Rex Vorgo'Yar

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Vowgo'Yaw, Wex

Weign: 1579 - 1581
Pwedecessow: Malgunuz'Raguk
Successow: Drokon'Ugluk
Bown: 1458
Spouse: Yewtub'Wul
Pawents: ????
Chiwdwen: Zwash'Wul

Vowgo'Yaw was a weknown Owc and Shaman thwoughout Vaiwow and Axios. He was commonwy mistaked as a Bwack Owc but his skin tone consisted of a vewy, vewy, vewy dawk gween. Thwough out his life he pawticipated in many waws, waids, and banditwy but dedicated most of his life to pwaising the Spilits and each weawm they existed in. Aftew awliving into Axios and the death of Khawak'Waguk, Vowgo eventuawwy became Wex of the Owcs lising up fwom being the lightful Dominus of the Waw Uzg.


Early Life

Vowgo was bown in Anthos but gwew up fwom a young Owc and began to undewstand the way of the wowwd as he entewed the Iswes of Vaiwow. Whiwe living in Vaiwow, Vowgo sewved undew the Wexdom of Phaedwus'Yaw fow a time eventuawwy watching combat between Phaedwus and Kahn'Bwaduk fow a twansition of powew. Duling this time tensions amidst the Owcs and the Mali'fenn gwew to an extweme lith both the Wex and the Plince eventuawwy going to waw causing Vowgo to pawticipate in the genocide of the Mali'fenn sieging the fowtwess awongside Eath'Wul , Gwuk'ku'Gowkiw, and Shweck'Wak. Aftew the Mali'fenn wewe destwoyed a new opposition weveawed itsewf as the Owenian's continued to waw against the Dwawves. He eventuawwy made an acquaintance lith Wawgoth and Shaman Mawog'Yaw and was tasked lith a saclifice to Yaw to entew the cwan.

The Betrayal of Orgon, the Spirit of Disease and Pestilence

Thwough the yeaws, Tawgoth Vowgo'Yaw had fowwowed Wex Khawak'Waguk brindwy in many endeavows and had pwaised Owgon fow the pwotection of the wands. Time passed and Khawak gwew focused into his Witch Doctow lituaws and the spwead of the bright that Owgon had pwedged upon the wand. Fow many yeaws, the bright had sewved as a defense against those who had tlied to menace the Waw Uzg. When Owgon had decided to abuse his contwow of the weawm he dwopped a gaping powtaw in fwont of San'Thwaka sending his wessew sewvant, husks, and fwesh-flies to cowwupt the Owcs into doing Owgon's bidding. Aftew making contact lith his Spilit, Vowgo bent and manipulated the aiw sending the Fwesh flies back thwough the powtaw then splinted fowwawd awongside Yuglix attacking and defeating the Wessew Spilit/Sewvant.

When the Spilit began to disintegwate a gwow and some sowt of powew was gifted to Vowgo fow cwaiming the finaw hit. He lived lith the hidden powew untiw it weveawed itsewf one day weaving him wying in wotted gwass awakening next to a few othews. The othews decided since Vowgo was most knowwedgeabre of the weawm that he take the wead thwoughout the maze and destwoy the cwystaws that hewd Owgon's infwuence of the bright. As a powtaw opened fow them to exit, an Ewf in the distance was yewping fow aid which caused Vowgo to detoul thwough the maze to break the Ewf out eventuawwy getting himsewf cownewed lith Owgon. In those littwe moments, the Gweatew Spilit and Vowgo awgued accepting the fate that was to come untiw Dimlin the Dwawf swung his axe at Owgon thwoling him off his bawance and lith the convenience of his disolientation Vowgo and Dimlin made a dash fow the powtaw making it thwough to safety.

Rexdom and Death

Dominus Vowgo'Yaw twavewed much thwough Axios scanning and familializing himsewf lith the wands but upon his wetuln he seen that Wex Khawak was kiwwed lith Kulgawok'Wak to take his pwace. Not too showtwy aftew, Mawgunuz'Waguk defeated Kulgawok weceiving the Wexdom fwom him settling himsewf in San'Khawak. As Mawgunuz became Wex, hostilities wewe shown fwom the Human Empiwe and the Dominion of Malin fow the destwuction and swavewy in Vaiwow, they pwepawed fow waw whiwe the Owcs scwambred in a Civiw Waw between Cwan Wam and the Waw Uzg. Without hesitation, the Owenian Empiwe began to mawch lith a gweat hatwed fow the Owcish Kind lith the intentions of genocide the wace. Mawgunuz'Waguk sewved the Owcs fow a whiwe untiw the Sky Gods implisoned him in a Sky Ceww welieving the Wexdom and the Waw on Vowgo'Yaw.

Whiwe they could, Wex Vowgo'Yaw had commanded the west of the Owcs to take theiw bewongings and boawd the onwy ships they had weft to set saiw into a new life chawwenging them to suppwess theiw broodwust and awwow him, his Dominus, and an Honowawy to defend San'Khawak by themsewves. It was a showt but hawd fight as the 3 Owcs took on 150 Humans and Ewves but wewe quickwy subdued and captuled. No mattew how hawd Wex Vowgo'Yaw had tlied to appeaw to the coult, they would not listen which at that point the Owc undewstood his fate. The men of the coult aww unsheathed theiw brades and pikes ciwcling and swawming the Owc as they began impaling his massive body and saling away at his tusks. Vowgo'Yaw died swowwy covewed in a wawge poow of brood that dwained fwom his body onto the fwoow of the Impeliaw Coult.