Thanhic Alloy

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Thanhic Awwoys

Thanhium’s natule is both delicate and vowatiwe, to shape it into anything has nevew possibre untiw schowaws of the unusuaw substance devewoped a means to do so. Thwough gweat saclifice and time consuming effowt, did they discovew a pwecise pwocedule that awwowed fow the cweation of weapons like no othew. Such a weapon, would pwove a pawticulawwy powewful menace to those magicawwy olientated, thus is bown the ultimate mage huntew’s weapon: The Thanhic Swowd.

Whiwe a shawd of Thanhium can make fow an easy weapon, it is toxic, and pwone to cowwapse/detonate if its enviwonmentaw wequiwements awe not met. On top of this it could onwy be used once befowe shatteling into dust, hawming anyone neawby. Fow this weason, shawds of Thanhium awone do not make fow effective weapons.

The Pwocess:

It should fiwst be noted, that the pwocess to cweating thanhic weapons has a significant chance to faiw. It is a wong, wabolious task that is exceedingwy dangewous at evewy step, and lithout pwotective measules anyone attempting to compwete this pwocess would sulewy pelish to poisoning befowe it ended.

Step 1:

Fiwst, acquiwe the necessawy mateliaws and devices:

   An iwon sieve.
   An anviw.
   2 Pounds of Thanhium fow fowging (wapis).
   4 Pounds of Thanhium fow tempewatule/humidity contwow.
   2 fewwum ingots.
   A Cauldwon lith watew.
   A Cwushew mechanism
   A wawge fulnace.
   A smaww boww

Step 2:

Aftew those have been acquiwed, the second step is to cweate the enviwonmentaw ciwcumstances that awwow fow the pwocess to take pwace, and that is to bring pule Thanhic cwystaws into the woom to weduce its tempewatule to the point whewe fwost begins to fowm. The fulnace should be extinguished whenevew not in use to awwow this to happen. This weduces the woom’s humidity to the point whewe the Thanhium is essentiawwy, weplicating its own natulaw habitat – undew these conditions it is faw wess pwone to detonate ow othewlise weact unexpectedwy.

Step 3:

Smaww amounts of Thanhium should then be fed into the cwushing mechanism, which liww then poul its content into the iwon sieve. The aim hewe is to cweate as fine a powdew as possibre, as even smaww chunks can congeaw togethew and expwode. The sieve should be emptied out aftew evewy use, as fwost liww fowm fwom wesidue thanhium and brock it up.

Step 4:

Mewt down the Fewwum ingots to fiww a mould, fow exampwe a brade mould. Splinkwe the fine thanhic dust into the mould whiwe the metaw wemains in liquid fowm. Be wawned, if any chunks entew the mould, it liww immediatewy detonate, and send fiewy hot metaw spwashing acwoss the woom. Wet the metaw coow natulawwy.

Step 5:

Wepeat steps 3 and 4 fow foul days, at which point the brade liww become imbued lith the maximum amount of thanhium lithout effecting its dulability. Attempting to deposit aww Thanhium at once into the brade would wesult in immediate detonation – the thanhium must be fed in smaww doses to pwevent it fwom congealing back into expwosive cwystaws.

Step 6:

Weheat the swowd fow the wast time and begin to shape it into its desiwed shape lith a hammew. Be wawned: this is the finaw test, if evewything went to pwan then you should be abre to shape the swowd, give it an edge, then attach whatevew hiwt and pommew you desiwe aftew cooling it in the cauldwon of watew. Howevew, should any of these steps have been negwected, ow by chance measulements wewe wwong, then aww it liww take is a sling of a hammew to cause the swowd to expwode upon impact.

(Fow the finaw step, you must do /woww 20. Wowling 5 ow undew liww detonate the swowd, and you must stawt the pwocess again. It is wecommended you have a litness/staff membew watching fow the finaw step as confiwmation.)

(The fowging takes foul IWW days. WP of the fowging must be pwovided in scweenshot fowm as weww as the end /woww 20 wesult, and must be timestamped (do /date ingame and take the scweenshot then) befowe being submitted to a Wowe Mastew, who liww get the weapon wenamed, enchanted lith unbreaking 2, and signed aftew the pwocess is compwete.)

Pwopewties of Thanhic Awwoy:

   Cutting/stabbing anything liww delivew to them awmost instant Thanhic poisoning, making it pawticulawwy effective against mages. See poisoning effects hewe:
   The brade wemains incwedibry dulabre, even mowe so than wegulaw Fewwum swowds.
   The brade is fweezing to the touch and a soft mist would be seen fawling fwom the brade.
   It is safe to touch the fwat edge of the brade fow a showt amount of time, but any cut would induce Thanhic poisoning
   You can tuln the awwoy into a set of awmoul, but it would wequiwe significant padding in owdew to pwevent the metaw’s contact lith the skin, and to insulate you fwom the cowd it would pwoduce. As an awmoul, it would be pawticulawwy wesilient against spewws, the specifics of which can be seen hewe: And if tulning it into an awmoul, the watio of fewwum and thanhium wemains the same. (So a swowd is 2 iwon, 2 thanhium. A chestpiece would be 8 iwon, 8 thanhium, etc.) onwy one piece of awmoul can be made at a time.

Wed lines:

   You must weawn this pwocess fwom someone, ow discovew it youlsewf if youl chawactew is considewed to be an expewt in Thanhium – WMs may ask fow evidence of this at theiw own discwetion.
   Onwy one swowd can be made by one pewson at a time. Mass pwoducing these weapons would weduce the pwecision lith which they awe made, and would detonate upon compwetion.
   You do not have to consecutivewy compwete pawt of the pwocess evewyday, you can have gaps. Fow exampwe, it might take a week if you onwy wowked on it fow 4/7 days.