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Artwork by -name-
Area: Forests
Diet:: Insects
Size: 5-7 inches tall
Hostility Varies between types
Tameable?: N/A
Note: Players can play this creature as their own persona on the server by making a creature application.

Sprites are small, colorful fairy-like beings borne of the Acerfolia flower. They have a very close connection with nature, and are known to be quite duplicitous.


Sprites are minuscule Fae that are birthed from a flower known as the Acerfolia, which can only be grown in the most pristine and untouched expanses of the wilds. Much like a normal plant, the Sprite is the equivalent to the Acerfolia’s fruit, being it’s ultimate product after it is bloomed. Eventually, when the flower does complete blooming, and the Sprite is released, the Acerfolia will wither and die shortly afterward. Upon dying, a Sprite will be reborn from a new flower, containing within their mind the information required for survival.

Sprites are capable of reproducing through hermaphroditic fertilization of spores. If successful, the product of such a ritual shall be a minuscule seed, the seed of a flower. The proper fertilization and creation of an Acerfolia seed is extremely rare however, only one out of every ten will actually be able to produce a Sprite. Normal flowers that are formed however, are still considered to be children by the Sprites who created them, and will be taken care of dearly. Should the fertilization be a full success, a magical seed shall be formed, that of the Acerfolia, and from here it is to the discretion of the parents where they bury it. However, it must be buried in a place where it would remain undisturbed, a place rich with life and soil saturated healthily by water, otherwise it will never live to bloom. From here, the seed will grow slowly, taking anywhere from eight months to a year to reach its bloom, and release with it, a new Sprite.

The Acerfolia Flower

The Acerfolia is a small flower with a large oval shaped bud and triangular leaves. It grows five inches from the ground, and is the birthplace of all Sprites. They can only be found in sections of warm forests near streams. After the span of about six weeks, the bud will flourish and a Sprite will be born from it. There are usually only one to two places in a realm where these flowers grow. When a sprite dies, another flower will sprout in one of these locations.

Appearance and Characteristics

  • Sprites stand about 5-7 inches tall, with Elf-like features and translucent wings sprouting from their backs.
  • Sprites are genderless, but do take on masculine and feminine appearances, oftentimes being referred as male or female, despite being asexual.
  • Sprites clothe themselves in flower petals and any soft, pliable forest-growths they can find.
  • Sprites have many different skin colors, which determines their general personality.
  • Sprites speak an odd tongue that can be learned but is quite difficult for Descendant minds to understand; however, they are capable of understanding the common language of Descendants.
  • They can learn the common tongue, but it would be difficult due to their poor attention spans.
  • May commune with nature easily; i.e., they are capable of communicating with Flora and Fauna as Druids do.
  • They are often extremely intelligent.
  • Sprites may fly, but no higher than that of an Olog (Three Blocks), as they would exert too much energy whilst attempting to fight back against gravity. Due to using too much energy they would need a surface to rest on before taking flight once again.
  • When consumed, Sprites are incredibly toxic, as after death they are reduced to a fine, gray ash. This metaphorical 'pixie dust' will not grant any flight, but instead will lead to an extremely quick and painful death.


The color of the sprite determines almost exactly some of the mannerisms of the Sprite, similar to how a mage’s aura is defined by their own personality. There is no definite reason as to how, or why the Sprites are born as these particular colors however, it is simply a random factor.

  • Green - Sprites born with the color green are wiser and more intellectual than their kin- often more keen to learn something new. They can provide interesting outlooks upon a situation based on their observations, and are even known to have a larger attention span.
  • Blue - Sprites born with the color blue are considered the most likable of all. They are known to be the first to explore, and the first to make a new friend. Taking that in mind, they are much more adventurous than their kin, wanting to seek new places and new friends, which can often lead to trouble.
  • Sky Blue - Sprites born with the color of the sky are known to be the most deceitful. They use their similar coloring to their blue kin to lure people to trust them, only to torment them and trick them for their own amusement.
  • Grey - Sprites born with the color grey are very similar to their sky-colored kin, appearing to be much more sickly, or oftentimes gloomy, in a depressed manner. It is because of this, they are able to manipulate sympathetic people to do their bidding.
  • Red - Sprites born of the color red are known to have a temper and fuse that is near as short as their own height. They are judgmental, rude, and apathetic, their level of dislike only being below Black and Yellow Sprites.
  • Black - The rarest of their kin, this Sprite possesses a heart as black as it’s very visage, wishing pain upon those whom it may face, with tendencies to wreak havoc and pandemonium as much as it can. They are to be wary of, as these little cretins possess naught a drop of compassion within them.
  • Purple - A Purple Sprite, alternatively violet, is the embodiment of balance, matched with the mindsets of both Red and Blue, they are believed to be wise and level-headed, more so than any of their kin.
  • White - Sprites of absent color are pure and kind, admittedly the most bright of their kin (Literally), they have oftentimes been mistaken for starlight in the darkest of nights. To those lost in the woods, these Sprites have been known to guide to safety, using the prominent luminescence of their body as a beacon.
  • Yellow - The oddly yellow colored Sprite possesses an alien aura to it, they are daring and cruel, using emotional manipulation to instill fear unto their kin and use their reactions for their own amusement. They are the most mischievous and tricky of Sprites, and much like Black Sprites, are to be wary of.
  • Pink - Sprites born with the color pink tend to be ditsy, energetic, and animated. There’s always time to play fun, silly games, and they truly embody the childish trait of every Sprite. However, as much as they enjoy to be immature, they enjoy the prospect of love for other sentient beings. These Sprites are willing to go out of their way to ensure that two people who love each other stay in love.
  • Brown - Sprites born with a brown skin are social outcasts, foreign to even the rest of their Sprite community. Often known for taking shelter in secluded, isolated, and rather odd locations, the brown Sprite does not enjoy communicating with it’s kin. They’ll often act as if they’re a wild dog with wings, and will tear up their food before eating it. They’ll rarely speak in any tongue, as they often just don’t care enough to communicate.
  • Orange - The orange Sprite will automatically attempt to solve any conflict it can, without the assistance of any other being. Should someone be in some sort of trouble, or a conflict has unfolded, the orange Sprite will be there to save the day. These Sprites don’t often do heroic deeds out of the kindness of their hearts, but rather for their own reputation. Should they fail, however, they’ll slide into a deep, temporary depression, upset that they didn’t reach their high expectations.


With Sprites having no direct way to defend their tiny, vulnerable bodies, it’s only natural that they’d have some sort of plant-oriented ability to produce a chemical which could act as a makeshift defence mechanism against foreign aggressors, should the opportunity ever come where it’s necessary to level out the playing field. However, as each Sprite color represents a different flower (more or less,) it’s reasonable to say that different Sprites would have different chemicals emitted from their skin. Every chemical has a negative impact on both parties, as the foreign invader would now be subject to whatever effect the toxin possessed, and the Sprite would become tired out. Still able to fly, there would still be considerable side effects to using the poisons, as the Sprites would just generally become physically tired. The following is a list of each chemical Sprites can produce, and what color they correspond with. These toxins can be released at any time, however it should take about two hours to regenerate. Sprite’s abilities can be used on any living, breathing person. This includes any of the playable races, trolls, and other creatures, however the larger the creature, the less of an effect it will have on them. Sprites can even use their toxins on other Sprites, so long as both parties are of a different color, as one toxin used on another wouldn’t do anything. (The effects of each chemical isn’t as severe as it would be in real life, these are mulled down, weaker forms of each substance.) If the amount of time that an effect lasts for isn’t listed, then assume that it’s thirty minutes.

  • Green - Urushiol; After being exposed to a person’s skin, this Sprite can cause a certain, inflicted area to gain a large, itchy rash. The patch of skin that had been infected would be rashy, red, and extremely irritable. This can wear off after either proper treatment, or simply by waiting a few days.
  • Blue - Formaldehyde; If a blue Sprite were to release this chemical from its skin to harm another, the victim would take on very minor, yet irritable side effects. Anyone subject to exposure would clam up and notice a pain in their throat and nose regions, as well as their eyes swelling up and becoming watery.
  • Sky Blue - Psilocybin; When the sky blue Sprite exerts this toxin onto its foe, the victim will be subject to hallucinations of minor proportions. They'll most likely see distorted figures and discoloration, having everything be bright and brilliant.
  • Grey - Propofol; The grey Sprite has the option to exert a highly anesthetic, drowsy chemical into another person or sentient being. This chemical will become active about fifteen seconds after being applied. It forces the victim to fall into a coma like, drowsy, sleepy state, confused and tired. This will last for around twenty minutes, unless an external effort is made to awake the victim.
  • Red - Hydrofluoric acid; When exposed to skin, it’s initially painless. There’d be nothing to feel to the victim at first, but after about thirty seconds, the skin would start to feel a searing, burning pain in the inflicted area, becoming visibly red and irritated.
  • Purple - Tetrahydrocannabinol; After this chemical touches flesh, over a long period of time, the inflicted person would begin to feel drowsy, dazed, and abnormally tranquil. The person would appear completely normal, none of the normal side effects of THC present, yet they’d still act extremely high.
  • White - LN2; Should you upset a white Sprite, it has the option to release a light version of liquid nitrogen. This will instantly freeze a small patch of skin on a person, turning into a sickly hue of purple. It’d be amazingly painful to either move or touch, and requires proper treatment before becoming active again. The impacted area could probably be revived in fifteen minutes.
  • Yellow - Saxitoxin; If a yellow Sprite were to be angered in any way, or provoked, it would release a small amount of temporary saxitoxin. When inflicted onto the victim, their muscles would become slow, weakened, and paralyzed. They wouldn’t be frozen to the extent where they couldn’t talk, but they’d be considerably disabled for around six to eight minutes.
  • Pink - Dopamine; Pink Sprites are truly unique with their use of defensive toxins, as they fail to directly harm a person in any way. Considerably large doses of dopamine invade the targeted person, causing a rush of “happiness” to flood into their brain. This should cause them to be happier, easier to handle, and act friendlier for those thirty minutes.
  • Brown - Trimethylamine; Should the brown Sprite become irritated, it could easily attack it’s larger aggressor, given it’s violent nature. However, if it should ever need a defence mechanism, the brown Sprite can produce a stench that sticks to any person that comes into contact with, or can affect anyone who sniffs the air around the Sprite. The scent will wear off once you take a bath.
  • Orange - Monosodium glutamate; The orange Sprite has the ability to pump out an extremely irritating, blinding and nauseating substance. The effects should be able to impact a person instantly, quickly blinding them for a solid fifteen seconds, as well as impairing their hearing, which they will slowly regain as they obtain their sight back as well. After those fifteen seconds, the inflicted person should only feel slightly dazed for about another ten minutes. This sprite could easily perform a fly-by, flash a person, and be on their way.
  • Black -Ophiocordyceps unilateralis; The black sprite is unique as it does not release a toxin, but rather releases spores. These spores are released in a large group of fifty to sixty, depending on the sprites’ size. The spores spread on the wind, targeting any insects in the area. The bugs are quickly overtaken by the fungus, their wills now putty in the sprites’ tiny hands. The insects will rapidly gather around the black sprite, moving as a hive mind. They listen to the sprites’ orders, though the timeframe that they will follow is limited. The mushrooms will eventually fall off of the insects, leaving them without a leader. Though, if a descendant were to come in contact with these spores, a rash would quickly spread over the area with blisters forming soon after. The rash would cause a terrible itch, and would remain on the descendant for a full elven day. Though this could be numbed using alchemical agents, there would be no cure to the rash.


  • Sprites cannot wield the weapons of the Descendants, as they are much too small.
  • Due to their small bodies, and overall weakness, they are easy to take hold of and imprison.
  • They may not wield magic due to their natural origin.
  • Not many of the Sprites exist; if one was to destroy the flower during the development or destroy the tree around the flower before the Sprite is born, the Sprite will die.
  • Injuring the wings of a sprite can be potentially fatal, as the sprites' main blood vessels are located there. Their wings are of the same material as their body, of plant matter.
  • Magic is very effective against sprites and can kill them quickly due to their connection to nature.


  • They may not be domesticated, as they are entirely sentient beings, not animals.
  • Sprites can only thrive in areas filled with natural life, such as forests. Deserts and tainted areas are practically deadly.
  • They are incapable of learning any form of magic, however they may communicate with Flora and Fauna. However, they are not connected to Druidism in any form.
  • The toxins produced by Sprites cannot be used for potions or poisons.


To play a Sprite, in addition to a CA being required, the lorekeeper must be contacted; one such place where they can be contacted is here.

Normally, Sprites receive the Elf Nexus Race.
