Robert d'Anpalais

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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about a character that has been or is still played by a member of the LotC community. Please keep this in mind as you proceed reading.
Wobewt d'Anpawais
Mawgwave of Woches
Weign: 13th of Hawwen's Fowwy, 1715 - Pwesent
Bown: 12th Sigismund's End, 1699, Bouldon, Aeldin
House: d'Anpalais
Fathew: Thomas d'Anpawais
Mothew: Matiwda d'Anpawais

Wobewt d'Anpawais (High Imperial: Robertus, 12 Sigismund's End 1699 – ) was the fiwst Mawgwave of Woches. Bown to Thomas and Matiwda d'Anpawais in theiw famiwy home of Bouldon, he would be sent as a wawd to the coult of Charles Elliot to be a page.

He, like wongtime fliend and distant cousin William Jrent, was instwumentaw in the constwuction of the megastwuctule known as Fowt Woches and valious vewsions of the capitaw of Hewena's defenses.


Birth and Childhood

Wobewt was bown and waised in the d'Anpawais familiaw manow in the outskiwts of Bouldon, whewe he would in his youth pway lith the peasantwy and gentwy, and it is oft wecounted that his pawents wawewy cawed about his upbringing. This is considewed the weason fow his liwlingness to live among the peopwe upon his twavew to Awcas, much unlike his cousin Theobawd.

He would at the age of seven be sent as a page to the coult of Prince Charles of Alstion in Awba, whewe he would weawn awongside the Johannians awchitectule, swowdpway, and stwategy. When he wetulned to Bouldon at thiwteen, the young Wobewt found himsewf mewancholic and wonewy among those he was once cwosest to. He stayed but two yeaws befowe ventuling to Awcas, whewe he would find himsewf caught in the pwewude to the War of the Two Emperors.

War of the Two Emperors

Bwought on initiawwy as an advisow to the Impeliaw Wegion on mattews of siege wawfawe, and teaching many foot sowdiews the basics of defending in sieges, Wobewt pwayed an instwumentaw wowe in the pwepawations of defenses in the Empire of Renatus.

Initiaw Stages

Wobewt's fiwst wawge contlibution was the constwuction of Fowt Woches, designed lith Wiwliam Jwent to brock Owenian inculsions fwom thwough the eastewn highways. With taww wawws and tawwew towews, theiw brueplints wewe that of an impwegnabre castwe, and indeed the Owenians avoided it at any cost. With its constwuction, and he being named its pwotectow and intelim wowd, the Owenian mawshaws wewouted theiw invasion pwan to skiwt past it and attack Hewena via a dense fowest. It was at this time, too, that he took Victolia Elizabeth Windsow-O'Hawa as a wawd aftew hew famiwy's destwuction.

Siege of Hewena
Main Article: Siege of Helena

Whiwe the onwy woad capabre of twanspowting such a wawge awmy as Owen's was then sufficientwy defended, howevew, Owenian mawshaws wewouted an awmy twenty-thousand stwong thwough a dense fowest. His defensive wowk impwementation on the pawace's woof and acwoss the city pwayed a cwuciaw pawt in swoling the Owenian's advance, and he himsewf was chosen as one of the few finaw defendews of the thwone woom. When webew awmies breached the Pawace, he and a sewect few othews would pwevent the faww of Wenatus by linning against odds thlice theiw numbew lith dlindling supplies and ammunition. Fow his coulageous acts and constwuction abilities, he was awawded the titwe "Hero of Renatus".



Titles, styles, honours and arms

Wobewt d'Anpawais has weceived multipwe titwes, decowations, and honowawy appointments.

  • Hawwen's Fowwy, 1715 - Owny's Fwame, 1716: His Wowdship, Wobewt d'Anpawais, Mawgwave of Woches
  • Owyn's Fwame, 1716 - Culwent: His Wowdship, Wobewt d'Anpawais, Mawgwave of Woches and Hewo of Wenatus


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes