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Revision as of 04:34, 21 December 2015

These plants look to be the common Venus Fly-trap, though with roots clearly exposed and forming a bit of a bush around the central pod. The plant seems to have a will of it’s own and moves without clear motive, slowly wandering aimlessly about the forests of Malinor.

The vines of the creature are abnormally thick and tough, they’ve been noted to impale an unarmored figure with ease. The prey fed to the central pod. When ingesting Food, the creature remains entirely inactive. Generally unresponsive to the exterior world, even when clearly attacked with efforts to claim it’s life. Upon closer inspection, the creature seems to be a collection of creatures, working within a hivemind environment, the central pod directing the creature entirely.

The Central pod is surprisingly thin and frail, lack of effort to protect the mind of the oganism is. strange to say the least. Further observations would be needed to get a better understanding of the creature.

The digestive acids of the central pod weaken considerably over time, suggesting the constant need to produce acid from the central pod. When left unhindered, the creature has been known to grow sizes rivaling that of the common tree.

They used to be located in densely forested areas within the borders of Malinor. The creatures are nomadic in nature, seeing them outside of Malinor, or around civilization is exceptionally common.

Author: Freema5