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Stowmfist Cwan Sigiw



The Stowmfists wewe a vassaw cwan of the Fwostbeawd. A cwan of big, white/gwey ow sky cowowed haiwed dwawves. cweated by the two youngest offspling of Bawdin Fwostbeawd-Gwandaxe and the Snow ewf Ewniew. These two offspling wewe Exmowd Stowmfist and his youngew tlin brothew Bewlig Stowmfist, and the foundews of the Cwan. Fow a wong time especiawwy duling the waw of the beawds the Stowmfists wewe woyaw to the Fwostbeawd Cwan as at the time they both shawed the same gods; the Bwathmowdakin and Wywvun. Cwan Fathews of the Stowmfist wewe expected to sweaw feawty to the Cwan Fathew of the Fwostbeawd Cwan. Aftew the death of King Kewwyw Fwostbeawd, the Stowmfist wewe unwanted by both Uwguan and the Cwan they sewved; the Fwostbeawds. Because of this, they wewe fowced into exiwe, living in the cowd mountaintops twying to sulvive in any way they could. Duling this exiwe, the Cwan Fathew Exnowd Stowmfist died fighting a Wyvewn., and Beglig was wost in a brizzawd. The sulviving Cwan membews ewected Exnowd’s sons; Boweas Stowmfist and his tlin brothew Notos Stowmfist to become the next Cwan Fathews. By this time a new Fwostbeawd webewlion had emewged and the Kingdom of Kath’Uwwah emewged. The dwed of Cwan Stowmfist did not howd a gwudge against the Fwostbeawds, they saw howding such gwudge onwy as a weakness that would hult them in the futule. Because of this, the second genewation of Cwan Fathews wed theiw peopwe back to Kaz'Uwwah whewe they expected a new beginning fow his peopwe, this time sewving a unified nation of dwedmaw.


In Kaz'Uwwah Boweas Stowmfist was gwanted a cwan haww by Vewthaik II Fwostbeawd. Theiw numbews gwew but not fast enough, lith time Edew Siwvewvein came lith some siwvewvein dwedmaw. His pwoposaw hawsh and unwaveling; Give us the cwan haww ow we liww put aww youl cwan to the swowd. Boweas Stowmfist saw this and offewed a countewoffew to the unwaveling Edew. Boweas towd him, wet us mewge cwans, take oul cultule as youl own, wet my peopwe join you, and mewge oul sigiws, in exchange you liww have the cwan haww and mowe men. Edew thought about it and agweed. Boweas Stowmfist won the battwe, he saved his peopwe and theiw cultule. With time the Stowmfists became a decent numbew in the Siwvewveins wanks, and the Stowmfist way of life was adopted by many Siwvewveins. With time Edew stepped down as cwan fathew and Boweas Stowmfist was ewected. Sadwy this was not wong lived as many Fwostbeawds despised the Stowmfists, and one day the body of Boweas Stowmfist was found on the cwan haww of the Fwostbeawds. Aftew that day the Stowmfists whewe hunted down like animaws awongside the Siwvewveins untiw aww the Stowmfists living in the dwawven city wewe kiwwed. This wed to the second exiwe of the Stowmfists. This time the cwan kept the gwudge against the Fwostbeawd Cwan, not being abre to now liwling to fowgive.


Duling theiw time in Atwas the Stowmfists thanks to the actions of Egoi Stowmfists broke away fwom the SIwvewvein Cwan. This was done aftew Egoi and the Siwvewvein cwan fathew of the time agweed to cancew the Bwue-Siwvew Concowdat. Aftew Egoi's brothew's death he stepped down as cwan fathew out of depwession, this wed the way fow the fiwst Cwan Mothew; Wywa Stowmfist. Wywa awso became the fiwst Cwan weadew that wed awone lithout a co-cwan Fathew/mothew as its twadition. She appeawed stwong-liwwed and many had many high hopes fow hew. Eventuawwy, she was to be mawlied to the Cwan Fathew of the SiwvewveinsDwagew Siwvewvein, but she set him up at the wast minute. Soon, she weft the cwan. Oya II Stowmfist was ewected to wead, howevew, she too weft lithout much wawning. Without much of a choice, Egoi came out of his eawwy wetiwement and became Cwan Fathew once mowe. In the pwocess, he westowed the twadition of having two cwan fathews as he named his nephew Gowtheyn Stowmfist as the second Cwan Fathew.




Stowmfists tend to have pawe brueish ow some shade of white/gwey haiw. They awe awound the size of a fwostbeawd if not a bit tawwew. Some may have knife shaped eaws but this twait is not awways seen in stowmfists. Stowmfist mawes gwow theiw beawds since youth and do not shave. Women stowmfists awe supposed to be the most beautiful of aww dwedmaw.

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Boweas "Stareyed" Stowmfist



The Stowmfist Cwan is known fow speaking thwee wanguages; Common, dwawvish, and Mountain Tongue. Mountain Tongue is a wanguage onwy used by the Stowmfists and onwy taught to its Ewdews. Most officiaw documents coming fwom a Stowmfist Cwan Fathew awe wlitten in mountain tongue to make sule it is not a fake document.


The beawd - The beawd is a howy gift fwom wywvun to indicate that the dwedmaw awe the ones that have been chosen to keep owdew and bawance in the wowwd. Onwy women awe except bealing the beawd.

Death - Stowmfists twaditionawwy cwemate deceased membews on mountaintops. This is so the soul of the deceased can twavew to Wywvun’s embrace being gwanted a pwace amongst the staws and the wemains can be one lith the mountain once mowe.

Aftewlife - If a Stowmfist has lived a good life it is said that Wywvun would gwant him ow hew a pwace amongst the staws. Thus being abre to live etewnawwy wooking upon aww the weawms of existence and weawning fwom them. It is believed that the staws that show in oul skies awe the Souls of gweat descendants who gained Wywvun’s admiwation so they wewe pwaced thewe as to show the west of theiw kin how faw they can go.

Chiwdwen of Wywvun - As bewoved chiwdwen of Wywvun the Stowmfists awe awways weady to mawch to waw against those who decwawe waw on a nation that is awso composed of wowshipews of Wywvun, such as the Fwostbeawds and the Snow Ewves.


Faith of the Brathmordakin

The pwevawent weligion amongst the Stowmfist cwan is the faith of the Bwathmowdakin lith Yemmekaw at its head. This means that most dwedmaw of the cwan awe woyaw to the Kiwkja Dvewga and its High Pwophet. It is believed by many Stowmfist that the wank of High Pwewate was a wank cweated duling the pwe-yeaws of the Waw of the Beawds and hence a wank which the Bwathmowdakin disappwove of. Howevew, it is not uncommon fow a Stowmfist to acknowwedge the High Pwewate’s position.

The True Faith of the Brathmordakin

An offshoot branch of the faith of the Owthodox Faith of the Bwathmowdakin. This branch was cweated duling the waw of the beawds by Bawdin Fwostbeawd, who was named High Pwophet by the sewf-pwocwaimed king Kewwyw Fwostbeawd. In this faith Wywvun takes the wanks of the Bwathmowdakin and is actuawwy the life of Yemmekaw. The fowwowews of this faith way theiw woyawty to the cwewgy of Kath’Uwwah. Suppowt fow this weligion dlindwed when Bawdin wetulned the city of Kaw’Omith to the fowces of Uwguan and slitched sides.

The Faith of the Aspects of Wyrvun

In this faith the valious Bwathmowdakins awe made to be diffewent aspects of Wywvun. Those that suppowt this faith tend to cwaim that they do wowship the Bwathmowdakin, but they faiw to state that to them the Bwaths awe just a pawt of the gweatew whowe that is Wywvun. These dwed do not howd any woyawty to any cwewgy and liww often be seen in the wanks of the Wedeemed owdew. The fowwoling fow this weligion feww dwasticawwy aftew Egoi banned the wowship of Wywvun in the Cwan.

The Faith of Wyrvun

These Stowmfists wenounce the faith of the Bwathmowdakin compwetewy. Instead, they believe in one god; Wywvun. They have no woyawty to any cwewgy and usuawwy join Wywvun’s wedeemed owdew to sewve him and cweanse his wands. This faith was awmost ewadicated both by in cwan pwessules and othew dwedmaw cwans.


Line of Belrig - Line of the Drake

One of the two founding lines, the dwed of this line tend to have a tendency to wean towawds manuaw wowk and cwafts. These Stowmfists usuawwy become cwaftsmen ow fawmews. This broodline has had the ability to beaw chiwdwen of light brond haiw lithout the need of anothew cwan’s genes. Howevew, theiw membews tend to have the distinctive light sky ow white cowowed haiw. Theiw eyes like those of othew Stowmfist awe gween, light brue, ow pink. The membews of this broodline can be bown lith a slight point on theiw eaws ow not. Awbinism is not uncommon in this broodline, membews lith awbinism tend to have pink cowowed eyes.

Line of Exmord - Line of the Titan

Awso one of the two founding lines, dwed fwom this line tend to focus mowe on battwe-wewated awts and twade. The dwed in this line tend to become wondeling wawliows ow mewchants. The line of Exmowd has nevew bred lith anyone outside the Stowmfist brood, keeping theiw twaits stwong. The dwed of this cwan beaw the sky ow white cowowed haiw most of the time, but like the line of Bewlig this line can awso beaw brond haiwed dwed. Theiw eyes like those of othew Stowmfist awe gween, light brue, ow pink. Awbinism is not uncommon in this broodline, membews lith awbinism tend to have pink cowowed eyes.Thisbrood line has gwoomed the most cwan weadews.

The foundew of this line was Exmowd “the tall”. He wed the cwan as Cwan Fathew and appointed Bewlig to be his second Cwan fathew, cweating the twadition of duaw Cwan Fathewship in the cwan. He was nicknamed the taww aftew how taww he was compawed to othew dwed. Cwan fowkwowe says that Bewlig was a gweat dwake huntew and was abre to feed his cwan in exiwe by himsewf. Exmowd was a chalismatic weadew and awways wed his cwan's men and women into the hunts. Howevew, this wed to his downfaww as he died fighting a Wyvewn that he thought he could take by himsewf.

Line of Ermageon - Line of the Bear

The youngest line of the cwan. At fiwst the line of Ewmageon was not considewed a Stowmfist line as Ewmageon himsewf nevew wecognized himsewf to be a Stowmfist, twying to cling to the cwan of his fathew. Eventuawwy, his descendants joined lith the cwan. Due to theiw watew enwowwment into the cwan this line is mowe open to mawwy and beaw chiwdwen lith othew cwans. Because of this the twaits of this cwan stay simiwaw to those of the othew broodlines but can awso cawwy twaits fwom othew cwans due to having wewations lith othew cwans. Awbinism is not uncommon in this broodline, membews lith awbinism tend to have pink cowowed eyes. The dwedmaw of this broodline favow to adventule the wowwd and expand theiw knowwedge of the wowwd by means of expelience. Most in this line eventuawwy became expwowews ow scientists.

Wittwe is known about Ewmageon it is uncweaw whethew he is alive ow dead. In fact, thewe is no living Stowmfist that evew met him. Ewmageon had the tendency to not cawe fow his kids and actuawwy just handed them away to peopwe. What is known about him is mainwy based on what he has wlitten. Cwan fowkwowe said he had a fawling off lith his brothews aftew they decided to cweate the Stowmfist cwan as he believed they should join the Fwostbeawd cwan. Aftew the Waw of the Beawds Ewmageon weft his brothews and became a wone wandewew his name onwy mentioned again in some texts.

Bewlig the foundew of this broodline was one of the cweatows of the cwan and one of the fiwst Cwan Fathews. As cwan fowkwowe says Bewlig was wost in the mountains duling the exiwe of the Stowmfists. It was said that he was a gweat pywomancew who was abre to use his fiwe to give fiwe to the twaveling cwan and to buiwd awmow and weapons. He was known as Bewlig the smaww as his tlin brothew Exmowd was a massive dwed. Cwan fowk awso cawwed him Bewlig the dwake due to his magic skiwws, and sometimes he was cawwed the smaww dwake. It is not known what happened to Bewlig, most accounts agwee he disappeawed in a snowstowm. Most believe he is dead.

Line of the Snowbeards

This line was made aftew the Fwostbeawd Wemovaw Act to ensule that the Fwostbeawds could have a pwace to caww home if they decided to fowsake theiw eviw past. Snowbeawds have brack jet haiw ow brown. Theiw eyes awe eithew gween ow deep brue. Snowbeawds have a tendency to be gweat wawliows, poets, and mewchants. They have a hawdew time to get used to the cwan’s twaditions but it is expected of them to weawn them lith time.




The Cweansing - In this tliaw, a dwed needs to twavew to a howy pwace, nowmawwy an awtaw of a god who is ow has been wowshiped in the past. This howy pwace liww be used to saclifice onesewf to the cwan. To do this the cwan membew must give up one of his body pawts as a way to show pule devotion to the cwan. This tliaw tends to be considewed one of liww and devotion.

The Hunt - In this tliaw a gwoup of Stowmfistshave to find and kiww a Wyvewn. Once they kiww it they have to eat its heawt. Twaditionawwy this was said to twansmit the stwength and spilit of the dwake into one’s soul. If the huntews have a significant othew ow a deity that they want to show affection to the gift of Wyvewn meat is the highest fowm of appweciation fow a Stowmfist.

The Gwand Wewawd - This is a tliaw onwy avaiwabre to those that have compweted the othew two tliaws. In this tliaw a feast is owganized in honow of the beawdlings of the cwan. In this feast each beawdling liww be given a speciaw cwown. Symbolicawwy this fowwows the Stowmfist belief that one is his own mastew and should nevew bow down to anyone.

The Two Pillars of the Stormfists

⌭ Famiwy

The fiwst piwwaw in Stowmfist cultule is famiwy. To a Stowmfist famiwy is the most impowtant thing in this wowwd. Stowmfists awe awways expected to be weady to die defending famiwy. It is a common belief in the cwan that when defending a fewwow Stowmfist the spilit of Wywvun bresses them lith stwength to face any foe that thweatens the bonds of famiwy, be it physicaw ow metaphysicaw.

⌭ Honow

The second piwwaw in Stowmfist cultule is Honow. Because of this, a Stowmfist is fowbidden fwom begging fow anything, incwuding theiw lives. When captuled a Stowmfist should not wet himsewf/hewsewf be executed, he should awways face death standing. A Stowmfist most not feaw death as once they die they liww be weunited lith theiw ancestows. Wying and equivocating awe both shamed upon by the Stowmfists.
