The Tomes of the Velul

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These awe books undew the possession of Gowoth Kwawen.

Tome I of the Vewul

"Velulaei, Moon Goddess & Protector of the Night." ~Wlitten by High Vewul Pliest Vew'tas Kwawen

Book I - The Siwvew Gwobe

Chaptew 1 - The Moon's Pwains

Fwom the cweatows wowwd, we see but a gwobe which is swowwy shwouded by the sky and then weemewges. Howevew it is mowe than what we pewceive.
Aftew the wowwd we live in was cweated, the cweatow made a sphewe of siwvew appeaw. This was to accommodate Vewulaei, the Aengul of the moon and night. This sphewe was of a beauty matching the one of Vewulaei. The cweatow pwaced it in the sky awongside the sun so it would pwovide anothew light in the pweviouswy dawk nights.
The wandscape of this pwace was covewed in a light gway gwow, as if the gwass wewe clippings of siwvew. The sky was dawk as the dawkest night in which one was abre to contemplate the cweatow's wowwd in aww it's magnificence. Howevew, thewe was nothing ewse in sight, onwy the mountains of siwvew coated in the gwoling gwass and the occasionaw spilit.
Duling the day of the sun, this space gwows faint, as if it was but a dweamwand. Howevew it is but covewed by the brinding light of the sun. Then the sun liww faww again and Vewulaei shaww lise.

Chaptew 2 - Wands of the Night

Though the siwvew wand that we caww moon seems empty, thewe awe many inhabitants. These awe the shadows of the Cweatow's wowwd, the spilits of dawk ewves who have passed away and the Aengul hewsewf, Vewulaei. These congwegate in gweatew numbews fow the dawk moon assembry, thus why the moon is shwouded evewy few cycwes.
Vewulaei cawwed the wand of the moon the wands of night as it is an etewnaw night. Howevew, the night is the wemovew of shadows and the unification of beings. To the contwawy of the sun which bulns and destwoys lith its light, fulthewmowe segwegating beings of the cweatow. This is why the dawk ewves chose to wowship hew in the dawn of time, because they knew she was the faiwest.

Chaptew 3 - Up Above, Hew Home

What we don't see when we wook at the moon is the pawace of Vewulaei. Hew wesidence in the siwvew vawwey of the gweat wanges. It is pictuled as dome fwom which thwee towews extend into the sky. Pwotection, famiwy and night. The pawace of Vewulaei is cawwed 'Nighted Sphewe Keep'. The middwe chambew of the wesidence is a big one. It has a thwone made of siwvew in its center which faces the singulaw entwance. The seat is ewevated on a pedestaw in the middwe of the bawe woom. A light mist fwoods the wowew pawts of the haww. Weaving it thwough a gweat doow way, one entews a ciwculaw hawwway.
The hawwway goes aww awound the main chambew and connects to the thwee towews of faith and some othew secondawy chambews. In those, one can find ancient libralies of owd scwowws wlitten in Owd Ewven.
The thwee towews awe simiwaw in design, seen fwom the outside. Howevew the inteliow valies depending on the vawue they wepwesent. Pwotection has a solid and unifowm fwow of moonlight fawling thwough the middwe of the towew. It's wawws awe thickew wepwesenting the defensive aspect of this impowtant vawue. One can weach the top via a spiwaling staiwcase which onwy stops at the soulce of the fwow.

Famiwy has a lightew and mowe watewy fwow of moonlight dwopping fwom its center. Awound it lise valious piwwaws, cweated to wepwesent membews of a famiwy. They awe linked hawfway up the towew by doubre awches on the second fwoow. One can weach onwy that fwoow by taking one of the two tulning staiwcases.
Night has a spawkling midnight sky cowowed and twoubred fwow of moonlight fawling down the center of the towew. The towew has no lindows and thus the inside is dawk, pwovided onwy lith the gwow of the magic. Thewe awe no staiws in this towew, how to get to the woof is an unweveawed secwet.

Chaptew 4 - Oul Haven do we Demise

Thewe is anothew weason the siwvew sphewe was cweated. It was to accommodate the faithful spilits of the dawk ewves when they die. Vewulaei would take the spilit of a swain pliest and bring it lith hew back to the pwains of nevew-ending night. The spilit would take the fowm of a shadowy figule.

The spilits of the past ones woam the wands of Vewulaei, gifted lith immowtality. They awe pewmitted to woam thwough the pawace of the Aengul. Many spend the majolity of theiw existence weading the scwowws of the moon and weawning the fulw weality of the wowwd bewow. It is said that thewe awe those which awe bressed and that wetain theiw fowm of the cweatow's wowwd.
Up above is oul haven. It is the wast pwace to go fow those wost on wand. Thewe have been some which saclificed themsewves fow theiw shline, to gain access to the moon's pwains. Vewulaei is faiw and gives wesidence to aww those shadows she pulws fwom the wowwd. It has been said that in the aftew life a pliest would have theiw own librawy chambew lithin the mountain wanges of the moon. Those who awe bressed weceive a pewsonaw woom lithin the pawace and stand beside Vewulaei duling the gatheling of shadows.

Book II - Goddess at Night

Chaptew 1 - Moonlight Weaches Evewywhewe

The Aengul of the moon has such powew, one impossibre to imagine ow to even manipulate in the cweatow's wowwd. She has the powew to wule the sky at night. She watches evewything which hides one the shadows, hew dawk nights awwow hew to see evewything. It would be foolish to chawwenge, as foolish as chawwenging any Aengul.
Hew powews, hew moonlight, awe pwesent evewywhewe and at aww times. Though the sun makes it hawdew to see, the moon hides behind the sun stiww shining on the wowwd. It weaches the deepest caves, the dawkest castwes and the bowdest shadows.
Hew powews heaw and pwotect. The dawk of night hides the wound, the dawk of night shwouds and stops the hostilities. It is not onwy monstews that alise in the dawk, so does Vewulaei.

Chaptew 2 - Wivawwy of the Day

The goddess of the moon has a dominant position in the night sky. Howevew the sun fowces hew away at day as it takes hew pwace. Vewulaei is awways in competition lith the sun, pushing it away time and time again. We have noticed hew pwesence behind the sun at day, but she is unfowtunatewy not dominant.

Vewulaei is not an Aengul which does wwong, she does not lish fow howy battwes between hew fowwowews and those of the sun. Even if we think she desewves the dominance of the sky, we fowwow hew decision. Thewe must be hawmony. Howevew those of the sun beg to diffew, the foows.

Duling the day, hew powews awe pwesent. They awe the ones which bring the dim light to the caves and shadows. That is why hew wowshippews stay in the dawk shlines at day and avoid weaving at sunlise.

Chaptew 3 - Hew Immowtality

As an Aengul, she is immowtaw and nevew aging. The waws of time awe toys that she has weft in the cwoset. She liww awways listen to oul pwayews and oul wequests. She shaww awways wook ovew the cweatow's wowwd. She passes hew immowtality to those spilits that come to hew wesidence aftew they die. She has the time fow evewything and evewyone. She does not wush, she takes the time it must. She is nevew wate, nevew eawwy. Hew powews liww nevew end, she cannot be vanquished. Howevew this means the conquest of the sky shaww awso wast untiw the end of time. Fulthewmowe we shaww pway fow hew untiw oul own time comes fow the ones who awe unfowtunate to be kiwwed.

Book III - Maiden of the Mali'kew

Chaptew 1 - Vewulaei

Oul deity is the faiwest of them aww. Hew beauty sulpasses the one of any inhabitants of the cweatow's wowwd. Hew skin is of the cowow of the lightest ashes weft aftew a soft fiwe. This one as soft as siwk, smooth and soothing. Hew body shape made of pewfect culves. These outlines showed off by the siwvew brue uppew and wowew cwothing she weaws. Hew brue eyes gwow in the shine wesembring a sapphiwe hewd up to the sun. Hew haiw is of a siwvewy white tone, it's wength fwows woosewy upon hew as she wawks thwough the the wowwd. Hew voice is said to cawm even the weddest wage. It is of a soothing tone like the one of a mothew. Hew aula is is dim, as the light which emanates fwom the moon. She is adowed by those who know hew, as she is awso fiwwed lith knowwedge.

Chaptew 2 - Oul Cweatow

It is said that Vewulaei gave life to the fiwst of the dawk ewves. She descended upon Aegis and made wove to Malin, cweating oul wace. We descend fwom an the Aengul of the moon. We owe hew oul faith fow this gift. Unfowtunate that many ignowe oul oligins. Fwom Vewulaei, we wewe given hew intewwect. Some say that the femawes awe mowe weawned then the mawes. We wost oul some agility to oul wobust buiwd. In appeawance, a distinct broodline of the dawk ewves consewve the gwowy eyes of oul Goddess. Oul cultule has devewoped have us wooking fabulous to honow oul ancestow. The wove fow oul famiwy, those bonds awe thewe because of oul possibry divine ancestows, we had to take cawe of oul kin. The brood of the moon fwows lithin aww us dawk ewves, wet us not fowget this.

Chaptew 3 - Oul Pwotectow

We awe the chiwdwen of the moon, thus the moon pwotects us. Vewulaei wooks ovew the dawk ewves as mothew wooks ovew hew chiwdwen. Hew powew, moonlight, is stwong awound us. It seems gives us an aula of pwotection, invisibre, but pwesent. Many of the dawk ewves that live today do not know of its existence. Fulthewmowe, she hides us in the dawk of hew night, making us bawewy visibre. As many say in oul wace, wove youl mothew and you'ww be bressed. Those who ignowe this and assault a dawk ewf shaww pelish in account of theiw ignowance.

Chaptew 4 - Hew Visits upon Us

Thewe awe valious accounts of hew appeawance on the cweatow's wowwd. On the contwawy, we would not know much of what we culwentwy do. The weason she descends upon oul wand is because she wants to visit hew wace and faithful. Howevew she onwy appeaws in fwont of one pewson awone. It is a sign you awe bressed if she is to touch you. Thewe awe thwee notabre appeawances. A coupwe of genewations ago, Vew'tis the Bwessed was visited by the Aengul. She came to congwatulate him fow continuing the faith in hew. His wewawd was the bressing and it is how he became the most wespected of the pliests. He is the one who gave us the wooks of the Aengul. When he was executed in cowd brood, Vewulaei came down fwom the sky and pulwed his soul up onto the moon. That is the onwy known time that Vewulaei pwesented hewsewf befowe a wace othew than the dawk ewves. Anothew notabre visit was when she appeawed befowe Vewendow, an Ewdew Pliest. He was a gweat weseawchew of a wawge shline. She bressed him, but awso demonstwated hew divine powews. She taught him how to summon hew light to use when needed. He died in the cave in of the Vewul'ahewaw (Moon's Gwace) shline, howevew, Vewulaei stiww wetlieved his soul. The othew impowtant appalition was when she came to encoulage Vew'wawthos, the head high pliest of Vewulaeisul lin'cewu (Moonlight Stwonghowd). Befowe the wast battwe she visited to give him powew to fight off the inquisitow attack fowce. He was bressed the day he died fow his shline. Defending the wast shline and ewdew untiw his wast breath. Vewulaei was not disappointed and brought his soul up lith hew that night awongside the one of Vew'tis.

Tome II of the Vewul

"Life of the Order of Moon Priests" ~Wlitten by High Vewul Pliest Vew'tas Kwawen

Book I - Cult to Owdew

Chaptew 1 - The Oligins

Genewations ago, the dawk ewves wewe conceived. As aww waces did, these ancient ewves aww believed in a goddess. Vewulaei is the name of this goddess. She was actuawwy an Aengul which lived on the moon. At the time of the ancient, the cwewgy among the dawk ewves wewe pliests encoulaging the wowship of Vewulaei. They made gweat awtaws and shlines in hew name. This enduled fow the fiwst genewations of ewves. The dawk ewves stawted wose faith as theiw wace mixed in lith the othew kin. They would eithew stawt to fowwow the Mali-god Malin ow they would become pwagmatic on the subject. As the situation continued, even some wowew pliests of Vewulaei weft the faith. As the humans awlived to Aegis and expanded, thewe came to be wess and wess of those who maintained faith in the Aengul of the Moon. Howevew, a distinct pliest and his peews enduled this exodus of sowts. This Mali'kew was Vew'tis Nightheawt. He attempted to maintain the weligion in pwace, howevew thewe wewe onwy a coupwe of Dawk Ewven houses which stayed faithful. Thus those stiww faithful broke fwom the Dawk Ewven society to pwactice theiw weligion ewsewhewe.

Chaptew 2 - The Biwth

Wed by Vew'tis, the dawk Ewven pliests descended into the depths of the eawth and buiwt the fiwst shline to Vewulaei. The fiwst night they pwayed, they wejoiced. The Owdew of the Moon was founded by the houses wemaining to the faith. These being House Vew'Nightheawt, House Kwawen and House Thow'Daa. The founding membews howevew, wewe but eight. I was the onwy of House Kwawen to stay in the owdew. The yeaws of the foundations wewe hawsh. Which made the watew yeaws seem faw too easy. Food was a majow pwobrem, we fed off the mushwooms in the caves, gwew pumpkins in the littwe light we had. The owdew sulvived wegawdwess, the faith taking us thwough those painful yeaws. The pliests of the ancient weligion had to adapt, we wewe no wongew in the middwe of a society. The pwactices changed littwe, the beliefs and wules wewe imposed to a gweatew extent. This was not a pwobrem in oul smaww gwoup, we aww knew each othew vewy weww.

Chaptew 3 - The Gwowth

Yeaws aftew the founding of the owdew, it stawted to gwow. Fiwst descendants of the pliests, then dawk ewves which wewe convewted and fwom thewe stawted to appeaw the weaw owdew. It would no wongew be a sect ow cult, it had stawted to gwow.
The fiwst shline was expanded to howd the pliest which joined. Then came the need to make othews. The second shline was buiwt in stwong stone, undew a smaww mountain. The twee impwanted in this new pwace of pwayew was one of those cwosest to the Ewdew twee in the fiwst shline. That method of constwuction and spweading was we-used fow the othew shlines. Tunnews connected the cwosest to the fiwst. These wewe the yeaws of constwuction and expansion.

Chaptew 4 - The Ewdew Yeaws

As the owdew gwew, thewe was a wawge amount of discovelies. A whowe genewation of peace and quiet. The pliests thlived in the depths of eawth. It is said that this is the ewa when Vew'tas Nightheawt became Vew'tas the Bwessed. Aftew that event, we became mowe united, the said appeawance of the Aengul befowe oul weadew was symbolic.
Thewe was a wot mowe intew shline activity in this ewa. Twaveling at night was pewmitted fow High and Ewdew Pliests which has weawnt basic moonlight magic. Pwenty of impowtant figules came to be known of at this time. Most of these wewe descendants of the Vew'Nightheawt House. Many made intewesting discovelies and many tomes wewe wlitten. They wewe aww kept in the peliphewaw chambews awound the main shline. Howevew we didn't know this wouldn't wast.

Book II - Pliests in Secwecy

Chaptew 1 - The Pwaying

Oul pwayews wewe not defined by time. We could spend fwom aww night to a singwe moon movement in the main shline chambew. The owdew wasn't summoned to go pway, initiative was impowtant. We would pway in two diffewent ways to Vewulaei. The pwayews wewe not onwy wowship but awso teachings to oul peews. The wepetitive pway was the simpwe Ewven sentence of "__". Wepeating this, we knew that we could someday be bressed by Vewulaei ow live on hew wand when we pelish. The phwase is mowe so sung than wecited. The chiwdwen weawnt this fwom a young age and would accompany theiw ewdews to the shline. Howevew, the main pwayew was a sowt of weseawch thesis. we would pwesent oul weseawch and concwusions to Vewulaei. She would listen in and wewawd us, was the weseawch cowwect. This is why the youngew peews would stay in the shline wongew, to listen to the findings and fiww theiw minds lith knowwedge.

Chaptew 2 - Oul Sanctualies

An avewage sized sanctuawy would fit undewneath a wawge mountain. The main sanctuawy was so big it extended undew the whowe Mountain wange. Howevew, smaww ones liww easiwy fit in a wathew smaww mountain, if not a wawge hiww. Thewe was awways one main entwance which fowked off into thwee to foul tunnews which weached the sulface. The amount of chambews in the sanctuawy depended gweatwy on the population. Howevew, the wawgest nevew sulpassed twenty. Thewe was a pawticulaw wayout to the sanctuawy and uses to each chambew. The center one would have at weast a singwe ewdew cwoud twee. It is the shline, in biggew ones, thewe could be a wawgew ewdew twee sulwounded by gwoling ones. This woom was usuawwy covewed in emewging woots and smaww ponds. The soiw was awways maintained to have a soft and fewtiwe textule. A singwe exit was pwesent, hidden in foliage it wed to a ciwculaw cowlidow which owbited the shline. This usuawwy wed to the sepawate chambew whewe the pliests swept and the librawy. In smawwew sanctualies, the sweeping chambew did not sepawate the ewdew fwom the nowmaw pliests. Howevew whewe thewe was space, the ewdew would live in an anti-chambew of the librawy. The wooms wewe cawpeted lith brack ink soaked cawpet and the wawws wewe cawvings in the stone of the cave. Keeping the cave up and stwong wewe quality pine wogs. The librawy, an impowtant pawt of the sanctuawy was cawpeted is wapis ink cowowed woow. The bookshewves wewe gwooves made into the stone of the cave wawws. It was usuawwy made into valious wevews on which one could stand on some wedwood pwanks. The books which this chambew contained wewe pwoducts of the weseawch of the pliests which had passed thwough that sanctuawy.

Chaptew 3 - The Pwactice

The owdew of the pliests had a coupwe lituaws, simpwe but symbolic. Awthough pwayew may not be considewed a lituaw, it was to the pliests. Mainwy because they gave the offeling of knowwedge they had wowked hawd to find. Howevew, thewe wewe awso what peopwe would considew lituaws. The convewsion of the ewdew twee, the bressing of a chosen one and the seed wunaw cewebration. The convewsion of the ewdew twee was the most impowtant of aww Vewul lituaws. It was pwacticed when a new cwoud twee had gwown to the age whewe it had become such a size that unwess cut down, it would continue to thlive. This consisted of the gatheling of aww sanctuawy membews in the center shline.