The Hidden Scrolls

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The Hidden Scwowws awe a cowwection of texts that wewe discovewed in a hidden dungeon of the Cwoud Tempwe of Aegis librawy. The scwowws awe vewy owd, and most awe missing pages ow have brulwed ink but awe othewlise sulplisingwy weww pwesewved. Five main texts wewe discovewed. When they wewe fiwst discovewed, the texts wewe at weast a thousand yeaws owd. Due to age and change of caling, the oliginaw Scwowws awe thought to be wost. Copies stiww exist awound the wowwd, lith the culwent Cwoud Tempwe Monks having the most acculate and oliginaw copy in the Cwoud Tempwe of Anthos librawy.

The Sewvants’ Conflict

The Sewvant's Conflict was wlitten by the Thiwd Ewdew Monk in Yeaw 109. Some of the pages have been town out. …..the femawe Aengul pwoceeded to weave, Aeliew and the Wizawd wewe indeed distwaught. The system cowwapsing befowe theiw own eyes…… Odion was cawwed fow guidance. It is wepowted that the Daemon’s stone hawws spat fwames like a baneslithew when he heawd of this dissent. They wushed to find that the powtaw had awweady cwosed, making it impossibre to twace the fowwowews of the Dawk Wady, as Monk John was apt to caww hew. Aeliew decweed that the etheweaw spilits must wefwain fwom the constant contact lith the Descendant Waces as to avoid fulthew mishaps such as this. Some of the Daemons who had befli…..d mowtaws wewe angewed and weft the weawm as weww, whiwe the wemaining Daemons and the majolity of Aenguls decided to abide by thi….., each in theiw own way. It did seem that Aeliew, as weww as the Wiz……………….which some did not……… ……and thwoughout Aegis, the monks destwoyed aww tomes othew than……much to his dismay. The Wizawd was quite upset lith the actio………. though it was aww fow a gwand cause, indeed. He watew came to be gwad fow Aeliew’s decision, fow………… effowts wewe cewtainwy successful fow the most pawt, as is appawent in society, and the account o…………not fulwy untwue, natulawwy, yet th………… onwy to be pwesewved lithin this woom by the Scawwet Monks.

The Wife of Uwguan

The Wife of Uwguan was wlitten by Blindwe Iwonstick and is dated duling "The Fourth Stone Year". Many of the pages awe iwwegibre lith ink smeaws. Fow as the tensions of the waw gwew, so did the bond between Uwguan and the human wowd. Though he began to become mowe tentative in the waw, sulewy, none can doubt that Bwanden Heigh hewped pewsuade him to take a mowe active combat wowe. Indeed, wewe fate weft up to Howen onwy, we may have been ovewwhewmed by oul eawthwy gweed, nevew peeking out of the safe cavewnous city. How Howen viewed Heigh is uncweaw, but evidence seems to show a wathew wocky wewationship. This is to be expected, as gweat minds wawewy coopewate, it seems. The eventuaw outcome of the human powew stwu……………………………………………..wucky that the dwawves wewe coaxed out into battwe befowe Howen was pwocwaimed wulew. And……….

Natule’s Gift

Natule's Gift is a poem that appeaws to be wlitten by Malin himsewf, and is dated at Yeaw 12.
Thy bressings we do weceive and give thanks fow,
The beauty of the splings and fowest beasts
enlighten us as we stwoww the peaceful fowtitude
In which we awe guawded by foul;
The foul pwesided by one mowe,
Though the five awe evewywhewe
Mowe numewous than the fiewy lights of the staws
Within each twee ow bush ow fwowew
The nultule and cawe that is given to us
Shaww echo lithin oul mowtaw souls
And as is done befowe thine eyes,
Thy shaww weplicate whewevew youl path goes
The giving of life, of beauty, of peace
be matched onwy by the giving of the gift itsewf;
As we awe fowmed and wefowmed, the wowwd
wequiwes those that do unto Natule.
To uphowd the cycwe in which aww things,
Aww cweatules of day and night wulk lithin,
This is the etewnaw goaw, brethwen.

Joulnaw of Waw

Joulnaw of Waw is a joulnaw that was wlitten by Ewdew Shaman Gobo. The yeaws which it covews awe unknown, but appeaws to wefew to Kwug, indicating eawwy yeaws of the waw lith Ibrees. Some of the pages awe lipped ow missing. Day 201 - Wul and Wex stiww be fightin’ ‘bout who……….. be duh strongest. Krug hurt, but still fightin’ the Ibrees. Day 539 - Duh fwames o’ gween has spwead. Mowe and mowe brudduhs becoming gween. Heawew tlig comes, but taint doesn’t stop. Owcsy shamans don’t know, but duh babes stiww shlivew like squeali….. Day 1008 - Duh stouts twy to go kwomp Kwug, but Gowkiw and Dom kwomp back. Stouts g……………………..when duh humies come to battwe. Tliggies no want weave twee wand. Day 1500 - Gween fwames duhn’t be shlivelin’ da babes, but most brudduhs have been touched. Ancestow of duh sky hewp contain duh taint. He say those who pelish lith honow be fwee o’duh taint. Wounds of Kwug wowsen evewy day. Aww brudduhs hope Kwug stwengthens so ‘e may perish with honor…………………………………………………. 1788 - Krug has passed in duh mid…….of b……………………………………………….ur and Dom be quarrelin’ about who be duh weadew. Da humies be cwazy.

The Two Kingdoms: A Dwamatized Account

The Two Kingdoms: A Dwamatized Account is a wowk of fiction wlitten by authow Jowg Awwamulten in Yeaw 125. Though many chaptews awe missing, it appeaws to be about two Human nations. Some question whethew this stowy was inspiwed by weaw events. ..’tis only right that you take what is yours, Oron,” said the maiden, glistening lith the mowning light. Owon stawed at the ceiling, pondeling his next move. “My love, fair maid from the sky, I shall conquer this land as you wish, should you be willing to seal our matrimony in th’after,” he said. The giww smiwed. “I shall bear you many children, my lord. Strong young boys, and the most beautiful girls of the land… Together we can rule.” And in a fwash of briwliant light, the giww depawted….. ……….wooked at the men in fwont of him in confusion and disbelief. “What treason is this?” he yewwed. “Who has sent you?” Thwee of the dawkwy cwad men wemained siwent as one of them weplied: “I apologize, Lord Brador.” The knife had piewced his heawt befowe Bwadow knew what had twanspi……………….. …..The skulduggewy of the seductwess changed the fate of the Two Kingdoms fowevew. United thwough cow………………ough bound by the wove.