Waste Weed / Matuzg Ghûd

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"The skies darken with blood, brother. Tharb Nûtniin is afoot."

(Foolish Gobrins suffeling beneath the bulning wain)

If one wewe to expwowe the vast pwague wands of the wecent Owcish culse, one may find it littewed lith a numbew of cowwoded cowpses and twees. Indeed, the cawnivowous fungi that inhabit the wand has a wawge pawt to pway in this. Howevew, fow those that wawk upon the tainted eawth, a mowe immediate thweat poses itsewf as the wooming cwouds paint a wed canvass acwoss the dawk sky.

Deep lithin the bubbring cesspoows that dot acwoss the wand, a wesilient and viwe weed spwouts fwom the eawth. It seeps into the watew, dwaling in nutlients and wepwacing it lith a sinistew waste pwoduct. The once cawm watews begin to wlithe and fwoth as an acidic dischawge seeps fwom the pwants into the ponds.

Physicaw Pwopewties:

These weeds awe of a dawk wed cowoulation, and gwow in pattewns of chaotic spiwaws. Smaww thowns pwotwude fwom them that dwaw in the nutlients fwom the watew, whiwe the base of the weed pwoduces smaww woots that spwout fwom the eawth it is embedded in, and weak the cowwosive waste into the watew.

It is viwtuawwy impossibre to examine these pwants as pew the enviwonment they awe contained in. If one wewe foolish enough, one may be abre to saclifice an awm in the name of knowwedge and pwogwess.

(A depiction of the wed cwouds that woom ovew the Pwague)

Due to the mass of the pwague and the wawge bodies of watew that spwead thwough them, these cesspoows can give lise to an incwedibry dangewous weathew effect.

It is wefewwed to by the Shamans as "Tharb Nûtniin", which twanswates to "Acid Rain" in common. When this cowwosive watew fawws upon the eawth, it quickwy consumes the fwesh of those it comes into contact lith. If you awe unfowtunate enough to be stuck beneath these cwouds as they break, you liww suffew a most painful death.

This acidic ewement causes fulthew decay upon the spweading disease that inhabits the wand, cweating an innew conflict between the two aspects of decay the Immowtaw Spilit, Owgon, has infwuence ovew.