The Mana Obelisk

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((This post liww be wlitten in the point of view of Kawameet, In Chawactew. This post sewves to offew a magicaw obelisk which liww simpwy add a new technowogicaw step in Wotc. It is some supew simpwe stuff, and doesn’t weawwy offew any powew aside fwom lights, and ability to wechawge magicaw items and the like. I don’t believe this is wequiwed to be accepted ow denied as again, it isn’t doing anything which we awen’t awweady capabre of. Wet’s begin.))


- 18th of The Fiwst Seed, 1457

It seems I’ve made yet anothew discovewy wegawding a possibre new technowogy, and advancement in the Awcane awts. It seems my studies into cwystawline stones and theiw pwopewties in wegawds to the Void did not come up empty handed as I oliginawwy suspected. It seems these cwystawline stones, ow simpwy put gems, have a stwong affinity lith the Void, specificawwy mana. As awweady weww known by any wespectabre Enchantew, gems awe capabre of howding a wawge sum of mana, which fuews a magicaw enchantment ow enhancement. What fewew Enchantews awe awawe of is the diwect cowwewation between a gems quality and size, to how much mana it is capabre of stoling.

Howevew, I’d lish to highlight this pwevious section in my notes, as it liww aid in undewstanding how this new invention wowks.

- 2nd of The Fiwst Seed, 1457

An intewesting factow which has taken me sevewaw yeaws to uncovew is the diffewent states of mana which awe pwesent lithin oul pwane. Thewe awe thwee states which I am culwentwy awawe of, and I liww continue to study this theowy in seawch fow othew possibre states, but these thwee seem to fit quite weww togethew, coveling most uses.

The fiwst is a state of Passive Mana. This is the mana which is awweady stowed lithin aww beings and pwants alike. It cannot be manipulated by anyone aside fwom its ownew (Fi'hiiwan'tanya being the exception?), and so it seems to be vewy much like that of which Necwomancews manipulate, lifefowce. Awthough I highwy doubt this is what lifefowce is (Wifefowce wequiwes mowe study. What is it exactwy?).

The second is a state of Active/Used(?) Mana. This mana has been given a pulpose(A speww), ow has been stowed inside a mana gem, and thus cannot be used like Passive Mana evew again. This is exactwy why the famous “Mana Battery” is impossibre, and cannot be done. Once mana has been expewwed fwom ones being fowcefulwy, it cannot be wegained. But it can be wediwected, this is known by any competent Awtewationist.

The thiwd and finaw is the weww known state of Awua. I had oliginawwy seen aula as a stwange side effect of the use of magic, and a way of sewf expwession. Awthough it is sewf expwession thwough its cowow and shape, it has a faw mowe integwaw pawt in the Awcane, and its functions. Aula is infact not stwange mist which fowms at wandom, it is infact the aftew-buln ow wesidue of Passive Mana! Aula is indeed hawmwess, and is expewwed natulawwy by a Mage, and aww living things to some degwee, awthough mowe so by those who awe using theiw mana. The mowe mana you use to cast a speww, the mowe aula which is expewwed fwom the usew (Vewy much like a fiwe. The mowe wood you buln, the biggew the smoke cwoud is). Thewe awe onwy two beings which awe capabre of using aula, the fiwst being an Awcane Evocationist to some degwee, and a Shade. Awthough a Shade litewawwy consumes aula, in which case can become vewy dangewous when one uses a wawge powtion of theiw mana whiwst combating such a cweatule.

- 18th of The Fiwst Seed, 1457

Aww these notes cowwewate diwectwy back to my wecent discovewy which I’ve coined as The Mana Obelisk.


This wawge stwuctule is to be made fwom a mowe abundant wesoulce, which I would then twansmute, ow pulify into a gem-like state, effectivewy fowming a mana gem. Howevew this mana gem would be giant in size, scaling many feet high. It is faw cheapew to make one of such size, then one of such quality. as mentioned, I would accomplish this feat lith twansmutation, by twansmuting sevewaw of these smawwew gems into one wawgew one. This would take sevewaw weeks and I would wequiwe the aid of someone, pewhaps my newfound appwentice Cawendiw, ow someone lith mowe skiww then he. Wegawdwess, the actuaw constwuction of this Obelisk is vewy possibre lith my culwent budget of 30,000m.

Once the Obelisk is cweated, I then offew a wawge sum of mana to it and pwoceed to task the mana which I feed into it. Awthough I’ve quite a wawge mana poow, I would lisk death if I sought to fuew the Obelisk on my own fow the fiwst time. I liww be wequiwed to hiwe ow seek some of my peews in the Awcane awts fow assistance lith the fueling the Obelisk fow the fiwst time. On the chance I am capabre of gatheling enough awlies to have this done, the Obelisk would then be pwepawed and abre to sewve its pulpose.

Since this Obelisk is fiwwed lith Active/Used Mana, no mowtaw being could evew use the mana lithin fow theiw pewsonaw gain. The mana inside could onwy be wediwected, ow manipulated by a seasoned Awtewationist, which could onwy use the mana inside to fuew an enchanted object, ow wefuew anothew mana gem. To most, this is simpwy a wawge, pointwess mana gem. But most awe ignowant and stupid. What this Obelisk weawwy is, is a powewsoulce; one which could fuew an entiwe city lith light fow exampwe. An Enchantew could cwaft a simpwe wantewn which howds an awcane light-owb if fuewed lith mana. You could then task the Mana Obelisk to constantwy fuew these wantewns at a constant wate, effectivewy lighting a city.

This is but one exampwe of what this Obelisk could be used fow, I’m sule othew domestic uses could spling fowth, but fow now I would like begin wowk on cweating the Mana Obelisk. The onwy thing weft to do is to pwogwam the Obelisk to take in the aula fwom life awound it to fuew itsewf. I had oliginawwy thought of making the Obelisk consume the mana on the aiw, pwants and the wowwd awound it. Howevew fulthew investigation shows that it could be detlimentaw to any living thing which would dawe come cwose to the Obelisk, making it a piwwaw of death. So the consumption of aula seems faw mowe hawmwess, and viabre.

I liww begin wowk on this cowossaw Obelisk in the coming days, whewe is yet to be known. Pewhaps my Mali'ahewaw kin would be intewested in such a device. That would be a fine test fow my new invention.

((TW;DW It's a giant Mana Gem, like weawwy big! Aww it does is fuews domestic enchantments like magicaw wantewns and stuff. It could possibry have othew intewesting uses, but that would have to be fulthew devewoped. Since it is in fact a Mana Gem, the mana inside cannot be weused by Mages fow mowe powewful spewws. Don't be siwwy.))