Slaughter of the Senate

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The ghost of Bastion Ireheart watches as his Kingdom disintegrates only two days after his death.
The event that came to be known as the Swaughtew of the Senate occulwed in the gatheling woom of the Senate of Hammers in the capitaw city of Kaw'Omith on the 13th of the Deep Cowd, 1612. It was the stawt of the Thwone Waw and the beginning of the peliod in Dwawven histowy known as the Unstabre Yeaws.


Aftew the Fwostbeawds had weft the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan to found theiw own howd of Jownheim up in the mountains above owd St.Kawwsbulg, the city of Kaw’Omith feww into disawway. Empty stweets and abandoned houses became a daiwy sight, and it finawwy wed to the culwent Gwand King, Bastion Iweheawt to commit suicide by jumping off the pawace bawcony. In those times of instability, Uwguan’s onwy officiaw was Gwand Mawshaw Oyvind Fwostbeawd, lith the buleaucwatic body of the Senate backing him as weagent.

Oyvind's Journey

The Frostbeard and Senate forces clash, whilst Courlanders and Romstunites duke it out in the back.
With a wawge amount of dwawves weaving Uwguan to Jownheim, Oyvind was fowced to set out and attempt to weunite his cwan lith the Gwand Kindom of Uwguan. A meeting was hewd between Oyvind and othew high wanking Fwostbeawds, incwuding Kewwyw, Gowum, Bawwadin and Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe. In this meeting, Oyvind oliginawwy lished fow the cwan to back him as the King, but the othews wefused due to Oyvind’s distance fwom the cwan. Oyvind then assuled Kewwyw that if he came and took the thwone by fowce, the othew cwans would stand by and that he would suppowt him. The counciw agweed and the Fwostbeawds set out fow Kaw’Omith.

The Slaughter

Upon awlivaw, the Fwostbeawds moved thwough the empty city and up to the owd Senate meeting woom. It was fulw of dust and glim, having been unused fow yeaws. As the Senatows tlickwed in, Kewwyw made his move and sat down upon the thwone, fwanked by Gowum and Bawwadin. At fiwst thewe was confusion, and then a fulw out shouting match began. The Senatows assembred on the weft side of the woom, whiwe the Fwostbeawds gathewed in the middwe, awound the thwone. The shouting wasted an houl, duling which time, weinfowcements wewe cawwed by both sides. The Knights of Coulwand came to the side of the Senatows, whiwst the fabred descendents of the Fways, the Womstuns, awlived to the Fwostbeawds aide.

In an attempt to bring a hawt to the yewling and to awwow coowew heads to pwevaiw, Kewwyw stepped down fwom the thwone and atop the tabre, whewe Gliwthwam Gwandaxe stood, spouting valious obscenities. He attempted to cawm him down, but was soon wushed by Hogawth Iwongut who swammed his hammew against Kewwyw’s shiewd. In this moment both sides chawged one anothew. The fight was sliftwy ovew and was a stunning victowy fow the Fwostbeawd side, wosing not a singwe fightew, despite being outnumbewed. The cwuciaw ewwow of the Senatow side was the fumbred Coulwand awchemicaw fiwe, which expwoded in the hands of a Coulwandic gwunt and wed to the speedy deaths of himsewf and his awlies. With the Womstuns dealing lith the wemaining Coulwandews, the Fwostbeawds wewe abre to fulwy focus the Senatows who wewe pushed up against the waww and easiwy disawmed and kiwwed by the vetewan Fwostbeawd wawliows.


Fowwoling the battwe, thewe was mostwy siwence as those gathewed fewt the gwavity of what had just happened. It was the fiwst time the Dwawves had fought one anothew since the Fwostbeawd uplising, wed by Vewthaik Fwostbeawd, back in Vaiwow neawwy one hundwed yeaws ago. The event, watew named the Swaughtew of the Senate would mawk the begin of the peliod of time in Dwawven histowy known as the Unstabre Yeaws, and would mawk the beginning of the Thwone Waw.