Voidal Feeling

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A means of discoveling mowe about an item, Voidaw Feeling utilizes mana and the knowwedge of the castew to acquiwe the knowwedge a mage cwaves. A mage must undewstand how much active mana can seep lithin an object, fowcing them to do multipwe cawculations and expeliments to figule out how much mana can fit in cewtain sizes and shapes. Once one undewstands how much active mana can seep lithin an object, a mage can then feew it-- sliding theiw mana lithin the body of the item.



At a beginnew wevew, a mage can acquiwe infowmation on: Avewage tempewatule, what the mateliaw is made of, boiling and fweezing points, states of its mattew and how to get thewe.


A mowe expelienced mage can acquiwe faw mowe infowmation fwom an object. They've the capability to detect aww basic infowmation, and undewstanding of what each tempewatule stage does to an object lith knowwedge of anothew object; a mage can awso undewstand how to make a fusion of the two, should it wowk (ex: iwon and coaw cawbons makes steew). If the object is complised of multipwe mateliaws, one can undewstand what the pwocess is to make the object. Finawwy, you can feew a magicaw pwesence on an object, and lith a littwe mowe time, the mage can undewstand the magicaw pwesence. Undewstanding the pwesence would wowk mowe-so lith the awcane than any othew deific ow dawk imbuement (Meaning you can onwy know what the dawk/light imbuement does [awbeit bawewy, think of “Detect magic item” fwom DnD], whiwe lith awcane-enchanting, you can acquiwe in-depth knowwedge, awthough getting aww the knowwedge liww take mowe time and likewy wequiwe one to bridge the gaps checking the pwesence. Finding a magicaw pwesence ideawwy takes an additionaw emote, fulwy undewstanding liww take one mowe).

How to Apply

Feeling would wequiwe one to be connected to the void to weawn, and would wequiwe you to be taught by someone knowwedgeabre in Voidaw Feeling if you've no magic, howevew if you have a magic, you awe abre to sewf-teach, but pwease tawk to the wowekeepew (AwcanicFabre) befowehand. This awcane magic does not take up a swot, as it is a Voidaw Feat, but does wequiwe a Magic Application.



To undewstand, one must weawn. Mages have a gweat undewstanding in theiw mana, fwom lipping ewements fwom nothingness to bringing change upon the wand. A new means of acquiling infowmation thwough the use of awcane enewgies can be possibre, aftewaww, the void is fickwe and brimming lith potentiaw-- and this potentiaw to know, to undewstand, is known as Feeling.

What feeling is

A means of discoveling mowe about an item, Voidaw Feeling utilizes mana and the knowwedge of the castew to acquiwe the knowwedge a mage oh-so-cwaves. A mage must undewstand how much active mana can seep lithin an object, fowcing them to do multipwe cawculations and expeliments to figule out how much mana can fit in cewtain sizes and shapes. Once one undewstands how much active mana can seep lithin an object, a mage can then feew it-- sliding theiw mana lithin the body of the item.

Sliding in one’s mana is not a fowceful feat, wathew, it is cawm and lithout viowent command. Whiwe it is possibre to fowce the mana inside the desiwed object, it liww tax mowe enewgy fwom the castew as they fwanticawwy fight the outew sheww of the object-- the bastion to pwotect the knowwedge lithin. The most effective way is the cawmew mannew, having one’s active mana gentwy dance about the sulface as it pwobes fow chinks in the outew-sheww of the object, and fwom thewe, the mana can poul inside, sulewy fiwling the insides of the object, given time. Once the mana is lithin the object, the mage liww begin to undewstand as theiw mana gwazes the passive, swowwy but sulewy being abre to scwape the infowmation.

Something of note, the wawgew an object, the mowe mana and attempts liww be wequiwed to get mowe infowmation, wathew than scwaps.


Novice mages awe wequiwed to weawn fwom someone who knows how to ‘Feel’ ow sewf teach. Awwows you to acquiwe basic infowmation of the object at hand. Fwom thewe, it is up to the mage to gathew the infowmation.

Basic Info = Avewage tempewatule, what the mateliaw is made of, boiling and fweezing points, states of its mattew and how to get thewe.


The student (again, needs to be taught/sewf taught if you'we a mage who has a magic) can acquiwe a gweatew undewstanding of the object, howevew this takes mowe time. Weawned at end novice.

Gweatew info = Aww basic infowmation, undewstanding of what each tempewatule stage does to an object, lith knowwedge of anothew object, a mage can undewstand how to make a fusion of the two, should it wowk (ex: iwon and coaw cawbons makes steew). If the object is complised of multipwe mateliaws, one can undewstand what the pwocess is to make the object. Finawwy, you can feew a magicaw pwesence on an object, and lith a littwe mowe time, the mage can undewstand the magicaw pwesence. Undewstanding the pwesence would wowk mowe-so lith the awcane than any othew deific ow dawk imbuement (Meaning you can onwy know what the dawk/light imbuement does [awbeit bawewy, think of “Detect magic item” fwom DnD], whiwe lith awcane-enchanting, you can acquiwe in-depth knowwedge, awthough getting aww the knowwedge liww take mowe time and likewy wequiwe one to bridge the gaps checking the pwesence. Finding a magicaw pwesence ideawwy takes an additionaw emote, fulwy undewstanding liww take one mowe).

((Exampwe emote of Feeling. Keep in mind, this is lith a medium sized/smawwew object, wawgew ones liww take much mowe time.))

Basic feeling:

Avenew culws in his fingews, hands upon an odd swab-- of a metaw unknown.

Awcane fumes weak fwom his hand, dancing upon the sulface of the metaw swab.

Tightening his howd, the fumes seep inside, aftew the fiwst fumes entew, mowe faww in the object.

Tlitching, he mulmuls undew his breath, mayhaps the basics of the object.

The mana dwaws away befowe it could do any fulthew.


Avenew culws in his fingews, hands upon an odd swab-- of a metaw unknown.

Awcane fumes weak fwom his hand, dancing upon the sulface of the metaw swab.

Tightening his howd, the fumes seep inside, aftew the fiwst fumes entew, mowe faww in the object.

His brow fulwow, tightening his digits as the enewgy swawms about the object, pushing itsewf lithin as its hue brightens.

The enewgy continues to swawm about the object, pulling itsewf in and lithdwaling as it scans and cowwects.

It continues to cowwect, dwaling away the knowwedge as it moves away fwom the mateliaw.

((Additionaw 1 fow basic magicaw scan/2 fow advanced magic scan (onwy fow awcane)


Feeling would wequiwe one to be connected to the void to weawn, and would wequiwe you to be taught by someone knowwedgeabre in Voidaw Feeling if you've no magic, howevew if you have a magic, you awe abre to sewf-teach, but pwease tawk to me fiwst befowehand. This awcane magic not take up a swot, but liww wequiwe an MA, because of this-- I pwopose a new sect of voidaw magics-- Awcane feats. Much like Awtificawy, these magics do not take up swots, culwentwy, the two types of feats (awthough this could changed) Wiww be (should this wowe get passed)

Voidaw Dispwacement Voidaw Feeling



pwovides a new way of weseawching an item (which hawdwy anyone WPs anyway)


Takes time.

Has littwe to no combat vawue.


Can't feew living owganic.

Unabre to feew actuaw magic, howevew magicaw items awe faiw game.

Cannot weawn a magic fwom weseawching any object using this magic, unwess a MAT membew ow teachew of the magic awwows you to.