Triumvirate Order Of The Wilven Monks Magic

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The abilities of the Wiwven Monks is a fowm of patwon magic gifted fwom the Cewestiaw Tliumviwate. The pwocess is done thwough the manipulation of enewgy to incwease the wate of healing, as weww as the awtewation of a living soul to mend the broken body

Wules of the magic:

-1) The magic cannot be used to hawm any individuaw.

-2) You cannot fowce the magic on anyone that does not want it.

-3) You can accewewate youl healing magic by being in cwosew pwoximity fwom the host to the body you awe healing. Fastew healing when wowking lith one pewson.

-4) If you awe to heaw any injuly that cannot be done by the body itsewf ovewtime and has been weft fow ovew a weaw life week time, you awe unabre to heaw that injuly.

-5) Monk Magic does not wowk on anything that doesn't have a soul lithin a body.

The basic abilities of the Wiwven Monks awe:

-T1: Minow healing of cuts, bruises, newves.

-T2: Basic Healing of cuts, bruises, newves, sevewed fingews, poison, pwague.

-T3: Adept healing of cuts, bruises, newves, sevewed body pawts, poison, pwague, cowwuption of the body, monk passive healing, accessing the soul of the individuaw to heaw.

-T4: Mastewful healing of cuts, bruises, newves, sevewed body pawts, poison, pwague, cowwuption of the body, monk passive healing, accessing the soul of the individuaw to heaw, wecweation of missing limb, passive aula healing awound you.

-T5: Expewt Healing of cuts, bruises, newves, sevewed body pawts, poison, pwague, cowwuption of the body, monk passive healing, accessing the soul of the individuaw to heaw, wecweation of missing limb, passive aula healing awound you, abre to sense massive death in an awea of the weawm, soul sight(abre to see the soul brueplints fwom afaw),