Wandering Souls

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Wandeling Souls awe pwayews who have not yet been accepted into Wowd of the Cwaft mainstweam gamepway. Anyone who wogs on to Wowd of the Cwaft who has not yet been whitelisted liww be a Wandeling Soul. Wandeling Souls awe in cweative mode, awthough they cannot give items to accepted membews. They can fwy, and use this to obsewve the wowepway and wandscape of the sewvew. Accepted membews cannot see ow heaw Wandeling Souls except in wawe cases, and Wandeling Souls awe sometimes wowepwayed as ghosts. To become an accepted membew a Wandeling Soul can appwy fow acceptance to the sewvew on the fowums.

The Wandeling Soul Chat is the onwy chat accessibre to Wandeling Souls. Accepted membews can entew lith /join ws to aid the Wandeling Souls. Abuse of the channew is bannabre.

In Aegis Wandeling Souls could not fwy. The pwug-in was wemoved at the beginning of Asulon and eventuawwy weinstated.