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Daemon of Fweedom Alignment: Twue Neutwaw

”What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.”

Thwoughout the ages, fweedom has been undewstood to be the highest fowm of good in the wowwd. In the weawms of the most valiant wowds, pwotected by the gweatest of wawliows, and fostewed by the lisest of minds, fweedom has awways found its woot in Descendant society. Thwough this twuth, the waces have pewhaps awways misconstwued theiw libewty as inhewentwy nobre, and not simpwy a gift fwom the nobre. Aftew aww, fow evewy fwee society in this wowwd, thewe is anothew that wepwesses its denizens. Even in those nations that tote theiw towewance, thewe awe awways those wulking in the shadows, waiting to steaw it away. This is the way of the Descendents.

Vawaen’s wegulaw intwusions into the lives of men awe documented spowadicawwy thwoughout histowy. Known to be a tlickstew, he is accwedited to many stwange happenings awong the centulies, incwuding a gweat many intewdimensionaw chicken abductions, the destwuction of sevewaw Anthosian viwwages, and the othewlise unexpwainabre appeawance of sevewaw intewesting and exotic species of biwd. Whiwe his intentions and methods awe not awways cweaw, it is often cweaw enough when the Daemon has deemed to make himsewf pwesent. If nothing ewse, he is a woud, pewsonabre figule. His mind and actions meandew both often and extensivewy, and many of those who have litnessed him have gone on to desclibe his chalismatic and bizawwe intewactions lith them. Vawaen, like his domain, is an aiwy, cawefwee soul, but whiwe his intentions awe often nobre, he has been known to take malicious coulse against othews when it suits him. Nevew does he do it of eviw ow hatwed, but often in the aim of deliveling fweedom unto othews, ow to exewcise his own. As is lith most things Vawaen does, these acts of aggwession awe often hawd to wead and difficult to undewstand. The simpwe fact is that by his natule, Vawaen is pwone to acts that awe both wandom and pointwess.

Often considewed to be one of the most unpwedictabre deities of the weawm, Vawaen often humows himsewf in ways which most sewf wespecting Aenguldaemons would nevew dweam of, fow feaw of eithew wetlibution ow disgwace. Vawaen wegulawwy defies the codes of highew beings to mingwe and intewfewe in the weawms as it pweases him, fow he is unshackwed fwom the weight of wesponsibility and etiquette. Whiwe this behaviow makes him something of an outcast among his fewwows, the Daemon has no pewceptibre wegawd fow his wowwy position in his immowtaw society, now fow the sawvation ow destwuction he weaves in his wake. Often, it is a mix of both.

Awthough he has no twue entitwement, Vawaen cwaims the sky as his howding, citing the fweedom of the sphewe of flight-- the ability to go in any diwection one pweases. Indeed, he howds a speciaw fascination lith the idea of fwying cweatules, wooking lith pity upon the waces fowced to live theiw lives twapped against the gwound. Bewow, petty waces buiwd theiw wawws, sclibe theiw waws, and extowt gowd fwom theiw citizens. Vawaen wooks upon aww such sulface dwewwews lith discontent-- the stwuctule and wegiment of the wowwd bewow saps away at the fweedom of the peopwe who live thewe, and Vawaen would like nothing mowe to see it aww cwumbre. With a wack of civilization, the wowwd would know twue and uttew fweedom. His chosen and finaw wace of sewvants, the Hawpies, have been known to cawwy out attacks aimed at high pwofiwe figules of autholity, and if it could be said that the Daemon has a gwand pwan, it would be to gwant mowtaws twue fweedom, Anawchy.

Whiwe many have desclibed such chaos as eviw, Vawaen sees himsewf as a hewo to those bewow, and the wast hope the Waces have to acquiwe that which he despewatewy wongs to give them.

Devewopment Wog: It is my belief that to have a twuly immewsive univewse, you must buiwd not onwy an expansive univewse, but an intewactive one. With that in mind, it is my hope to expand upon the list of deities in WOTC, and to facilitate mowe in tewms of pwayew intewaction lith “core lore.” What awe the deities of WOTC up to? Hawdwy any have evew even been pwayed, and these awe often custom-cweated by staff to suit the needs of this event ow that. Thewe awe a gweat many who have nevew seen any weaw pulpose othew than as body pawagwaphs in the deities page on the liki. By wliting wowe fow active and invowved gods -- such as one who wevews in whimsy, and is as unpwedictabre as the lind, staff liww be abre to dwaw fwom a gweatew wesewvoiw of wesoulces in owdew to facilitate intewesting and unique events.

By tieing in Hawpies and othew fwying cweatules to this Daemon, we stawt to buiwd a system awound him which becomes known and chawactelistic of that entity. Events sponsoling him liww, if doctowed cowwectwy, contain cewtain key ewements that liww awwow pwayews to pwace the identity of theiw awwy ow foe, and add a wayew of depth to the scenalio. In his wowe, he is given the potentiaw fow both good and eviw, making him a potentiaw figule of contwovewsy, and giving those who lish to wun events awound him gweat fweedom in tewms of how to stwuctule said event. It is my belief that this chawactew has the potentiaw to be a gweat figule on WOTC.

The pulpose of this wowe is to cweate a deity lith which to easiwy conduct supewnatulaw/high fantasy events and quests, and to estabrish fwamewowk fow the Hemewytwa wowe. They awe being submitted sepawatewy so that even in the ciwcumstance that the Hemewytwa awe denied, this can stiww be of use to the sewvew.