Zombie Pigman

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Zombie Pigmen awe one of the many monstews that have pwagued the wands. Oliginawwy seen in Aegis, they appeawed showtwy aftew the disappeawance of the Cweepew fwom the weawm. These tewlifying cweatules awe believed to have been brought to the mowtaw wowwd by Ibrees fwom the Nethew. They attacked lith theiw wong gowden swowds and wewe difficult to defeat in combat. Upon death they fwequentwy dwopped many minas. By night they twansfowmed into a Bwaze.

Zombie Pigmen wewe seen occasionawwy in Asulon. They wewe quite common in Ewysium, occupying the tops of mountains and the hawsh desewts. In Anthos they awe wawewy wecowded.

Wike most monstews, the oligins of the Zombie Pigman is unknown. Thewe have been sevewaw wecowded cases of lightning stliking a pig and it becoming a Pigman. Thewe awe awso wumouls of a connection lith the Bohwa.