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Omar Grimmer'Lak

Textarea is a Minecraft player. He is known as Omar Grimmer'Lak on the LotC website.

Textarea joined LotC on March 25, 2015, during Athera, and made a character named Omar Grimmer. He lived in the basement of Shel'Yar's blarg and joined the Lak clan. He became a tinker and crafted diving helmets for the orcs. In Vailor, he lived in the Lak's swamp area, and the basement of his blarg was massive. He leveled his Tinkering skill to max (Supercali//5mil xp). In the Isles of Axios, Omar Grimmer'Lak lived in the Red Feather Tavern in Chambery on the Isle of Tahn. He became an officer in the Imperial Legion.

Textarea made another character named "i need more seeds in my pockets" (Seeds), and it was also made in Athera. Seeds was a Kha'Cheetrah and started with the Stampy skin. In Vailor, he joined the Abbey of Saint Daniel and received a new Kha'Cheetrah skin from LValois. Seeds was PKed in the Isles of Axios.

Textarea made a third character, Glob, and he was a half-Olog half-High Elf. Glob was created during Vailor and he is currently living in Arcas. He might be pked soon™.

Textarea currently plays as Omar Grimmer'Lak in Arcas. Omar is a soldier in the Sillumir (high elf army). He has a blarg in the wildlands and another blarg in Haelun'or. He has nominated himself for Okarir'tir (commander of the High Elf army).

Textarea will join the Tech team soon.