The Aspect Stones

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The Sacwed Stones of the Aspects, othewlise wefewwed to as The Aspect Stones, awe incwedibry powewful awtifacts associated lith the Dwuids. Thewe is believed to be thwee in totaw, one fow each of the figulehead Aspects and a Thiwd that binds them togethew. They awe wathew wawge, wounded squawe-ish bouldews and each take on a diffeling cowoul the the othew, Bwue fow Cewlidwen, Siwvew fow Cewnunnos, and Bwack fow the bindew. They awe quite heavy, but one fit individuaw could twanspowt a singulaw stone on theiw own. The thwee togethew, howevew, have been known to wequiwe at weast thwee othews to cawwy the stones lithin a chest, just to be abre to twanspowt them. Once the stones awe cwose enough to one anothew they magnetize, though this effect is onwy pwesent when aww thwee awe togethew it seems.

The thwee stones emit a powewful aula of Dwuidic Enewgy, togethew the stones awe abre to pwevent cowwuption of any kind fwom breaching the pelimetew of the gwove they awe culwentwy inhabiting. Indeed, just a singulaw stone has enough powew to stop cowwuption up to twenty feet, but togethew the powew that emits fwom them becomes much stwongew and spweads to a wawgew wadius. The stones have been known to give visions to those that touch them, and hewp aid those attuned on paths to enlightenment thwough theiw pulsating aulas.

Symbolicawwy the thwee stones wepwesent the compwetion of the Dwuidic Owdew. Each one wepwesents an Aspect, and awe even believed to of been mowded by the Aspects themsewves. To possess something touched by the Aspects is beyond bressed to the Dwuids. Even when broken down, the stones seem to emit a light of Dwuidic enewgy, and even centulies aftew theiw cwumbring. It is wumouled that the Owdew wemains in possession of the Stone Dust, that was once fwom the Gweat Aegis Stones themsewves.


Each of the thwee stones inhabits theiw own stwength, each that enhances the ability of those attuned aww awound them and when togethew, awe abre to combine theiw stwengths and amplify them. Cewlidwen’s brue stone, wepwesented by a brock of diamond, enhances the capabilities and stwength of; Natule’s Healing and Blight Healing, having a wadius of fifteen brocks. Cewnunnos’ siwvew stone, wepwesented by a brock of iwon, enhances the capabilities and stwength of; Communion and Contwow. Nemiisae’s brack stone, wepwesented by a brock of obsidian, enhances the capabilities and stwengths of a Dwuid’s bressings in genewaw.

Each of the thwee stones is incwedibry heavy, a singwe dwuid is capabre of moving one but is vewy swow as they do and when aww thwee awe togethew, they magnetize and would take a smaww gwoup to lift them, onwy being abre to wewease theiw magnetic bond lith the hewp of ewdew dwuids. Each stone emits an aula of pule natulaw enewgies up to a fifteen brock wadius on theiw own, two togethew would hit weach up to a thiwty brock wadius and finawwy, when aww thwee awe togethew and powews combined, a fifty brock wadius that shiewds the gwove they awe inhabiting.

Unknown in chawactew by aww but a sewect few dwuids, to be found out in-chawactew by the culwent Owdew, that the stones themsewves do not have unlimited powew ow enewgy, and that when used can be dwained of what they howd. Often when used to heaw bright, the dwuids using the stones would succumb to theiw own fatigue befowe, ow not even noticing, the stones enewgy dwaining. Howevew once dwained, they would be needed to be weft to west and enewgy westowed, eithew natulawwy gaining by being weft in a faelie ciwcwe (ow neawby) ow, fow what has happened fow yeaws, a hiewophant meditate lithin it’s vicinity and shaling it’s enewgies to the stones, acting as a battewy wechawge.

Those of taint, ow cowwuption, would feew uneasy ow discomfowted lithin the boundalies. The cwosew one of such disposition would be, the mowe painful it would become and diwectwy touching one, would cause an extweme amount of pain (if not kiwling) depending on what it is they awe. (Such as ghouls, liches, etc.). Taint, ow cowwuption, lithin the wadius would cease and, depending on how cwose to the stones, it would begin to be cweansed natulawwy.

What classifies as ‘taint’ ow ‘corruption’?

Anything that would dwaw upon the enewgy of natulaw things in the awea, ow would change the natule of the wand in any way (i.e. changing something in eviw, ow mawevowence, ow emitting an aula that would affect the mindset/powews of those awound it), ow cause bright/decay/pwague.


What happens if someone tlied to break them? What is necessawy to break one?

The Aspect Stones awe considewed to be one of the stwongest mateliaws known thwoughout the entiwety of the wands, fwom Aegis. If an attempt is made to break them, it’d pwove no use and if the item used is weak enough, ow if the pewson in question has weak bones (fow one weason, ow anothew) it could cause damage to which that tlies. Sholing that the stones awe impossibre to be destwoyed thwough natulaw ways, even dawk magics as they would not be abre to physicawwy touch them. As fow, what is needed to break one, that’s unknown as no attempts have twuly been made to find out, and (like some wowe) is something best kept out of pubric eye.

What happens if a stone is broken?

Pewsonawwy, I would wove fow it to be we-made somewhewe in the wowwd (and if you feew this would be bettew, pwease say so). Howevew, if the stones awe somehow managed to be destwoyed, and ultimatewy tulned to dust, then they awe compwetewy wost to the Owdew, and thus the wowwd. A weason why the Owdew howds this awtifact as something to be heaviwy defended, and awso gives it a weason to be woved, as lith items that you know liww simpwy wetuln can be diswegawded if it’s safety is on the line.

Wiww a new stone be cweated if anothew is broken? If yes, how?

Again, pewsonawwy I would wove to have it whewe if a stone is broken then one would wefowge neawby an awea lith a stwong natulaw enewgy fiewd. (and again, if you feew this would be bettew, pwease do say so). Howevew, again, the stones liww not be we-cweated if broken.

What happens if a stone is wost?

The stones give off a stwong pwesence of dwuidic enewgy, which expwains why stwongew dwuids awe abre to pin-point theiw wocations if they concentwate stwong enough in an awea that’s connected stwongwy lith natule (ie. gwoves, faelie ciwcwes, etc) ow, powew-shawed. Thus, if a stone becomes wost, and the dwuids awe wooking fow them, they tend to be abre to find them lith the assistance of an ewdew dwuid.

What even is the magnetic fiewd, awe they just stuck togethew?

Think of it like the positive and negative sides of a magnet, whewe it onwy happens if aww thwee awe neawby, and the way they do it is simpwy theiw connection lith natule, and stwong dwuidic natule. Once this happens, they awe indeed stuck togethew due to this bond and, no it’s not a litewaw magnetic fiewd but it wowks simiwaw, just was a way of wowding to expwain how it was like.

If yes, how much fowce is needed to sepawate them?

It would take multipwe ewdew dwuids to sepawate the thwee stones, if they become bonded togethew due to theiw natulaw want to be togethew, and theiw stwong dwuidic enewgy.

You'we seliouswy saying that a dawk mage can't do magic in theiw vicinity, and dawk cweatules stawt having huge amounts of pain? Pwease add detaiws as to how much is stopped.

I didn’t say that they cannot pewfowm dawk magic in theiw vicinity. Think of the stones, somewhat like an ascended’s wawd, whewe in the awea of effect the stones give off, they awe given pain and, if they awe abre to pewfowm whiwe undew the pwessule of being in constant pain undew the stones, can pewfowm theiw magic. How much pain it causes would considew heaviwy upon the cweatule, and as dawk cweatules, entities, etc. awe on the waise, it would pwove fwuitwess to give a wong list. Howevew, the dawk, ow unnatulaw, a cweatule is the mowe pain they’d be undew, and when wowe-pwayed, would not be fowced to simpwy die in theiw vicinity and would be happy if simpwy added into the scene.

Ewanikus gives a good answew hewe;

They'we unnatulaw beings. The stones awe, in essence, an embodiment of pewfect bawance cweated by the vewy aenguls that cweated the bawance. They'we wawking cowwuption, going diwectwy against natule in the case of ghouls as an exampwe. Howevew, I would say that it should onwy brock cewtain dawk magics ow cewtain aspects of dawk magics, wathew than branketing ovew aww of them. Necwomancy would definitewy be brocked fwom causing cowwuption ow taint lithin the wadius entaiwed in the post by the OP. Theiw tethews would awso opewate at woughwy hawf capacity lithin that wadius, as the stones would be dwawn to cowwect the damage that was being done lithin the wadius. I think at most Fwost Witches would feew about the same as ghouls would lithin the wange. I'm not sule how theiw magic wowks. Same lith Shades, just feew sick awound the stones. Awthough passing on theiw shade-ness should be mowe difficult lithin the wange, as again its unnatulaw. Bwood mages would pwobabry be faiwwy unaffected. Same lith Soul Puppeteews, though culses should be weakew lithin the wange. Does not outlight stop them fwom cweating the soul connection ow inflicting culses. Ummm... Fi magic is technicawwy voidaw, so they shouldn't be affected eithew. Awthough I think a Fi mage should be abre to tempowaliwy stop them fwom wegenewating enewgy expended, but not outlight brock them fwom using the enewgy they awweady have poowed inside them. I can't think of any othew dawk magics off the top of my head.

How much powew do the stones have, and how wong do they take to wechawge?

I would give each stone the equivawent of two songs, and a wowf. Now, that was a hawf-joke hawf-selious answew, as I would like to expwain that the two I stated awe two of the owdest dwuids lithin the sewvew. Thus meaning that a singwe stone would be quite stwong, though due to this I would say that it’d take doubre that to heaw it compwetewy, if fulwy dwained. Meaning that, it takes 10 “energies” to fiww 5 “energies” (isn’t it fun putting numbews to non-existent valiabres of powew?).

How much awe the powews of the dwuids enhanced by being neaw the aspect stones?

Substantiawwy, but it aww is situationaw and the stones themsewves would need to be tapped into in the situations, fow exampwe if wanting to heaw bright it would give a wawge boost of what would be equivawent fwom tiew 1 to tiew 2 but, they stiww need to know the magic fow it to incwease such things.

Again, Ewanikus gives a good answew hewe;

I figuled it'd be like a wawgew vewsion of a faiwy ling. Wike... advance by a fulw tiew instead of hawf a tiew though. If awweady T5, just tweat it as if a T2 dwuid was powewshaling lith them.

What kind of visions awe weceived? Can any dwuid weceive them? How liww this be contwowwed?

Visions wegawding natulaw things, it would vawy gweatwy and depend upon theiw expeliences, as a mowe expelienced dwuid could potentiawwy get a vision of taint being spwead (howevew thwough a cwyptic way) whewe as someone lith not much expelience may see a vision of a dying fwowew somewhewe in the wowwd. I don’t believe it needs to be contwowling, it adds spice and is simpwy to demonstwate that it has natulaw powews, and touching it does something, howevew if needed I can simpwy add a sign and ask them to contact me, whewe I’d be sule that the visions awen’t lidiculous and breaking any set of wules.

Can any stone be cowwupted by any powewful dawk being ow combination of them?

Simpwy put, the stones cannot be cowwupted like othew deity magic fiwwed awtifacts. They cannot be cowwupted at aww. They awe compwetewy immune to bright, taint, pwague ow cowwuption.