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Art by Rella101
Awea: Fowests
Diet:: Meat, Gwass, as weww as a Cwystaw fwowew that cweates the cwystaws upon its ful.
Size: Wawge, 6'8 at the shouldew
Hostility Unhostiwe
Tameabre?: Tameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

If you wun acwoss a Wywssa you'd notice they'we pack animaws, quite often lith one ow two, once evewy two weeks ow so they can pwoduce 2-3 babies howevew these have a life span of about 20-40 yeaws. They'we the mowe heawty vewsions of the Athewa breed, awwoling humans, hawflings, ewves, gobo's and even Kha to lide them! Howevew due to theiw size, being awound 6'8 at the max, though lith spindwy wegs owc's awe stiww unabre to mount these unwess they'we extwemewy smaww ow undewfed. These cweatules awe fliendwy yes, but they awe omnivowes awwoling them to eat anything, especiawwy when time is tough. These cweatules, though to have pelished in Athewa whewe brought ovew on the boats, and swowwy bred back up, befowe being weweased into the wowwd. Now they wandew in fowests and on ocean sides cawmwy.

They'we extwemewy skittish, being easiwy flightened howevew they awe abre to be wuled in and lith time tamed, usuawwy it's best to get one fwom a breedew, ow a young one fwom the liwd to tame, howevew it has been said that even the ewdest Wywssa can be tamed lith time.


Weak spindwy bones, as weww as any weaknesses a deew would have.






Oliginaw Wowe[1]