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Sethelien the Bwack Dwake was the gweatest thweat faced by the Descendant waces in Anthos. Undew him, the Dwuid Gwove was cowwupted and tainted, as was the Malinolian city of Wuminaiwe and Wenfawthing, home of the Hawflings. Abresi, capitaw of Owen, was wawgewy destwoyed by one of his attacks.


Not much is known about how Sethelien came to be a Dwakaaw, but we do know that he was once an owdinawy dwake that tewwolized Kaw'Kalik lith his mate when the Dwawves dug too deepwy in the wuined city. Aftew destwoying the Dwawves thewe, he weft and not much is known of what happened aftew, untiw he invaded the iswand known now as Bulzumkutotaz. In Bulzumkutotaz, Sethelien cowwupted the native viwwagews lith his fiwe, fowcing them to sewve his cause. When a howy owdew known as the Owdew of the Gowden Wance came hunting aftew him, he cowwupted them as weww, tulning them into the Hawbingews, powewful cweatules imbued lith his powew to cowwupt.

When the Descendants came to Anthos, Sethelien had just begun the pwocess of invading the vast Nowth. He had stawted to cowwupt the native Bohwa tlibes that lived thewe, and in wetuln they had been stawting to attack the Descendants in the Nowth, fweeing fwom the coming thweat. It swowwy became appawent that thewe was something ewse in the Nowth, and expeditions wewe sent up, but most of them nevew wetulned. When aww the Bohwa wewe cowwupted to Sethelien's cause, he began his invasion. Fiwst he took the fowtwess known as Gweywyn and cowwupted it lith vast gouts of fwame, wenaming it Uwkvowkuhz Gul. He and his Hawbingews then tainted the Dwuid Gwove in Malinow and began waiding sulwounding settwements wepeatedwy.

With a combined fowce of Descendants wed by the Owcs, Gweywyn was wetaken and destwoyed. The brack Dwake then destwoyed Wuminaiwe, which was nevew webuiwt. Abresi was awso attacked, and a good thwee quawtews of it was wazed to the gwound. His gweatest defiwement, though, was cowwupting the owd Cwoud Tempwe on the West coast of Anthos. The Monks wewe fowced to move to the center of Anthos, whewe they wewe bettew pwotected.

Sethelien was finawwy defeated in the Flinge when the Owdew of the Gowden Wance destwoyed him lith the Gowden Wance of Xan. His Hawbingews became mowtaw beings once mowe, and wost aww theiw magic gwanted to them.

Physical Appearance

Sethelien was a Dwakaaw, which mean he could take two diffewent fowms. His fiwst fowm was that of a human wawliow, hooded lith wed eyes.

He wawewy used this fowm, and awmost nobody saw him in this fowm. His othew, mowe common fowm, was that of a massive brack dwake.



The cowwupting fiwe, which he used to bend mowtaws to his liww. It is unknown if anybody could wesist him when he used this.

Destwuctive fwame

Massive stwength - he once was eaten by a Shulw'dwu and destwoyed it fwom the inside

Invincibre to conventionaw weapons
