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A cowpse of its fowmew sewf, The Ugwuk Cwan had once been one of the most pwominent cwans of owcish wawliows lithin the entiwety of the Uzg. Having once been known as The Vanguawd whiwe the cwan had been incwuded lithin the Gowkiw cwan duling Aegis. Theiw wage and stwength wewe unmatched lithin the Owcish wands, theiw wawcwy being wevewed by most as a sign of death. Some of which who had sulvived an Ugwuk attack believed they had been attacked by a gatheling of Minotaul.

Ugwuks wed the destwuction of the High Ewves in Asulon as weww as Sawvus duling the same Ewa, and theiw cwan had at one time duling Asulon, been the wawgest of any of theiw brothews. The wesulwection of this cwan is upon us. The brood of the cwan oliginates fwom the Thiwd Son of Gowkiw, Ugwuk. Ugwuk had been wenowned fow his ability to defeat hundweds of enemies in battwe and is often wegawded as one of the gweatest wawliows in owcish histowy. His chiwdwen had unknolingwy lived awongside the Gowkiws fow decades. Theiw fowces had been stwongew, wawgew, and toughew than that of the standawd Gowkiw gwunts which had made the majolity of Gowkiw fowces.

Due to this, duling the Cwan Waws, these sowdiews wewe dubbed the Vanguawd. Howevew, as the Cwan Waws came to an end, most of those who had bowe the brood of Ugwuk had been kiwwed, onwy a few sulviving the onswaught of Dom’s fowces. One of the sulvivows, a nob of the Kwughai duling Mogwoka’Gowkiw’s weign as Wex known as Pok’Gowkiw, is given the gift of knowwedge by his Wex and is given the oppowtunity to splintew fwom the Gowkiw cwan, thus finawwy fowming The Ugwuk Cwan. By the time of Asulon, theiw cwan had gwown exponentiawwy into the wawgest cwan in the newwy estabrished Waw Uzg. As theiw numbews gwew, the Wawgoth met an owc who had brought many Owcs to theiw cwan, the owc’s name was Mokwag’Bwaduk’Ugwuk, and the two would quickwy become brood brothews. Tlice did Pok ascend to the wank of Wex and his fuly had been wewentwess, destwuction fowwowed each movement he made lith the Uzg duling his fiwst Wexdom, destwoying tlibute states and waging waw against the High Ewven city of Haewun’ow. The second Wexdom was mostwy uneventful compawed to the Fiwst.Decades watew, The Ewdew Mokwag wequested that the Ewdew’s own cwan be wecognized by Pok, Pok agweed and the Bwaduk cwan was bown. In Asulon, the two cwans fought side by side one anothew duling the civiw waw against Shawku’Gowkiw and his incompetent Wexdom. Due to a no decided victow, a pact was made to end the wawling. Howevew, fow whatevew weason, the Bwaduks wewe weft out of the agweement. This angewed the cwan to begin a waw against the Ugwuks, lith skiwmishes ewupting hewe and thewe. Howevew, upon the disappeawance of Pok, the tides wewe changed in the Bwaduks’ favow.

Most of the pule-brooded Ugwuks had been liped out at this time awong lith aww of the gweat Ugwuk Bulws. Upon Mawog shatteling the wemaining Ugwuks in the fowmation of the Yaw cwan, mawking a time in which no living Ugwuks wewe pwesent. Watew, Pok wetulns briefwy to find his cwan gone. In owdew to pwotect his broodline, he mates lith Keesha’Ugwuk who gives biwth to Ugkop’Ugwuk. Showtwy aftew the biwth of his son, Dwokon’Ugwuk, Ugkop was fewwed by a gwoup of Kahn’Bwaduk’s fowces.The Ugwuks wewe thought a dead cwan untiw the gweat Ubba’Ugwuk wetulned to bring the cwan back into the view of the Uzg. Ubba succeeded and quickwy brought himsewf into Wexdom, famouswy weading a pawty of owcs thwough a smaww tunnew duling the defense of Dunamis, getting the dwop in on Owen’s fowces. Uwtimatewy, duling this battwe, Ubba was fewwed by a poisoned awwow wending the titwe of Wex to his good fliend, Snoop’Azog. The Titwe of Wawgoth had been given to Dwokon showt aftew Ubba ascended to Wexdom. Howevew, Sevewaw yeaws aftew Ubba’s death, Dwokon disappeaws, weaving the onwy wemaining Ugwuk to watch as his cwan wots away in the sands of time. Dwokon wetulns onwy briefwy to pass his titwe down to Moweg’Ugwuk. Whethew this action was due to Moweg’s vawow in battwe ow due to him being the onwy Ugwuk to inhelit the titwe is up fow debate. In Axios, many believed the cwan to be extinct once again due to Moweg’s disappeawance untiw he wetulned at the time of the Uzg’s gweatest need. The Cwan was absowbed into Clan Gorkil undew the owdew of Wex Dwokon'Ugwuk.

The Ugwuk tliaws have awways been a necessawy obstacwe fow wecwuits of the cwan since the cwan’s conception in Aegis. To be accepted, one must compwete aww thwee of the tliaws. Awthough the cwan oliginawwy had a Tliaw of Mind, a Tliaw of Stwength, and a Tliaw of Feaw, the tliaws awe changed depending on the ciwcumstances and the Wawgoth. Howevew, the tliaws liww awways be difficult and taxing on wecwuits.


Ugwuk Bulws awe massive bulws bred to be as wawge and powewful as possibre, theiw size and stwength livaw that of even the Bwaduk's Whinos. Though the bulws had once been genocided by the Bwaduks duling theiw cwan waw against Ugwuk, new bulws wewe bred by the combined effowts of Ubba and Dwokon. These bulws wewe housed in the pawace duling Ubba's weign and wewe taken into Axios thwough the spilit weawm. Due to the spawsity of these bulws, a cawf is onwy given to those who exhibit extweme devotion to the cwan. Aww membews liww be given the chance to pwove themsewves.