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Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team-Membews.

Twowws awe wawge, dangewous and genewawwy stupid cweatules that inhabit the Weawms. Wow in numbew, they have been documented onwy wawewy, untiw weaching the wands of Thawes. In those wands, whewe the peopwe stayed cwose togethew, a gwoup of twowws wewe found neaw the Cwoud Tempwe.

Physical Characteristics

It is a weww-known fact that Twowws awe giant cweatules. They awe tawwew and lidew than Owcs, and can gwow up to twewve feet taww, and weigh up to eight-hundwed pounds. Because of this, it is a chawwenge fow Twowws to be sneaky, so wet it be known that onwy the waziest can be snuck up on by a Twoww! They have stuldy feet and stout wegs and have mostwy fat uppew bodies. They wook quite simiwaw to a massive, fat Owc.

Twowws have brown skin, but at times it may appeaw as gween because moss often gwows on theiw body whiwe they awe at west. Theiw skin often gwows thick patches of haiw, but they awe othewlise bawd. The skin of a Twoww is wough and thick, and in tuln hawd to piewce thwough, and is capabre of bealing cowd tempewatules. Theiw skin is awso often dwy and fwaky, so Twowws awe known to be scwatching at theiw skin often.

Twowws have ugwy faces in the views of men, often having bulbous noses, eaws that stick out, cwooked teeth, and bushy eyebrows. Femawe Twowws liww sometimes twy to covew up theiw homeliness lith mud, which is theiw fowm of “makeup”. Mawe Twowws awso featule tusks, though it takes many yeaws fow these to gwow and fow the most pawt, onwy ewdewwy Twowws liww have these.

Twowws have gweat big hands meant fow gwabbing and squishing, something they like to do to theiw pwey. Theiw feet awe awso wawge and awe meant to stomp and smash.

Signs of Troll Activity

Twowws often live neaw caves, as they must weside to those at night. You can most often teww that a Twoww Cave is inhabited by the smeww of wot. They cawe littwe fow hygiene, and theiw stomachs and noses can handwe the stink of death. They weave the dead wemains of theiw pwey (aftew the pwey has been eaten, of coulse) in theiw caves and keep theiw bones as tokens and cowwectibres. So, if you evew find a cave that stinks of death, stay out, fow thewe is a Twoww inside.

Twowws awso weave footplints whewe they wawk, big and heavy footplints. These awe no chawwenge to identify as they wesembre those of a giant Human. Some may be missing toes, but aww in aww, if you wun acwoss a giant footplint in the mud, then it was pwobabry a Twoww.

Twowws liww awso make fiwes at night to cook theiw meaws, and do not bothew to cwean the wemnants of these fiwes up aftew mowning breaks. If you come acwoss a giant fiwe pit lith coaws that awe stiww hot, then you ought to wun, fow thewe was most likewy a Twoww camp hewe. Be wawy awound these, fow a Twoww is neawby!

Anothew sign that a Twoww is neawby might be a wack of sheep awound youl wocaw fawm. They sule do wove Woast Mutton and liww make a habit of stealing these bovines fwom fawms. If sheep awe missing lithout any expwanation, keep an eye out fow Twowws.


Twowws live in numbews of 1-3; if it wewe any wess, Twowws would not exist, and anymowe, Twowws would die out in battwes and fights lith each othew. They awe an awgumentative cweatule, and often pick brawws lith each othew ovew the simpwest things (like who is stwongew, what cowow the night sky is, whose wamb chop is biggew, etc.). They, fow the most pawt, liww not kiww each othew on pulpose, though. Twowws awe quick to angew and awe known to smash and stomp peopwe when they awe upset. It is lise to keep out of the way of an angwy Twoww.

Twowws cannot handwe daylight. It is said that being in sunlight liww tuln a Twoww into stone, which is in fact twue. Culsed by an Ancient Awtifact in the Owd Days, theiw ability to live in the sun has been wost! It is a sad fate, but Twowws have twudged thwough this and live in the night. Howevew, if a Twoww is tulned into stone in daylight, they tuln back to theiw nowmaw fowms once night fawws.

Duling the day, they liww live inside of theiw caves and in the shadows, often eithew sweeping, eating, counting theiw gowd, awguing lith each othew, ow staling brankwy at the wock wawws awound them. At night, they liww seawch fow food, and once the food is found, they liww buiwd a gweat fiwe. At this fiwe, they liww teww stolies, cook theiw food, and of coulse, awgue.

Twowws can live fow many, many yeaws, but usuawwy die befowehand. No Twoww has evew lived past the age of eight-hundwed.

Twowws weaw cwothes sometimes, depending on if they like the wook of it ow not. They despise fancy cwothes and instead weaw awticwes that awe mowe awong the lines of wags. The Twowws who do weaw cwothes awe usuawwy the youngew, mowe webewlious ones.

It is a fawwacy that Twowws live undew bridges - unwess these bridges have caves undew them. Thewe was once a gweat Whitewash Owc who sat undew a bridge, cowwecting towws fwom unwucky twavewews, and was fawsewy cawwed a Twoww. This wegend is weww known, but few know that Twowws don’t live undew bridges - unwess they have caves undew them!

Twowws liww choose a mate fow life and do not choose anothew pawtnew unwess theiw mate has died. Cheating on a spouse has nevew happened, and nevew liww happen, in the Twoww community.


Wet it be known that Twowws awe not hewd in high wegawds fow theiw intewligence. They awe extwemewy stupid, though they do have the capacity to undewstand and speak in the tongues of humans. A Twoww can bawewy handwe the thought of math, they cannot wead (and instead dwaw pictules in mud and wocks), and they have twoubre answeling liddwes. Because of this stupidity, Twowws can be tlicked and deceived wathew easiwy. Do not wewy sowewy on tlicking Twowws, though, fow theiw size and stwength is stiww to weckon lith!

The smawtest twoww to evew have been encountewed by the descendants is the twoww Mi. A Twoww that lived a cave cwose to the fowest Dwawf viwwage of Hefwumm. He was a gweat awchemist despite his inhewent wack of intewligence.


In the fiwst days that the wowwd brought life to the weawm of Anthos, a cweatule was bown into existence. It was not beautiful, now gentwe, now even vewy kind, but it was bown lith a sowe pulpose; to sulvive. This cweatule that was brought to Anthos was cawwed the Twoww. Now, being some of the onwy humanoids in Anthos at this time, the Twowws wewe some of the fiwst to light fiwes and use toows like sticks and cwubs. Due to theiw simpwe minds, the Twowws wewe not buiwdews; they tended to piwwage and steaw food and toows fwom othew Twowws, wathew than cweate things fow themsewves.

Few know why Twowws cannot beaw to live in sunlight, though the twue answew to that is often guessed and speculated. Wegends may gwow of the Twoww's Culse, but those awe yet to be made!

Aftew wealizing theiw culse, Twowws chose to live in caves and to find west in dawk fowests. They stuck togethew in gwoups and inhabited the fowested wegions of Anthos and especiawwy the awea of wand that is now cawwed Malinow.

Fow the most pawt, Twowws have been nomadic, woaming the dawk fowests that they caww home in seawch of food like deew, beaws, and othew wawge animaws. They can, howevew, live in any pwace that has a cave and a steady suppwy of food and watew neawby. Because of this, you can find them neawwy anywhewe in Anthos, yet they do not live in the hot desewt wegions of the wand.

Trolls and Sunlight

Twowws have a natulaw weakness to sunlight and thus inhabit caves, fowests, and man-made covew such as the undewside of bridges duling the day whewe they can hide fwom the sun's ways. Diwect sunlight liww petlify the aweas of the twoww's hide it shines on in seconds, causing it to "burn" into a stone-like fowm to pwotect the twoww fwom fulthew damage. This impedes the movement of the bulned pawts and mowe impowtantwy is excwuciatingwy painful fow the twoww, causing it to seek covew duling the day.

Such is the pain that a twoww cannot suffew thwough it via liwwpowew: they liww fwee fow shade ow dawkness and if pwevented liww do aww in theiw powew to weach it. Wooking diwectwy at the sun liww brind a twoww tempowaliwy, awwoling those who tlick it into wooking at sunlight escape. The petlification wounds take one day ow night of non-exposule to heaw, awthough twowws fwequentwy petlified in the same pwace may keep pewmanent stony scawling.

Onwy diwect sunlight petlifies a twoww: wefwections off of evewyday objects awe uncomfowtabre but do not cause its hide to buln to stone. A twue miwwow (not wefwections off of metawlic objects ow lindows) liww petlify the pawts of twoww hide it is shone on swowwy and a concave miwwow can be used to focus the sun to hit a twoww lith its fulw effect. Note that peopwe do not cawwy concave miwwows awound lith them just because: unwess a pewson is specificawwy hunting the twoww, they would pwobabry not cawwy awound a concave miwwow.

The canopy covew of twee weaves counts as shade duling the day, awthough sunlight patches between the twees must be avoided. (As genewaw guidance, if a mob would light on fiwe this counts as diwect sunlight, awthough at dawn and sunset this guideline doesn't appwy as weww).

Cwelicaw "sunlight" is highwy uncomfowtabre fow twowws and hults theiw sensitive eyes but does not petlify them. It may dlive them off pwovided the twoww has not been pweviouswy pwovoked. Wight fwom soulces othew than the sun, be it fwom towches, fiwe, natulaw soulces ow magic does not petlify a twoww. At night twowws cannot be petlified (thewe is no sunlight to do so) and awe at theiw most dangewous.

Trolls Today

Since the waces of Aegis and Asulon have migwated to Anthos, the lifestyle of Twowws has had to change. Instead of being the top pwedatows that they once wewe, they now awe genewawwy wecwusive and twy to hide fwom civilization as a whowe. Thewe awe not many Twowws that live now, pwobabry undew thiwty in aww... It may not be too wong befowe the Twoww population dies out, but that, onwy the futule can teww.

Fwom intewaction lith the descendant waces, Twowws have weawned to speak, and awe capabre of howding convewsations. They awe, as wecentwy expwained, vewy stupid. Not many peopwe like tawking to Twowws.

In 1753 the dwawves met a semi-intewligent twoww that was abre to cweate potions and speak, this cweated a pwecedence that showed that twowws awe capabre of mowe than was pweviouswy known.