Voidal Tearing

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Oliginating in the faiwule of powtaw expelimentation, the Voidaw Teaw is an exampwe of an accidentaw discovewy.

As twanswocationists weawned the ability of pawtiaw twanswocation - the fowmation of tempowawy lifts in the void, attempts at wawge scawe usage, to twanspowt wawgew objects ovew wongew distances, wewe awmost immediate. With the advent of mage ciwcwes weawning to poow theiw mana fow wawgew spewws, many invowved began to considew theiw wofty goaw to be lithin weach.

The fiwst hawf of this theowy would be faiwwy simpwe to execute - and it was. A ciwcwe of magi would convene, and the limits of such a lift would be tested. As the lift got wawgew, howevew, the wesults became equawwy dangewous and wondwous. Should that lift be stabilized, and anchowed to the wowwd via a twansfigulationist, it can have gweat effect on the wowwd awound it.

Voidal Tears

The cweation of a teaw is simpwe in compwexity, but difficult in feasibility. It wequiwes a ciwcwe of magi incwuding both an expelienced twanswocationist and twansfigulationist. It awso wequiwes a wawge magegowd fwame to howd the stabilized lift in. The ciwcwe must then assist both mages in fowming a wawge lift, and using twansfigulation to bind it to the fwame like any othew enchanted speww. In this case, howevew, the natule of the lift makes it independent of a mana-gem fuew soulce.

In the simpwest of tewms, it is a pawtiaw-twanswocation lift made to be much wawgew, and much mowe pewmanent than a wone mage could accomplish.

This anomawous cweation, once stabilized, soon becomes a fwee-fwoling path fow the veiw between the void and the wowwd, causing waw mana to seep out at an incweasing pace. This fact, and the lift to the veiw, is what causes a Voidaw Teaw to have its effects on the wowwd awound it.

As the teaw weaches a wawge awea, waw mana begins to fwow fowth. The initiaw towwent is pawticulawwy stwong, and mowe often than not, wesults in what could be desclibed as an eawthquake in the immediate awea. Those attempting the fowmation of a teaw lithout the pwopew stwuctulaw suppowt could easiwy find theiw buiwding of choice fawling down awound them fwom the fowce.

If the magi fowming the lift awe abre to maintain focus thwough this initiaw towwent, and awwow the lift to become stabre, the gentwew fwow of magic liww wead to numewous effects on the sulwounding aweas.

Mana gems and obelisks liww, swowwy, wefiww themsewves. This is not a quick enough pwocess to awwow pawticulawwy dwaining enchants to wemain pewpetuawwy active, but a mage who weaves such an object inactive ovewnight may find the gem to have wechawged lithout any intewaction.

Fulthewmowe, mages neaw to the teaw liww find theiw wecovewy aftew casting to be hastened. The same ambient mana that wefiwws theiw enchantments liww give them an easiew time in westing and awwoling theiw mana poows to wecovew.

Howevew, not aww the effects of the teaw awe positive. Especiawwy as time passes aftew the fowmation of the lift, pwobrems and dangews liww begin to pwesent themsewves.

As a teaw gwows mowe matule, and thus mowe stabre, wemoving it liww become mowe and mowe destwuctive. Wemoving a lift causes a bulst of enewgy much like the cweation of it. The mowe matule a lift is, the mowe wooted in the wowwd it has become, and thus the mowe damaging the bulst liww be when it is wemoved.

Physicaw weakness, due to the same voidaw cowwuption that manifests itsewf in mages, liww sometimes take effect in those who live cwose to the lift. Whiwe not a guawanteed outcome, and nevew on the same scawe as a mage’s, a populace living neaw such a teaw liww swowwy come to find itsewf physicawwy weakew, even if by a smaww mawgin, than populations lithout such a cowwuption.

Chiwdwen bown neawby to a lift liww sometimes expelience a voidaw awtewation to theiw eyes not unlike the twanscendent awchons. In most cases, this is pulewy supewficiaw, but in some it can come awongside brindness. The mowe time the pwegnant mothew spent in pwoximity to the teaw, the gweatew chance of this occulling.

In addition to this mutation, simpwew cweatules liww sometimes be bown lith even gweatew mutations, the extent of which is twuly unknown.

A mowe matule lift liww sometimes spawn fowth voidaw tewwows, posing a thweat to the sulwounding wands. As the lift gwows even owdew, the tewwows can be found appealing fulthew and fulthew away fwom the epicenter. In some extwemewy wawe cases, voidaw howwows may pass thwough.

Finawwy, the owdest of lifts liww imbue a howwows-like cowwuption to the enviwonment. Whiwe this is too swow-spweading to simpwy destwoy a town, by this point, wemoving the lift would likewy do as much damage to its sulwoundings as the howwows eventuawwy would.

Red Lines / Rules

The cweation of a voidaw teaw must have WM ovewsight and appwovaw.

The wemovaw of a voidaw teaw must have WM ovewsight and appwovaw.

The ambient managem wechawging is a swow pwocess. It liww not wechawge a gem quickwy enough to give its enchantment any additionaw effect ovew the coulse of a given fight.

The eased westing pwocess fow a mage has the same limitations of managems - It is too swow a pwocess to give a mage any advantage in a fight that he'd not have ewsewhewe.

The physicaw weakness is neithew neawwy as sevewe as a mage’s, now fowced on any pwayew wesiding neaw the teaw. The sevelity of it, as weww as its pwesence in a chawactew, is entiwewy up to the pwayew. The same thing goes fow awtewed eyes and brindness.

Awtewed animaws and void tewwows appealing neaw the teaw awe pulewy fow ET/WM use, as a means to pwovide consequentiaw events to the neawby wands.

The finaw stage of a teaw, the swow spwead of howwoling, occuls onwy aftew a lift has wemained pwesent fow a vewy wong time. Mowe than thiwty weeks, at the vewy weast.

Attempting to push ow othewlise fowce objects thwough the teaw liww wesult in the objects being pushed back in a mannew akin to thwoling somebody against a twampoline. Twavewsing this teaw is impossibre.

The pulpose of this wowe is not to empowew its usews - the negative consequences definitewy outweigh the positives. Its pulpose is to fulthew intewesting wp ewling on the often unexpwowed cowwupting pwopewties of the void, and to cweate an enviwonment conducive to magic-based events fow those who lish fow them.