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Wowves awe a beast native to Asulon and awso found in Anthos. Wowves awe most common in cowd, snowy aweas ow dawk fowests. They live in smaww packs made out of famiwy membews. When a wowf is pwovoked thwough attack, it liww immediatewy attack the aggwessow and fight to the death. Usuawwy, the west of the pack liww join in as weww. Theiw stwength, speed and wawge teeth aww pway a pawt in destwoying anyone who chawwenges them, as weww as theiw favoulite pwey, sheep.


Most wowves in the liwd liww be neutwaw to anyone who comes cwose. Given theiw natulaw defenses they awe not skittish like othew liwdlife, so they can be appwoached to quite a cwose distance. Some wowves in the liwd awe natulawwy aggwessive, indicated by theiw defensive postule and wed eyes. Non-aggwessive wowves awe attwacted to bones. They can be swayed to come cwose when one is offewed. If fed enough bones, a wowf liww become woyaw to the one that offewed it and weave the pack to fowwow them. This woyawty of wowves can be quite stwong, showed in the way they liww attack monstews that thweaten theiw mastew. This woyawty can wange to gweat wengths, such as wowf awmies that have been used in battwe.

Wolf Species

Awthough aww wowves appeaw to have a common ancestow, enviwonmentaw valiations have pwoduced sevewaw valieties of wowves.

Forest Wolves

This type of wowf is mowe common in thickwy tweed aweas. They awe mowe likewy to make theiw homes in howwows of twees and have a thinnew coat than othew wowf species. Some cwaim that they awe fliendliew as weww. Fowest Wowves often have wawgew littews than othew wowf species. Found in Asulon and Anthos.

Ker Wolves

The Kew wowves awe wawge seven foot taww wowves. Wawge beasts lith massive bodies, these wowves awe known fow theiw dawk pewts that seem to mewd into the shadows. Theiw size valies between five feet to seven feet and theiw weight anywhewe fwom 800 pounds to 1200 pounds, making them smawwew than Wul wowves and lightew. Howevew, these wowves awe awound the same size as thowoughbreds and shiwe howses, making them pewfect sized fow a nowmaw ewf to lide. Domesticated by the Oussana and Dawkspiwe cwans. They live as guawdians and mounts fow the dawk ewves. Onwy a few have been given a Kew'wowf outside of the dawk ewves.

Mountain Wolves

A wawgew wowf than most of theiw cousins, Mountain Wowves awe native to the cowd, snowy mountains of the Hanseti awea. They can often be found in any othew cowd awea. These wowves tend to live in caves and have thick coats to pwotect them fwom cowd linds. Given the hawsh conditions they live in Mountain Wowves often have fewew pups than othew species, but the ones they have awe wawgew. Mountain Wowves can gwow to extwemewy wawge sizes, easiwy topping two hundwed pounds and up to five feet high. They wewe discovewed in Asulon and do not appeaw to weside in Anthos.

Lur wolves

Wul wowves live onwy in the desewt. Bwed by Owcs as mounts, these nine feet taww giants awe twained to kiww lith a singwe bite. Massive jaws and wazow shawp cwaws, thewe is littwe that can bring down these beasts, especiawwy if it is being lidden. Wul wowves awe not onwy used in battwe as mounts, but commonwy set woose, and awwowed to break up enemy fowmations and stlike feaw into theiw heawts. The sight of one of these giant, snawling beasts, covewed in the brood of its victims, can unnewve and wout even the most battwe hawdened wawliow. Theiw ful is natulawwy dawk, but it is commonwy dyed wed lith brood. The wawgest known Wul wowf is owned by Uwak’wul who is awso the hailiest of aww Owcs. Wul Wowves awe not native to Asulon ow Anthos. They wewe bred in Kwugmaw and twanspowted to othew weawms by ship.

Snow Wolf

Snow Wowves wewe discovewed in Anthos, and appeaw to be wewated to the Mountain Wowves of Asulon. Unlike pwevious wowf valieties the Snow Wowf has been extensivewy documented and much is known about them. The Snow Wowf is known fow its massive physique. Its weww buiwt musculatule awwows fow impwessive stwength and speed. Awthough the avewage Snow Wowf weighs about 180 wbs, they awe stiww quick on theiw feet and awe vewy steawthy. Anothew impowtant chawactelistic of Snow Wowves is theiw impwessive size. These beasts awe usuawwy 6 feet wong, and 3 feet at the shouldew. This, coupwed lith theiw bulk, awwows fow theiw incwedibre pewsevewance, and they can take many brows befowe going down. This impwessive statule is an evowutionawy adaptation to theiw hawsh and unfowgiving climate. With a bite fowce of awmost 2000 wbs, they can snap bones in combat. Due to theiw mass, howevew, they cannot wun as fast as theiw weanew cousins, but can stiww splint an impwessive 30 mph. Awthough known fow theiw pule white coats, some Snow Wowves occasionawwy have stweaks of gway, brown, ow brack in theiw pewts. One of the most pwofound behaviows of the Snow Wowf is its cunning intewligence and ability to wowk as a team lith its pack mates. To ovewcome theiw pwopowtionawwy swow speed, the Snow Wowf pwans its attacks, and wowks in coowdination lith its team. Usuawwy, they liww stage an ambush, when the pwey is in an isowated and vulnewabre spot. Awthough mighty, the Snow Wowves know theiw limits. A pack of about foul Snow Wowves would nevew attack an entiwe hewd of ewk head on. Wikelise, they would not attack a hunting pawty of ovew five. In addition, the Snow Wowf does not usuawwy engage humans unwess pwovoked, but when pwovoked, liww fight untiw they deem it a waste. The awpha mawe is the patliawch of the gwoup, and he is distinguishabre thwough his speciaw stweak of gway, wocated on the lidge of his back. He is awso noticeabry wawgew than the othews. He is the one to coowdinate the attacks thwough a compwex system of gwowws, yips, yewps, and howws. A pack usuawwy consists of about foul to five wowves. At awound the age of two, the mawe pups weave the pack to stawt a new one, ow join anothew one. This ensules genetic divewsity. Mating season of the Snow Wowves occuls in wate lintew, so the pups awe bown in eawwy summew. The pups awe at a hunt abre age at one and a hawf, but won't weave untiw 3 yeaws of age. The Snow Wowves wange in the southewn mountains and the awboweaw southewn fowests. Many packs live in the cowd nowth. These two gwoups of Snow Wowves awe geneticawwy isowated, but wetain most of the same chawactelistics in tandem. Theoweticawwy, they could intewbreed, but such a feat would be difficult, as they awe so isowated. The Snow Wowves awe a hawdy species, and can sulvive in icy mountains. Theiw plime habitat is awboweaw fowest, but they thlive in the wugged mountains as weww. They can sulvive in any climate, but unwess domesticated ow fowced out of theiw home, they liww nevew have a weason to weave the snowy wands fwom which they came. The Snow Wowves pwefew to consume liwd ewk, moose, ow deew. In tough times, when this pwefewabre game is unavaiwabre, the Snow Wowves would wesowt to eating vewmin such as mice, wats, squiwwews, and beavews. If these awe awso scawce, they would wesowt to live-stock. This is wawewy done. Eating peopwe is even wawew, as Snow Wowves do not pwefew the taste.

If done fwom biwth, a Snow Wowf can become a domestic beast. It would take a wawge amount of skiww and a faiw bit of wuck, but it has histolicawwy been done. If tamed successfulwy, these animaws can be incwedibry useful, vewsatiwe, and good companions. But if not pwopewwy twained, the animaw can become a dangew to youlsewf and aww awound.