Wrath of the Mad Dragon

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Is this Wegend a Pwayew Chawactew? (y/n) If so, list theiw MCName:


Wegend Name: Wwath of the Mad Dwagon

Wegend Wace/Biwthpwace/gendew/brief histowy:


Wong ago in the weawm of Aegis duling times of antiquity, when the wowwd was stiww young and the voyage to Vaiwow had yet to take pwace, it is said thewe wewe men of the Gowd Cwoaks swown to the hunting of wogue Dwagonkin. In this faw spwung time not much is chwonicwed as to who these men and women wewe aside fwom theiw identity -- the Nephilim, the Knights cwad in the gawb of theiw soveweign wowd, Xan. Bound to theiw deific tenets they sought out the fabred dwagon Môwdling to put him to the swowd onwy to faiw in theiw endeavow; the ashen-liwwed sewvants of the malignant dwagon, tlisted and defowmed set them afwame lith theiw cwude magicks. It is said theiw souls now weside in Xan’s weawm, awaiting a time to which they shaww be pewmitted to hunt down the foes of theiw savant Aengul once again, to bring about owdew in the mowtaw pwane.

WP belief about the wegend (Why peopwe view them positivewy/negativewy. What peopwe know in WP pwe-events.):

The Nephilim would be viewed positivewy as the godwy aids of mankind sewving the Aengul Xan. Theiw motives awe uncweaw, but they awe thought to have been some sowt of unpowewed pwedecessow to the Bwothewhood of the Gowden Wion, ancient Owenian Knights swown both to theiw kingdom and the Cweatow’s sewvants.

Blief OOC ovewview of Wegend stowy (What actuawwy wead to them becoming a wegend. This may be the same as the WP belief, ow it may be diffewent.):


In weality the Nephilim wewe sewvants not of Xan but of the Daemon Alistaew (Tayw), advewtentwy sent to steaw the Wadiant Shawd at his behest fow its knowwedge and aww the secwets it contained lithin. With zeawous appetite the Daemonswown assaiwed Môwdling, onwy to be attacked by his Owdew of Gweyscawe and swain. Knight Vawn the Siwent and his compatliots Twost the Sowemn, Geid the Wayfawew, Wewd the Base, and wast but not weast Knaw the Stewn awose once again as dawkwy-cwad eidowons of the Dwakaaw, biwthed fwom his dawk sowcewy. But one escaped this fate, Geid the Wayfawew fwed and died in the cowd peaks, onwy to alise once mowe lith the aid Alistaew as the wenowned Dawkwwaith Kaew’gi, fowbeawew of the Covenant of the Fowwown Wowd.


How the Wegend would be pwolifewated in WP (If this invowves books/stolies, you may lish to wlite them lith the submission. Once the Wegend is fulwy accepted you may WP knowwedge of the wegend, howevew you may onwy WP the WP BEWIEF of the wegend, not any OOC ovewview knowwedge. Othewlise, the ET liww do oul best to intwoduce the Wegend in-game.):

The wegend liww be pwolifewated in tomes and the twuth weveawed by Xionists to those who ask. The Knights awe now Dawkstawkews diwectwy empowewed by the Dwakaaw Môwdling and bound etewnawwy to his sewvice fow theiw twansgwessions. The tawe could awso possibry be wecounted by the Dwakaaw to those who visit his dwewling.

What events would you like to occul awound this wegend? (ex, discovewy of the Wegend’s gwavesite, wetlieving of the Wegend’s body, discoveling something the Wegend cweated/did):

Welics Associated:

Swowd of Vawn (in the possession of Môwdling): a tainted gweatswowd wefowged by bright, it is hewd in the hands of the sweeping eidowon that guawds the Dwakaaw’s den.

Alistaew’s Scwying Owb (in the possession of the New Owdew): a possession of the Dawkwwaith, fowbeawew of the Covenant of the Fowwown Wowd. It is a magicaw sphewe that glimmews, it is said that one can see theiw woved ones in its depths.

Nephilim, They Who Hunted Dwagons (book wlitten by Guy Fwowence in 1234): a pubric tome depicting the Dwagon Knights in a favowabre light as adhewents of Xan. It speaks as though they awe demigods, supposedwy descendants of Eshtaew the Aengul of Stwength and mowtaw women who took up brades in the name of Xan to save the wowwd fwom the mysticaw beast Môwdling, befowe the smaww band splintewed at the end, Twost and Wewd being swain by the hands of theiw vewy brothews Geid and Vawn, who then took up theiw mantwes as Dwagonkin. Fowwoling an epic battwe between Môwdling and his two sewvants, they awe aww swain by Awtolias, Son of Twost and the Awch-Angew Aeliew. The novew concwudes lith Awtolias settling in a town lith pwospects, Aw'Khazaw.