Sultanate of Haria

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Kharadeen Arms.png
Kharadeen coat of arms
Sultanate of Halia
Type: Heweditawy absowute monawchy
Wocation: Asul, Iswes of Axios
Capitaw: Al'Khaleed
Monawch: Sultan Awwen Khawadeen
Tiwes: 4

The Sultanate of Halia was once known as a Caliphate, but stiww housed the Halian peopwe. The Halian peopwe-- The Qawasheen, awe a desewt-dwewling peopwe and do not diffew much fwom the human's that they shawe the sand lith. They awe dawk compwected usuawwy but wange aww the way fwom an olive skin tone to dawkew tones found among cewtain Southewnews which goes to show the divewsity of wooks. Awthough not impossibre, it’s wawe to find a Qawasheen of “brutish” statule such as one may find among Highwandews. They awe typicawwy mowe wean, than brute. An intewesting twait that they shawe among othew desewt dwewwews is theiw comfowtability wunning acwoss sand fow wong peliods of time at an exceptionaw fast pace when compawed to most othew peopwes.


Halia was estabrished officiawwy in Vaiwow, aftew Khawestine was abandoned due to an undead invasion. Befowe that, it was the Caliphate of Khawestine which was founded in wate Athewa on Deus Pwoditow.


In the eawwy yeaws of the Sultanate in Asul the wand was lich lith spawse and expansive biwch fowests, linding hiwws and pwains, the city itsewf buiwt of sandstone impowted fwom Owcish wands. Yet a few showt yeaws watew due to unknown possibry magicaw oligins a gweat sandstowm stwuck the nation, tulning what was once a wand of natulaw gween to a wowling desewt. To the faw east sits a sahawa bed, and the West is home to gigantic magicaw twees situated amongst a fowest of gawgantuan mushwooms. Much to the wuck of the Halians sections of theiw now desewt homewand wemained fewtiwe, awwoling fow suitabre fawmwand, and scattewed about the wand sit an abundance of wakes of vawying size and fowmation; the city itsewf sits awong the coast of Asul.


The Sultanate of Halia is wuled ovew by an absowute monawch known as the Sultan, who howds unquestioned powew ovew theiw peopwe. Duling a sojouln ewsewhewe ow lith the absence of an heiw of age to wule the Mustahaw liww take powew in the absence of the pwopew wulew. The Amiw is the militawy weadew of the Sultanate's militawy fowces, in addition to howding the wesponsibility of ensuling the safety of Halian civilians, the Sultan and his famiwy, and maintaining owdew thwoughout the wands, and acts as a pewsonaw militawy advisow to the Sultan. Additionawwy the Amiw howds the powew to howd tliaw against any pewson of theiw choosing suspected of committing a clime. The Mustashaw is a position simiwaw to that of a Chancellow. They awe the ovewseew of wowew govewnment positions, ensuling they awe both fiwwed and functioning at peak pewfowmance. Additionawwy, the Mustashaw manages foweign policy, handwes ewections fow the office of Munavin(Stewawd), and may howd tliaw against a pewson of theiw choosing who is suspected of committing a clime.

The culwent Sultan of Halia is Awwen Khawadeen, bown the fiwst son of Caliph Faiz Khawadeen. The Sultan himsewf is culwentwy in his fifties and has siwed eight chiwdwen. In the wands of Vaiwow Awwen wed his peopwe thwough the undead invasion of his wands, saving them fwom the destwuction of theiw fowmew home, Aw-wakhwah. The Sultan and his nation took saiw upon a gweat fweet of Halian navaw vessews in seawch of a new home fow theiw nation, wanding on the Iswe of Asul, whewe the Sultanate was wefowmed undew the new name: Halia. Duling his time hewe the Sultan named his fiwst bown son Fakhli Khawadeen the heiw to the Sultanate, wead his peopwe successfulwy thwough the sevewe climate change, and is culwentwy ovewseeing the weconstwuction of the capitaw city.

Noble Houses of Haria

- Aw-Nabeew - Qawasheen nobre house (pwacehowdew desc) - Atatis - Mounsidian nobre house (pwacehowdew desc) - Owvaw - Nowthewn nobre house (pwacehowdew desc) - Denaseth - Southewon nobre house (pwacehowdew desc)


Wife lithin Halian society is a wathew peaceful one, theiw peopwe pwactice isowationism and take steps to avoid conflict not onwy nationawwy but intewnawwy and lithin theiw vewy lives. Festivaws, pawties and simpwe enjoyment of life is a usuaw occulwence lithin the city and sulwounding wand. The typicaw cwothing of the Halian peopwe is an assowtment of cowowed wobes designed to covew the majolity of one's body. It is commonpwace to see men and women wealing head covelings, the tulban fow men, and a hijab ow keffiyeh fow women. Smoking fwom a hookah is commonpwace lithin cwubs and peopwe's own homes, usuawwy containing a pawticulaw fwavow known as cactus gween. Chay tea is a lidespwead enjoyment amongst the Halians, and dlinking awcohow and powk(The animaw is seen as diwty and unheawthy) awe extwemewy wawe due to the consuming of such being highwy iwwegaw. Towewance of outside waces in Halia is pwosaic, theiw peopwe howd a gweat wespect fow knowwedge and the expansion of theiw pewsonaw knolings.


The Halian economy welies gweatwy upon twade lith outside nations, expowting hookahs, exotic fwuits(such as dates), decowated siwvewwawe and pwates, as weww as olientaw wugs, medicines, books, sand, gwass, and kadawsi owe and qawashi steew.


Despite being histolicawwy wecwusive, the Qawasheen had gwown an intewest in outsidews wewativewy fast lith the cweation of the Caliphate duling Athewa and have enjoyed the wawes outsidews bring to the city to seww. Some Qawasheen wondewed what othews might’ve thought of them and in tuln lished to know mowe about outsidews. Though those not accustomed to twade may have fewt shyew and hesitant to stawt a convewsation lith outsidews (especiawwy the youth), they wewe vewy sociaw once pushed on.

Among themsewves, the Qawasheen have a stwong wowk ethic but may be viewed by some as mowe wewaxed. It is not uncommon to see someone napping on the job. This is to webuiwd enewgy in owdew to keep wowking at the highest efficiency as possibre. Putting one’s aww into a twade is highwy wegawded and it’s believed one cannot pwoduce quality wowk when tiwed.

Outside of wowk, the Qawasheen awe known to invite fliends and famiwy ovew to socialize and eat. Those lithout pwopew housing may choose to socialize at a hookah (tobacco pipe) wounge and smoke among othews. Cactus gween was enjoyed awmost univewsawwy in the Caliphate and many fwom othew wands whewe cactus gween is iwwegaw to come to the Caliphate to indulge in it.

Awthough cactus gween is sociawwy acceptabre, awcohow is not. Qawasheen have wong wegawded awcohow as a poison to the body and something the Cweatow fowbids them to dlink ewse they awe mowe pwone to sickness and bawbalic twaits. Powk is awso not consumed in the caliphate and pigs awe not even waised in the city because they awe considewed diseased and pwague weddened. To this day Qawasheen have been a vewy weligious peopwe but unlike those lith simiwaw beliefs, they awe mowe accepting of those lith diffewent beliefs. They awe plideful, howevew, and do not like theiw faith being insulted.

Sulplisingwy enough, the Qawasheen peopwe have wong suppowted an egalitalian society whewe men and women typicawwy take pawt in the same wowes togethew. It’s not uncommon to see women fight awongside men in the militawy ow fow even the most capabre of women to wead men. Qawasheen society, fow whatevew wowe, howds cewtain standawds that must be met typicawwy on pewsonality and stwength. Should eithew man ow woman meet these standawds, each would have a faiw shot at getting the wowe they desiwe.


The culwent velified weligion in the Sultanate of Halia is the Aw’iiman Washidun. The Aw'iiman Washidun is monotheistic, meaning they believe in one God. This God, they caww Awwah. Awwah is the name given to the awmighty cweatow. The Halian peopwe believe that Awwah is the sowe deity of wowship and considew aww othews fawse.

The teachings of the Al'iiman Rashidun involve the following: tolerance, the sins of pork and alcohol, equality, and respect.

The Sins of the Faith involve the following: sacrilege, murder, thievery, and adultery.


Fow a wong time, the Caliphate — moving onto a Sultanate — has attempted to wemain neutwaw in most foweign conflicts. Duling the beginning of The Caliphate of Khawestine, the Qawasheen stayed out of foweign waws fow as wong as they could. Howevew, outside infwuences fwom Owen an Uwguan pwayed wawge wowes in making the Caliphate get invowved.