valoth Water
Vars Morning
Vlagt Curse word used as an exclamation, or to call another person
Voysehn Nephew
Voytohl Niece
Yen The
Yohn Your, yours
Yolch Please and, or, thank you

Alternate Views on Historical Events

There is a particular period of Adunian history around the time of Harren that has conflicting records of events. While Adunian sources claim that after Harren marched north and carved out his own kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid he stayed there in isolation (as did his successors), the Canonist church’s own sources state that Harren went south again, killing Krug and reclaiming his father’s lands. In his attempt to unify all of humanity under one banner, Harren then killed his youngest brother Godwin in single combat and forced his middle brother Joren to surrender his lands. Harren then reigned over all of humanity for over a decade before his nephew, Owyn Godwinson, rose up and defeated him at the Battle of Aaun, forcing him to flee north and abandon his southern holdings. Sources from Adunians and the Canonist church begin to realign at this point, but there are a number of smaller splits later on such as the Canonist belief in Baren killing Lorenus, the grandson of Joren. In the end, both accounts match up at Owyn Ulgaard’s highlander uprising and the banishment of Adunians from Aegis. Neither side can be entirely proven, as it can be argued the Canonist church fabricated accounts to use as propaganda against “Highlander Adunian” rebels, but it can also be argued that Adunian historians removed such events from their records in shame or to protect the reputation of their people. Most humans will argue that the Canonist account is the truth, while the majority of Adunians will remain loyal to their own accounts of history.

“Highlander Adunians” and The Diaspora

During the reign of Artorus Elendil, the last of the legitimate Adunian Lords, the Adunian people were primarily of two faiths; Canonism and New Adunian Creatorism. As New Adunian Creatorism shared most of Canonism’s beliefs, with a few added ones specific to Adunians, this period was without any sort of religion or tradition based conflict. This ended altogether with Artorus’s death and the rise of his successor, Torrhen Elendil, the first false Adunian Lord who stole the position from his younger brother, Harrion. Torrhen’s rule started the event known as the “highlander incursion”, with the northerner family of Tarus and the fishing clan Brae bringing the influence of north Aegisian highlander customs (including their “Old Faith”) to New Ildon and the wider Westfall duchy. The highlanders were able to gain Duke Torrhen’s support with little effort, who sought any method through which he could gain more followers, be they Adunian or not. Soon the highlander influence had gained a sturdy foothold in Adunian culture. Men started to wear strange skirts they called ‘kilts’, showing their legs and disgracing the Al’Ildic way of dressing. Their accent changed, going from the millennia old Thuaidian sound to a strange north Aegisian one, far more gruff and brutish on the ears, comparable to that of a dwarf. Values changed from loyalty to freedom, and soon all had forgotten the service Godfrey Horen had done in rebuilding the race alongside Artorus. All they wanted was independence, and nothing would stop them. Time after time, Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae rallied their blinded followers and rebelled against Oren in the same way Owyn Ulgaard had done under Arendil, though without an ounce of the legitimate cause that drove him. In the continent of Anthos Thorenir Elendil II, Starke Haryn and Caln Harnish raised their combined forces of the 2nd Ildician Order and Clan Harnish Rangers, loyalists to the Horen dynasty and Adunian traditionalism, using them to combat the highlander incursion.

The Adunian Civil War was the result of this conflict, leaving both sides completely decimated and unable to remain unified, let alone start any sort of Adunian settlement. In the end, the highlander side rose up again almost a decade later, this time under the leadership of Torrhen’s son, Lachlan mor Elendil, the second false Adunian Lord. Lachlan founded his own ‘Kingdom of Adunia’ beneath the dwarves, first settling in Vaerhaven and later occupying Kaedrin. The so-called Kingdom was entirely based on a cult of personality surrounded Lachlan, and collapsed with his death, beginning the Adunian diaspora that continues to this day. Several attempts to create Adunian settlements have been made since, most notably by Kayrin Towers and Eldaril Elendil. As Harrion’s heir, Eldaril Elendil would have been the first legitimate Adunian Lord since Artorus, but the Circlet of Horen could not be recovered, and as so his coronation could not take place. He died of illness and the Adunian Realm collapsed once more. Now Adunians wander far and wide, spread throughout various societies and organizations. Some attempt to keep their lineage a secret due to the hatred felt for Adunians by the majority of humans (a result of the rebellions orchestrated by Torrhen Elendil and Hanrahan Brae), while others show it with pride, reverting to their age-old customs from Al’Ildic and trying to restore the wider community’s faith in the Adunian people. Any trace of so-called ‘Adunian highlanders’ has been wiped clean from the continent.

Adunian Traditions and Customs

There is an array of traditions and customs that have shaped Adunian society over the ages, and many continue in practice to this day. Many clans have their own traditions specific to themselves, some provinces have a similar system such as the Nivinese connection to Bowie Culture, while the most important customs are those that apply to the Realm and race as a whole.

Adulthood & Laws

- Succession laws in Adunian society differ from those of most other races. While a man in Oren will leave his lands and titles to his eldest son, an Adunian would leave his to the youngest. This system was put in place to assure a landowner could spend the longest time possible in his position, and quell the threat of political instability from provinces constantly changing hands. It also took away the issue of sons killing their fathers to take their positions ahead of time, as most heirs were too young to even consider such a course of action. In spite of this, the law did cause unnecessary hostility within families, as a young boy could grow up thinking he was his father’s heir, only for said father to bare a second child and force the first to relinquish their claim. It was a testing dilemma for many young Adunian men, but also a fitting method for them to prove their honor and dedication to their family above all else. The Adunian succession laws have been in place since Braen Elin’sehn, who left his position to his youngest son Farwil rather than his eldest Cirimas, who had been absent for many years living as a Bowie.

- Adulthood in Adunian culture begins for a man when he has lived through 17 winters. At this point, a large celebration of drinking, dancing, and music will be held in honor of the man, the extent of festivities varying depending on his clan’s wealth. The celebration can last from one day to an entire month. When the festivities have concluded, the now adult Adunian man sets off on a trek. A man from a common clan might only explore his native province when a member of a greater clan might also visit his neighboring regions and important sites around the realm. An Elendil, however, or another ruling-class Adunian is expected to visit each of the realm’s provinces, their main towns or cities, and major shrines to patron spirits. When the man returns, he can take on political or military roles in society, or elevate his position in whatever sect of the workforce he was being trained in beforehand. Adunian women have a completely different experience in their transition to adulthood, still being considered children until they have seen 20 winters. No elaborate celebrations are held to celebrate a woman’s coming of age, but a small family gathering might still be held with a few friends of the clan. The main change that marks the transition into adulthood for a woman is the ability for her to marry.

- The hierarchy of Adunian society in Al’Ildic was not a difficult one to understand. At the top were the Elendils, the one ‘ruling clan’ from which each ‘Adunian Lord’ came. The Adunian Lord was the sole and all-powerful monarch of the Realm, his right to rule residing in his descent from Horen the first of men, Baren the first of Adunians, and of the core triumvirate of Adunian Creatorist patrons; Elendil, Maria, and Braen Elin’sehn. Beneath the Lord, the Realm was split into ‘provinces’ and divided among ‘great clans’ who would govern them. From the great clan that owned a province, it’s ‘Earl’ was chosen, following the same laws of succession as the rest of the Realm. The Earl governed his province and the ‘regions’ it was divided into. Each region of a province would, in turn, be governed by an ‘overseer’, though the man who held this position was not chosen by blood. Below the great clans, all remaining families were equal, ‘common clans’, no matter the positions they held or the deeds they had done. As to assure he kept involved with the governing of his land, an Earl would be personally required to chose the overseer of each of his regions from the citizenry within it. When an overseer died or otherwise lost his position, his region would not pass on to another member of his clan or even his direct heir, but rather the Earl would choose a new one from all the prominent citizens of the province. Each province of the Realm had a main town or city and then depending on the wealth and power of its great clan, possibly another town or a fortress-town. A number of smaller villages or hamlets would occupy the remainder of the province, from where an overseer might govern his region. While the member of a great clan (or ruling clan) who was it’s official ‘Earl’ was chosen through succession law, the clan’s leader was a different man, called the ‘Elder’. The Elder of a clan would generally be it’s the eldest member unless there was sufficient reason for him to be bypassed, in which case it would fall to the next oldest. While the Elder of a clan held no additional official political power in the Realm or even his family’s province, he was the patriarch of his clan who all members were required to listen to. All clans, from ruling to common, would have an Elder to lead and guide them. Due to his age, the Elder was said to be closest to the spirits of the dead, and hence capable of giving the best advice and guidance. Another group stood between the Adunian Lord and his Earls; the Council of Thanes. The Council of Thanes were the ruler’s advisers who would oversee a specific area of the Realm’s governing. The positions on the Council were not set but instead changed from Lord to Lord in accordance to his requirements. Generally, though, there was at the least a High Marshal, a High Steward, and a High Treasurer on the Council of Thanes. In times when the Council had particularly high numbers, the Adunian Lord might instate a ‘High Thane’ to lead and organize the Council, essentially making him second in charge of the Realm, and regent in the Lord’s absence. The Thanes were not required to be of Earl status, or even born of a great clan, though typically the close relations and family ties through the ‘nobility’ meant the Council was dominated by the rulers of provinces. Some common clans, such as Douglas, were able to gain a seat on the Council a number of times throughout history due to their close friendship with the Elendils, eventually gaining themselves great clan status and a province in the final years of the Realm’s existence. All these ruling positions within the Realm could only be held by men, women were forbidden from obtaining such roles of power.

Women & Legends

- Women have a strange place in Adunian culture. They don't face the same extreme control they are subjected to in societies like Oren, but they are still frowned upon if they seek certain career paths and are banned from positions in the Realm hierarchy. When they reach adulthood, women gain the same freedoms as men; they can enter the workforce, choose their own husband without the interference of other family members (though they were often threatened or pressured into heeding the judgement of their father or clan Elder), travel, or in extremely rare cases enter the military. While the ARC and Ildician Order were both strictly male-only, every once in a while a woman could rise to command the army of the province or gain the status of a duelist among bowie-folk. For the most part, though, women were known to stay home, tend to the household, raise children, and contribute to the well-being of their town or city, and this was expected of them. Like all Adunians, women were expected to uphold dress standards, covering themselves from the head down, only exposing the skin on their hands, face, and neck.

- The stories of Yaepl and Yopil are a selection of tales surrounding a pair of twin brothers from the Viathas clan, told to Adunian children as a method of teaching them morals, tradition, and the general way of life. The stories differ from clan to clan, but centre around the brothers’ interactions with fantastical beings, spirits, legendary Adunian figures, and their travels throughout the Realm of Al’Ildic. The core story that remains the same across all clans is that Yaepl and Yopil were twin brothers raised in the Spires of Viath. Their older brother, Usdein, was the heir to Threlmor, and so little was expected of the twins. After dangerously jumping out of one of the spires and into the sea, Earl Viathas sent the twins to act as wards to Earl Wallas. After living in Fort Thul for several months, Yaepl and Yopil decided to sneak out during the night and trek north to the Frozen Shore. On their way, they encountered an Ildician baer (The Ildician baer is a giant, white-and-grey-furred creature, described as seeming part bear and part wolf. They are known to hunt in packs and attack any animal not part of their specific group. Several known attempts have been made to tame them throughout history, none of which were successful. They are native only to Al’Ildic’s northern shore, and the greater clans have been known to drape themselves in their valuable skins and furs. The brave and foolhardy were known to hunt them for sport, but most expeditions ended in tragedy.) and narrowly escaped being mauled by it. Once they reached the Frozen Shore, the twins fitted their boots with skates made from whittled sticks and set out across the ice. Before long though, the ice stopped and only the vast sea was stretched out before them, for it was the start of the summer months and the ice was melting. From the sea came a small boat carrying but a single man, draped in robes and furs, his face covered by a hood. The man revealed himself to be Elendil, son of Arendil, and told the children of Adunian history in Fai O’Thuaid and their conflict with the highlanders.

- Elendil then explained to the children the importance of the sea and water, or ‘valoth’ in the Thuaidian tongue, being where they crossed from their original homeland, where Sarai and the Mali’Dun disappeared, where Harren’s remains were cast by the rebels and lost to the ages, and of course where Elendil himself had disappeared on his own at the end of his reign. It is said that as Elendil explained each of these things that made the sea something holy to the Adunian people, Yaepl and Yopil saw them playing out across the water; Sarai’s fleet sailing past, Harren’s corpse floating in the water, and The Grey Fleet battling the harsh waves on their journey from Aegis. With his story complete, Elendil returned to his boat and rowed back out to sea, rejoining his fleet of followers. The twins concluded they had interacted directly with the spirit of Elendil, the patron father of Adunian Creatorism, and from that day onwards felt his guiding hand in everything they did. Following this initial adventure, the twins were made the wards of a different Earl (depending on who you ask, which Earl it was will differ, as this is where each clan starts it’s own version of the tales) and continued on a number of adventures around the realm, each time getting themselves in trouble and having to move on again. The stories are entirely fictional, with the exception of its two main characters. Yaepl and Yopil were real members of the Viathas clan, having lived in the late 600s and most of the 8th century. The start of the story where the twins jump into the sea and are sent to Avek’Baer is speculated to be the truth, but rather than head off on a plethora of adventures it is recorded that Yaepl was injured the night they snuck off, losing one of his hands in their encounter with the baer, and that they were both swiftly sent home to Threlmor. Yaepl was able to recover from his wounds, and the twins eventually joined the Ildician Order. They died following long and mostly uneventful military careers in the Jochscarth Gorge Ambush at the start of the Umer Dul Crisis.

Bowie Culture

- Bowies are a culture of their own within Adunian culture. Centering themselves around a nomadic lifestyle, bowies started to emerge in the early 5th century. At the time Adunian society was split between farmers and fishermen in the south, merchants, tradesmen, miners and lumberjacks in the north, and whalers off the northwestern coast. Society had been divided like this with the initial landing of Adunians on the continent. Those who stayed behind in the south reserved to a more primordial lifestyle while those who progressed north were forced into years of nomadic hardship, foraging, and hunting while they struggled to continue on with a civilization where they left off in Fai O’Thuaid. Although these years of hardship took a considerable toll on the northern settlers, it did pay off, and those in forest region were able to attain a much more civilized lifestyle than their Gelborian brethren. A generation of societal progress followed, and the aforementioned split occurred. The generation following this one, however, did not see the same value in progressing backward to what they saw as ‘Thuaidian’ society, as it had only been their downfall. Instead, they chose to take on the hard yet simple life of the original northern settlers, heading out into the forest in small bands, moving from place to place and living off the land, hunting, and foraging. They rarely camped in one place for more than two or three days, unless there was a large gathering or festival taking place. Their hunting lifestyle placed great reliance on the use of bows, hence the name ‘bowies’ as they were labeled by the common folk, and they carried around nothing more than a few tools, furs to keep themselves warm, and camp equipment. Some bowies would have a mule to lift the burden of their belongings, though most were forced to carry them themselves, and so it was essential they pack light. After some time, the bowies began to divide themselves into family groups; a man, his wife, and his children. Sometimes two family groups would join together to pool their resources, though most groups tended to remain isolated unless it was some sort of special occasion. In different seasons, bowies would congregate at the shrines of certain Adunian religious patrons and hold elaborate festivals in their honor. There were also sizeable gatherings to celebrate a boy’s transition to manhood, usually holding a single ceremony for a dozen or more individuals. In the wake of Cirimas Elendil’s eastward expedition, bowies began to set out into the plains regions, with the region of Nivinor (later split into the provinces of Nivinor and Teron, along with some territory also having been taken by Ildicia) becoming the center of their culture. Bowie influence would continue in Nivinor right up until the fall of the continent, with the ruling clan of Nivinor having descended from the legendary bowie figure and patron Mercator Varmir. The invention of the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ can be attributed to the bowies of the plains, having constructed it to fill the gap between a part-time weapon (bowies constantly engaged in knife fights to solve feuds between regions and family groups) and a tool that would further enable their lifestyle.

Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger

- The song ‘Lomben Red and The Threlmorian Ranger’ was written in the year 782 as an attempt to raise public opinion surrounding the ARC following the Umer Dul Crisis and Massacre. The song was written by Teronian patriot Erthor Ilynwyne, a former ARC ranger born to a clan of wheat farmers. The song tells the story of a nameless ranger who appears in the town of Del Koros and kills ‘Lomben Red’, a previously undefeated outlaw, in a traditional honor duel. The song comments on how duelists of the time would carry their bows in elaborate leather holsters slung down by their side, from where they could draw their weapon quickly and with ease, hopefully giving them an edge in the time it takes to string their bow and loose an arrow at their opponent. The song was originally written in Thuaidian, but like most famous documents and pieces of literature was translated by Lorekeeper Thrynn Viathas during the 11th century. It is commonly sung while traveling or in taverns and is passed down verbally from generation to generation. The song is widely considered important to Adunian patriotism and heritage in the Ranger Corps.


To the town of Del Koros rode a stranger one fine day Hardly spoke to folks around him didn't have too much to say No one dared to ask his business no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them had a warbow at his hip

It was early in the morning when he rode into the town He came riding from the south side slowly lookin' all around He's an outlaw loose and running came the whisper from each lip And he's here to do some business with the warbow at his hip

In this town, there lived an outlaw by the name of Lomben Red Many men had tried to take him and that many men were dead He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty-four And the notches on his longbow numbered one an nineteen more

Now the stranger started talking made it plain to folks around Was an Threlmorian ranger wouldn't be too long in town He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead And he said it didn't matter he was after Lomben Red

Wasn't long before the story was relayed to Lomben Red But the outlaw didn't worry men that tried before were dead Twenty men had tried to take him twenty men had made a slip Twenty one would be the ranger with the warbow at his hip

The morning passed so quickly it was time for them to meet It was twenty past eleven when they walked out in the street Folks were watching from the windows every-body held their breath They knew this handsome ranger was about to meet his death

There was forty feet between them when they stopped to make their play And the swiftness of the ranger is still talked about today Lomben Red had not cleared gravel fore an arrow fairly ripped And the ranger's aim was deadly with the warbow at his hip

It was over in a moment and the folks had gathered round There before them lay the body of the outlaw on the ground Oh he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip When he tried to match the ranger with the warbow at his hip

Great Clans

  • Elendil, Haryn, Varodyr
  • Delmar, Douglas, Caellach
  • Viathas, Valdemere, Culloch
  • Annion, Wynsehn, Wallas
  • Marsh, Nivin, Cercial
  • Marsyr, Armas, Carthaig
  • Lene, Loyola, Antiachys

Notable Adunian Figures

- Baren “the Bold”, son of Harren and the first Adunian. Baren killed his father in a duel for leadership of the northern Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid, and oversaw its largest period of growth. According to Canonist sources, he also slew Joren’s grandson and heir Lorenus, taking Jroth into his own lands.

- Arendil, the king of Fai O’Thuaid at the time of its downfall. He is generally remembered as a weak man with little interest in maintaining his holdings, spending most of his indulging himself rather than seeing his duties upheld. He was killed in single combat by Owyn Ulgaard, as he himself knew little about fighting and had not practiced since he was a child. Elendil begged Owyn for permission to bury his father, but the rebel leader cast Arendil’s corpse off the cliffs instead, as he had done with Harren’s remains.

- Elendil, the first ‘Adunian Lord’. He lead his people aboard the Grey Fleet from Aegis to Al’Ildic where he founded the Adunian Realm and settled in Ildon. He is remembered as a nobleman who cared deeply for his people and was among the wisest who ever lived. Adunian Creatorism remembers him as ‘the father’, it’s chief patron. In the end, Elendil refused to be killed by any will other than his own and set out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with a single sail and a pair of oars, never to be seen again. It is said by many Adunian Creatorists that Elendil was not killed, but rather raised into the heavens by the Creator in his mortal form.

- Maria of Wallas, the first ‘Lady of Al’Ildic’. Maria played an important role in holding the Adunian folk together after the exodus from Aegis. She appealed to the women aboard the Grey Fleet so that they remained hopeful for salvation and kept at their duties, while also acting as a mother to all the younger Adunians. Maria also assisted in establishing the fishing villages and agricultural communities of Cape Gelbor, a region where she was celebrated until Al’Ildic’s collapse. Without her guiding role the Adunians may have turned on each other during their voyage and never reached the shores of Al’Ildic, and as a result, she is remembered as the patron mother in Adunian Creatorism.

- Braen Elin’sehn, the patron prophet of Adunian Creatorism. The son of Elendil and the first of his line to be born in Al’Ildic, which he called ‘Harren’s chosen land for his descendants’. Braen believed the ancestral spirit of Harren spoke to him in visions which gave him the basis for Adunian Creatorism. He spread his word throughout Al’Ildic and sometime after his death it became the Realm’s official religion. Braen was killed shortly after succeeding his father as Adunian Lord, slashed across the chest by an Ildician baer during a hunting expedition on the Frozen Shore. It is said that before he died he told his friend Joerk Douglas that his father’s spirit was speaking to him, and demanded that he join him in the skies above. Joerk’s son Grimhal went on to spread the word of Braen’s deeds and establish the three original patrons of Adunian Creatorism. The Ildician baer that killed Braen was made the sigil of Clan Elendil after his death.

- Cirimas Elendil, the founder of the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps). Cirimas left Ildon at seventeen and joined a group of bowies in the east of Ar’Norian. After 53 years he returned to Ildon and convinced his brother, Lord Farwil Elendil, to send him on an expedition east with the intent of exploring the continent and setting the path for future settlement. Cirimas and his band of bowies, who would become the first ARC rangers, mapped the entire continent over five years and cleansed it of the monsters that dwelled in the uninhabited regions. In his wake, many settlers moved out into the plains region and mountain range beyond, creating new independent realms and provinces. After his expedition was complete, Farwil placed Cirimas as the Chief of the ARC and gave him the task of maintaining peace and order in his Realm. Cirimas was made the patron of protection and justice in Adunian Creatorism after his death.

- Garth Haryn, the founder of the Ildician Order. The Haryn clan is said to have descended from a bastard son of Harren by one of Sarai’s servants. By the time of expansion, the clan was stronger than most and well respected, renowned for their fighting skills. They laid claim to the plains region of Al’Ildic, conquering their neighbors and forming their own Independent Realm of Ildicia. Garth Haryn was the clan Elder and Lord of Ildicia at the time, and he used his position of power to found the Ildician Order that would protect his lands. The Ildician Order played a vital role in the years to come, participating in every major Adunian war ever to take place. The Haryns kept a firm grasp on the order’s leadership, though it’s allegiance eventually changed to favor Clan Elendil and the Adunian Lord. Garth Haryn also took a notable position in Adunian Creatorism as the patron of war and triumph in battle. He was killed by Nivinese rebels three years before the start of the First Unification War.

- Mercator Varmir, leader of the Nivinese Revolution. Mercator Varmir was born to a pair of Nivinese bowies and grew up among the nomadic people. At a young age, he joined the ARC and served during Cirimas Elendil’s time as Chief. He rose through the ranks and became a respected Veteran Ranger, known for his fighting swiftness, skill in leadership, and his sense of justice. In 544 he triumphed over Garrus Othran in the Fight at Last Pine, a legendary tale known by all Adunians to this day. Five years later he left the ARC and began massing support in his homeland of Nivinor, culminating in the Nivinese Revolution against The Ildician Realm. Mercator was killed in the Siege of Fort Indarys, and his rebellion ultimately failed, but it triggered a reaction throughout the other provinces under Ildician rule and caused the First Unification War. Varmir’s descendants became the Nivin clan who would rule the province for centuries to come. Mercator himself is remembered as the patron of hunting and luck in Adunian Creatorism.

- Falcryn Delmar, the Lord of The Independent Realm of Eldion at the time of the Second Unification War. The son of Hallus Delmar, whose ancestors had been the Earls of the town Del Mar in Fai O’Thuaid, Falcryn used the failed invasion of Canmoor by Al’Ildic forces to crush his neighbors to the north and incorporate them into his holdings. He started the Second Unification War by invading Dunwic and using his political skill to convince the Marshes of Muir to join his cause. Falcryn was not a military man, and did little fighting or commanding himself during the war, instead of leaving these duties to the commanders beneath him. Where Falcryn excelled was in his ability to unite and influence his people, which resulting in a massive movement of Irthgardian nationalism in the time of war, and greatly bolstered the numbers of Eldion’s armies. Upon his defeat, Falcryn continued to use his skill to retain his position as Earl of Eldion beneath Elendil rule, and even rose to become High Thane of the Realm under his opponent Erthor Elendil. After his death, Falcryn was made a patron of politics and negotiation in Adunian Creatorism, and many Adunian Lords believed his spirit guided them in the generations that followed.

- Reman Elendil, the Adunian Lord who ordered the Umer Dul Massacre. Reman was the son of Sinderion Elendil, the Lord who oversaw the majority of the Umer Dul Crisis. In the last months of the crisis, Carmoor Havath, one of the rebel leaders, escaped his cell beneath Il’Tohr palace and slew Sinderion Elendil. As the rebel fled, Reman, a man renowned for his swordsmanship, stepped in his path and decapitated him with a single strike. After his father’s funeral and his own coronation, Reman’s first order was the slaughter of every last inhabitant of Umer Dul as retribution for his father, starting the Umer Dul massacre and completely depopulating the Umer Dul Wasteland. For his efforts, Adunian Creatorism remembers Reman Elendil as the patron of vengeance and loyalty.

- Rymeul Elendil, the first Adunian Lord to travel back to Aegis. In his childhood Rymeul Elendil had spent his time studying the histories of Al’Ildic as most young Elendils did, and during this time he took a particular liking to Cirimas, especially his exploration of the continent. When he eventually became the Adunian Lord, Rymeul sought to follow in Cirimas’s footsteps. He had a fleet built, and set across the Southern Sea towards what he knew as the ancient continent of Aegis. In Aegis, Rymeul created ties to the Northmen, opened trade with Oren, and brought the town of Kjelov under Al’Ildic rule as Vel’Kellon. In Adunian Creatorism, Rymeul is the patron of exploration. The word ‘ryme’ in Thuaidian was named after him, meaning a settlement away from the homeland, or to do with exploration.

Timeline of Adunian Events

23 - Birth of Harren the Conqueror, son of Horen, father of Adunians

49 - Sarai and her Mali’dun arrive in the Thuaid mountains and begin conquering the Highlander tribes settled there, enslaving them and forcing them to fight in their army

51 - After over a decade of fighting in his father’s army, Harren receives his father’s permission to head North and carve out a kingdom of his own, Horen gives his son a gold circlet with a diamond embedded upon the band as a parting gift, the circlet later becomes a symbol of the Adunian Lord of Al’Ildic | Harren and his followers arrive in the Thuaid mountains and adopt similar tactics to Sarai, soon clashing with her forces in The War to Control Thuaid

54 - Harren and Sarai marry to end the conflict between their tribes | The Kingdom of Fai O’Thuaid is formed with Harren as King and Sarai as Queen | Idunia (the capital of Fai O’Thuaid) is established on the cliffs above the sea on Aegis’s Northeast coastline | The Harrenites and Mali’dun intermarry while the highlanders remain an ‘enslaved’ lower class in their society

55 - Birth of Baren son of Harren, the first Adunian | Adunian children are born is the result of the tribes intermarrying

58 - Fai O’Thuaid is divided up into various provinces and distributed among the Harrenites and Mali’dun, meaning Adunians will inherit the lands

102 - Birth of Olrandir, son of Baren

104 - Baren challenges his father to a duel for his position as Fai O’Thuaid’s king, Baren wins the fight by piercing his father’s heart with an arming sword, ascending to his throne and burying his father in a public mausoleum at the gates of Idunia

110 - Sarai and her remaining Mali’dun depart from Aegis as all their partners have died of old age or other causes, they leave the kingdom in the hands of their Adunian descendants and are never seen or heard from again, heading Northeast with aboard small fleet of ships

176 - Birth of Alrendir, son of Olrandir

182 - Olrandir begins fortifying Idunia, the construction of Farendal Keep commences, being built primarily by Highlander slaves

189 - Farendal Keep is completed

233 - Birth of Arendil, son of Alrendir

283 - Olrandir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Alrendir

295 - Birth of Elendil, son of Arendil

300 - Owyn Ulgaard is born in a Thuaidian mining town

330 - Owyn Ulgaard begins amassing support for his planned Highlander revolution that will dethrone and vanquish the Adunians

331 - Alrendir dies of old age, leaving the Kingdom to his son, Arendil

332 - Rebel uprisings take place in border towns of Fai O’Thuaid, the Adunian soldiers are vastly outnumbered by the rebellious Highlanders and are forced to retreat or face execution at the hands of the mob | Gradually more townships declare their allegiance to the rebellion, either murdering their Adunian overlords or forcing them to flee to the capital | By the end of the year only Idunia and a few of the surrounding towns remain under Adunian control

333 - Owyn Ulgaard’s assembled “army” lays siege to Idunia after having seized the remaining Adunian townships | The rebels exploit hidden passages built by their slave ancestors who were forced to work in the construction of the city, infiltrating the city and opening the gates for the main army, the Highlanders stream into the city, rounding up Adunians and killing them in some cases, Harren’s mausoleum is broken into and his remains cast over the cliffs into the sea, Owyn Ulgaard fights Arendil in single combat, defeating him and declaring himself King of Fai O’Thuaid | The Adunians are forced to leave Aegis, boarding a fleet of ships under the guidance of Elendil and heading Northeast after their Mali’dun ancestors, hoping to find them and resettle in their lands

334 - Elendil’s Adunians land in Al’Ildic on Cape Gelbor, having failed to find the Mali'dun but succeeded in their mission to locate a new home | Adunians split off from the main group and settle on Cape Gelbor, building fishing villages and setting aside land for agriculture

335 - Elendil pushes North into Ar’Norian and settles at the foot of the Seven White Marble Peaks of Maria, establishing Ildon and proclaiming the new Adunian Realm of Al’Ildic, stretching along the West coast of the continent from Cape Gelbor to the Northernmost of Maria’s Peaks, Elendil calls himself the ‘Lord of The Adunian Realm and People’, commonly shortened to ‘Adunian Lord’

359 - Birth of Braen Elin’sehn, the son of Elendil

410 - Bowies (a nomadic Adunian people who rely on hunting and foraging to survive rather than settlement and agriculture) begin to appear in the forest of Ar’Norian

420 - Birth of Cirimas Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn

431 - Birth of Farwil Elendil, son of Braen Elin'sehn

487 - Birth of Mercator Elendil, son of Farwil Elendil | Elendil, at age 192, departs on his own during the Summer (when the Frozen Sea to the North of Al’Ildic isn't frozen over), setting out across the Frozen Sea in a small boat with one sail and a pair of oars, claiming he wished to die on his own accord and do so fighting nature rather than men, he is never seen or heard from again

488 - Braen Elin’sehn is killed by an Ildician Baer (a beast native to North coast of Al'Ildic, described as seeming to be part wolf and part bear, entirely hostile to any creature other than the Baers in it's pack and completely untamable), on a hunting expedition, the Ildician Baer is adopted as the sigil of clan Elendil

490 - Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon (after spending 19 years among the bowie folk) requesting his brother’s blessing in an expedition East, paving the way for expansion

491 - Bowie nomads and common Adunians seeking new opportunity head East in the trail of Cirimas Elendil, establishing new towns and settlements outside of the Al’Ildic Realm

493 - Birth of Mercator Varmir, named after the Elendil child born six years prior due to his parents' respect and loyalty to the ruling Adunian dynasty

495 - Cirimas Elendil returns to Ildon having completed his expedition, the entirety of Al’Ildic mapped and the various monsters that occupied the central and eastern regions culled | Farwil Elendil founds the ARC (Al’Ildic Ranger Corps) to police his Realm and places his brother Cirimas as it’s Chief

499 - The year when the Adunian ‘bowie knife’ was apparently invented

500 - The Haryn clan who control Del Kaev and Maroch castle conquer their neighboring towns, Del Svor, Falcar, Del Yalek and Dunwic, founding the Independent Realm of Ildicia

501 - The Ildician Order is founded by Garth Haryn to protect and police the Ildician Realm, many flock to join from Ildicia and Al’Ildic

502 - Avek’Baer is settled by the Wallas clan who offer to become vassals of Al’Ildic, Farwil Elendil accepts the offer and the Wallas clan become the lords of the Frozen Shore

505 - Ekvol is founded as the first settlement in the Irthgard ranges

510 - Mercator Varmir joins the ARC

554 - The Fight at Last Pine takes place between Mercator Varmir and Garrus Othran

551 - The independent realm of Eldion is founded, encompassing the modern provinces of Eldion, Revor Dul, Carthaig, and Losgiath

556 - Birth of Erthor Elendil, son of Mercator Elendil

557 - Eldion tries to invade the independent provinces of Canmoor and Armana, but the Armas and Marsyr clans form an alliance and repel the invading forces

559 - Mercator Varmir leaves the ARC

560 - The Nivinese Revolution begins against Ildicia, lead by Mercator Varmir

561 - Mercator Varmir is killed in the defense of Fort Indarys

562 - Lomben, Teron and Dunwic all secede from Ildicia, sparking the First Unification War, the Elendils annex Nivinor and place Mercator Varmir’s son, Vidkun of Nivinor (whose descendants would be known as the Nivin Clan) as Earl and vassal to the Al’Ildic Realm

564 - The First Unification War ends with the entirety of Ildicia being annexed and divided up as provinces of Al’Ildic, the Haryn clan are allowed to keep the central region of their former Realm | The Ildician Order becomes the official organized military of Al’Ildic

577 - The Elendils spread East through Teron, taking the provinces of Caelliac and Teragh into the realm willingly and vassalizing clans Caellach and Wynsehn

580 - Farwil Elendil begins to invade the independent province of Muir and is assassinated by Havath, a supporter of the Marsh clan | Havath escapes the rangers hunting him and flees into Umer Dul | Mercator Elendil becomes Lord and completes the invasion by the end of the year, vassalizing the Marsh clan

590 - The Varodyr clan settles Ar’Galdor with the permission of Lord Mercator Elendil, making them vassals to the Al’Ildic Realm

601 - Cirimas Elendil dies of old age

618 - Birth of Sinderion Elendil, son of Erthor Elendil

619 - Mercator Elendil leads his army into Canmoor but is shot through the eye and killed in the First Battle for Canmoor Canyon, the Al’Ildic army retreats | The Delmar clan takes the opportunity to invade Canmoor and succeeds, prompting the Armas clan to accept Falcryn Delmar’s offer to vassalize Armana

621 - Erthor Elendil invades Canmoor but is defeated in the Second Battle for Canmoor Canyon by the entrenched Eldion forces, the army of Al’Ildic is forced to retreat once again

622 - Eldion forces march out of Canmoor Canyon and successfully invade Dunwic, sparking the Second Unification War | The Ildician Order manage to push the invaders back to Dunwic Town but lack to manpower to continue into Canmoor

623 - Muir revolts against Al’Ildic and joins Eldion | Forces from Nivinor, Teron, Caelliac and Ar’Norian (unified under ARC command) take over the Dunwic line while the Ildician Order pushes South to hold the forces of Muir at bay | Clan Marsh is defeated before the end of the year but the army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia through Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev

624 - The Ildician Order invades Revor Dul and sieges Fort Hyel | The ARC unified forces in Dunwic manage to push Eldion’s main army back into Canmoor | A Wynsehn army from Teragh invades Armana and attacks Canmoor from the rear, allowing Al’Ildic forces to seize victory in the Third Battle for Canmoor Canyon | The Ildician Order takes Fort Hyel and attempts to move through the mountains and take Ekvol | Ildician forces are stranded when an army from Fort Carth retakes Fort Hyel and cuts off their supply line | Eldion forces defeat the Ildicians in the mountains west of Ekvol, scattering their army and capturing Orhdu Gyrn Haryn | Eldion forces retake Armana and block the advance of Al’Ildic's army

625 - Ildician forces slowly reassemble at Maroch castle | Reinforcements from Cape Gelbor and Il’Ascella arrive at Canmoor, allowing the main force to move South towards Ekvol | The army of clan Cercial invades Ildicia a second time, laying siege to Castle Maroch | The Al’Ildic army bypasses Ekvol and successfully invades both Carthaig and Losgiath instead | Ildician forces at Castle Maroch succeed in repelling the Cercial army but lack the numbers to pursue them and mount another invasion of Revor Dul | Reinforcements from Ar’Galdor arrive to meet the Al’Ildic force in Losgiath

626 - The Ildician Order finally assembles enough manpower to invade Revor Dul a second time, taking both Fort Hyel and Fort Carth | The Eldion army makes a desperate attempt to reclaim Losgiath with no sufficient source of food in the main mountain range | The Al’Ildic army overwhelms Eldion’s remaining forces in the Battle of Maremont Fields on the border of Losgiath and Eldion | Falcryn Delmar surrenders to Erthor Elendil and Eldion is vassalized by the Al’Ildic Realm, ending the Second Unification War, the Delmars give Erthor an Eldar steel sword of steel and gold as a sign of their new allegiance to the family, the sword becomes a relic passed from the Adunian Lord to his heir at the age of 17, named “Durendal”

667 - The sons of Havath found the township of Havath’Sehn in Umer Dul

682 - Birth of Reman Elendil, son of Sinderion Elendil

683 - Stories and rumors of a town in the wasteland of Umer Dul begin to circulate in Al’Ildic, soon travelers start setting out to find the rumoured haven

700 - Criminals begin to disappear into the Umer Dul wasteland while fleeing from the law

735 - Birth of Vidkun Elendil, son of Reman Elendil

755 - Farmir Darmov, a Nivinese ARC ranger, pursues a horse thief into Umer Dul, discovering Havath’Sehn and the lawless criminal safe haven that the presumed empty desert-wasteland has become | Farmir Darmov warns ARC Chief Elkor Viathas of the build up of outlaws in the Umer Dul wasteland, who in turn reports the disturbance to Lord Sinderion Elendil | Sinderion Elendil mobilizes the Ildician Order under Orhdu Joch Wallas and High Marshal Grethor Delmar, sending them in to occupy Umer Dul, signifying the start of The Umer Dul Crisis | The Ildician Order is ambushed in what would become Jochscarth Gorge, taking heavy casualties at the hands of an organized militia of deserters and other fighting men from Havath’Sehn, Orhdu Joch Wallas is killed in battle and Grethor Delmar is forced to lead the army in a retreat | The Ildician Order dig in and patrol the Eastern border of Umer Dul, trying to prevent or at least restrict traffic in and out of the zone | Aerd Verok Wynsehn ascends to the position of Orhdu in the Ildician Order

757 - Elkor Viathas organizes a task force of rangers to patrol Umer Dul and take measures to dismantle the society | Farmir Darmov is captured and tortured by Jorkun Havath after his cover is blown while trying to infiltrate one of Havath’Sehn’s ruling gangs

760 - Rangers attack Jorkun Havath’s hideout, capturing him and rescuing Farmir Darmov | Jorkun Havath reveals the locations of two of his brothers’ hideouts in an interrogation, he drowns while being waterboarded before he can reveal more | The hideouts of Grekor and Korvir Havath are raided by ARC rangers, Korvir is killed by Farmir Darmov while Grekor is captured

762 - Umer Dul is divided into sectors with a senior ranger being assigned to each, Elkor Viathas personally oversees the sector containing Havath’Sehn | The Ildician Order move back into Umer Dul, occupying the region, the order is split into a number of divisions and assigned the a sector under the command of a ranger | Rangers and Ildicians work together to locate and capture criminals hiding in Umer Dul, as most Adunians living there are 2nd or 3rd generation descendants of criminals that settled in the wasteland years before, the Al’Ildic forces also try to enforce the law and bring order to the wasteland so that it might become a province of the Al’Ildic Realm in the future

765 - A horde of militant Umer Del rebels attacks Havath’Sehn and slaughters the occupying force, Elkor Viathas manages to retreat back to another sector and gather reinforcements, the rebel forces capture Havath’Sehn and entrench themselves in anticipation of an attack | A new ARC/Ildician Order headquarters is established beneath Mount Yurzol on the Western border of Umer Dul | The forces of four sectors unify and attempt to retake Havath’Sehn, they manage to drive out the rebels and capture Carmor Havath, the leader of the warband | Carmor Havath is sent to Ildon and imprisoned beneath Il’Tohr palace

768 - Elkor Viathas is killed when a rebel force raids the Mount Yurzol HQ, Farmir Darmov ascends to his position as ARC Chief | Ildician and ARC forces engage in several minor skirmishes with rebel warbands in the Southwestern quadrant of Umer Dul

774 - Carmor Havath escapes from his cell beneath Il’Tohr and murders Lord Sinderion Elendil, Reman Elendil kills Carmor as he tries to flee | Reman Elendil ascends to become Adunian Lord | Reman Elendil sends orders to Farmir Darmov, Verok Wynsehn and Grethor Delmar, commanding that they wipe out the population of Umer Dul as retribution for his father’s death | The Umer Dul Massacre begins, the Ildician Order with their ARC commanders sweep across their sectors and kill every inhabitant they find indiscriminately | Several rebel warbands rise up and attempt to oppose the Ildicians but they are swiftly defeated by the rampaging military | The remaining rebels flock to Havath’Sehn, believing that with their combined numbers they have a chance at defending it against the Al’Ildic military | Farmir Darmov leads the attack on Havath’Sehn, killing Havath’s last grandson Lurok in battle, the town is burnt to the ground and all its inhabitants are slaughtered

775 - The last of Umer Dul’s citizens either flee or die at the hands of Al’Ildic’s military, only soldiers remain in the wasteland | The Ildician Order pulls out, returning to Maroch Castle, officially bringing The Umer Dul Crisis to an end | ARC Chief Farmir Darmov declares Umer Dul a restricted military zone and erects a monument to the rangers and Ildicians who fell during the occupation in the ruins of Havath’Sehn | Some rangers stay behind in Umer Dul, occupying the Mount Yurzol HQ and patrolling the wasteland to assure no rebels return, some criminals try to seek refuge across the border but they are captured and executed by the rangers, most ARC personnel leave Umer Dul and return to their former duties

793 - Birth of Dranan Elendil, son of Vidkun Elendil

795 - Twenty years after the end of the Umer Dul crisis, the last rangers leave the wasteland

863 - Reman Elendil dies of old age

887 - Birth of Rymeul Elendil, son of Dranan Elendil

914 - Vidkun Elendil dies of old age

970 - Birth of Anmas Elendil, son of Rymeul

1000 - Rymeul Elendil departs on a voyage to Aegis, aiming to discover what has become of his ancestor’s country Fai O’Thuaid and the other descendants of Horen | Rymeul meets with the King of Oren in Al'khazar, organizing a trade agreement between the nations and forging a stable alliance\

1001 - Trade with Oren and Northern Aegis opens

1002 - The Church of the True Faith arrives in Al’Ildic, but people are slow to adopt it and generally continue to favour Adunian Creatorism

1053 - Dranan Elendil dies of old age

1058 -Birth of Bethrol Elendil, son of Anmas Elendil

1070 - Rymeul Elendil dies of old age

1114 - Birth of Gillion Elendil, son of Bethrol Elendil

1144 - Anmas Elendil dies in a shipwreck on his way to Aegis

1198 - Birth of Thorenir Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil

1201 - Bethrol Elendil dies in battle, putting down a rebellion in Carthaig and Losgiath

1219 - Birth of Rydel Elendil, son of Gillion Elendil

1261 - Birth of Halboron Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil

1276 - Birth of Aren Elendil, son of Rydel Elendil

1278 - Gillion Elendil dies of an unknown illness | Icarien Delmar takes the opportunity created by Gillion’s death to split off from Al’Ildic and reform the nation of his ancestors, he rides to Ildon and challenges the new Lord Rydel Elendil a duel, claiming that if he loses his country shall swear fealty to the Elendils but if he wins Eldion will secede from the Realm, Rydel initially refuses his request but is convinced to rethink his decision when his brother Thorenir explains the dishonour it will bring him and the Elendil clan | Icarien Delmar and Rydel Elendil meet at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, they enter into a traditional honour duel and each miss their first shot, when Icarien goes to unstring his bow for a second round, the young Adunian Lord attempts to shoot Icarien outright but misses again, the Earl of Eldion is appalled by this act of deception and tries to leave, claiming he has won the duel by default, Rydel tries to have his men stop Icarien but his brother Thorenir allows the Earl to leave | The Earls of the Irthgard provinces (Teragh, Armana, Canmoor, Revor Dul, Eldion, Carthaig, Losgaith, and Muir) refuse to renew their oaths of fealty to the new Adunian Lord, banding together and forming the Kingdom of Irthgard beneath Icarien Delmar | Rydel Elendil declares war on the Kingdom of Irthgard to reunify the Adunian Realm, rallying the Ildician Order, the ARC, and the armies of each loyal province to his cause, marking the start of the Great Adunian War | Walther Viathas, High Marshal of Al’Ildic and Orhdu of the Ildician Order, takes command of the Al’Ildic army with ARC Chief Thorenir Elendil as his 2IC | Al’Ildic forces assemble at Castle Maroch in preparation for the invasion

1279 - Walther Viathas leads his massive army in the Fourth Battle for Canmoor Canyon, hoping that their superior size will be enough to secure victory, the entrenched Irthgardian army roll boulders into the Canyon, crushing their advancing opponents and forcing a retreat, Walther Viathas is crushed by one such boulder and killed during the battle | Thorenir Elendil takes command of the Al’Ildic forces | Thorenir sends the Ildician Order North to the Frozen Shore | The armies of Dunwic, Teron and Avek’Baer form a defensive line at Dunwic Town to block the Irthgardian army from advancing into the plains | The armies of Lomben, Nivinor, Threlmor and Il’Ascella go South and invade Muir | The Ildician Order invades Teragh and clashes with Irthgardian forces on the Northern coastline in the Battle at Mount Frorjurn, seizing victory and marching onwards to Del Fai to take control of the town | The Irthgardian army pushes out Canmoor and attacks the Dunwic/Teron/Avek’Baer army at Dunwic Town, decimating their line and seizing the settlement | The Irthgardian army burns crops and murders livestock as they push West across the Ildician plains region in Dunwic and then Nivinor | The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella/Lomben army pushes Muir’s forces back to the Seaport of Nairn and overwhelms them in the Battle of Nairn, some Muir forces retreat to the island of Raghnall | The Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army rushes North to defend Nivinor against the advancing Irthgardians while the army of Lomben occupies Muir | A fleet from Ar’Galdor sails around the South coast and attacks the island of Raghnall, the Varodyr forces land on the island and seize the fortress

1280 - An Irthgardian Army advances from Revor Dul and lays waste to Del Kaev | The army of Il’Ascella breaks off from Nivinor/Threlmor and marches to Del Kaev | The Ildician Order marches to Del Val and burns it to the ground during their march to Fort Gherov, enraged by the attack on their homeland | The Nivinor/Threlmor army clashes with the Irthgardians at the River Dun near Last Pine in the Battle of Strigor’s Crossing, the Threlmorian soldiers advance head on at the Irthgardians while the Nivinese flank them, resulting in an Al’Ildic victory and the capture of many Irthgard troops | ARC rangers infiltrate a number of Irthgard’s armies on the orders of Thorenir Elendil | The Varodyr fleet raids along the Eastern coastline | The Il’Ascella army drive the Revor Dul Irthgardians out of Del Kaev, entrenching their position in the town in preparation for a counter attack, the Revor Dul army attempts to retake the town but fails, retreating to Fort Hyel | The Ildician Order lays siege to Fort Gherov, an army from Armana arrives to reinforce the army of Teragh but are defeated by the Ildicians, the army lead by Zaerek Haryn captures Fort Gherov and uses it as a prisoner for their POWs, leaving some of their force behind to guard it before marching South into the main range | The Nivinor/Threlmor force pushes forward to Canmoor Canyon and holds position | An army from Revor Dul marches out of Fort Carth to attack the Nivinor/Threlmor force, but Earl Thuramk Cercial is assassinated by an ARC ranger implanted among his soldiers, causing confusion and disarray and allowing the Nivinor/Threlmor force to push South and defeat them with ease | The Il’Ascella army advances into Revor Dul and lays siege to Fort Hyel | The Irthgardians build up defense in Armana as the Ildician Order advances South in order to prevent a pincer-attack on Canmoor Canyon

1281 - The Varodyr army lands in Carthaig and mounts an invasion by land, capturing Del Koros and burning it to ground before pushing South towards Losgiath and destroying everything in their path | The Ildician Order tries to push into Armana but is defeated and forced to retreat in the First Battle of Galstor Gorge | The Nivinor/Threlmor force recieves reinforcements from across the plains and forest regions, gathering strength at the foot of Canmoor Canyon | The army of Il’Ascella capture Fort Hyel before advancing North to rejoin the main Nivinor/Threlmor army | The army of Ar’Galdor captures Del Rhien’al and burns it to the ground as they did to Del Koros, the force then turns North and advances into Eldion towards Ekvol | Thorenir Elendil orchestrates ARC Operation Antler; overnight the rangers embedded in the armies defending Armana and Canmoor assassinate their Irthgardian commanders, plunging the defending forces into chaos | The Ildician Order rushes South, taking advantage of the chaos, engaging the Irthgardian forces in the Second Battle for Galstor Gorge and emerging victorious | With the Irthgardian rear guard weakened in Armana, the Nivinor/Threlmor/Il’Ascella army pushes into Canmoor Canyon, ARC rangers in the mountains take control of the sites from where boulders are being dropped into the canyon, the Ildician Order pushes further South and attacks the Canmoor defenders from the rear, all resulting in a decisive Al’Ildic victory in the Fifth Battle for Canmoor Canyon | The Ildician/mainland army arrives at Ekvol from the North a few days after the Ar’Galdor force arrives from the South, the Al’Ildic forces lay siege to the Eldion capital

1282 - Thorenir Elendil executes ARC Operation Sandstone; the Al’Ildic army launches attacks on Ekvol’s main gates while Thorenir himself leads the rangers up into the mountains behind the city, they scale the walls of the Stone Keep and infiltrate the Delmar palace, Thorenir and Icarien duel with swords and the Ranger Chief emerges victorious, capturing the rebel King and forcing him to surrender, the Irthgardian army stands down and the Al’Ildic army occupies Ekvol, ending the Great Adunian War | Thorenir Elendil personally escorts Icarien Delmar to Ildon for his trial | Valrik Douglas, Aerd of the Ildician Order and a clan Elendil loyalist, is placed as protector of Eldion during the time of military occupation | Icarien Delmar demands a trial by combat and enters into an honour duel against Thorenir Elendil at the Eastern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak, where he first fought Rydel four years earlier, Thorenir draws faster than his opponent and shoots Icarien through the heart | Douglas are made the new Earls of Eldion, the other clans are given back their land |The remaining Delmars flee from Al’Ildic, crossing the sea to Aegis

1291 - Thorenir Elendil and his supports attempt a coup against Lord Rydel Elendil, certain his leadership will drive the Realm to ruin, most citizens are scared by the prospect of dethroning an Adunian Lord and despite their hatred for Rydel they support him over Thorenir, the Ildician Order capture the ARC Chief and his supports, executing many of them on Rydel’s orders | Thorenir Elendil is exiled by his brother, crossing the sea to Aegis

1299 - Birth of Artorus Elendil, son of Aren Elendil, the first Adunian in the line of succession to have a pure-human mother, a woman from Oren’s House Vivyaen

1302 - Aren Elendil dies putting down a rebellion in Lomben, having never ascended to his position as Adunian Lord, leaving his son Artorus as heir

1305 - Birth of Adrian Elendil

1309 - The Undead arrive in Al’Ildic, overwhelming Ar’Galdor during the night and ariving on the East coast of the main continent in the early hours of the morning, they slaughter everything in their path up to the mouth of Canmoor Canyon, where the Ildician Order lead by Orhdu Konagan Haryn stand against the invaders in the legendary battle known as “The Defense of Konagan’s Ridge”, the Ildicians hold the ridge for hours against Undead onslaught before being forced to retreat to Maroch castle, Konagan dies in the battle and his Aerd Wilhelm Antiochus takes command, Starke Haryn rides to Ildon to warn High Marshal Loramyr Wallas and ARC Chief Halboron Elendil who organise the defense of the capital, the Ildicians can only defend Maroch for a few short hours before being overwhelmed and the Undead are allowed to advance towards Ildon where the armies of most remaining Earls have assembled, the Undead clash with the Adunians at the Southern foot of Maria’s Southernmost peak in the “Great Battle of Ildon”, the combined forces of Al’Ildic are decimated and the Undead destroy Ildon before moving on to the remaining strongholds across the continent, Rydel Elendil is burnt to death by an Undead necromancer in his keep, Halboron Elendil manages to flee the continent with a handful of his family’s relics and Artorus Elendil, Rydel’s young heir - Adunian refugees arrive in Aegis and disperse into society

1500 - Rymeul III and Thorenir II land in Al’Ildic almost 200 years after it's fall

Relevant Adunian Links

Map of Al’Ildic


Map of Al’Ildic in 1255 by Thorenir Adrian Droch Elendil

The Prophecies of Ar’Galdor


The legend surrounding the Prophecies of Ar’Galdor, told to Rymeul Harrenich Elendil III by his father Thorenir Halboron Atlas Elendil II

Valdemere Scotc(h)

https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124108-valdemere-scotch-adunian-lore/ The history of Adunian Scotc(h), told to Rymeul Harrenich Elendil III by his father Thorenir Halboron Atlas Elendil II

Adunian Honour Duels and the Fight at Last Pine

https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/124111-the-fight-at-last-pine-adunian-legend/ The legendary Fight at Last Pine and the system of Al’Ildic Honour Duels, explained to Rymeul Harrenich Elendil III by his father Thorenir Halboron Atlas Elendil II

The Elendil Family Tree

http://www.familyecho.com/?p=P2Y4D&c=14fdbtj2lv8&f=403725385592833970 The family tree of the Adunian rulers from Horen to modern-day

The Updated Elendil Family Tree

https://www.familyecho.com/?p=HCBGZ&c=150ig1l6b1l&f=553877281430754349 Starting with Barren 'The Bold', the family line can be traced down into the second age. ((This is part of the human family tree))