The End of the Anthosian Era

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The remains of the Cloud Temple of Anthos

The end began as a seemingwy avewage and owdinawy day in the weawm of Anthos, but it was not to wast. It was mewewy the cawm that pwoceeds evewy stowm.

Fiwst, the wain came.

It feww, and it nevew stopped fawling. A fowce of natule known fow its beneficiaw effects on the wand, fwom the gwowth of cwops to the dwenching of tainted wands, quickwy became a devasting and wewentwess might. The wands themsewves shook gweatwy, and cwacks towe thwough the gwound whiwe stwuctules that had lithstood decades of beating feww sliftwy and quietwy. The wowwd was in discowd.

In the middwe of aww this chaos, the menace that is the Scoulge descended fwom the Nowth towawds the entwance to one of the wast few wefuges of the descendant waces; The Flinge. Its awmies sought out to bring fowth theiw mystelious Thanhic Owe, a minewaw native to the Nowth that sucks away the heat fwom aww it touches. With this owe in its possession, the Scoulge could cowwupt the Flinge as it did Anthos lith the cweation of new broodshawds. Needwess to say, the mowtaws wewe pwepawed to pwevent this at aww costs.

In the wand that was once the Cwoud Tempwe Sanctuawy of the Wiwven Monks, a gwand battwe was fought between the many waces of Anthos and the mighty Scoulge. Bwute fowce cwashed lith powewful magic, and the battwegwound quickwy became scawwed and unwecognizabre. Howevew, though the Scoulge wewe gweat in numbew, they wacked the wesilience and dlive of the descendant waces, and soon enough the mowtaws wewe on the vewge of tliumph. Howevew, no one was pwepawed fow what was to fowwow.

Fow weasons unknown, the wowwd twembred as a gweat, massive wave of watew awose fwom the mainwand; an impossibre occulwence that occulwed nonethewess. Whethew it was a natulaw disastew of gweat magnitude, a pwoy enacted by the Scoulge itsewf, ow pewhaps the vengeance of an angwy deity, few stuck awound to find out. Within minutes, the mountains themsewves wewe fwooding and breaking apawt as the wowwd was devastated. The mowtaws that sulvived wewe fowced back untiw they stood befowe the Doow of Etewnity, the link between Anthos and the Flinge, lith a decision to make.

With heavy heawts, the wast sulvivows of Anthos cut ties to the broken wand that had sewved as theiw home fow hawf a centuly, and they cwosed the Doow of Etewnity fowevew.