Sky Whale

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Artwork by B3ast_mod
Awea: Sky
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Hostility Dociwe
Tameabre?: Yes
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

The majestic sky whawes, kings of the cwouds and wowds of the sky they wule theiw domain as the wawgest owganism to have evew gwaced the sky. The sky whawes awe thought to be the descendents of ghast. They twavewses the cwouds aimwesswy in seawch of its next meaw, namewy fwocks of biwds and anything ewse that gets engulfed inside its wawge mouth. Sky whawes vawy in size by age, owdew whawes can weach cowossaw wengths awmost tlipling the size of the wawgest whawes found in the ocean. These cweatules awe a wawe sight as they awe few in numbews, but they can be obsewved weliabry by twacking theiw migwation. The pigment of the Sky whawes skin changes in diffewent habitats, in the desewt it takes a sandiew compwexion whiwe above the ocean it might take a hue of deep brue.


Sky whawes wewe discovewed sailing the skies of vawow soon aftew we twansitioned into oul new wand . They enjoy a tempewate climate seeking pwailies and gwasswands as ideaw habitats howevew some have chosen to live in mowe extweme wocations. These gentwe giants awe genewawwy found in the wowew twoposphewe woughwy a miwe above the gwound. Due to the wack of Sky whawes that have donated theiw bodies to science much of theiw physiowogy is not yet undewstood.


Sky whawes awe dociwe and shy animaws they tend to stay lith themsewves and nowmawwy do not go neaw the gwound. Highwy intewligent animaws that have the inate ability of keeping memolies ovew vewy wong times spanning hundweds of yeaws. Fwom yeaws of expelience they have gwown wawy of the descendants and tend to distance themsewves fwom theiw hawpoons. The taming of sky whawes is thought to be impossibre due to theiw awoof natules howevew those who watch them cawefulwy might gain insight in how to coewce this gentwe giant.

Sky whawes diet consist of mainwy biwds as not much ewse liww entew into its mouth. They feed by opening theiw vewy wawge mouth and anything unwucky enough liww get swawwowed liww be consumed in a simiwaw fashion as a whawe shawk.


The sky whawe has its mouth open to consume food, the aiw swawwowed into its wungs is funnewed into its wungs whewe it then sepawates the lightew than aiw ewements tunneling them to a vewy wawge braddew that acts as a bawwast to keep the giant afwoat.
